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🤨 Walt never gave his blessing for any of the international parks. He barely gave his blessing for Disney World. He bought land and had a master plan for it (one that wasn't exactly followed), but I don't know that ground had even been broken when he passed.

One could even probably argue current Disneyland maybe isn't a Disney park Walt would've wanted. The standards he used in park opening have basically been altered and changed with the times or just abandoned altogether. The storytelling, in many cases, has been left behind. Tomorrowland is Yesterdayland at this point.

Tokyo did pick and choose which versions of attractions they wanted (based on which was basically the best between Disneyland and Disney World) along with creating their own versions of known attractions to better fit their society and customs. As you mentioned with attractions as good or better than US parks, they also have a Beauty and the Beast ride with absolutely incredible animatronics. I know that's not necessarily the point, but I'm still jealous it's not here. Seriously bitter over that one :sneaky:😅

Chapek sucks and he needs to go, but I don't believe Disney is on the way to crumble. Eisner, after Frank died, took Disney down to the point where it was almost acquired by someone else. Things are bad and need to change now, but the company isn't at that point yet. I'm not quite ready to wave the "Disney is failing and not going to last a year" flag yet.
Very well said. (Better than I could've said anyway). There's been numerous lows in the company and several almost takeovers. But the point was that stock is going down...way down. When the pandemic hit I believe that it fell to around $87 a share. Just about a month and a half ago it got up to $156 a share...then the whole state of Florida and the Disney employees fiasco. (Bob pissed everyone off). The way I see it, if the board is standing behind him then they're either committed to go down with the ship with Bob as captain....or....the second his contract is up he's going to be blowing in the wind. I do think he's insecure enough to fire someone who was in line for his position just minutes after the board gave him (Bob) a vote of confidence in his leadership. To me all signs point to the negatives.

Don't get me wrong, I love Disney parks. I was at the Magic Kingdom opening day in 1971. (I'm that old). I have many fond memories being there. But to me they're just memories now. I'm sure many people will go on to make their own memories too. I have memories that many people here (speaking specifically about WDW) will never have.

To answer your question about when construction actually began, before the actual resort was built, Admiral Joe Fowler was brought in to build canals from north to south across the property. (In case you weren't aware of whom he is...he was responsible for building the Panama canal). That began just after Walt passed. And yes I did get the Epcot reference as not being what he envisioned.

Anyways... enjoy your evening.

This little worm pisses me off.

Fake it 'til you make it, I guess?
One day Spencer, KT and or Dylan will come up against someone who knows whom they really are and maybe doesn't care about whom they think they are and will put them in their place. I see it coming. And I'm not talking about Adam being that person... he'll just hit their pocket book. They're really treading on thin ice.
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Ok, so I have to act like a "hypocrite" after I just lamented KT obsessing about us but now my curiosity is piqued. Since y'all are more IG savvy than I am, I wondered if you can tell from KT's IG if she follows Hypocritchaser and/or Connie_13?
She doesn't follow either
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As of right now they’re following the mansplaining one
Those 3 accounts are the ones following the Hypocritechaser account. If you click on the 58 number, those are the accounts the Hypocritechaser is following. The 3 are following Hypocritechaser.
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Those 3 accounts are the ones following the Hypocritechaser account. If you click on the 58 number, those are the accounts the Hypocritechaser is following. The 3 are following Hypocritechaser.
Ah you’re right. I have my mine on “by approval only” so I guess my thinking was that I couldn’t believe she would approve a follower like that! Lol
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LOL, have you been there?!? It is definitely NOT Walmart Disneyland.
Actually I have. Tokyo Disney Sea is amazing... But how Tokyo Disneyland came to be is kinda like they just copied some Disneyland things and slapped Disneys name on it. It definitely didn't start out with the approval of Disney at all. Thus I call it Walmart Disneyland.
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How it came to be vs. How it is - is different though. They didn’t just copy some Disneyland things and slap the brand name on it, they’ve actually exceeded expectations and elevated the experience (especially the attractions they have in common). From park maintenance to merchandising to food. I mean each popcorn cart has its own flavor and sometimes it’s own popcorn bucket!

Also using BLAB as an example in reference to being “Walmart” is kind of like comparing oranges to birds….

You’re entitled to your opinion…i’m just trying to understand the reference of “Walmart”. Maybe to you it means something different than what I see it as…?
It's not a Disney park that I believe to be what Walt would have wanted... meaning that it (to me) feels like something less (in the spirit of Walt). It essentially in my eyes is just a copy. Having said that, yes there are some of the attractions that they have in common that are actually as good (if not slightly exceeding) as Disneyland. Disneyland is quaint. WDW (Magic Kingdom) is just Disneyland on steroids. Tokyo Disney was built before Walt really gave his blessings. As far as my opinion is concerned it is my own. As far as that opinion is concerned I was comparing my feelings of Tokyo Disneyland to the feeling of a company like Walmart (they have their own brand "Great Value" that one could compare to the name brand.) As far as BLAB/BLOB is concerned they're not even as good as the Great Value brand that Walmart sells.

The point I originally was trying to make in your original posting that I quoted was just the fact that Disney stock is in the shitter (I believe it was under $96 at close today). With Cheapek firing the apparent successor to his position just seven minutes after the board of directors gave him (Bob) an apparent vote of confidence. It's the mismanagement of the company that will be it's downfall. I believe that the Oogie Boogie Bash could well be one of the last. I don't see Disney as a company lasting much longer.

All of which is my opinion...I own it. I shouldn't have to explain every little nuance about every little bit of it. But apparently I do. So there you go. Have a good night.

...and now back to BLOB/BLAB. I apologize to everyone for getting off topic.
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