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She’ll have it as a single mam but Ben be living with her, I thought she was saving up for a house deposit lol!! But now wanting housing benefit??? Makes sense; where have she/they spent their money previously??? I don’t get it.

1 year ago she posted in the universal credit group that her rent is £1100???? Wasn’t she living with and still living in bens parents lol
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Active member
Anyone seen the latest tiktok she’s made lol, she makes it so people feel sorry for her. She’s probably living beyond her means. got engaged got the kids has a partner and still makes these down in the dumps videos for her viewers to send her love, can she not get that from Ben? I can’t understand last thing I wanna do when I feel depressed is make videos lol


Active member
Is she away on holiday? Must be great affording that because you make our you’re a single mother yet are engaged to your partner 😅


Active member
I work for the DWP and they’re cracking down a lot, if someone gets reported they track their whole social media, one look at her tik tok and she’d have officers investigating right away as she fucking should, nothing worse then a benefit fraud when so many people in the world are struggling! If Oscar is getting DLA she’s definitely claiming carers so she doesn’t have to go back to work. Wonder how she got DLA so easy, the amount of stuff I had to send over for my non verbal autistic son was mental.
I had the same battle and my son couldn’t start school until the staff were trained to tube feed him. He had EHCP in nursery etc yet still had a battle! It honestly makes me feel sick. I am limited to my work because of my sons needs, and I do struggle! Yet she’s cheating the system
If she's getting DLA that'll also bump up her UC entitlement cos she has a disabled child and she's a carer. Then she has her income from Tik Tok and Ben's wages too.

She's changed her Facebook picture from one of her and Ben to a photo of her and Oscar, funny that.
I’ve just been reading that long as he doesn’t pay bills he can stay over as much as he wants on UC 😡 hope to god they’ve slipped up and she’s investigated


VIP Member
She is far too comfortable with filming herself while her babies are screaming in the background. 😭


Active member
If you have a council house when someone dies you don’t get allot of time to get it emptied we had to empty my grandmas in two weeks or you’ll be charged rent, and you can’t just hand it to family member it goes back on the bidding system for another person. The keys have to be handed back over. They most sold the nans house it was probably bought. She said she was trying to save for a deposit for a house? But she’s had everything so god damn easy, I moved out at 20 with my son because adult life I couldn’t just sit in family members I would be so guilty raising children not in own environment I mean the oldest boy used to it but after falling pregnant again you’d think she’d just wanna move and ‘rent’


secret life

VIP Member
Yes the prescription milk is free because it’s essential if you are unable to breastfeed (and be dairy free) for whatever reason. It’s about £25 a tub for 3 days worth of powder - very expensive and we’re lucky it’s on prescription.

We went to the hospital when little man was 7 weeks old, because that’s when his rash presented and he rapidly declined. Prior to that he had been very refluxy and unsettled and I had tried to get him help elsewhere (health visitors, midwives, GP etc) but everyone just kept saying take him to A&E to see a paediatrician. Ridiculous that it happened like that but it’s what it came to and we spent hours in A&E this New Year’s Eve to see a paediatrician and that was after I had tried 111, the pharmacist, GP and health visitor in the days prior.

When it’s your baby, you do what you need to get them help.

Babies can get diagnosed with CMPA months down the line. 7 weeks isn’t that old for the diagnosis, the paediatrician said its normal for the rash to start small around the face and spread down the body as time goes on.
Would say for small infants children hospitals is best as doctors don't really know how to deal with children . Crazy how you can't see paediatricians at doctors as that would make more sense .

xoxo GG

VIP Member
They make you try milks etc first, it’s frustrating, especially when you can see it’s not helping your baby. Everything she is going through is exactly how I felt a few months ago with my baby. It’s heartbreaking and you feel like no one is listening.

My little one will be allergy tested once he starts weaning. The paediatrician said he wouldn’t do it any sooner. I don’t know if this is standard practice across the board or just my local hospital, but it’s possible that they won’t test on her when she’s so young.
And they don’t do allergy tests when it’s non IGE either. We had to do the reintroduction of normal formula to diagnose which he failed on the first ounce 🫠