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VIP Member
She said Ben gets 1500 a month in wages lol she’s entitled to benefits on that wage with kids. I read into some her posts she’s posted on the uc help support page
Yeah but she's never claimed to be a single mum til now! I take it she packed in the job she was doing.


VIP Member
Find it hilarious only 2 weeks ago she was begging for management and now she has management she’s saying tiktok wont last long for her and she’s too famous 😅😅😅😅😅
How embarrassing. And her management won’t be happy surely. Why would they invest any time and effort in someone who doesn’t even really want to be doing tiktok?
She’s so clueless

secret life

VIP Member
It's her 3rd baby and still don't know how to feed her the bottle might be wrong maybe she's just comfort feeding and your being impatient.


Active member
Would say for small infants children hospitals is best as doctors don't really know how to deal with children . Crazy how you can't see paediatricians at doctors as that would make more sense .
We don’t have a children’s hospital anywhere near us unfortunately. I don’t know where Becky live to know if that’s an option but it would still require a referral. By going to A&E we have now had one follow up with the paediatrician and he’s having allergy testing, another paediatrician appointment and a dietician appointment in the coming months, so it was worth going to A&E for us!


VIP Member
She’s saying Ben no longer lives with her, but they’re still together 🤔🤔🤔
I smell benefit fraud 😆
we already know this lol, when she moved she posted on a group on fb saying she was single wanting to claim dss etc. she’s only now saying it cos she’s probs been reported. I said he would be using their previous address at his parents house, all for the extra benefits cos he doesn’t earn so much.


Active member
Would she get the formula free from the chemist now . I know the formula can be hard to get hold of

Maybe she should pay to see a private paediatrician instead of going to a hospital where there needed for more serious things she waited 7 weeks to get her seen when she's been in pain so can't be that bad . She was always changing Millie's formula and was always complaining about her not sleeping and crying all the time .
Yes the prescription milk is free because it’s essential if you are unable to breastfeed (and be dairy free) for whatever reason. It’s about £25 a tub for 3 days worth of powder - very expensive and we’re lucky it’s on prescription.

We went to the hospital when little man was 7 weeks old, because that’s when his rash presented and he rapidly declined. Prior to that he had been very refluxy and unsettled and I had tried to get him help elsewhere (health visitors, midwives, GP etc) but everyone just kept saying take him to A&E to see a paediatrician. Ridiculous that it happened like that but it’s what it came to and we spent hours in A&E this New Year’s Eve to see a paediatrician and that was after I had tried 111, the pharmacist, GP and health visitor in the days prior.

When it’s your baby, you do what you need to get them help.

Babies can get diagnosed with CMPA months down the line. 7 weeks isn’t that old for the diagnosis, the paediatrician said its normal for the rash to start small around the face and spread down the body as time goes on.

secret life

VIP Member
So she's just been leaving harper in pain still with this milk allergie not sure why all her kids have so many problems.

secret life

VIP Member
Now she's a milk allergy expert all the symptoms are pretty much just a newborn why doctors weren't concerned . Going on and off the breast is normal . She stopped breastfeeding cus she don't wanna stop dairy
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Active member
Poor baby she's changing her milk again 😩 Surely she needs to be allergie tested .
They make you try milks etc first, it’s frustrating, especially when you can see it’s not helping your baby. Everything she is going through is exactly how I felt a few months ago with my baby. It’s heartbreaking and you feel like no one is listening.

My little one will be allergy tested once he starts weaning. The paediatrician said he wouldn’t do it any sooner. I don’t know if this is standard practice across the board or just my local hospital, but it’s possible that they won’t test on her when she’s so young.

secret life

VIP Member
They make you try milks etc first, it’s frustrating, especially when you can see it’s not helping your baby. Everything she is going through is exactly how I felt a few months ago with my baby. It’s heartbreaking and you feel like no one is listening.

My little one will be allergy tested once he starts weaning. The paediatrician said he wouldn’t do it any sooner. I don’t know if this is standard practice across the board or just my local hospital, but it’s possible that they won’t test on her when she’s so young.
It's hard to test for allergy's in young babys from what I've researched but she's gunna end up giving her a bad belly . She doesn't think a milk allergy now she's thinking coconut allergy . Just hope she doesn't upset her more


VIP Member
Is she for real?.she's read people that find out the gender of baby before birth bond better with child and have less chance of post natal depression! Jesus that must be why I had PND after both children as I didn't fucking find out babies sex until they were born!!


VIP Member
What are the comments saying? God I'd done the bitch in easily
There was just one comment from someone saying she needs to ring the council about it.

I work for the DWP and the amount of people that get caught out by social media when they’re claiming single parent but posting themselves and their partner kissing on profile pictures holding a baby scan 🤣 I’m part of that group as I give a lot of advice because of my job. I feel like commenting what’s happened with Ben hun?? 🙄
I thought the same about the profile picture! Not doing a very good job at convincing people you're a single mum!


VIP Member
Oh dear someone’s shared pictures of her children on tiktok which she says they took from her family members Facebook.
I do think that’s so weird, uncalled for and out of order. I don’t get why anyone would actually want to do that. So I feel she’s well within her rights to be angry and upset. She’s one of very few who actually protect their children from social media. Although she did used to share Oscar.

However, she says “my son has ADHD”.. I didn’t think he had had a diagnosis? Is she just self diagnosing now? She also goes on to slag off tiktok as a platform (and I agree with the things she says about tiktok entirely) but isn’t this how she earns money, albeit very little money, and she actively chooses to use the platform. Nobody is forcing you to post on tiktok so if you find it so awful why would you be posting to it almost daily?
Where did she say that?


VIP Member
So she’s due end of February… will take a year off her job and continue living how they are until they’ve saved for a deposit.


VIP Member
The problem here is although we can see he clearly lives there living as a family those comments she made on that group said she was a single mum wanting to claim housing benefit (even though at that point they were living with his parents) and she had found a place accepting dss. But she had also made comments about her partner not earning very much or something along those lines. Seeing as his parents have their own home and had converted half for them, it’s clear to see even though we can see he does live with her he is going to have his own address so to the benefit system she can claim as a single parent and he can ‘have an address elsewhere’ unfortunately this is how a lot of ‘single mums’ choose to live. It’s fraud to us, to the system she’s doing nothing wrong.