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It blocked me when I asked why you’d have your hair done then scrape it up with lard.
Good job I’ve got six TikTok accounts eh, Bison, you useless lump.
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The state of all the people hyped about going to Twatfest 😂 I’ve only seen a few pics so far and it already looks like Jeremy Kyle’s green room
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I hope the ice cream man drives off when he sees her walking over outside the working men’s club and I also hope she catches nits
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Chatty Member
On last night’s live, she said Porker wasn’t really interested in morris dancing until last year and she encouraged her to get into it. I have no doubt she did that strategically because Paige will be too old soon and then what would Bison do with her Sundays?
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Soooo I am going to caveat the living shit out of this by saying a) I’m not funny like you fuckers b) please don’t call me Library Corner c) this post is serious, so skip on if you don’t want me to be Buzz Killington.

I remember writing a million threads ago that I felt vaguely sorry for Becki; that she clearly had at the very least disordered eating and I felt like we were watching a slo-mo suicide in her ever-shrinking world.

As time has gone on, my sympathy has dwindled. Her complete lack of safeguarding; her dangerous ‘nice’ front; her complete lack of care and due diligence in terms of the messages she’s putting out to the people who consume her videos. I’m not saying that Becki is responsible for whether we inhale a bargain bucket or not - plainly put, that’s down to us - but there are young people watching her videos and her self-love/eat what you like/misleading WIEIAD videos/aggressive filtering are incredibly insidious.

I think it’s incompetence rather than malice - she doesn’t have the smarts to be malicious. Dishonest? Yes. Misleading. Absolutely. But malicious? Not likely. I just think she has the capacity to be a shitty person; the way she treats her family is appalling. But Machiavellian she ain’t.

Her life is like an episode of ‘Black Mirror’; her world shrinks as she grows and she lives entirely for content. She trolls people for coins and I genuinely wish she had a humiliation kink: it’d at least be moderately enjoyable as the Tok coin rolls in. Her future is bleak on all kinds of levels and yet the huns and the ‘be kind’ brigade lap it up. I don’t care about them though, fuck ‘em. I care more about more vulnerable or impressionable people watching her videos (and yes, parents should know what their kids are doing online, but dream on).

I reread ‘Big Brother’ by Lionel Shriver recently - a sharp, highly insightful and upsetting account of obesity (Shriver had a morbidly obese brother, and wrote from experience). A few things struck me:

  • the titular character is 368lb, or 26 stone. He is presented as a figure of tragedy and disgust, and very much seen as endangering his life at that size
  • The book doesn’t shy away from the downsides of being that size. Chronic pain, poor movement, social embarrassment and limitations (not finding suitable chairs in restaurants, for example), breaking furniture (including a toilet). You get a real sense of the character’s mortification and shame (as someone who was once 20st, went down to 10, and now sit around the 13st mark I recognise all of the signs - the secret eating, the shame, the knowing how people see me etc).

The book is from 2013, and I feel like the world has changed a lot in that relatively short time. Being that size is not so unusual anymore, and people like Becki and her selective presentation of her life only help fuel it. Her avoidance of the doctor is painful; I do not doubt a medical professional would have a very stern word with her (a doctor told me
I’d be dead by 40 if I kept on the way I was going. I needed to hear it).

I’d respect Becki a whole lot more if she was just honest. Honest about what she eats, honest about who she is, honest about what life is like at that size - because let’s face it, her life is awful. Rotting in her parents’ box room; a life purely for content; rapidly and worryingly declining health; a ticking time bomb for serious illness; no real friends; unhealthy relationships with young people in her family (I don’t think she’s a nonce, but I think she’s arrested as fuck and has zero appropriate boundaries); and no chance of ever having kids of her own.

I don’t think social media is the root of all evil, but at the same time it allows and accommodates this kind of behaviour and I think it’s perversely fascinating.

I feel strongly about weight issues and continue to wrestle with my own. That’s my responsibility and I am trying constantly to manage it; I owe it to myself and latterly those around me to be as happy and healthy as I can. As a card-carrying member of the Dead Dad Club I cannot fathom how Becki priorities her sad online life over helping him at the end of his: she is one of the most tragic people I have ever encountered in the widest sense of the word.
Alright Library Corner.

Just kidding, I agree broadly with what you've said - as a fellow Dead Dad Club member I find her distinct lack of genuine concern for her dad to be one of the worst, most hateable features of hers. First, is of course, her disgusting swollen Mickey Mouse mittens. Kidding again. You are bang on the money with how bleak her future is. TikTok will finish, her dad will die and she'll have a grieving mother and no prospects. And it's all her fault. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Definition of a waster.
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Sertraline Queen

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The tiniest bag of apple slices and a few grapes. The rest of it is ultra processed high fat, high sugar, high salt prepackaged junk.
She hasn’t let us down 🙌💃🤩

Also, scotch eggs and fridge raiders will stink the place out along with her gusset
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I can’t stop thinking about her saying the hairdressers blast her dandruff off. Bec bec got such a way with words
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Takeaway Tracker - March 2024

02/03/24 - Pub Kids Menoo - £11.99
02/03/24 - Slim Chickens - £25.40
04/03/24 - Mcdonnums Double Cheeeeseburgeh Meal - £5.49
05/03/24 - Free food £FREE
07/03/24 - Mcdonnums Breakfast - £5.79
09/03/24 - Indium - £18.65
12/03/24 - Home Bargains cafe - Hot dog £0.99, party donut £0.59, bottle of cewk £1.15, orange juice, pot of tea = £4.53
13/03/24 - Mcdonnums Noo Menoo - £17.61
14/03/24 - Knooooooppsppppssssss - £POTENTIALLY FREE
15/03/24 - Drep Lardfest £FREE
16/03/24 - Costcoum - £11.49
18/03/24 - Chicken Tenders - £5.50
20/03/24 - Burgerum wif egg, potential bottomless brunch £36.99
21/03/24 - Kee-Bab - £17.98
22/03/24 - Undeclared Birmingum meal - £TBC
23/03/24 - Mcdonnums - £8.03
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If anyone was on tumblr in the good old days... Tokfest reminds me of Dashcon. If not then I'm sorry you're all so old and I'm so young and fun xxx

Joking obvs, I was just a little saddo
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‘I’m just gonna use my fork to taste the meatballs because, um, I made these - these this morning so they’ve been in the slow cooker for six hours’

Bitch what
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VIP Member
Why do they all need their own lunch boxes? My daughter does actual dance comps (not stomping in flammable outfits) and they can start as early as 8am and finish at 10pm and I just stick some sandwiches or pasta in with some fruit, Pringles etc in a bag and if anyone wants something, it’s there. No need for individual boxes is there. Bec bec is probably too worried she won’t get enough so she has to have a separate stash fat cunt
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Can someone explain to me why everytime she gets near water her eyes go bloodshot?
now I was giving her the benefit of the doubt thinking to myself ‘maybe she’s pouring shampoo directly fuck into her eyes’ because we all know big back can’t do anything correctly.

Now as mentioned above, this thought process was the one I landed on.
Please someone give me a reason as to why water makes her eyes go bloodshot because I’m about to text Cath on facebook and ask her.
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