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Also does she not realise that these “walks” she does literally once a week are the equivalent to what most people walk in a day just at their job or looking after their children?! She isn’t making any effort to be any healthier at all, and is just shovelling more and more food at an alarming rate
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Being serious for a mo, I don't think we can expect her parents to encourage her to eat healthy meals lmao, she is an adult. My parents ate incredibly unhealthily in front of me (freezer food every night, multipacks of cresp & chocolate, those grimmo tinned meatballs - they also didn't cook for me past age 9) as an adult I choose not to eat as unhealthily as them. I still probs eat too many snacks (see easter egg and jaffa cake habits) but I eat better than they did.

She could make the same choice, but she won't because she's a professional snaffler with a gunt to fill.

This was a ramble but basically we can't expect her parents to coach their adult child on how to eat, they obviously don't care, let's be real.
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Her comments go to show how uneducated she really is about calories. Most fat people know they over eat, and that’s why they’re overweight. But she really believes that she eats the same as someone who isn't a size 32.

She definitely has an unhealthy relationship with food, plus she visibly gets aroused by it. Theres been many times where she said she’s had a bad day and is going to order a takeaway. That is disordered eating. It’s using food as an emotional crutch.
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Was thinking about when Becki had a big announcement she was gonna share but then it flopped like her belly
Is that when she had a fort to go on holiday then decided not to? What an announcementum.

There’s at least two people here from the port so ditch your kids, cancel any plans & get down to Asda IMMEDIATELY please.
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‘When you lie, you always slip up’ just like you in your WIEIADs then becki xx
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She genuinely believes she’s just a ‘bit tubby’ and that it’s the way she’s meant to be. Which to be fair, is really caffs fault for over feeding her as a child so she’s known nothing except being overweight so thinks it’s normal. I bet when she was a kid, she was given sweets etc as a ‘little treat’ and told to put them in her bedroom so they were just for her and she’s continued with this behaviour as an adult. She thinks her portion sizes are normal and that if she cooks at home, then that means it’s fresh and healthy. She’s never going to sort it out without some sort of psychological help to change her way of thinking. Her parents have a lot to answer for cos at the end of the day, they’ve made her this way.
At aged 31 I don’t think you can blame her parents forever. She has zero self awareness or accountability & she’s very greedy & selfish.. it’s not like she’s just uncontrollable around food but a decent person.. she’s a horrible person with a shit personality. Cath needs to kick her out though & grow a backbone.
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I don’t care about becki or her health, I’m sorry but she’s 31 old enough to know that binging and shovelling takeaways down her fat neck is a recipe for disaster
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hopefully the link works ive never posted one before. but I just saw this and im screaming
its from 2021, not recent, but everything about it, even the yellow eyeshadow... looks like her current jaundice
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It’s the fact that she even said in her video she’d seen the idea somewhere else as well. I know it’s just a mini egg dessert but she fails to credit other creators all the time. She reckons content creating is a hard “job” when she doesn’t post til tea time and then just goes out to buy ingredients for stuff other people have created online.
She needs to address the bullying of that abeygale. All she did was call bison out and she’s getting abuse it’s disgusting.
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Her latest insta story 😭😭

sorry but I’m fucking howling at the kid stomping. It’s like something from Little Britain
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