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VIP Member
Beatrice has on her stories today that she looses 100 followers every day
Yet when you look at social blade you can see she's doing all right for herself
She's gets a few hundred followers every day and some days even over a thousand followers
Has anyone done her programme ? Has she ever said what qualifications she has ?
She only had a small following in may and has jumped to almost 70,000 followers . Would love to know what she charges and what her qualifications are to help with weight loss? Don't want falling into a scam where your barely eating 1500 calories a day we all know that's not sustainable
I’m sure I read in her magazine article that she has some sort of qualification, however she wouldn’t be the first or last to set up as a nutritionist without any qualifications. I once (stupidly) paid £250 for a nutrition plan and it turned out that the PT had a marketing degree and no nutrition qualifications! You can also do one day courses and be qualified. I know WW and SW get slagged out but at least someone at the company with be a qualified dietician.


New member
I bet she’s working for Second Nature, which is available to anyone for a monthly fee, but also free with an NHS referral. You’re put in a group of say 20 people and then given a coach, although how she thinks she’s qualified to give advice is beyond me.


Active member
What's she doing with her sweaty gym clothes...Re-wearing them? Cos she's not taken 7 sets of workout clothes, I'm sur🤮🤢🤮🤢
Again she is putting her children in danger!! We know you see this Beatrice, if you can do one thing right please stop putting your children in danger every time you drive!!!
Another week of hey Rich take my picture NOW you little lap dog,do as i say or I’ll fcuk the pool boy whilst you watch. Make sure you get my good side!!! Wait one second she doesn’t have a good side!! Not sure how Rich gets all the time off work we get 28 days annual leave and he’s had so much time off already this year!!
Pretending to be sick when he's actually on holiday!!
I can’t stand the posts where people say she’s beautiful inside and out. They have no idea who she truly is and again it’s the fake Instagram lifestyle she acts out. What she did to Rich cheating on him was awful. As much as he is a knob at work the man was and still is down and out after what she did. She’s a dictator and I’d go as far as to say she controls him and everything he does!! What she says goes!! His words not mine, ask anyone at work he still talks about it all the time (Greencore Worksop)

To me it’s mental abuse is this really a great woman inside and out?? I’d say not!! Just look what she did after the affair she got him fake teeth to improve him for her sake as she was embarrassed of him. He lost loads of weight and looks ill now from it all because she said so. The man needs to get out before it’s too late. Bea is poison not a inspiration.
This is exactly it! No one who is writing those comments actually know her. Like really know her. She might be all ‘great work huns’ to the people who PAY HER to be nice but what is she actually like. As a friend, a wife…. By the sounds of what she did to her husband she’s a selfish mean girl.
OMG!!! Her airport pictures 🤣🤣🤣 her eyes and nose look like Mr Potatoe Heads glasses and nose. Let me guess she’s going to portray she’s taken 3 kids to America on her own. What a powerful woman!!
🤣🤣🤣 more like stupid who takes 2 kids that young to New York. She's gone to new york to make a statement, she doesn't live in the real world its all fake and fantasy. Look where I am, look at me what I'm wearing is my top short enough can you see enough of my boobs and let's make sure I show no pictures of my husband richard because we're not together I'm claiming as a single parent but he just comes along to babysit 🤣🤣 everything about her is a lie, her entire life, her weightloss work if that's what you want to call it, her clothes the list is absolutely endless.
Beatrice you say some people don’t want to be on your Instagram stories all the time. Seems like you boy doesn’t as well. Who in the right mind films their child crying and laughing at him. You really are real role model for everyone. Your all in for your self and no one else. Also you love planning your life and food yet you can’t plan when kids are on half term FFS you really are something else!! Where is Nichole Bell?? Has she seen the way


Active member
Her form is also not overly great 😅
Awfullllllll - always is!!!
I thought this too! Now I’m no fitness expert at all but her form is awful. She’s going to have a back injury in no time if she carries on like that!

Saying that. She’s probably done a 30 minute online course and now considers herself a personal trainer alongside being a ‘nutritionist’ so knows exactly what she’s doing 🙄


Active member
So even if we are VERY generous with the figures, she said herself the other day that she hit 700 clients in the year. 700 x £29.99 = £20,993. As a full time job, that works out at £10.09 per hour...which is less than minimum wage 🤣 That explains all the fake Prada, haha...

Also, what happened to this mysterious house move? We've not heard about that anymore and they're still living in a tiny terrace in a very rough area of town.


Well-known member
Definitely something fishy going on with her and Richard last years holiday there were loads of pics of them together draped over each other I've not seen 1 this hol. Also she goes on about loving her step daughter but they go on loads of family holidays without her