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winnie woo

VIP Member
Ok Val, I just scrolled fb and out of 18 videos, 3 were gift openings and 15 were cooking. This is no longer about autism. It’s a cooking channel. A poor one, but it’s just watching you make another awful meal. Change the name, how about Another lousy meal made by Val!
Val’s Vile Vittles! Lol
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Watching 36 year old Jessica hyper focussing on shovelling as much food as possible onto her plate is nothing but sad.

First off all....these " followers" don't seem to understand Val has had 30+ YEARS to teach this...and it's basic. I started teaching my autistic daughter how to pour her cereal, milk, butter her toast, put salad into her bowl, use tongues to take pieces of chicken, set the table , clear her dishes, along with proper portion sizes , eating with utensils , MANNERS etc.... Starting at age 5! Not age 36.
Again this is Val simply looking to make content ...get her idiot followers to " sweet Jessica is! " sorry I have no applause for greedy guts shovelling food into her plate with her " are you sure its enough?? " manipulation games and " just one more, just one more"

There was no teaching involved, no correction , no explaining where and discussing portion was simply point the cam at Jessica, open all the containers for her, line the containers on the table and hand her a soup spoon ... And let her go to town.

The reality is ...Jessica learned much more when she was actually in classes, had therapy, had teachers, consistency and follow it's just handing her it then edit the hell out of it for content.
There's no routine, no structure , no real teaching or correction..Jessica isn't actually learning to do something she's simply performing for the video because you know .... This is not normal regular routine behaviour in the Brooks Asylum.

In my house we sit at the table, with bowls platters etc... We pick up and serve ourself and pass, we all eat together using utensils , we have taught our daughter to put her fork down after every few bites, take a drink , chew her food..... Not use her hands, have manners.... Is it perfect? No, does she forget to wipe her mouth? Sure... But she's not hunched over her plate like an inmate in maximum security protecting her plate and eating with her hands while obsessing over how many servings she's getting.

Why isn't Jessica taught each person gets ONE serving ? Why tolerate the greed? Play into it and lie about it? From the moment Jessica started obsessing and demanding two servings that should of been addressed! Stopped immediately .
But again ....that takes effort from a loving caring parent who wants to take the time to teach proper portions, nutrition and food edicate.....Val doesn't want to and never has stepped up, as a parent, a mother, a caregiver....a loving human....she's only interested in herself....always has been, always will be.

Thanks for the show Val! Btw....we heard you snap at Jessica in your bitch tone when Jessica asked you over and over how many servings of stuffing was left .....we SEE and HEAR you Val.
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I posted this picture yesterday but it really bothers me. I am definitely not a fan of any of the Brooks family but this is just pathetic. I really wonder how many hours a day that Jess spends in her closet. I have noticed that you never see Jess anywhere else in that house but the kitchen. She doesn't sit in the living areas, watching TV or playing a game with her family. No wonder that the schizophrenia gets so bad. Plus her nonsense talking all the time on camera because I am sure no one talks much to her off camera.
Had she been allowed to continue in peer programs maybe she could be happy, having friends and doing stuff with them. But nope Val knew better than anyone else because Jess was special and unique and only Val knows how to treat/teach her! BS...How's this working out for you Val. You have made her into a very unlikeable monster who you all bow down to!


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OMG! I have resisted the dsgp videos but was curious on the beach. Ok, I know people think that their dogs are the world. BUT, it was a beach and Bennie is a dog. They are acting like this was a child seeing the ocean for the first time. They treat the dogs better than they treat Jessica.
Grow up, most of your videos are you telling what you are going to do, then show you doing it. Get over yourselves. Everyone does the same things, it’s not new, it’s not unique. I really won’t ever bother with their stupid site again. These are the most insipid women/girls I have ever seen. Ugh!
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And Hypochondriac Hannah apparently is not lactose intolerant in today's video. Loaded Mac and cheese!!!! And a corn dog ....yikes! Her poor tummy will hurt later then she can make a video about that!
They are such dumb asses...nope I didn't watch because I can't stand them!
I quit watching as well. When I get so angry I want to slap her it's time to stop watching. Same with Val.
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Don’t you wonder what the world will be like in 20 years? this current 30 something generation can’t function in today’s society. Freak outs over cooking eggs, OMG. I THINK MARLOW NEEDS EGG THERAPY. I hope someone somewhere will be able to handle normal everyday events or we will all be doomed. The 30s generation might make euthanasia legal, so they won’t have to deal with us old ones.
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After watching the Grunge Girls video I came to the conclusion that Hannah LIVES to complain.

She tries to convince everyone how she's so " out doorsy" loves camping yet the entire video and to be honest all of her camping videos all she does is whine and complain about EVERYTHING!

She complained about the site, too crowded, swarmes of squirrels ( is 6 a swarm??) campers having the audacity to hand feed the squirrels , the heat, the sun, the beach was just ok, water was too murky, store/office wasnt dog friendly, always complains about bugs, the wifi..( Because what's camping without wifi!?)

They spend more time inside the camper than outside, all Marlow wants to do is clean and organize and stay out of the sun...she hates the sun, hates the heat , wears a portable fan....I mean what's the point of going camping !?!?
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winnie woo

VIP Member
I have never see a worse plate of food. I don’t know about the south but where I’m from in NB, Canada, gravy that goes with chicken is not white paste. We also don’t cook canned green beans to death and that chicken and dressing , I have no words for that mess. If they really wanted Jess to learn why did she have a teaspoon to serve with . The lastime with the strawberry’s it was a measuring spoon they gave her. They set her up to fail and look stupid. Food all over the table for the poor Jess she tries so hard pity effect! She had no spoon to eat with, guess she uses both hands for that meal too. An animal is trained better by its mother.
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People like Val, and Hannah who learned from her mother, are those People who abuse our system in every way like it's their God given right. These are the people who call claim to every single " invisible " illness/ disease they can look up on Google and use and abuse to milk the system for their personal gain....which makes it harder on those who really need the help, but due to limited resources find they have to wait or there's simply not enough funding.

Expert professional victims like Val and her apprentice Hannah use key words such as " nervous", " anxiety" " headaches/migraine " " chronic fatigue " all real symptoms for people suffering with REAL illnesses diagnosed by a professional ....but notice Hannah never says what her illness or diagnosed supposedly is? She only complains of the systems ....and she lies consistently we've seen her claim FAKE illnesses one day like her alleged lactose intolerance which conveniently disappears when she eats cheese, icecream, creamer etc.... But resurfaces when she needs an excuse, pity or attention.
Same with her alleged insomnia ....two sleep studies later...nothing was found and she never discussed it again ....but claimed she was still processing the results and when she came to terms with it would make a video about's been over two years we're still waiting .

Val likes to drop " depression" and " auto immune" issues... Which sounds so mysterious...but both Hannah and Val love to just drop a few hints, key words, but never actually admit to any real professionally diagnosed illness.....because there isn't any.

I have hypothyroidism, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis ....all diagnosed by professionals...I have been too many self help groups, seminars and have taken dietary classes to help with understanding how foods affect information etc... During the years, decades really that I've been diagnosed not once.... ever have I or anyone I know walked around saying ... " I have auto immune" like Val does. We say exactly WHAT autoimmune disease we have....but as per the Brooks script...she doesn't claim any actual autoimmune disease just drops the buzz word.

It's all part of the scam....Val has it down to a fine art form...and we see Hannah following in her mother's footsteps...right down to quitting her job and taking over Vals second channel Which is tanking like the Titanic itself.

We all have discussed where the real income comes from because there's no way Hannah and Marlow are making enough from DSGP to afford rent, groceries, car/truck insurance, gas, monthly payments on vehicles and campers, constant vacations and frivolous shopping and eating out etc...
We know they are all involved in The Family Business's" of scamming, grifting, claiming government funding for " caregivers" and of course Leo and Lora Cross's porn productions.

I still believe they have an Only Fans that the Grunge Girls do...for foot porn.

Regardless the entire Brooks family are cons. I truly hope the Government pays attention to the complaints and investigated them....thoroughly .
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Well had Jess been my kid this would have never aired. She was pissed and nasty. There were no cards and that's what she was looking for. She threw the cotton candy to the side, slapped down one of the coloring books and could have cared less about anything. And who was right there but Hypochondriac Hannah....hmmmm. Very interesting since they tried to get people to believe they were driving to camping on DSGP! These people are so frickin unorganized and can't keep up with their own lies.
Val and HH wanted to taste test the cotton candy but nope Jess didn't want that happen. She didn't want any because she had a chocolate dessert at lunch!!! WTH...she never turns down food. She probably doesn't care for cotton candy but it was sent to her so no one else could have it either. And the PEZ dispenser got thrown to the side too....could have cared less.
Started out the video with her smooching her mother with that look in her eyes! Sick, sick, sick but Val is as sick as Jess is.
Val must be needing to crank out videos no matter how crappy they are! And Jess with smelling everything still bugs the shit out of me. How can she tell what something looks like by sticking it up her nose!
And why is a 36 year old so exhausted just going with her grandparents??? Probably all the crap food they let her have. This family is all mentally challenged!


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Marlow is the same age as Jessica....which is crazy because she behaves like she's 14.

In today's video as always ...every simple task Marlow does is like she's attempting brain surgery for the first time blindfolded.
Everything she does she questions as she does it.... In today's video after she flipped over the tortilla with bubbled a bit....and Marlow acts " scared" and says in her anxious baby voice... "'s bubbling up..that freaks me out"

REALLY??? THAT is what " freaks you out" ????!!!! In life at age 37??????

Know what freaks me out? The aftershocks after an earthquake , tornado warnings, my ring cam going off at 3 a.m., Tsunami sirens....NOT my egg bubbling up in frying pan.

Grow up.

Your baby voice , anxiety skitt is ridiculous are approaching middle age, you are a supposed "caregiver" for a human being who can't make safe choices or take care of herself, you're a licenced driver, a dog owner.....

Grow up already!!!!!!

I wouldn't hire you to wash my car let alone take care of my autistic daughter of cooking an egg gives you that much anxiety and freaks you out....seriously get the help, the councilling, the medication you need or better yet...

Grow up!!!!!'s a squirrel Marlow.... Not a killer whale, not killer bees, not Michael Myers,'s a SQUIRREL! They live outside, in parks, in trees..... Welcome to the world. Nitwit.
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Do you think Val is in hiding? Do you think she has finally given up her scams? I would like to be able to hear from a crispies of her secret society. What is going on behind the scenes. What has happened to the camper? It was her dream for Jessica and Val to travel the country. I don’t call visits to a park 20 minutes away from home, traveling. You giving up Val, too much work keeping your lies straight? No help from anyone with the travel scene. You aren’t as big a camper as you portrayed.
The secret club is not such a secret! Access to someone in it may be coming soon! Val, we see you!
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Well no wonder Jessica can't use a knife and eats with her hands...Val couldn't be bothered to teach Hannah how to use a utensil properly either much for for parenting and setting your kids up for success .
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Well-known member
REALLY??? THAT is what " freaks you out" ????!!!! In life at age 37??????
I know! Isn’t it the most pathetic thing to be so emotionally immature at this age? I’m a TikTok lover, and it must be a “thing” amongst that generation. The words nervous, anxious, scared, and freaked out are not reserved for anything serious. Those words are so over-used by these entitled, spoiled, helpless young people, it’s sickening. I’m beginning to think that civilization is doomed. By the way, the Brooks clan pales in comparison to Joannie Tew and her son Cash, who is level 3 and violent. She is blatant in the exploitation of her son online. People on TT actually were effective in getting her investigated. She’s toned down a bit, but still just awful.
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Do you think Val is in hiding? Do you think she has finally given up her scams? I would like to be able to hear from a crispies of her secret society. What is going on behind the scenes. What has happened to the camper? It was her dream for Jessica and Val to travel the country. I don’t call visits to a park 20 minutes away from home, traveling. You giving up Val, too much work keeping your lies straight? No help from anyone with the travel scene. You aren’t as big a camper as you portrayed.
It's obvious Val has been hiding ....after being outted for all the lies, scams, negligence and abuse being told and proven by hundreds and HUNDREDS of people she did make her threat video about seeking legal council , shutting down other pages and or platforms for saying bad things about her....but found out that people revealing your lies and scams using freedom of speech and proving those claims isn't illegal so....obviously nothing Val can do .

However she did cry to Madison and Sara....being that Sara has been in the online adult entertainment industry for 15 years....knows her way around making money online , selling HER self, and her " products " she and Madison helped Val create her layered pay for info pyramid plan .....all we are really seeing from Val now in basic food videos , while her main focus is on her tier paying customers ....much like Madison and Sara...they have " free" online sex videos but if you join, and get better, longer and more nasty stuff to chose from.
Well Vals taken the same steps in marketing Jessica for cash.

If your comments are good, supportive and defend Val then you're good, hand go on a list, if your comments are bad..well you also go on a list and are banned.
If you read the contact info Val says to contact her and when you do they refer to their lists ...see how you've commented on public posts, see if you're a member on Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam page, see if you're on a banned list. Etc...
They check profiles , new account also.

If you pass abdicate found to be a good one you are invited to join the tier " Patreon" group it has 2 levels the $34.99 and the $84.99 monthly payments ...then you get more videos , lives, texts and calls from Jessica , FaceTime and all the Disney trips that no one sees now on the boring public AI page.

This is how Vals hiding in plain site now....she feels more protected and can run her lies and scams in private to people who are paying to spend time with her, Jessica and Hannah.

Goodpooch Badpooch is the business and that's where Vals hiding....AI, DSGP are just some of the platforms ... Madison and Sara bailed Val out.
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How are they getting tens of thousands of plays off their crappy, carnival sideshow, exploitive videos?!?! Can someone explain it? Don’t they get paid per view?? Geez, these nasty grifting crooks are just unstoppable. 🤮
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Absolutely ridiculous! It was Jessica's dessert and she needs to put it on her wish list again. That is she is grifting too. And amazing HH can be in 2 places at one time! Camping and making a dessert at home!! These people are so stupid....get your videos straight!
Jess keeps telling HH what to do even though she can't remember what she is making! Talked and was bossy the whole video! Yelling to tell No balls what she was making and he was not answering her! HH said he must have his headphones on but maybe he was ignoring her.
You could hear Nonnie in the background so this may actually have been today.
Val asks Jess if she likes it, Jess says yes. Then Val says do you love it? Jess replied it's wonderful as she is stuffing huge spoonfuls in her mouth. Can you tell me why that if yes says it's good why must they continue to interrogate her?
So if you want to watch Jess be bossy this one is for you. Oh and she couldn't stir anymore because her had would get sore! Guess flipping cards is different but it's just another Jess trick to get out of doing any work!!!!


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Val sadly attempted a " Day in the life" video ....which was filmed over 3 days , very little Jessica and nothing about autism ...simply snippets of what Vals been doing while hiding from her channel and having her staff take over.
Although she was clear to let us know she has been hiding in her room at Campbell's and reading here..* Waves to Val* and of course over on Autistic Interpretations A Joyful giving us the " soap" shout out and the " getting Jessica presentable for the cam" comments ....which we thank you Val for the acknowledgement..even though we know in 36 years you've never taught Jessica to use soap or even dry her hands for that matter! Let alone care what she looks like on camera.....
We've seen Jessica in her normal braless state boobs hanging to her waist, unwashed unbrushed rats nest, tattered stained pyjamas,scabbed face and legs, shuffling barefoot through the house, rubbing her crotch, looking a freight in 99.9% of the videos you post of Jessica.

So please....pretending you actually get Jessica " camera ready" is pure comic relief, besides your staff was away camping so no one is there to shower Jessica ....although we did see Hannah and Marlow the next day...or later in the week....but they are gone camping but really just got back many lies it's hard to keep up!

So I'm assuming the Disney trip you went on without jessica a few weeks ago with your sister Alison won't be shown on the public channel ? Guess that is saved for your $89.99 a month customers...I mean " followers". Jessica must be so busy with all her FaceTime and phone call that why we didn't see much of her? Or is she simply being more hidden because she can't be trusted to talk about vacations and secret visitors and her job of facetiming paid customers to help pay for your new car, camper, your mani/ pedi, and of course Disney obsession?
Next you'll have her working along side Madison AKA Leo Cross and his ass munching side sick Lara Cross.

It's sad you think we don't careful of the wolf in the hen house and of karma. It's coming.
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