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What shits me is she says she’s just spreading education. Bitch I know sending my kids to school with honey sandwiches on white bread and packet snacks isn’t ideal, but what would be worse is sending them with a fucking whole grain roll with lean protein and salad and them starving at school cos they’re not going to fucking eat it. Fucking condescending twat. And no I don’t need your fucking e-book and if I needed help with my kids nutrition I would see a fucking professional, not someone who looks extremely malnourished and void of any joy.
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Unfortunately I don’t think it’s a joke. I hate to speculate but if you look through her highlights there are countless examples of unsafe sleeping arrangements 😭 absolutely tragic.
I know this is a gossip site but I don't think it's appropriate to speculate on this (at any time but especially not hours since it was announced).
SIDS is common in babies. Don't make this harder for her or anyone that has had a baby pass way from SIDS.
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I love the energy so many of us bring to researching influencers

P.s. no judgement - I've been creeping on people since the days of White Pages!
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Sophadopha is an idiot, her ridiculous over consumption, jumping on flights to go to one lunch meeting or to the tennis that she repeatedly says she has ‘no idea why I’m going’, is all so bogan and tacky. She clearly goes around shopping not looking at the price of things because she doesn’t need to - she bought a brand new Range Rover with cash when she was 18 - so I have no idea why she’s pretending to be bothered by spending $125. Put the expensive mug next to your collection of Dior jewellery, Bottega Venetta handbags etc.
Her shein quality, sweat shop made bikinis cost $130 for a set, so surely she’s well aware of what small businesses have to charge to cover costs?

This is cruel and petty of me but I think she’s ugly as sin, very very uneducated, plays off this whole ‘nice girl’ vibe when actually her entire Internet presence is just showing off her body in various stages of undress. She’s recently gotten into the gym and every single work out fit or showing what she does in the gym includes vision of her arse, with shorts or leggings pulled right up her crack. The only aspirational thing she’s got going on is a genetic gift of long legs and a decent body. She can’t do makeup, she’s terrible at speaking, she’s got streaks of being a mean girl, and one day she’ll realise having a mum who encouraged you to drop of out school and stopped working to ‘manage’ your ‘career’ is actually just using you as a meal ticket and it’s a bit grubby.

AND her fans are fucking insane. At this point she could straight up murder someone and 500,000 TikTok fans would make videos defending her and saying “um, she’s got anxiety, it’s not like she could stop herself killing someone” and “omg go off queen! We love a murdering mother! Slay!!!!”
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Yeah if you’re starting a photography business you’re better off building a following from people who like your work. None of the followers who followed for influencer gossip are going to engage with the page and it’s misleading to potential clients. The comments being turned off says it all people were obviously commenting asking who it used to be. Just all round dodgy.

It’s giving that time U2 dropped their new album of songs into everyone’s library’s for free and no one ask for it vibes
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Nah Tara Pavlovic can fuck right off with posting her son’s leaking shitty nappy while he’s sick. What are you doing? Protect your kids and give them some damn privacy for fucks sake. Do better.
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I'm not an Abby Gilmore fan but this lunch box shaming by the extremely problematic 'the figure' is wild. Some kids are fussy AF and I wouldn't even say the lunchbox is that bad.. yeah some cookies and fruit strap/rollup things and you could probably have one or the other and not both. But who the f does Danni think she is shaming other people so blatantly?!
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Now the attention seeking, “oops that was meant to be to close friends!”
Thank God these people don't work in jobs that require them to actually get up and leave the house every day, I know surgeons and other people in meaningful and/or physical professionals that have worked to 38+ weeks yet this one thinks opening her laptop is the equivalent of fighting a fire or something that matters.
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Sorry to be a pain, I haven’t followed Rosie for years. What happened with her and Jacob? Also this was summed up perfectly!
I’m honestly not too sure. They were gifted an amazing trip to South Africa in May last year - and on the dl- I was expecting Rosie to pull out of it because it would have been so far out of her comfort zone. I’m impressed she went. Something must have come to a head over there - they didn’t record together after that.

Rosie had a number of guest hosts on the pod (a lot of More Talent alum) and Jacob made a statement a few months later in September confirming his exit. No details were mentioned over how and why. The horrible SMH article in which Rosie openly admitted messaging Caleb when he was 17 (she was 30) came out in July. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it, but I can imagine that Caleb’s rampant anti LGBT stance and Rosie’s condoning of this through her relationship with him would also not have made for fun friendship circle overlaps.

I’m pretty sure Rosie has already written a patreon only article about the ‘loss of a significant friendship’, but I’m not about to fund her massive UberEats over spends when I feel ambivalent about her and I’m neck deep in a cost of living crisis myself. I adore Jacob. I’m grateful to Rosie for creating a platform for him. I hope he continues to work in the industry because that man was made to podcast (or model, or host, or tuck me and my dog in at night and tell us bedtime stories).

I imagine being a long term friend with Rosie would be really difficult even for those in incredibly robust and self assured MH zones themselves. The cycle of trauma, abuse, addiction and abandonment runs so deep in that poor woman. All of her work is about amplifying her voice and forcing people to ‘look at meeee!’ to compensate from the lack of attention from her parents. And now her parents are both gone. In so many of her interactions, I see this little girl who never really spiritually matured past her teen years because she did not have functional adult role models showing her how to. I imagine a lot of her friends outgrow this as they get older and actually mature. I also suspect that there is some neurodivergence going on. As a certified AuDHD person (they don’t actually give a certificate btw), she’s always set my spidey senses off. It would not surprise me at all if there is an adult autism, adhd or super combo diagnosis in her future. It would certainly explain why her MH struggles have been so intense in comparison to her sisters - she’s unpacking trauma with a completely different neurotype in a world not designed for ND people.

I’m not a monstrous person, going for the adult orphan with a newly dead Mum. I swear - I’m filling up writing this because it reminds me of losing my own Mum and the complex grief that followed and continues to haunt me. I hope she is able to get loads of support from her family and that her and her sisters can take joy in the absolutely gorgeous little baby her niece has just had. I hope she continues to do the hard work in therapy so that she can be a cycle breaker.
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View attachment 2732586

I'm not an Abby Gilmore fan but this lunch box shaming by the extremely problematic 'the figure' is wild. Some kids are fussy AF and I wouldn't even say the lunchbox is that bad.. yeah some cookies and fruit strap/rollup things and you could probably have one or the other and not both. But who the f does Danni think she is shaming other people so blatantly?!
Yuck Danni I didn’t even know you existed but you’re a shit excuse for a human MAYBE HER KID WILL ONLY EAT CHICKEN ON WHITE BREAD WITH NO SALAD!??????!!!

Heres some content advice for you….

post a photo crop out the name offer some swap suggestions ???

Wholegrain crackers instead of Jatz… (they’re most likely actually SAVOY in Melbourne “educate yourself”)

Fresh fruit instead of roll ups - or the (probably yuck) ones you can make yourself at home???

“healthier jam” sweetened with prune juice on a teddy bear biscuit instead of Oreos for something sweet.

FFS you get judged so much with babies then toddlers then when they go to fkn school depending on what you feed them. Mums do their best we aren’t all just lazy some kids unfortunately don’t eat all the colours of the rainbow but you know what (and I was one of them) I GREW OUT OF IT.

I sound psycho but seriously it’s never ending I’d love to see these influencers kids in a few years time when they have no self control and can’t handle themselves around non whole foods 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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I’d rather eat shit on a stick than support Amber from influencer updates with her fishing for more followers and only showing the results for people who have subscribed. Can anyone post the answers here please xx
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I worked for a bank that held Ashy Bines accounts (probably not the main ones as there was fuck all money in them) she made all her bridesmaids pay for their dresses because she’s such a tight bitch.
I worked at a bank too and never looked up friends or family cause i truly felt like that was crossing a line, but did look up Russell Crowe LOL
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Ok more of this now I’ve seen this couple 😂 Are we meant to want food/fitness advice from this couple? Jesus Christ 😳🥴 They look like siblings
I know it’s not even worth discussing because it’s so ridiculous, but no hun, you can’t control what someone puts in their mouth. As the parent, you control what is served. What the child chooses to eat, is up to them. Many children will choose to eat nothing, which is a lot worse for them than some cheese and crackers. Most kids can survive a beige diet with no nutrient deficiencies.

That lunchbox was FINE. Yes it’s better to eat whole foods, but that lunchbox wasn’t going to give those kids diabetes or heart disease. We know that restricting food and focussing on “good vs bad” can lead to problematic behaviour around food and eating disorders. That’s where the health problems come from. Normalising the little, portion sized packet of Oreos helps to prevent that child from binging and stuffing a whole sleeve of Oreos down in one sitting.

And no Danni, I don’t send biscuits or roll ups etc in my child’s lunchbox, so I’m not personally triggered, but they do get white bread and sometimes crackers 😱
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Says police are investigating the death on the headlines for daily mail
the Daily Fail are notorious for click bait.
You call 000 if you find your baby deceased.
Police will attend. Protocol. Ask any cop.
Extremely unlikely they are “investigating” anything.

Never heard of her, don’t know her story, don’t know a single thing about her but i do know that no one deserves to lose their baby or have the cause of death or what she did or didn’t do speculated online. My heart goes out to her.
If there was any speculation or concern that it was malicious she wouldn’t be posting online.

PS. fuck you Amber Paul. Scum rat.
Everyone come join on her thread
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I can’t understand how Chloe Szep still has the following she does. She has shared a video on her story today to a podcast where they basically say that if you have anxiety or depression, it’s because you’re choosing to sin. Imagine putting a message out there that blames how you live on having a mental illness. It all comes across as so hypocritical and judgmental.
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