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Tank Girl

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He looks like his Mum is embarrassing him into a photo 🥴
Also “ your person ” 🥴
Also “ later in life ” 🥴
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Tank Girl

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Ha ha as if Trash wouldn’t be gone like a shot if she got and invite to the Met 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the woman who gets professional make up and hair to film about ready meals in her kitchen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck right off
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She’s definitely just used that frowning selfie post about being sad about seeing vaccines as a way to make it seem like she brought them but there’s no way she did. If she was there it would be a selfie of her with the kids.
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Lol. They’re the least Montessori family ever. Poor little baby Alf.

I don’t know why she thinks it’s funny that she’s too stupid to make a box mix of cupcakes correctly. It takes basic literacy skills, you don’t need to be Nigella or a 50’s housewife. Wait for the cakes to cool before you ice them or it will melt, you melt.
It would absolutely blow her tiny little mind that my grandfather was a baker in the 40's ( after he was gassed in WW1 and had to find another profession) and that my mother owned her own newsagent and confectionery business in the 50's (had her own bank account and owned her house too!)
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Chatty Member
The thing that Ashley relies on is her ‘fans’ not thinking too critically or deeply. She resonates with most of them on quite a superficial level such as body image, being a juggling parent, a mum who doesn’t always enjoy her children, a woman in a man’s world, a victim of the government and its policies and budget cuts….blah blah.

She therefore doesn’t cope well with people, worse WOMEN, critically thinking, wanting and using evidence to give weight to facts and simply disagreeing. Ultimately SHE doesn’t know how to relate to ‘us’ and she doesn’t get how we can be decent, intelligent women who still share similar views to an extent but don’t use her means or the content for self promotion. I’ll happily be called a ‘troll’ a million times over than ever agree (or even agree to disagree) on the despicable exploitation of her children and selling their privacy for her own gain and platform raising. Its not about me, but I’ve done a number of things (not big things but enough that I feel I’m making a small difference) over the years to advocate for different communities, including overseas, not once have I ever had to take to social media (in my underwear or otherwise) to do so. Not once did my child’s toilet habits, bath time, then sleeping, then in emotional distress and everything in between ever need to be shared to do so either.
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We know she reads here, she also says she has this amazing intuition but yet she never seems to correct his appalling W sitting. Clearly her mother doesn’t either. It’s really not hard to have gently corrected him over the years and he’d be able to sit properly now. She’s a shockingly shit parent she really is.
I don’t think she can deal with any push back from him at all. You can see he’s a bit of a shit sometimes from his interactions with Ada (as is normal) but totally docile when he’s getting what he wants. All this “Alfie likes to be fed, Alfie likes his pushchair etc”. She daren’t challenge or correct him and risk upsetting him because she doesn’t know what to do next, I think.
It’s always “kind hands”, “nice sharing”, no authority in her voice. Speculation but I imagine it’s “Oh Alfie, that wasn’t very kind” rather than “You must not hit your sister”.
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She’s got some nerve complaining about the cost of her childcare when she is CHOOSING to move to a higher cost of living area. She works from home and lives an easily commutable distance to London. She also absolutely does not need to put the kids in full time care either, but again she chooses to because she doesn’t want to spend time with them.
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She’s not fast or determined. Just days ago she slowly toddled out a few steps and you said it was the furthest she’d ever walked. She’s Alf 2.0. Drop this narrative that’s pitting them against each other.
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How smug can you get? 🙈🙄

What are these expectations society puts on women?? I've never felt expectations from other people 🤔 Just same old bullshit rehashed to suit her narrative.
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So I’ve been at a school meeting for September tonight:

- need to be able to dress themselves (within reason of help if things are back to front etc). Put a coat/jumper and shoes on.
- need to be able to open packets for packed lunches or make a decision of what they’re going to have for dinner
- need to be able to take themselves to the toilet and redress themselves
- be able to communicate feelings and what they need

Just to name a few. How many do we think Alfie can do now? And what progress is being encouraged? And as an older one in his year, it shouldn’t be a struggle by the time he goes.
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Chatty Member
WHY has she done it? She’s thick granted but she’s not unaware of the fact that child nakedness doesn’t belong on a public platform. She did that stuff for NSPCC too. When you think of the pervs that follow her due to her breastfeeding content! That stupid emoji doesn’t even adequately cover poor Alf up, they can zoom in and see a child’s genitalia ffs. And SHE HERSELF has posted to say that emojis can be removed with the right software. If I was Tommy or NNB I’d be feeling bloody sick. That pic could be being used as wank fodder as we we speak. Sorry to be crass and it’s a disgusting thought but it’s true.
It absolutely WILL be, there is no doubt about it. She sickens me more every day. Trading fucking compromising photos of her naked child is next level sick. If NSPCC ever use her again, or girl guides, or any other charity for promotion I will write to every regulatory body there is to expose the kind of person she is.

As for the fawning over her immigrant post - how can people not see through this woman. She does not give a shit about anyone else bar herself, promoting herself and making a very easy buck by aff linking outfits. She knew exactly what she was doing - a very topical and highly emotive subject was bound to draw in lots of engagement then BAM, her real motivation behind it shows itself. Aff links for every single part of her shit outfit. The fucking pouting in her sunglasses did it for me. There are people dying in the sea and she is using that reel to stroke her ego and bank account.
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Clearly she wanted to rush through the ‘baking’ with Alf as quickly as possible instead of reading the instructions and waiting to mix the icing properly. It was only for content anyway, and now she thinks she’s got funny ‘mum fail’ content out of it.

You haven’t though Trash. You just look pathetic and like you can’t be arsed.
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I don’t say this with malice to anyone on this thread whatsoever, but if Trash and the rest of the influencers, declared their gifts etc properly, the government would have a lot more money to spend…. Whichever government it was x
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I love that she’s an expert now, full of advice, when they haven’t even moved yet 🥴. Yet again, really poorly written and jumps from kids to everything else and then back to referring to “them” without it being clear who she means.

This is my favourite. The best thing to do when uprooting your kids from everything they’ve ever known is to dump them with someone else for a few days. Perfect. No notes.
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