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Ash would be thrilled to know because of the patriarchy men in the UK don't have rights to see their children unless they live with them... it is wild that such an outdated law exists. Mothers get priority. Unfortunately, if TNB left she could stop access to the kids as and when she pleased. I suspect TNB and NNB know this and are putting on a show to keep those sweet babies safe.
Even if they’re on the birth certificate? Married parents, the father can register birth alone and both are added.

Unmarried parents have joint parental responsibility if the father is on the birth cert, and he can only be added to the birth cert if present with the mother to register. But then it’s (technically) equal.
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I don’t have a clue what Walton on the Naze is like. Is Walton on the Thames more affluent and so trying to do that?
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Even if they’re on the birth certificate? Married parents, the father can register birth alone and both are added.

Unmarried parents have joint parental responsibility if the father is on the birth cert, and he can only be added to the birth cert if present with the mother to register. But then it’s (technically) equal.
I think it’s Switzerland part of paying for them is a right to see them. Which doesn’t exist in the UK. But, that assumes the male earns most/doesn’t have them here for what they’d pay.
If Ash really does earn more (although self employed is another story on what she declares) and TNB had them more, she would have to pay for them x
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No please! Tell me she did not actually say that. 7oclock in the morning & he’s clutching a phone. I noticed she didn’t contribute to the screen time debate on TM. And she was clearly furious with Ferrari for calling her out at the end-I don’t like him but he had her on that one.
Ooh what did he call her out on? Screen time?
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Do you have a source for the haircut - I’m oddly obsessed (channeling my Inner Ash). What would go on my certificate - autistic philosopher? That sounds kinda cool. But seriously, after all the input she’s been given re: autism, to use such a condition/milk it for sympathy has my gorge rising. Drop the post, Ashley - some kids are autistic, and many autistic adults don’t like to have our condition used for clicks. I still think Alf is on the spectrum, just because of the numerous tells he’s displayed all over your social media; but don’t use it for bait. We deserve better than that.
As does little feverish, sleep-deprived, aching Ada. Poor little sprout.
For the cut he’s just had? Or the fact he doesn’t like his hair touched?
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