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Right, I’m sorry but if anyone is moaning about shite they used to be able to do on the regular as much as she does then they regret making the choice to have a kid. Today I had to pretend to be a fucking velociraptor from basically 6:45am until blessed nap time at 12.

Would I like to be eating eggs Benedict in a fancy brunch place with mates rather than pretending to guard my nest of monster truck eggs and then career around the living room snarling while my two year old laughs manically?!

Maybe 🤣 but probably not because I MADE THIS CHOICE and you don’t get the time back.
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Love_laugh _live

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Right this one bugged me because doesn’t it say she has 3 tattoos?

But then she regrets 2 of them, loves 1 of them and is indifferent about 1 of them?! That…makes 4? 😂

no wonder she thinks Alf is advanced
I mean she's thick as pigs sh..manure right? I think the 2 is a typo but yes it totally makes no sense.

Possible thread title suggestion if I may @totaltatt ?
Ashley James #38 - My family: One I regret (Alf), One I love (Ada), one I'm indifferent about (TNB)
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I agree entirely. My child had a gastro referral, they said they can’t book over 6 months in advance and were full to that point so try getting referred again later 🤯 we’re also forced to go private for dental due to there being no NHS dentists taking on and needing to be seen.

However she’s quick to pay privately for gynae, PT, dental for herself, osteo inc the baby one, I don’t know if ADA’s hips were private or not.
She has the time and means. I’d have at least had his teeth checked.

Maybe I’m over anxious, maybe she has done and doesn’t discuss it, maybe she relies on “NNB was a nurse” but didn’t she say she had had ADA’s hips checked because she noticed the rolls on her legs were uneven? And she told us before she got the results. If you seek help over something like that but ignore the fact the older child trips and falls constantly, Walks with arms out for balance and on tiptoes, still toddles and can’t climbs stairs, is reluctant to walk at nearly 3 then I really don’t know what to think.
Walks with arms out for balance and on tiptoes,
You all know, because I’ve certainly banged on about it enough, that I’m autistic, and early on got pretty irate when several people stated Alf was autistic (to be honest, it still vexes me that autism is being used as such a catch-all these days, and that a number of behaviours are suddenly ‘neurodiverse’ - it’s really not that simple). But walking on tiptoe as a toddler is a major sign: I did it myself! (My mother thought I looked like a little ballerina and was entranced by it - but then, such signs, certainly in girls, were largely unknown back then.) That, plus the lack of eye contact, hand flapping, lining up objects in neat rows, the verbal delays that happen in some children and mobility issues, the meltdowns and distress over relatively minor events, the sensory issues… I’m calling it: I think he’s autistic. And as an autistic person, I’m absolutely begging Ashley to get help for him NOW.
Growing up autistic without a diagnosis is hell. You do not feel part of the world. I remember, from a very early age, being that child at the edge of the playground, not being able to understand the games they were playing and the language they used, overstimulated and triggered by the noise, busyness and screaming, wanting only to find a quiet place to lose myself in a good book. I was born with a very high IQ of 172 and started reading at just over a year old, was always expected to perform brilliantly academically (which is its own hard, hard road) which automatically set me out as ‘different’ - that, coupled with the autism has made me so unbelievably lonely; I never got what made other people tick. Over the years, I ‘masked’ - observed other people’s reactions and copied them so I would fit in with the norm and not make waves, unnerve or repel others, be picked out and picked on (though I was still bullied very badly - verbally, emotionally, physically, for being ‘different’): it’s exhausting. Absolutely exhausting to pretend to be what you’re not so that you’re not isolated, excluded or made to feel like the ‘other’. I’m still blunt as hell, but years of observing others has allowed me to move relatively unimpeded through society. It hasn’t stopped friends from abruptly dumping me, or being marked out as ‘weird’ and ‘unlikeable’, or put me in some very dangerous situations (I don’t lie, and it’s been a very hard lesson to learn that others do: I nearly got involved in criminal activity once as a result).
What I’m saying, and I know that I’m labouring the point here, is that IT DIDN’T HAVE TO BE SO HARD FOR ME. My life could have been so much less stressful, sad, lonely and isolated if medical professionals had known then what they know now, and had educated my parents on the reasonable adjusments they needed to make - from not putting me in wool clothing so I scratched myself so hard I bled copiously and cutting the labels out of my tops, to ensuring a peaceful environment so that I wasn’t always anticipating the sky falling and rock, rock, rocking myself for comfort, to understanding that I have hyperfocus and a specific range of interests, to showing how to integrate myself within society without entirely losing myself in the process (and those four or five criteria are the tip of the iceberg). I could have been placed in an alternative education setting rather than being thrown to the wolves at my private school, for which I really do wish I’d never got a scholarship and experienced years of grief. People could have been a lot kinder and, these days, I’m sure are. If you understand the root of the problem, you’re a lot likely to be accommodating. (People, by and large, are good and don’t want to hurt others.)
Please, Ashley: please don’t let Alf have a life like mine. Please don’t open him up to the scarring taunts from the playground bullies and the isolation, which does cause a lot of anguish, believe me! Please don’t let him struggle through life, be rejected, feel unworthy and unloveable, be mocked and derided, avoided and disrespected. Autistic people are more likely than the norm to have chonic anxiety and depression; the more his condition is mitigated, the less likely he is to be overwhelmed by emotional distress. Please get him the help he needs, and show the world what that help looks like. Help to educate others who still see we autistic people as ‘Rain Man’. I’m begging you, don’t let him suffer the way I did. He’ll end up wishing he’d never been born at all.
Sorry for such a long post, everyone.
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Omg this has made me absolutely fucking RAGING! What the FUCK does she think actual parents do!?! This is WILD. She had to go to the shops, bath and bed the kids and then what, tidy the bathroom, wipe around the kitchen, put the toys away? I am actually so angry. She’s insane. I hope (not that I wish him pain) that that back injury takes him OOO for a week and she has to find out what it’s really like. But even if so, she’ll get the help in of NNB and others. I’m fuming hahaha.

“What a night” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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November saw Trashley James getting her breasts out on Remembrance Day. She couldn’t possibly wait 2 minutes for the 8 month old to stop feeding and show the war dead an ounce of respect they deserve! She HAD to show her poppy and peoples shitty reactions are the fault of the patriarchy.

The incapable cunts took the in laws on a gifted Maldives trip where they posed on the white Sandy beaches with Ada, without Alf, who was running hobbling down the beach like an extra from Tom Hank’s Castaway.
No time to rest for the Littles as they were chucked into childcare jet lagged, up from 3am, but Ash needed to rest cos holiday was so stressful with 4 adults to look after 2 children.

Stephs Packed Lunch was a flop. Ash still a stiff shaky wreck but somehow Queen Snarl landed a quick 10 minute slot on This Morning where she was annihilated by Nick Ferrari.

The house move is still flopping so she still hates her life.

Alf is looking like cousin It whilst Ada’s ready to meet King Charles to receive her child of the year medal.
Ash declared she was the best mum but naturally she can’t be around her kids all the time. She did a whole 2 hours with them but came over funny as she didn’t manage to get washing away during her 9 hours of child free time and ran away when Tommy got home.

Once a week Ash is filmed pushing the pram to childcare to show off the practical outfit Tatiana, a closet Tattler, we think, has chosen for her to walk down the road in! Rest of the time it’s Tommys duty to get the kids to childcare whilst she recovers from parenting the previous day.

Alf’s delays are more obvious. Princess Ad has her hip X-ray today. Hopefully the forced walking and new Clark’s shoes she recieved at 8 months old won’t have done any harm! Meanwhile Alf can’t walk up 2 steps, walk down the road or use a trampoline at 3 years old.

Still a useless human and all round shit mother.
Lovely holiday x
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She can get in the fucking bin with her needing a proper break.

I'll tell you who needs a proper break, Ashley - me and every other working parent, stay at home parent, single parent, EVERYONE BUT YOU.

I am triggered today. I've been working flat out with my team to get a project out before Christmas and our client turned round today and said we werent doing enough. Well. I lost it. We've been working evenings, weekends, early mornings and I know I've been working any time my kids aren't around. I know it's short term, but I haven't had a "proper break" since May. May was my last time off.

So, Ashley. Fuck off. You do not need a proper break you need a fucking reality check.
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Not to get all pearl clutchy, but i find her 'i would definitely have been burned at the stake 🤪' refrain really distasteful. Early modern witch-hunts were a female genocide, first of all, not a cute quirky identity that we can now co-opt in totally different (modern) circumstances. Ash if you're reading this - you wouldn't have been a witch if you tried. firstly you live a completely patriarchically conventional life, with a life partner and 2 children in a massive house. secondly witches usually had a subversive skill set, usually apothecary or midwifery or some other actually useful occupation and certainly would not have been found stripping half naked for their male audience, making pointless fashion reels and otherwise exploiting the (male) gaze, and their children for their own ends. thirdly, witches were countercultural political radicals often burned (a manifestly HORRIBLE way to die and not a laughing matter) for refusing to recant their ideological beliefs and sticking to their convictions, whereas you chop and change your opinion of the moment according to whichever bandwagon you can get on at any given time. Fourthly you just dont have the requisite intelligence or courage to be mistaken for an early modern witch. Im sure they could at the least spell better .

have a good day 🎤👊
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I know no 2 kids are the same but when you look at Kate Lawlers DD and even Charlotte Dawson DS who are similar ages, are so far ahead of him in speech and mobility
You know it’s bad when Charlotte Dawson has done a better job at parenting than you
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“Hello Nana? Help, help! I can’t look after my own kids. I had to put them BOTH to bed tonight, bath them AND cook some dinner. I’m an incompetent cunty parent and would also like you to wipe my arse whilst you’re at it. Lovely day”

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My little boy hates having a coat on, and screams and screams! But without one he’d freeze, so I tell him no, it’s staying on- and let me scream a bit more until he calms down.
Ashley, the same would apply for Alf’s hair. He WILL scream, because YOU’VE done this to him, but it’s for his own good- so remember- you are the ‘parent’ and you are in ‘charge’ (I use those terms lightly!), so take #Ad off your boob for 5 minutes and brush his fucking hair you cunt of a mother!
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Cue, “sooo many of you messaged me to say your little ones hate having their hair brushed too! That makes me feel better. Why does no one ever talk about this? Anyway, you all recommend this brush/spray/whatever and the company rescue out to me and sent me a heap of free stuff!“
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I ask in all seriousness; does Ms James really not care if Alf’s mobility is stunted and curtailed for life?
Is she indifferent to the fact that, if she carries on ignoring his mobility issues, he will never be able to run for a train, ride a horse, play cricket, enter into school sports competitions, and may end up with arthritis (which is extremely, extremely painful)?
Does she care so little for him that she is prepared to make his world a small, linited one covered in obstacles that ‘normal’ bodied peoplr - like herself - can navigate with ease?
Does she care so little that she can watch, unmoved, as other children rip him to pieces with their cruel words and mockery, and may physically harm him because of his relative immobility?
Is she so oblivious to his suffering that she thinks it normal for a child of his age to be unable to run 100 yards, descend stairs, jump on a trampoline wirh both feet and even walk a few feet to the childminder’s?
His developmental issues aside*, she surely has to see how badly this reflects on her as a mother. As a person. As a ‘celebrity’. These threads would be infinitely slower, and vastly fewer in number, if only her attention-seeking were called out. But it is her treatment of Alf, and his unhappiness, that spurs us on - whether we are parents or childfree. And what we condemn her for is bleeding into the real world - her world, her career - because others are seeing what we see: that that little boy has serious mobility problems that could affect the whole of his life. If she’s not careful, he will detach from her altogether by the time he is eighteen. He may write a book about her, exposing her neglect of him to the world. And I can’t imagine that her vanity could permit her to be seen with a struggling, unnecessarily disabled child or young adult. Her career is her motherhood. If she continues to neglect the child, others will condemn and neglect her. It’s that simple.

*The jury is out on whether Alf is developmentally delayed, infantilised and under-stimulated, or autistic. As an autistic woman myself, I have been very wary of ‘diagnosing’ him via what we’ve seen on her social media. However, there are three ‘tells’ that have caught my eye: inability to make eye contact and when he does so, he seems distressed; hand-flapping and squawking, with disproportionate responses to minor situations; and lining up objects in neat rows. He should be assessed after his first year at school if more tells present themselves. I’m sure Ms James could monetise having a neurodivergent child: being an ‘autie’ mum and going through the official process re: diagnosis, treatment and so on. At least Alf might get sufficient attention then, albeit having a camera pointed in his face even more than he does already.
Oh - and cut and brush his hair. Letting your child look like a Dickensian urchin smacks of neglect (again).
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Poor lamb just needs a break.

Because the Maldives, Austria and the Four Seasons in the past month wasn’t enough.
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Hi Ashley 👋👋👋
Thanks for bringing back the childcare updates after us mentioning it had been a while.
Any chance you could get Alf checked over by professionals for your next nod to tattle?
Lovely day x
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Is Ashley rewriting history again with the Tabby McTat story, I thought she thought it was a link to the show but then found it was just preview. But now she's saying that she had a link for it and chose to wait for Christmas Day?!! Can she ever get her story straight?
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I also sound like a broken record but…. Alfie’s hair. Oh. My. Days.

it MUST be for attention, surely? So she can go on a rant how “why is it a problem for boys to have long hair?” Surely this is bait? I don’t care if I’m taking it ATP. How could you let your own child look like that? How could you?

Also his walking in that video ☹ he looks like he’s walking for the first time after he’s had crutches off. He looks stiff and almost like he’s in pain. That poor boy, you know guys I don’t know how much more I can watch.

I always vowed to never put anything outing on here about myself. But I have twins 10 months younger than Alf. I totally related to Ashley’s content when she first became a Mum. I too, was like, what the fuck have I done! This is nothing like I imagined. But you know what I recognised I had PND and got help for it because my babies deserved better. I think this is why I’m so invested in Poor Alf and his plight really gets to me :(
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The face of a child at Disney on ice. It’s like he’s checked out 😰

Sorry, my bad! He just doesn’t have the personality for Disney according to his fucking abusive incubator 🤬
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