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View attachment 2172797

Why the constant need to compare her children!? And what is she talking about 'could barely put Alf down', she has been saying for weeks how Ada cannot be put down, only wants to sleep on her etc. It doesn't sound like they are actually all that different. So why is it so much easier for her to deal with when it's Ada?
Because Ad is a tiny little girl who is good as gold and Alf was a big boisterous overcooked boy.

Talk about being against gender stereotypes eh
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She showed her laptop in the clip too, looks like she uses the free version of Traktor for Mac which essentially organises a playlist from iTunes based on similar BPM etc.

Superstar DJ! Only has to press play once all night 😂
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what a wierd event ...if i saw a dry disco advertised id pressume it was an alcohol free nightclub not a daytime food and listening to a load of charletons droning on about the latest bandwagon topic of the moment fest!
Some of the speakers at this event too...what on earth is a self love personal trainer? 🙄 and of course there's a token trans woman at a women's only event.
It was basically CuntCon 2023
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"Your infant may have attachment issues if they:
  • Don't smile.
  • Don't reach out to be picked up.
  • Reject your efforts to calm, soothe, and connect with them.
  • Don't seem to notice or care when you leave them alone.
  • Cry inconsolably.
  • Don't coo or make sounds.
  • Don't follow you with their eyes.
  • Aren't interested in playing interactive games or playing with toys.
  • Spend a lot of time rocking or comforting themselves
  • Avoid eye contact"
Remind you of anyone?
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'She loves her brother' she says this every time she shows them together but obviously doesn't realise that for the children to develop a relationship her and Tommy actually need to put the work in. The kids will barely see each other, with them both seemingly having an allocated parent and Ashley not looking after them both together, ever. She seems to think this bond is just going to happen naturally and they expect Alf to know how to interact with her. He's two, ffs. She isn't taking the time to show him, she just plonks them down together then gets her phone out.
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Being relatable isn’t about being ‘small and compact’.

It isn’t about shame or guilt.

Being relatable - for someone in the public eye - is about showing real life in a way that a majority can relate to.

It’s showing a true reflection of what’s going on, so that those watching the few minutes you choose to share are able to feel that they identify with you.

It’s not showing just the perfect moments, but the struggles too.

It’s being truthful about how much help you have in the background, so those watching don’t feel like they are failing by not keeping up.

It’s recognising and not being afraid to acknowledge your privilege - be it financial; security of home ownership; childcare options; stable relationship; ethnicity; social class; familial support; mental and physical health.

It’s being able to connect and engage with a diverse demographic, not just those who blindly agree with your narrow-minded views.

It’s being able to be challenged on your opinion, and hold respectful and balanced conversation over it.

It’s being able to take feedback on board, and admit when you’re wrong.

It’s being human. A good, kind, respectful human.

That's all it means to be relatable. It’s not hard. It’s just being a good person.
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I genuinely worry that Alf is way too attached to that iPad and he can't eat a meal without it. I know my son asks for TV way more than I would want him to have it (even specifically asking for Coco when he wants Cocomelon - and I'm horrified about that, as I wish he'd never seen it and only wanted to play with jigsaws and read books 😂) but aren't they setting him up for more eating problems than he might already have by having such a strong attachment to watching the iPad at every meal time?
It’s their crutch for parenting, they can’t do anything without it, not just eating. Out in supermarket - iPad, car journey - iPad, on a train - iPad, walk in pram - iPad. Ridiculous! My kids do watch way too much TV I will openly admit, but when we are out and about they are not on a screen.
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Active member
This ‘job’ seems like an absolute joke. Basically having people round , meeting up with mates, getting hair and make up done, and talking shit in her phone. So insulting to people who actually have to go back to work and a proper stressful job quickly after birth for financial reasons (not a holiday to the Maldives - like paying the inflated energy bill) while juggling childcare and trying to maintain EBF with pumping on the job.

Wow I almost forgot this is her second child. Her behaviour is that of a first time mum on mat leave. Imagine her having to actually parent a toddler and doing nursery runs with 2 kids before getting to a proper job at 9am, like most mums do.
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What's really concerned me is that she's said it's right for the people making the referral to remain confidential, but then said how she went on to find those who reported her!! On live tele!
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Chatty Member
She is one of the worst, narcissistic cretins I have seen for a long time and thats only what she shows online. Can you imagine how much worse it is in real life.

I bet ANY MONEY she wasnt paid to be on that panel. Her agents will have asked the nspcc if she could be on that panel. Coincidence its right after her talking about troll on that tv show thing and social work. Its a damage limitation exercise - plain and simple. Work is drying up big time and this is her only way to drum up some traffic on social media. Any press is good press isnt it? The truth is no one knows who she is anymore.
Its embarrassing watching her car crash life that she has dragged her poor kids into. She should be ashamed of herself.

ive said it once, ill say it again. If she was a single mum, living in a council flat and living in an area of high deprivation or experiencing poverty as a family i have NO doubt alfie is particular would be on the child protection register and referrals getting made to the reporter etc. it disgusts me, she is so clearly neglecting that child. But it is masked by privilege and wealth. Social work obviously done an investigation and im not having a go but of you actually sit and look at a timeline and all the jigsaw pieces its highly concerning
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So let’s get this right, she got a spray tan and got glammed up, then got her photographer over to film her doing c section exercises that she already showed us yesterday ? This is apparently ‘work’!!!
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@InTheDollsHouse Those messages are even more screwed up than I remember. I’m so sorry you had to go through it. She’s a nasty piece of work.

I’m wondering if she is of sane mind, or suffering from amnesia to go on a TV show to complain about trolling when there is clear evidence of her doing the exact same thing. Her PI must be shit or just non-existent if you didn’t receive your flowers!!?!
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Also, you don't need to film it every time you read a book with your son. What is she trying to prove? Just be present and enjoy your time with him without the phone. And Alf looks absolutely exhausted.
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