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These grassing mentality makes me cringe from the inside out. Its not grassing if the plod already know 🤦🏿‍♀️
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The comments may be upsetting to read but unfortunately it’s the harsh reality that she decided to live in. Her parents have said themselves she made bad choices - people are simply agreeing. I’m sure when they listened to the voice notes in court they were equally as shocked, saddened, appalled as we were. I appreciate they are mourning and going through absolute hell but come on, what did they expect?!
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Art hostage has on his most recent video that Ashley’s sister is pregnant to James Withams brother?!
Can we confirm?
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No idea. I mean it’s their job, it’s uncomfortable yes. But it’s a job. You never know when you may need one, least they do a good job of ensuring people get a fair trial 👍🏼
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My personal view if I was on the jury is that I haven't heard enough to convict IF even though I think he's guilty. The rest I'd send down, even the car stashing halfwit. If IF getting called a grass he'll have a more miserable life out than in anyway.

The gang culture is 1 of many reasons I'm planning on getting out this city next year. Its a small city full of small minds, it's scruffy, dirty, there's no scene for anything and I can't stand the insular identikit inward looking mentality. Ppl who think its amazing generally haven't been anywhere else. I love it's history and it's humour but I don't love what it's become. No one needs to pull out a pulpit on me about managed decline or the thatcher years please. I'm well into my 40s and never lived anywhere else so far; I know why it's got it's problems. Am just not interested in living with the fall out of it anymore.
If Ian gets NG he won’t stick round here, he’ll be living it up in Dubai probably with Lee too
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There is a video of her mate Elle if you scroll down, mentions nasty comments online.

Just to be clear, no one here has once said Ashley deserved to die. It was a matter of the chats she was having involving fire arms and repercussions to lee. The point being she wasn’t complete unaware and in the dark , that does not mean she deserved to die at all!!
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Woah wasn't expecting a verdict so quickly! Little bit surprised at Ian but I guess the way he came across and the photos of them together etc helped. Good that the other 4 are off the streets and witham will definitely get a heavy sentence. Wonder if it will be live on Wednesday? Guess Ian is off to join Lee in Dubai!
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Sounds like Peers could've had a future with his boxing career before he fell in with this lot. What a clown. The huge sums of money involved and what did any of them have to show for it? A smelly flat on Pilch Lane and some turkey teeth.
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It can now be revealed that two of those convicted of murdering Ms Dale – plus Harrison - were named during the trial of Olivia's killer, Thomas Cashman, as being allegedly involved in a deadly feud that culminated in the schoolgirl's shooting

Worth a read
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35-40 years all round. The Turkey Teeth can finish the sentence if any of them top themselves
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I still wonder why they didn’t ‘shoot up’ Dusty? Maybe they were more scared of him than they were Lee,so it’s as if Dusty killed their mate Rikki, so they’ll kill Dusty’s mate Lee?
Liv is following jack hunter on private and confidential page

when will she learn her lesson about going with these types of lads?? Next gobshite for her to run dirty money through her shitty Ali express ‘boutique’ 🤢

Kip of him 🤢 don’t know who’s worse him or zest
Jesus! They’re all such ugly twats with their Turkey teeth and shit hair styles !
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Have to say I’m happy for Kallum. (I don’t know him btw) Ian fits is still going to have a horrendous time on the outside. His evidence has buried Niall Barry.
The other 4 I am over the moon
I agree re Kallum, it was clear Joe used him. I’m glad Niall got guilty, more so than sean, he was clearly pulling Witham’s strings and for that he deserves the full whack of sentencing! What a toxic mix of ego’s and a disaster this ended up being for Ashley
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I think when Witham attempted to change his plea to guilty of murder, he was probably hoping for a plea bargain, saying Im guilty drop the charges on them and Ashleys parents dont have to sit through a trial, and my kids will get looked after financially by my cronies, of course the cps said no chance we are going for the lot of you. I can see IF walking and guilty on the rest.

i did expect to hear or read the closing speeches from their barristers but only the Judges remarks to the jury, maybe I’ve watched too many USA trials and they dont do that here.
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This is heartbreaking, the fact that in the space of 7 years their dad has lost 2 of his kids to gun crime is the worst thing i could ever imagine 💔 I’m glad she mentioned how Lee is a disgusting slimey shitbag, hope he has his kneecaps blown off

Some beautiful photos of Ashley and her brother Lewis, both taken too soon by disgusting little boys who use weapons because they’re shitbags 😓


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Makes me wonder if there was an element of coercive control or even abuse in the relationship
With the comments like “making final steps to leave” and the stuff about the relationship not being one to bring a child into
I might be putting 2+2 together and making 30 but it does beg the question. You’ve got SZ the woman beater threatening his gf all the time, NB made a nasty comment about his gf when he got nicked. It doesn’t seem like it’s frowned upon in their wider circle, even amongst her friends. Nothings really been said in court about their relationship but given the fact the little cunt didn’t even stop to make sure Ashley was okay after seeing the road cordoned off it would make sense to me. Maybe she felt he’d turn on her or god knows. Its all so sad
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Nialls 1000% had something on Witham and made him do it, thinking he wouldn’t get caught because he was just sat in the flat. Would it of been a different story though if Ashley wouldn’t of constantly named him in them voice notes, who knows
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When IF barrister says if he knew they were going to kill Lee that night why didn’t he book his flight to Dubai in advance..makes me wonder what would have happened if they’d murdered Lee a known drug dealer?! No wonder he didn’t book it in advance as he knew the police probably wouldn’t have been arsed !
To me they have loads on IF and that’s why they want him locked up too. The evidence may be flimsy in regard to him but they’re taking their chances hoping the Jury find him guilty so they can get more of these scum bags off the street.
So if Witham was just going to shoot up an empty house to send a warning, what is the warning? Does it mean ‘you’ll be shot next’?!

My thoughts exactly. None of them would've been panicking if Lee and only Lee had died because there wouldn't have been the outcry about a dealer being killed in some intergang feud. That's why they didn't do more to cover their tracks etc because they didn't expect this amount of heat to fall on them as a result of their actions.
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