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VIP Member
I've had depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. Been on and off meds over the years, currently on Fluoxetine. Doesn't work wonders but it helps a little. Tried talking therapies a few years ago and didn't feel any benefit, just wasn't for me.

Literally just put a sick line in today for stress and anxiety (lots going on at home) and when I phoned my boss to tell her she was so blunt with me. Pissed me right off.


VIP Member
Yes, mostly anxiety but also suffer with ptsd and suffer with extremely low days including today. Im working myself up to telling my boss that I've been signed off for a week 😭
Don't feel guilty about it, I had to take 2 weeks off work once due to bad anxiety, and I would be the type who is very diligent about work and hates missing a day due to illness. I felt guilty at the time but after talking through it with family I changed my mindset and then didn't feel one bit guilty.
The doctor put a chest infection or something on the sick note for me, if you don't feel comfortable disclosing MH issues to your employer.


Chatty Member
I’m not sure if this is the thread for this, but I was wondering if anyone has come off Duloxetine and had mood swings once stopping it completely? At first I was so irritated and felt actual rage building up inside me, and also random bouts of crying. But this second week being off it I’m having weird laughing attacks like I can’t actually breathe from laughing. It’s in response to something funny, but my god, not that funny. Has anyone experienced this coming off Anti Depressants? I was on them for 2 years.


VIP Member
Anyone feeling low but worried to get signed off?
My work aren’t willing to help re workload etc. I’ve literally sat there, crying and begging for help but nothing. Feel like it’s my only choice but scared they will be pissed off


Active member
Health anxiety, it’s awful when I get waves of it, I’ve never sought help for it but part of health anxiety for me is not trusting doctors so that’s probably why


VIP Member
Random question, and may seem a bit superficial, but has any one had issues losing weight on Sertraline?


VIP Member
Yeah i was on sertraline not long ago and i didn’t gain weight as such but i just could shift the weight i already had. Soon as i stopped taking it i seemed to lose weight
Thank you! I’ve just started taking it and was told it could be an issue weight wise. I guess that’s the least of my problems!


VIP Member
The 1st time peo-ke disappoint me with their reaction, I try to give them the benefit if the doubt. We don’t know what is going on in their life, is She 9n the middle of something? If it happens repeatedly, it’s her and not you. Try not to let it get to you. Would there be any benefit to address it? If so, prepare and have thst talk. If not, hug yourself a little tighter, and know it’s not you. ❤

Lord Farquad

Chatty Member
Hi, I have this condition as well and can totally sympathise, it's the worst thing ever! I currently take Duloxetine and Lamotrigine, it has worked for the past few years but I'm not sure if it's starting to not be as affective as my spending is becoming a problem and my relationship with my boyfriend is starting to deteriorate because of my moods, one minute I love him so much and the next I'm telling him to drop dead 🙄. I don't know how I feel, it's a nightmare although he is very patient with me. I also have suicidal thoughts on a daily basis but I know I'll never go through with it because of my children.
I do claim ESA and PIP, (I do have other medical issues though), I will warn you applying for PIP is a very stressful process, the assessors are ruthless idiots who tend to lie. PIP is based on how the condition affects you on a daily basis not the actual condition. I was told years ago by a lady from DWP that you fill the form in as if it was your worst day ever, if you get what I mean. There is a charity called Fightback who are based in Bury who are really, really good at helping with advice, they have a Facebook page. I would definitely contact them before filling in forms.
Wishing you lots of luck x
First of all, thank you so much for getting back to me. You’ve been super helpful and I’m going to ensure a service help me to fill the form in.
Second of all. My heart goes out to you. It’s just an absolute hell. Six months back, I jumped from a second storey window during a manic episode and luckily only fractured my ankle in two places. I say luckily because it could have been my neck. I’ve had two surgeries and been left with plates and scars. It may sound awful but I’m starting to think one good part of that is that it’s evidence of my condition. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful there! It’s just like you said, I know how difficult it is to get the doctors to take mental health seriously, never mind PIP. I fully expect it to be very cut throat.

I’m sending you so much strength and I hope you have good support around you. Sounds as though your boyfriend is a stayer. Mine is too and sometimes it can be the only thing keeping us safe. Much love x


VIP Member
Going back tomorrow after a couple of days off. My work dont know but i have ptsd, I sometimes get what my dr refers to as acute stress response which makes me become very 'fight or flight' very quickly. if anyone asks if im OK im just going to say 'yes thanks'. If they ask what was wrong I'll just say a headache I think! My work is very gossipy and unsympathetic to MH issues.

I hope everyone here is doing good.
I hope you are too. Let us know how you're getting on.

I didn’t know drs could lie about the reason! I’m off work this week with anxiety, wish I’d have known that.
Yes. They will put down whatever you want on the sick note, in my experience.
I’m not sure if this is the thread for this, but I was wondering if anyone has come off Duloxetine and had mood swings once stopping it completely? At first I was so irritated and felt actual rage building up inside me, and also random bouts of crying. But this second week being off it I’m having weird laughing attacks like I can’t actually breathe from laughing. It’s in response to something funny, but my god, not that funny. Has anyone experienced this coming off Anti Depressants? I was on them for 2 years.
There’s a depression thread, which may be of use. everyone is really kind over there and probably experienced something similar x


watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Random question, and may seem a bit superficial, but has any one had issues losing weight on Sertraline?
Yeah i was on sertraline not long ago and i didn’t gain weight as such but i just could shift the weight i already had. Soon as i stopped taking it i seemed to lose weight