Anna Rose Richards #5 Scamma's 2023 word is "inspired" but her NFT grift is getting old and tired

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Word salad email dropped - had to laugh at this passage - " The craziest thing about my own life, is that whilst I was battling something that actually became an incredibly serious police & then court matter, I was getting updates that my obsessed confused admirers were level 100 obsessed with everything that was transpiring & laughing & mocking about everything going down. "

Yep Anna, keep telling yourself how obsessed all 10 of us are with you - but I guess that there's more discussion currently going on here than there is on your discord, so you've got to be worried about that!!

Other takeaway is that TAW collective is going to be launched nationally and will ultimately go global - Ya girl has big, audacious goals

Hello beautiful ,

It doesn’t feel right to start the very first email of 2023 off without wishing you all the most love soaked Happy New Year, because I haven’t had a chance to say that to you yet.

So, from the bottom of my heart & soul . . . WELCOME to your fresh new year, 2023, a year officially ripe for the taking, here to dish you up whatever your heart desires, as long as you have the courage to call it in and pursue (allow) it.

For me, this year has the energy & choice of ‘infinite’. That was the word that landed for me when choosing how I want to feel all 2023 long. So every day, when choosing to pick things up or put them down, I ask the simple question like I do every year, and it’s;

“Will this make me feel more infinite or less”.

And so far, I’m back regularly ocean swimming completely solo (something I have never done), and already have some big (audacious) personal goals that felt REALLY good when I leaned into what infinite felt like for me. More on that to come as the months progress though and you’ll see it all play out of course in real time if you follow me over on Instagram!

I’m here however as you’re a beloved sacred part of my wider community, and I have SO MUCH to share when it comes to the direction I am taking The Awakened Woman, and of course Self-Love School this year that I know you will want to (and deserve to) know about.

Beforeeee I dive into that though, I want to have a chat about something that went down in my life this week that many if not most of you won’t have any clue about (which is wonderful!), but I want to speak to it to share lessons that I believe are powerful for all women.

In my last email I shared very openly and vulnerably how I was very deep in some of the most important healing work of my life. And that’s exactly what it was, and exactly what I’ve been “in”.

I knew it was time to address some things around relationships I never had, and wanted to become a 10 in that area for myself, as every other part of my life I couldn’t be more rock solid in, but I knew I was making bad choices there. My body, my mindset, my finances, my Self-Love - all completely & un-mistakingly rock solid. But when it came to relationships, I felt like I was running the same patterns and wanted to get to the bottom of it, so cue the deepest most transformative most life changing most necessary work of my life.

The coach & Psych I invested considerably in & I got to Work with a capital W. I had absolutely no idea that I had some core wounds unaddressed from childhood (don’t we all eh) and some deep inner child healing to address. Which I did. When I go all in I go all in. And I went all in.

That opened to my eyes to .. everything. And I was, from a loving & empowered place able to wrap up a big chapter of my life that needed to be wrapped up in my first relationship I had had outside of my marriage.

We had done that 3 months ago, but the last week ‘it’ (& he) unnecessarily took a big spiral for the worst. It very quickly on my end had to become a police (& then court) matter. Which I have been dealing with now for the last week. It’s all done, essentially, but I had to ride out one of the most intense & public storms of my life. If you were none the wiser, phenomenal, but if you saw what was going on however - you know a tiny snippet of it.

It was hard. And scary. And quite frankly a really fucking shitty situation to be in. And I could have hidden away on social media and cried like a victim in the background or .. I could show myself what 12 years OF ‘the work’ looks like, and show the fuck up like I always do.

And as you know if you have watched any stories the last week. I showed up.

The craziest thing about my own life, is that whilst I was battling something that actually became an incredibly serious police & then court matter, I was getting updates that my obsessed confused admirers were level 100 obsessed with everything that was transpiring & laughing & mocking about everything going down.

So to say I had a week that could have very well ended me mentally, is to put it mildly.

And yet. Here I sit on Thursday night writing this email, stronger, more resilient, more liberated, more happier than ever.

And there is a VERY big reason for that.

I prefaced it moments ago, but here’s the thing.

I can talk about ‘living by a code of Self-Love' and coach you on ‘living by a code of Self-Love’, but if you want to know if somebody IS the TRUE embodiment of what they ‘preach’, watch them in their hardest moments. Watch them when it’s not easy. Watch them when their back is against the wall or critics come or life or business or a launch or whatever (!!) isn’t going their way.

Who are they in THAT moment. Because that is their true character.

It was VERY real for me what I was going through. I’ve never seen my own closest inner circle more worried in general in my own life. Which is wild to think when I have gone through some pretty intense and public & wild shit the last 3 years especially.

But I didn’t just survive this last little week, I have truly thrived. I 10 x’d down on my daily rituals to keep my mind, body & soul right and weathered the storm knowing that I could either compromise .. OR I could grow my character from this and come out with an ever bigger upgrade of resilience & strength.

And what do you think I chose?

I had shared some lessons on my Instagram from it, but I am going to share them here again as if you can take anything from what I have just gone through (& I will share more as time goes on), it’s this..

  • Nobody ever (EVER) gets to make you hide or be scared. Only you can give them that power.
    The truth never needs defending. So never waste your time or breathe.
    When adversity comes knocking, you will be forced to choose character or compromise. Choose wisely.
    Your character is built in the tough moments, embrace it don't break from it.
    ALWAYS have your shoulders back & eyes high.
    When people go low, you get to choose to go high, because class, grace & integrity is free.
    You will ALWAYS come out of the tough moments changed. Better. Stronger. MORE (of everything ).

So. With that all being said, just know that I truly am only *JUST* getting started. And I mean that with my whole soul.

The fact I HAVE built what I have built and still achieved what I have achieved the last 2-3 years, which entirely includes Self-Love School & The Awakened Woman, whilst navigating my separation then divorce then a not so nice 18 months that turned into a nightmare at the end .. is one of the most proudest accomplishments of my life.

But to be fully free. To be FULLY liberated. To be 100% me now. Whole. Healed. Free. ME. To have laser focus, more hunger & determination than I have ever had, to be motivated on a level I’ve never tapped into before, well.. let’s just say when I say I’m just getting started I mean that with every cell in my body.

And I know, if you have been following me the last few weeks or months, you know and feel that too.

So where does that leave me and you and US for 2023? With INFINITE possibilities & growth lemmeee tellll you

Let’s start with Self-Love School, because she is ripe to open her doors again for the one and only intake for 2023 (next month!)

When I declared I was going all in on The Awakened Woman.. I went ALL in on The Awakened Woman, I put every other business aspect of my life on hold.

But Self-Love School will never be and could never be ‘retired’. She IS part of my souls mission and exactly as she is run, which is high touch and live coaching from me, with starting women at the same time and walking us all through it together, is exactly how she is meant to be delivered.

Her last launch, of which was her biggest, was February 2022. And so as we re entered February for 2023, and as the DM’s demand continues to grow TO open her doors again, I knew & know it is time.

I will be opening Self-Love School for a ‘new class’ as of Sunday February 12th. Her doors will close a week later on February 19th, and then we kick off Week 1 all together February 20th.

I am spending my days currently pouring NEW content into the course, and will in the coming weeks be re filming all of the videos again, so in essence, although the core of content is still there, every single week has fresh & new activities, the things I myself have been learning & implementing in my own life with my own coaches & mentors since I created the course in December 2020.

So she will be a fresh, evolved, upgraded, NEW version of Self-Love School, because I am a new fresh, evolved, upgraded (elevated) version of the woman I am today (vs when I filmed & created it 2 years ago).

The ethos remains the same. 8 Weeks, and 8 modules, with 8 weeks of additional live coaching from me weekly, but in those 8 weeks we cover:

Soulful Set-Up.
Thinking like you Love yourself.
Move like you Love yourself.
Eat like you Love yourself.
Speak like you Love yourself.
Earn like you Love yourself.
Self-Care like you Love yourself.
Integrate like you Love yourself.

I will also be making sure there is some live breath work and meditation included in the course as doing that work live with my own coach has been truly life changing.

Being on the email list, YOU are who I most communicate about it to, so rest assured, you won’t miss out if you do wish to begin. I send emails the week it’s open, and of course will remind you in emails pre launch of the dates again.

You also get $50 off simply by being on my email list as well. The link I send in here, is different to the link I share on my IG, so if you sign up from the email link you get that $50 discount as my way of saying thank you for being such an integral part of my community by allowing me to chat to you bi-monthly in email!

Don’t also forget if you have ever done Self-Love School, as a graduate you get 50% off the course for any and all future times you wish to re take it. You will get a seperate email again the week doors open with a code to put at check out which gives you that 50% off.

I am ready to make this intake the most transformational of its existence. Because I myself have been on my OWN greatest transformation of my life. When the mentor moves, the community moves, and it is going to truly be THE most life changing 8 weeks of whatever woman is feeling the call to do this intake for 2023.

Mark. My. Words.

I will remind you again before I open the doors again, but then be in contact all week long once doors ARE open, and in case you were wondering, you better BELIEVE the love wall will be back, and it’ll be in my new dreamy place by the beach so I can’t wait to have those hundreds of women on the love wall for the 8 weeks there!

Now let’s get stuck into the legacy piece, the BIGGEST vision & mission I have in my life, The Awakened Woman.

The Awakened Woman, TAW, is legacy for me. There isn’t a DAY that goes by that I’m not thinking about it, connecting with you as a community on it, in the Discord reading up on all the comments or actively working in the background on the future projects.

Right now the biggest part of the utility for it is already underway.

TAW Collective, which is the Brand being launched TAW holders pull 50% profits from, is being established and set up as I speak. I had been working on this for months prior to now, but here is an official update for you in email (the ladies who join me for Discord lives every Thursday have this info from me already).

I had the initial plan set as TAW Collective being launched & profits being pulled once the project is 100% sold out. But I believe, with NFTs and Web3 still being so new, and mass adoption continuing for years, many women not directly connected to me (so why would they trust me right), or outsiders looking in, don’t necessarily fully “get it”. Any of it.

Not NFT’s. Not Web3. Not even the TAW Hub dare I say (as if they don’t get NFTs & Web3 they won’t even fathom how that NFT logs you into the hub right).

But what people DO understand is real world tangible products. They understand money. And they understand money back in their pockets

I am also simply hungry. I LOVE to move. I love to be inspired & lit up and forging forwards, always. And so I was ready well ahead of schedule to kick this off simply because I LIKE to be on the go with my own projects & companies and it was never going to wait until Sell out This brand is ready to come through now!

So that’s where I am at. I have been working behind the scenes for months with another incredible woman Jess who is managing the manufacturing / sampling / liaising with 3rd parties to get all these created product wise whilst I have been doing up the designs (for everything), the branding and the business side.

The first samples of the 5 core active wear pieces dropping for Taw Collective will be in my hands SOON. Which is WILD to me. In a dream world, they’ll be perfect and not need one update. HA. But in reality there may be some changes & back and forthing we do with the samples until I say “it’s perfect, that’s it - let’s role out full production”.

But what you get to know, is it’s MASSIVELY underway, it’s already been happening for months and it’s INCREDIBLY exciting.

I also will be using a 3rd party marketing company as this isn’t ‘just’ TAW. This brand is one I plan on growing Australia wide (& then globally of course) and as big as it can get (then bigger). So discussions with different companies have been happening with me as 2023 kicked off to find the perfect fit.

Point is. There is A LOT happening behind the scenes, there always has been, and 2023 IS the year TAW sells out & we REALLY put ourselves on the map.

What you need to know from me as a Founder though, is never have I ever been more committed, driven, motivated, on fire & dedicated to this project, TAW Collective, and YOU as a community (if you are a part of the TAW community).

This is also the year the Hub begins to get monthly updates with coaches & guest experts delivering value & coaching above & BEYOND and we begin our LIVE Events.

Point is. There is SO much coming, there is SO much to look forward to and there is SO much happening behind the scenes to make this all a reality.

Ya girl has been busy, let’s just say that.

So there it is loves.

2023 in the BIG picture nutshell. There’s more still, like my podcast being back weekly, plans to begin writing my book (OOPH more on that to come), and the potential to finally, FINALLY start my own high level mastermind, but as always, whenever I AM ready to share more, it’s right here I come first to deliver those updates, so I promise you won’t miss a thing.

I’ll leave it there for now, I’m off to get some sleep before I dance my ASSSSS off at Juicy Fest - and I cannot fucking wait.

Go be wild my love. Go be brilliant. Go be bold. Go have FUN. Go and be the BEST version of you - because your becoming is there for the taking.

I love you,
Anna xo
Reactions: 10
Who the hell gets their hair and makeup done to go to a music festival where you’ll sweat it off in about 7 minutes???
Reactions: 8
Why is she so obsessed with Tattlers? We know it’s her checking, not anyone giving her updates
If I had a Tattle thread I would first of all check why on earth I had one and then secondly, if it was just jealous haters and I wasn’t being problematic then I would ignore it and definitely not ask friends to check it for me?

The difference is Scamma is just that - a scammer and a train wreck so it is entertaining to watch. Like a trashy TV show. I can picture her in twenty years being exactly the same except even crustier. Still shopping at Supre and still alone but of course, living her best life
Reactions: 9
Annnnnnndddd…there it is…the toxic positivity and victim blaming. I have a friend who had to go into a women’s refuge with her children to “hide” from her husband who threatened to kill her (and other family members) when she chose to leave him and she was scared because she knew there was a real risk of him harming her or someone else. The police knew she was at real risk if she did not flee. We are programmed to be afraid in the face of risk so we keep ourselves safe. So Scammie is either thick as two planks, reckless or she wasn’t at risk at the level she is claiming. Smart people protect themselves….that is not giVinG yOur pOwEr aWAy.

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I really struggle to understand how Anna went shopping for an outfit for juicy fest.. and she literally bought a plain black leotard thing? It looks like active wear? It does nothing for her, at all. I don’t understand how she is so clueless? Even her stock standard denim jeans and a supre boob tube would of looked better? She is going to be an orange cakey make up mess as soon as she gets there. She looks like she’s in drag make up. Cringing at the 2010 huge hoop earrings. But you know what they say? The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe 🫢


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Normal people going to a concert/festival -- "This should be a fun day out." The end

Anna Scamma going to a concert/festival ----

Settle down petal.
Reactions: 13
So this is ‘the year’ the monthly updates, coaching, experts start on the hub. Weren’t they supposed to start last year? We won’t hold our breath.

Also - you’re 36 (?) please don’t say ‘lit’
Reactions: 5
So this is ‘the year’ the monthly updates, coaching, experts start on the hub. Weren’t they supposed to start last year? We won’t hold our breath.

Also - you’re 36 (?) please don’t say ‘lit’
The experts were meant to start in September/October

scammie the rat
I truly can’t understand how anyone would look at her life and think she’s inspirational. What’s the bet her friends are sick of her already
Reactions: 6
imagine having to peel off and put back on that sweaty jumpsuit every time you’re in the porterloo

Also who the fuck has time to make posts like these at a festival?!


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To use a favourite quote of my dads, Scammie “can’t even lie straight in bed”.

As previously pointed out upthread, over the last two weeks, Annie’s continually said that she and Trent were over 3 months ago.

Yet, in her didcord, on 21st November she was referring to getting her and Trent’s little Perth home all ready for Christmas.

Now maths really is not my strong point. But even I can work out that Nov 21st to Jan 12th is only 6 weeks. And 3 months? Isnt that 12 weeks?? There seems to be 6 weeks missing from that time line??!!


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Anna “I got upgraded to VVIP”
Her friends husband “I hooked my friends up with VVIP”
Right? Hilarious. Those husbands are probably lovely but i don’t think they’re getting upgraded ‘for the talent’ also - posts four times abound the VVIP upgrade. Mate - you got free entry to an b-grade festival in Brisbane. You’re not backstage with Beyoncé.
Reactions: 14