Anna Rose Richards Wiki

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  • All information and quotes obtained from Anna Rose’s publicly available internet presence via web pages, podcasts and social media


    **Anna Rose Richards: The Phenomenal Entrepreneurial Titan of Popcorn Ceilings and Dubious Ventures!**


    Aka Anna Rose/Annie/Scammie/Scamdog/ARR

    Behold! 🌟 The unparalleled, the magnificent, the inimitable **Anna Rose Richards**, a self-proclaimed titan of industry and a master of none, but that's just details! She is the spectacular, awe-inspiring force behind not one, not two, not three, but FOUR (count them, FOUR!) industries, each shimmering with the elusive promise of million-dollar success. 🤑💫

    Residing in the epitome of retro chic, her domicile is a rented 80s apartment, complete with the luxurious charm of a popcorn ceiling that’s practically a historical artifact of outdated interior design. 🏠✨ Here, Anna weaves her web of MLM magic, conning—uh, I mean, *empowering*—unsuspecting folks with her daily mantra: "It's a beautiful day to have a beautiful day" (repeat until you believe it, or until your head spins). 🌞🌼

    Anna struts with an air of self-love so profound, you'd think she’s discovered the secret to perpetual motion! Yes, indeed, she moves like she loves herself because she moves like she loves herself. 💃💖

    But wait, there's more! Our fearless leader is also a proud anti-vaxxer, a staunch believer that COVID-19 was nothing more than an elaborate hoax, a conspiracy wrapped in a riddle, tied up with a bow of... well, *whatever*. 🦠❌

    So, ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for a journey through the life and times of Anna Rose Richards, where delusion meets ambition, and the only thing higher than her self-esteem is the ceiling she so dearly loves. 🎉✨

    Yes to Anna, normal everyday activities are PHENOMENAL! BIBLICAL! AHHHHMMAZING! I


    • Born : 27th March 1988 Anna Ogilvie (but has also been named Anna Vogelaar) in Victoria
    • Grew up with a Mum who stayed at home with 5 kids (3 brothers & 1 sister) up until they were all in school.
    • Birth father left early on, and had a step father who “choose not to work regularly” and regularly physically abused the mother and children. Birth father was not a presence in her life – met him briefly in the schoolyard at 6 and then reconnected later in life at age 18. He died of cancer in 2016, 10 years after reconnecting.
      • “I never grew up with money. In fact, I grew up living in my brothers hand me downs, second hand everything and sometimes, church groups or close family friends would have to drop food shops off for us so we could have all of our meals for that week”
      • "When I was 4, I went through an attempted abduction. The man got me in to his car from our front lawn but I got out & ran home."
      • "I almost seriously drowned when I was 6 but mum saved me just before it went from terrible to nightmarishly bad."
      • " I was born into trauma. Physical & sexual violence. But my earliest memories were taking hits or trying to save others around me. I never wanted to see my siblings hurt, so I would constantly put myself in the line of fire. For lots of the other abuse too. "
    • Moved to Perth with Mum, step dad and siblings aged 11/1999
    • Stepfather left at age 14/2002
    • 23 rd Feb 2010 Major Jaw Surgery
      • "On 23 rd Feb 2010 I had my major jaw reconstruction surgery (life changing surgery to fix my severe underbite"


    2001 – 2005 Willeton Senior High School
    (*Morgan also went here ; 1997 – 2001)

    Blog Post June 7, 2015 I chose the non conventional route – a straight A intelligent kid bucked the trend of exams and stress at 16 and 17 years of age and went with non T.E.E subjects instead. I did things that my heart told me to do – Tourism (I had a love of travel very young it would seem), Work Studies, Dancing (I have always loved to dance and be creative), Craft, Cooking, English – NO MATHS (yep, I dropped maths year 11 and 12 – STILL think it’s the best decision I ever made), and work placement – I wanted to get out in the big bad world and I wanted to do it young.​
    "I moved out when I was 18 years young however and then at age 19 decided to enrol myself in and support myself through a uni degree"​

    2008 – 2011 Murdoch University Bachelor of Commerce Human Resource Management
    “I hold a uni degree with a double major in Human Resource Management and Management, with a minor in Entrepreneurship at Murdoch University​


    Click here to visit Linkedin profile

    At age 11, I got my first job, delivering newspapers / junk mail to 80 houses around our neighbourhood for a few dollars a week, and thanks to that, I had saved my first $100 before I was 12.

    At age 13, I got my second job, working weekend nights (whilst friends got to party earlier than me) at Dominos saucing pizzas. I worked there for over 3 years and by 16 was working big part time hours (every other night and weekends) whilst juggling high school obviously full time.

    At age 17, I left Dominoes to help another pizza business launch in our area and worked long part time hours finishing year 12.

    At age 18, I got my first Full Time Job as a junior admin assistant in an Accounting firm.
    Personal Assistant to 2 Directors & Financial Planner​
    Acute Management Services Jul 2006 - Feb 2009 · 2 yrs 8 mos​

    At age 19, I started my degree in Commerce, and continued to work full time and study full time over the next 3 years (graduating being offered honours – thanks but no thanks) graduating with a Double Major in Human Resources, and Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship.

    At age 21, I got my job in Federal Politics and spent the next (almost) 4 years working my ass off having the time of my LIFE in our Perth based office & Parliament House in Canberra.

    Entitlements Manager , Dr Dennis Jensen MP Feb 2009 - Feb 2013 · 4 yrs 1 mo​
    Read more about Dennis Jensen and his views here (climate change sceptic, boycotted Parliament on the day that the formal apology to the Stolen Generations, he told Australian Indigenous people claiming to be affected by European colonisation over 200 years ago to "get over it., and is against same sex marriage. Anna describes him as an incredible man, her mentor, a man who taught her about politics , that no science is ever settled and to always question the narrative. He was anti lockdowns and compared lockdowns and legislation around covid to the insidiousness of apartheid. He was an early believer that Covid was only serious in the elderly and people with co moribidities, so only these people should be "protected" (aka locked down).​

    At age 22, I launched my first REAL business, Possibly Maybe – a dating website for 18 – 35 year olds. I wrote out a comprehensive business plan, got a bank loan and spent over $12,000 setting that biz up supporting myself through uni, and working full time.

    At age 23, I launched my first blog (lifesshinyprettythings - which is the re branded annaandmorgan dot com today).

    I left politics to go pursue a career in the private sector – thinking maybe THIS was the thing. I didn’t take a pay cut (at least one thing was for sure I was young but I absolutely knew my worth – LEARN that lesson alone from this post and you’ll have success) as a Business Development Manager (BDM) in a Mining Services Company.

    I spent a year in that role as BDM before I found some health products (ISAGENIX) my body desperately needed from the stress I was under – that happened to be attached to a profession I had heard nothing about – network marketing – that I fell madly, deeply and passionately in love with.

    At age 25, I started my Network Marketing Business. (2013)


    Morgan Richards (aka Morgs) 2007 - 2021

    2005: At 17 (he was 22) met Morgan briefly at a party, he passed his number to a friend, who passed it on to Anna. They texted, went on a few dates “Things got in the way though – travel, ex’s and age and we never became serious but always stayed in touch (whilst I held a secret flame for him the whole time)”. Spent the next two years being"his side chick".​

    April 25, 2007 : Aged 19 Officially involved with Morgan (23) “Then something changed. I was 19, he was 23, and we were ready to give ‘us’ a good go. I remember him rocking up to my door with a bunch of flowers asking me to officially be his girlfriend and inviting me to watch his cricket game. We were both completely smitten and it was the start of something amazing”​
    Dec 2012 : Engaged to Morgan (On a beautiful and calm December morning as “Morgan & I were floating low over the sand dunes in Dubai in a hot air balloon at sunrise, he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife….)”​
    Oct 2014: Got married in Bali​
    March 26th 2021: Separated after "having known with a lot of love and mutual respect for months and months" IG Nov 2022​
    "... because nothing 'happened' - we were just brave enough to make the call that we simply weren't each others person anymore. I think majority of couples simply aren't brave enough to have the same conversation & put bandaids over bullet holes. Instead we sat with love & respect & maturity with a bottle of wine on the couch & called time. It's as both complicated & simple as that. I respect him wildly & will always be one of the most incredible men I was privileged to know & love."​
    Despite the above, Anna has also said (generally with a glass of wine in hand on her IG stories) that she "has looked after men for the last ten years and she's fucking done with it" .​
    Anna has maintained that she and Morgan never fought, continued to be sexually active and that the breakup was a mature, mutual decision. However,​
    Facebook posts in 2020 alluded to cracks in the relationship “Even today. In paradise. Morgs and I were dealing with some 'stuff' that could have been scary.” 18th August 2020​
    In and amongst all of this (covid). Morgs & I also were having big chats knowing that we were coming to an end. I still never go too deep into that conversation out of respect for him & I still being friends (& because the haters obsess over this part of our lives) but it was a long time coming, & it was big & it was HARD. (Email Newsletter Nov 8th, 2022)​
    In an April 2022 email newsletter she appears to confirm that she left the relationship "It is such a huge reason why I had the courage to leave a 14 year relationship / marriage."​
    On a recent podcast (Crown Yourself: A Deep Dive into Healing, Self-Discovery, and the Power of Inner Work with Anna Rose, 19 Jun 2024) Anna Said "And we loved each other and we were best mates and it was great. Like we had a phenomenal marriage and traveled the world on, you know, but he didn't work. Like he just, I was in, I was the masculine. I was the provider, the protector"​
    "Morgz" immediately left the rental home that they were living in, in the Gold Coast and moved back to Perth. Anna has stated that they cut all contact immediately. He is currently working FIFO in Perth, walked Kokoda Trail, has bought his first property and appears to be living his best life.​
    She has also since revealed that after the break up, Morz got all their investments/share portfolio and she got all the isagenix contacts/future passive income.​
    Trent Woolley 2021 - 2022

    Soon after her split with Morgan, Anna began her relationship with Trent Woolley, aka Stripper Ken. A former electrician, Isagenix schill and PT, Trent is the current owner of Bad Boys Male Entertainment, billed on their web page as Australia's Hottest Professional Male Entertainment, for whom Trent performs as Ryder Steele. For the majority of their relationship, Trent did not acknowledge Annas presence in his life via his socials media channels. Anna constantly peppered her conversations when doing IG stories and lives with Trent's name- "I was saying to Trent"; "I just said to Trent"; "Trent and I" ......

    According to Anna, Trent had been slipping into her DM's for years " Once Morgs & I had made the call I did also however go into a 4 month ‘lockdown’ of my own sorts. I refused to ‘eat, drink or fuck’ my way through the pain and break up and just got on with the job of healing. Cue one Mr Trent who caught my attention the most (mostly from the dm’s he had sent over the years I had never replied to or even seen - wife things - that were SO kind & SO sweet). And after a few weeks of talking he was headed to the GC & (of course!!) I said ‘stay with me’. There is a whole story that goes from then on - but the point is, from the moment he landed, we have never really been out of each others lives, but this lands me here today." Email Newsletter Nov 8, 2022
    • Anna's ex-friend, Georgie Hubbard, debuted Trent and Anna relationship on her IG grid, dated Sept 2021, with a photo taken in Cairns.
    • In Trents January 2023 IG takedown, he implied that fidelity had not been Ann's strong point during her marriage to Morgan.
    • the exact timing of both the beginning and end of the relationship are unknown
    With Trent predominately living in Perth and Anna in the GC, they had a long distance on & off relationship for at least 15 months. In March 2022, Anna relocated to Perth, only to return in late June after a presumed break up with Trent.

    Trent was a major player in The Great Co-Founder Debacle of TAW (refer content list).

    Anna and Trent, with Trent's father visited Melb in Sept 2022 for the AFL Preliminary final; and for one of the few times ever, Trent featured Anna in an IG story.

    In January 2023, Trent went rogue on his IG threatening to give away 40 TAW NFT's and revealing private information about Anna. Anna alleged several days later, that after she had attempted to end their relationship in Oct 2022, Trent had committed an act of domestic violence against her. In January 2023, she sought obtained a temporary AVO against Trent, which was made permanent in .....

    She is currently unsure if she will press criminal charges against him.


    Ryan Petricevich 2023 -

    On April 14th 2023, Anna locked eyes with the "whole and healed masculine King" she had been seeking across the dance floor at the Burswood Casino. Cue the entry of "Short King" aka SK.

    Ryan is a 44 year old divorced, father of three FIFO worker. Sometime between 2018 and 2022, Ryan has his natural teeth replaced by too white veneers. This has earned him the additional nickname "Turkey Teeth". He is currently trying to raise his social media presence by posting inspirational and motivational stories of himself at the gym. Anna recently revealed that someone had DM'd her to tell her that "her partner has a baby dick". Ryan appears to be planning to follow Anna's lead in setting up a clothing and/or active wear line. Anna has expressed hr desire to have children with "her King".

    "We had met April 14th on the dancefloor at the casino, so when I took off for skydiving 7th May, we had been catching up & dating for 3 weeks, him, honest & open about being in a fun stage, me honest & open about not being in a serious dating stage. Him - doing it from a healthy masculine clear energy. Me - doing it from a 'recovering wounded feminine 'I'm scared to put my healing to the test in the container of a healed King' energy. But old habits die hard. And the week I had met him, we knew. We both say, we knew. We knew the other was different, we knew we had something big, we knew there was more to us regardless of what stage we were in. "

    Jaw Surgery- incomplete

    a mere 6 years ago I didn't believe I 'had a smile'.

    I have never shy'd away from talking about ANYTHING (ever - HA) and that includes talking about my major reconstructive jaw surgery I had back on 23rd February 2010, a day I still consider the best day of my life Why? Because I got the smile I always so deeply and badly desired.
    I had always battled with jaw issues. First I had a really bad over bite (my jaw didn't meet or shut properly at all) and then when my orthodontic work begun, I was counselled I would get a bad underbite before the jaw surgery happened, and an underbite indeed occurred (a big one). The dentists and orthodontists had always said I'd need corrective surgery as it caused constant jaw pain, headaches and I literally didn't have use of my front teeth - I had to use my back molars which were getting grinded down. But none of that ever mattered to me. The pain, pfft, I could handle that, I'd had it my whole life. The over bite and underbite wasn't necessarily the "thing" that caused me angst either, I was used to that and I covered that up with fake self confidence - it was 'a part of me' - it was the fact I didn't have a SMILE. Because of all my jaw / teeth issues, I never properly smiled. Ever. And that broke my heart, I really mean that.
    So, on 23rd February 2010, after mum sacrificing far too much for me (in which I'll forever be indebted to her) to pay for all of my surgeries and ortho work... I was wheeled in to the surgery room for an 8 hour corrective jaw surgery that would change my life forever.




    Isagenix Newest Millionaires!

    2021 Podcast : Link to podcast revealing the truth of Isagenix income - The Raw Truth Regarding Legacy Income | Morgan & Anna Richards | David T.S. Wood

    Quotes from podcast " When Anna left a six-figure job and threw herself into network marketing, she was arguably not ready. But she got to work. She was training women in a profession she didn’t know and learning alongside them. She learned that she needed to take the pressure off of her “title” and simply be present. It was about being in the trenches with everyone else and failing forward. It was about showing up no matter what.

    Building a legacy income isn’t linear

    Every business has natural peaks, valleys, and plateaus—network marketing is no different. Anna’s first year—working harder than she ever has—she made $400,000. Every year since then, they’ve done approximately $200,000 or so a year. Anna’s highest income was her first year. Why? Partially because of when she started in the year and how different events and promotions can amplify the income. But they’ve earned multiple six-figure incomes in network marketing for seven years. Dropping from $400,000 to $200,000 is a normal business cycle. It’s a process of learning and a challenge to overcome."


    On Jan 2, 2020 , during Australia’s catastrophic bush fires, Anna posted a video to her social media channels imploring people to write to their local MPs (and she provided a template for the letter) about their concern about the lack of movement with regards to legislation around Australia’s climate change policies.​
    The video had over 330k views and was reposted by Celeste Barber. 4 days later, she was interviewed by Mamamia.​
    She then implored all other media outlets to take up her letter (and interview her). None of them did.​
    She vowed to never quit the fight; and even did her bit for sustainability by buying a keep cup for her daily take away coffee.​
    After posting daily and relentlessly for two weeks, her posts dwindled until after six weeks, climate change, the fires and changing legislation gave way to posts about her daily fitness routines, isagenix team and from March 2020 …. COVID​
    And don't forget - she forwent her climate change concerns when she set up her NFYT project and taiught her communtuy how to use crypto currency, an environmental nightmare. .​
    " Although the 12,000 of you followed me for my voice in this Political movement, that I will never be giving up on (that I promise), & will be a BIG part of how I show up & educate & empower online, my life ‘before’ that post & letter was, & is, as a very passionate & successful Network Marketer. I have worked for myself & built my business for the last 7 years & thrived within it. " Link to Anna's FB post about never giving up on climate change
    Link to Anna's "viral" Climate Change Video

    In January 2020 is when it all really began. I pressed play on my IG watching Australia burn and us all blame politicians for inaction knowing I could educate what to do from a legislative perspective.

    That video went incredibly viral. And then my life, for 18 months, never stopped being ‘viral’.

    The bushfire video was purely because of my experience inside the walls of Parliament as a staffer for a Federal Member of Parliament for 4 years. And long before people like Celeste Barber shared it (only fuelling the variability), it was already being seen by millions around Australia. The fact I was able to help, felt good. I loved the letter I wrote to get Politicians to take action was being sent in the thousands to politicians offices & change was being implemented.

    The year takes a rapid turn, when the consequences of the Australian Federal Government inability to enact climate change legislation results in part in catastrophic fires. As Anna had spent “four years in Federal Politics” she uses the knowledge that she has gained from working in an MPs office to make a video explaining what people need to do effect legislative change, and provides a template of a letter to send to local MO’s. The video reaches over 330k views (aka goes viral) after being shared by Celeste Barber and Mamamia. Anna gains over 11,000 Instagram followers.


    The Anything Goes Podcast & other podcast appearances- incomplete

    During the 2020 Covid lockdown in Australia, Anna and Morgan presented a weekly "Good News Channel Live" on their facebook page. As a result of the positive response they received, on June 17th 2020, they launched their podcast "The Anything Goes Podcast ".

    Between its inception and their separation in March 2021, they presented 50 episodes of the weekly podcast. For the first 50 episodes (17th June 2020 - 27th April 2021) , it was predominately Anna and Morgan with the occasional special guest. After the separation, Anna very irregularly, posted podcast episodes.

    Anna uses the podcast to post unfiltered commentary on her life. Her podcast episodes download far more regularly when she has something to sell. It is on her podcast that she has discussed
    - her childhood sexual abuse


    Covid years -incomplete

    March 4, 2020 In her first ever post about covid, Anna makes it clear that she doesn't listen to or watch the news, because all it does is push fear and hysteria. All you need is a strong immune system, and take your isagenix products, and that will get you through.

    For the first few months of covid isolation however, Anna really did focus on sharing tips for getting through self isolation - she and Morgan did a good news FB live "presenting" good news stories from around the globe; she and Georgie Hubbard did a weekly podcast on surviving lock down; she was positive and upbeat. She was even mentioned in a yahoo finance article on Top 10 Speakers & Online Entrepreneurs Helping People Thrive During The COVID-19 Recession Yahoo Article Here

    Lockdown was apparently excellent for their isagenix business as they hit record week after record week.

    A post on May 14, 2020 starts to reveal that she has "deep questions" about the way that the pandemic is being handled by governments.

    In August 25, Anna releases a video explaining that she is against the Victorian Governments 12 month extension of the state of Emergency as, she believes, it takes away individual freedoms. Link to video At this early stage she is respectful towards politicians and is at pains to point our that she is not questioning the presence of or seriousness of covid - just the government measures in response to the pandemic. She does start, however, to give some insight into how she see's herself as the Voice of the people and describes herself as being "allergic to injustice".

    A Sept Podcast episode with her ex boss Dr Dennis Jensen (an ex liberal MP read about him here) who was anti lockdowns who compares lockdowns and legislation around covid to the insidiousness of apartheid. He was an early believer that Covid was only serious in the elderly and people with co moribidities, so only these people should be "protected" (aka locked down) made it clear that she was aligned with his beliefs around covid.
    Then cue February / March 2020
    Convid - sorry, I mean Covid (I can’t even write that word seriously as it’s such BS) hit, and it took me exactly THREE DAYS before I started to question the global narrative being pummelled to us.

    I remember the first week of the media basically saying lock yourselves inside, we’re all going to die, I turned to Morgs and said “youuuu watch, next they’re going to say they’ve miraculously created a vax to cure us all & the world will need to take it”. But truth be told I only half believed it because that truth was too far fetched to me (lol, if I only knew how bang on I was).

    But long before the BS VAX that never should have seen the light of day got pushed wrongly into all of our lives, that wasn’t what got my “dog in the fight”.

    It was a Sunday afternoon and I was in my beloved ‘Self-Love Sunday” soul reset taking a long soak in the bath. I hadn’t said a WORD about Convid so far. But I started to see reports (from other friends sharing it) of Dan Andrews locking down an entire tower block in Victoria with NO notice not allowing anyone in or out.

    Now. I grew up in a very low socioeconomic area in Geelong, (Whittington) in state housing. Which these towers felt like to me. And I can’t tell you what came over me. I remember going downstairs pacing to Morgs saying this is wrong, this is so so so wrong. Governments CANNOT do this.

    He said Leave it. I said over my dead body.

    And THAT day is what got me in the Convid fight.

    I quickly looked up the legislation of emergency powers, and say immediately the Government was acting illegally against their own legislation.

    From memory - they COULD lock you down, but they were required to give an hours notice, and it had to be in writing. I remember sharing this legislation on my stories, saying anyone / SOMEONE in Vic go to the towers and let the people know being wrongly locked in, that they have EVERY legal right to walk on out - walk past the police, they cannot do anything and I screenshot the legislation of which police were acting illegally against.

    And then - I never stopped. The fact a Government created legislation that was already such a GROSS over step of power, but then acted AGAINST it - blatantly - made my blood. fucking. BOIL. And I felt a moral obligation to keep atop the rest of the shit show that ensued.

    I think that is important & powerful for you to know. THAT is what got me in the fight. It wasn’t the virus. It was the legislation. And that is what kept me in the fight for 18 long months.

    I digress a little, except, I don’t. Because if you’re on this list, you’re a follower and know just what ensued over those 18 months.

    DAILY commitment to showing up to share the BS of what I was witnessing the Government & ‘powers that be’ push onto the population with their BS rhetoric. I used their OWN legislation / vax insert info & Govt websites against them. I simply took what was already out there, read it, and shared it. Referenced.

    What ensued from being that voice for the people though was hard. And truth be told - traumatic. Other than the daily abuse & dumb hate I got, there was also death threats, bikie threats (which was alarming when haters were doxing my address), rape threats (because you know, apparently offering the other side you deserve rape as a woman) and relentless attacks from the media (as many of you saw & know).

    But it was Trauma.


    Media Appearances - incomplete



    HATERZ/Confused admirers- incomplete

    Nov 8, 2022 Email I really feel called to add this p.s And god I wish I didn’t have to. But just know, when I share my deepest truths and send emails like this EVERY TIME, my (crazy stalker) haters take my words, share them on their hate forums and pick them apart for days. I have better professionals than I on the case (lawyers) who advise if safety is ever an issue (doxing of addresses or them excited to join my lives) but otherwise I never know what goes down. But am advised. So please just receive these words with EXTRA love tonight. Because knowing those angry, bitter, spiteful, hateful women are going to gleefully read these words tonight, screenshot them and share them on forums whilst picking them apart - is also a level of trauma right? But I decided you & I having this chat is greater than any hate or criticism I could ever feel from sharing my truth. And THAT is part of my healing too, feeling the feelings & knowing it’s safe to not just feel them - but name them. And being so relentlessly pursued by psycho haters is hard - but worth it when I know the impact I get to make in the world by just sharing my scars with you all.


    Self Love School- incomplete

    In August 202, Anna starts talking about offering coaching as she constantly has thousands of women requesting one on one coahing for her. Posts throughout August start leading towards the development of what is to become self love svhool, and the initial origin story begins as " So one miserable, broken & anxious ridden morning, I woke up 10 mins earlier - & went for a very short walk. And quite literally immediately felt better for it. " FB link to Move like you love yourself Origin Story here

    In September 2020, she runs a 30 days Goddess Gang Self Love Club Social Media SELF-LOVE challenge which she had run the previous year, and appears to be the launching pad for Self Love School.

    Launched Dec 2020, three intakes per year.



    Radiance Day Dance Clubs- incomplete


    Seasons - triathlon/sky diving- incomplete


    In May 2021, Anna announced that she was going to start a female only triathlon club on the Gold Coast called Wonder Women, which she planned on making a national club. It appears that it lasted approximately 4 months before, according to Tattle sources " The triathlon club was a bunch of drama wasnt it? Someone said they kicked her from her own club. From my understanding it was started with friends and ended up growing to a big club of women. She was being quite controlling and people got sick of it and voted her out of leadership. It was a total coup ".​

    The Awakened Woman NFT- incomplete

    So Utility #1 when you buy an Awakened Woman is access to the "Awakened Woman Society" which you'll gain immediate access to. The Awakened Woman Society is an online program & 'hub' based all around YOU as an Awakened Woman (or, a woman ready to awaken

    In the Society aka hub aka private log-in you can only get access to by owning an NFT from my collection, it will be the 'next level' of coaching from me. I am currently creating an entire new course - all around 'her' (YOU).

    On top of the coaching and program you get access to (that priced away from an NFT would be thousands), I'll also be adding to the hub monthly with exclusive experts offering mentorship & coaching, interviews, and evolved offerings - for free - as we grow and go. Look at it like an ongoing and 'live' Mentorship Coaching program that evolves month after month.
    But then there was *THIS* idea that I had, the idea that hasn't been done in the NFT world - yet.

    Utility & Vision #2 is, once the collection is at 100% sold out, which may be immediate, it may take weeks, it may take months - but it will happen, I am launching the Merchandise brand alongside 'The Awakened Woman'. This is a seperate company, and will be committed to doing high quality limited edition 'drops' of merchandise (think seasonal pj's and flattering gym wear) that anyone and everyone can purchase.

    Only (HUGE) difference is - the NFT holders of 'The Awakened Woman' receive 50% of the profits of that company split between them. And it's easy and transparent to do because of the Web3 technology on the blockchain.

    Understand this as well, as an industry standard right now generally speaking, the amount of 'holders' per project is usually 50% of the total collection. So for a project of 10,000 NFT's, there are approx 5,000 holders. For a collection of 5,000 NFT's there would be approx 2,500 holders. Why? Because most investors into projects buy 2. To hold one, and to keep one to sell as the value of the NFT rises (they hope).
    When it comes to NFT's, you make money by the value of your NFT rising which you can then sell and earn the profit. For the value of the NFT to rise however it needs to be valuable in the market, aka it needs to be something others want.

    So firstly, it is important a collection sells out, because once it's sold out, that's it. For anyone else to ever own 'that' NFT they can and must only buy it off the NFT holder aka you.

    But Secondly, the value of that NFT is so very attached to the utility these days. That's why you will see a lot of NFT's not hold their value or simply 'fail'. Just like anything in any industry.

    And it's why I believe (know) the idea to attach additional income earning potential to the NFT for you as an NFT holder with the profit sharing of a merchandise company is quite simply .. genius
    Apart from those 2 hugely valuable and incredibly generous Utilities - I have SO many more plans for the NFT holders community for the Awakened Woman as well. Think luxurious retreats, VIP parties around Australia, yearly incredible events .. but .. they will come. My 2 biggest focuses are all around YOU earning like you Love yourself first. And to do that, I need to get profits in your pocket, and to do that, I need to not only sell this project out (which.. I will

    .. WE will

    ) but then in quick succession get the Merchandise company off the ground (I am already in the works of sourcing who and what I need to GO when the time comes).

    14th Jan announces that she is "all in" on her, at that moment, yet to be named NFT project

    Jan 23 2024 email TAW NFT is getting some exciting global & big player attention from important people invested in it's concept & success for the industry at large (more on that to come!)

    Her misgivings are the same as mine and it’s definitely a conflict of interest for Anna to literally step these newbie ‘investors’ through how to purchase her own nft but not outline the risks and inherent problems with nfts.

    Discord - This is where NFT collections / Projects grow their communities, and until there is a well known other space & app that does it, this is where we will of course be doing it. (email newsletter 11th Ju;ly 2022)

    [h2}The Great Co-Founder Debacle[/h2]

    From inception, Anna always said that The Awakened Woman NFT project, was a female founded and female led project with an all female team.

    In August 2022, eagle eyed Tattlers spotted that Trent Woolleys (Anna's on/off boyfriend) had changed the bio in his IG profile to "Co founder,@The Awakened Woman” and that Anna had also changed her IG bio from Founder to co founder.

    Several days later, TAW community members began asking what was going on.


    TAW Hub


    Mutiny in the discord- incomplete


    Promises, promises- incomplete

    Walked through fires-incomplete

    4 Feb 2022 - after frenemy breakup with Georgie and Kyle Hubbard

    Launch fuck ups- not started

    TAW Collective- not started

    27th JUly 2022 - has first call regarding TAW merchandising company. This is before the NFT project has even minted


    National Spokeswoman for DV

    Start up mode with the companies and ultimately survival mode as I not only faced & healed my wounds (the greatest and deepest work of my life), but fought for my own safety successfully getting the DVO against my violent ex (Trent).
    Just as an aside to this part of my story & update, as promised, I will be doing a podcast episode on my story of that whole chapter for a multitude of reasons, but namely, because I want other women to never carry shame around their own stories if they have found themselves unfortunately in a narcissistic (& in my case violent) relationship.

    BUT, and it is a very big and important but, I can't do that (my own decision) until I find some experts in domestic violence who can offer advice to women currently still in it, to ensure if they hear my story & are ready to leave or make changes themselves, they are able to do so as SAFELY as possible.

    My story is horrific, and I got myself out, in a way most women can't, because of my own financial situation. But ALL women can - and I want to find the strong professional voice who can co host that episode with me to unpack DV and narcissistic relationships so we can have a VERY important conversation for women still healing or still in it.

    I also want to add whilst I have taken this short (but deeply important) detour, that although my story ended in violence, I can categorically say, the emotional abuse hurt me far more and that emotional abuse IS violence. So please, never think your story isn't 'as bad' as another's because your's doesn't involve physical violence. MOST women who have suffered both will say it's the emotional abuse that hurts the most.

    The Inner Circle-not started

    Timeline- under construction



    moves to Perth with mum, siblings and step father

    Stepfather leaves

    Meets Morgan at a party. Is his “side chick”/ weekends only for two years

    July starts work at Acute Management Firm (accounting firm)

    Working at acute
    April Anna and Morgan officially become a couple

    Working at acute

    Feb - leaves accounting from to work for Denis Jensen MP as Entitlements Manager

    Works for Dennis Jensen
    February - major jaw surgery
    Launched Possibly Maybe - dating website

    Works for Dennis Jensen
    Launches online blog “lifesshinyprettythings”

    Works for Dennis Jensen
    Dec Engaged to Morgan

    Feb leaves job with Dennis Jensen to works as A Business Development Manager for an undisclosed mining firm.
    Discovers Isagenix through Peta Kelly. Starts Network Marketing business.

    Oct marries Morgan in Bali




    Anna begins the year living in the GC, focusing on her Isagenix business and married to Morgan.
    Jan: Anna's "viral" climate change video released on SM
    March : Registers to enter first triathlon
    Australia goes into nationwide lockdown following first cases of infection with the novel corona virus spreading internationally.
    June: " The Anything Goes Podcast” is launched
    December: Anna launches her 8 week "Self Love School"

    March - separates from Morgan
    May - launches Wonder Women Triathlon Club and is ousted after just 5 months
    Begins relationship with Trent Woolley aka Stripper Ken

    Jan : Announces development of NFT project with besties Georgie and Kyle Hubbard
    Feb : Friendship break up with the Hubbards (but more specifically, Georgie)
    March: Moves to Perth to be with Trent
    July: moves back to GC; appears to have broken up with Trent
    August: The Awakened Woman NFT project begins minting
    October: Alleged DV occurs (revealed in Jan 2023)

    Jan: Trent goes rogue on IG
    Anna takes out a temporary restraining order on Trent and alleges that her peretrated DV against her in Oct 2022
    April 14th - meets her King, Ryan, on the dancefloor at Burswood Casino

    TATTLE RECAPS-work in progress

    February 2022 : Hello Tattle

    Feb 10, 2022 saw the emergence of Anna's first tattle thread. The thread began after she’d been deplatformed for sharing false information about a teenagers death following a covid vaccination. She was seeing Trent and was about to move to Perth to be with him. Had caught covid a month or so prior (from the Hubbards – a group chat leaked to The Daily Mail suggested that she had purposely tried to catch it) so had a 4 month exemption so that she could enter WA without a vaccination (but would still need to isolate for ten days – oh, remember those days!!!)​
    Clementine Ford, Lauren Lately, Sarah Bartolo, Gantico and Clazagain had featured Anna in IG stories because, along with her sharing vaccine and covid misinformation she’d tried to get people to “ban” businesses who were following the Government vaccine mandates. Clementine Ford hilariously referred to her as a "smoothie salesperson" which really got up Annas goat. She's a successful entrepreneur, don't you know??!!! Six months prior to Annas tattle appearance, Sarah Bartolo’s petition to get Anna, Taylor Winterstein and Leila Stead banned from Instagram for spreading vaccine and covid misinformation had gone viral.​
    Anna had just announced that the NFT she had dreamed up with Georgie and Kyle Hubbard was her solo project and only to listen to her for content. A frenemy break up between her, Georgie and Kyle that she later referred to as “having her NFT idea stolen”​
    She was just going into her 5th (?) SLS course.​
    She was absolutely convinced that she was “helping the nation” with her covid exemption information​
    This was when she first started mentioning legal action towards her “haters” – at this point it was known social media influencers who had made stories countering her vaccination and covid misinformation.​
    She made the huge solo drive back to WA from “her soul home” the GC while also mentioning that she and Trent were going into business together. WA is "absolutely where she knows she needs to be to launch her NFT" (SPOILER : she moves back to the GC three months later; proclaims it her sol home and where she absolutely knows that she needs to be to launch her NFT project)​
    On arrival in Perth She had a 7 day isolation period at home. The police came to check on her and knocked on the door; she didn’t hear them because she was napping in the backyard. The police allegedly then blocked her driveway for 2hrs while she napped because they wanted to “catch” her. Trent came home, he woke her up and the police saw she was there and went on their merry way. She went on a rant how while they was wasting their time waiting for her, the nastiest people in all of Perth were out raping and pillaging to their hearts content and that's somehow McGowan's fault?​
    She also had a big love fest for Trent about how he's the only man she's ever loved and how he protects her like no one ever has before.​
    She begins to talk about the divine masculine and divine feminine and reveals the levels of delusions of grandeur she has, when she claims that a shop assistant in Perth recognises her "as that girl of Instagram" ( with her 16,000 followers who predominately live in the GC).​
    She and Trent move in to their "luxurious" third floor flat with some astroturf on a balcony with a partial ocean view.​

    March 2022 - Anna moves to WA for an absent partner

    If something could be said about Stripper Ken, aka Trent, its that he consistently avoids posting about, or acknowledging his relationship with Anna on his social media.​
    Anna tells a group of young shop assistants, while getting a new pair of sunglasses, at Cotton ON that the secret to keeping youthful is to be well fucked.​
    Spends many an Instagram story talking about how hard she works; how she worked during her and Morgz honeymoon.​
    Rants against filters while simultaneously talking up her very average life as super successful and abundant - and doesn't see the irony.​
    Spent her 34th birthday without Trent ... later implied that something big had happened, but never revealed what.​
    Goes to her nieces school - and complains about the number of obese children that she sees there and how its somehow because of mask mandates and vaccines (please make it make sense!). From her April 2022 newsletter she says​
    " I woke up on my 34th birthday and felt different. It felt like overnight, everything had changed. Anything and everything in my own life got analysed and what wasn't aligned fell immediately away unapologetically and statements as bold as "this simply just isn't it" were the only words I felt I needed to say to explain myself on other big decisions.​

    In that same post you'll know (if you read it), I explained how I had been sitting in the decision of going all in on the NFT project for months, and part of my knowing was that I absolutely had to pull the trigger on this - and have. Since then, I have barely been to bed before 11pm / Midnight and awake still around 6pm pulled completely by the vision of it.​
    Georgie Hubbard reveals that she is working on an NFT project called the sisterhood club.​


    April 2022 - High school breakups; doing the NFT work

    Manic Kitchen Dance energy makes its appearance​
    Around 15 - 20th April strong breakup/trouble in Paradise vibes : Anna stops dropping Trents name into every conversation and Trent starts advertising the Cottesloe flat and looking for a rental in GC. He also drops Annas name from his bio, only to reinstate it 24 hrs later (* her April 26th email newsletter appears to imply that Trent is not "the one"​
    " It is still the reason I have the courage to open my heart for as long as it takes to find the right 'one'. "​
    She has decided to go "all in" on the NFT project (she first said that she was going "all in" on the NFT project on Jan 14) - hiring developers, staff, and an "all female team". Finds " Rosemary. A genius Female Web3 Dev with sass and brilliant skill better than most men in the space, who believed in my project from our first message and didn't believe charging what many were (which IS a lottttt of money because they're so rare), she is charging what's fair. "​
    April 26th " So after months thinking & searching and figuring this all out, VERY quickly deciding to go all in lot's occurred:​
    • Name locked in - and biz name registered, domain names secured & IG handle created.
    • Dream artist found.
    • Perfect Web3 Developer found.
    • Branding Genius secured.
    • Videographer / Editor for new course filming.
    • VA / PA Unicorn locked in.
    • Normal Web Developer hired.
    Teases that she has decided on a name for the NFT project​
    " On top of the dream team being secured, the name for the project, a HUGEEEE important decision also landed on me. Big time. I didn't search for it, I didn't brainstorm or write lots of options down, I just knew that I knewwww it would 'drop in' - eventually. And on April 22nd, as I dove into the ocean as I do daily, it officially dropped in - big time. I knew immediately it was it there wasn't one cell in my body that didn't resonate with the words. (I'll share it and more about all of this as the days and weeks kick on)!​
    Continues to be (in her own mind) the Australian spoke woman against lockdowns, mandates and vaccination. As vaccination levels increase, and covid infection and death rates fall, mandates and lockdowns begin to be loosened - according to Anna, however, this is because no one is getting boosters and employers don't have anyone to hire to fill their roles, despite, at the time of her posting 86% of West Australians had had their boosters.​

    On April 26th she says that she is planning on moving back to the GC " organising a move back to the GC as always planned for May or June (more likely June) " and also planning a trip to Bali.​
    Shares copies of contracts with her artist and web developers showing her artists personal contact details​

    May 2022 - Beach walks with Zeuss; ocean swims, boss babing an NFT project

    • May 9th Newsletter highlights " The name for this NFT has been divinely chosen (next weeks' email will have ALL the updates about it), the art is STUNNINGLY coming along, the team I need to bring the entire utility (real world value) is hired and in line with said vision and it's ALL a big go go.
    • Posts about how hard she has always worked - even on holidays- with various photos of her sitting around a pool on her laptop. As if she thinks that its a good thing that she is constantly working and never able to switch off??
    • Misrepresents the "pfizer papers" as studies showing that the covid vaccination produced by pfizer was ineffective - the studies actually showed quite the opposite and she showed how bad she is at analysing data.
    • May 19th - she and Trent delete one another from their IG bio's,despite the day before them doing a photo shoot - together - for his uncles mortgage broking firm
    • Anna posts from a friends home that she is moving back to the GC. It appears that her and Trent have broken up and that she is staying at a friends home. Bali trip appears to be off as is never mentioned again.
    • Australian Federal election is on sat 21st May 2022 - Because Anna "worked in politics" she says that she will definitely do a live discussing it " based on all the questions I have coming through, I definitely need to do a live ". She doesn't.
    • Despite the obvious break up - and posting from a friends home - Anna continues showing up with toxic positivity about how wonderful and joyful her life is. ( tattle analysis : its a common MLM technique to fake it to you make it, to use others stories of success as your own to show how good your MLM is, to act like your living a life of luxury and have financial freedom (often at the expense of financial safety and stability). This sort of behaviour seems consistent with typical MLM nonsense)
    • Trent posts stories tha seem to be directly aimed at Anna (who from Jan 2023 consistently and repeatedly refers to him as a narcissist)
    • May 27th : Anna posts her certificate of registration of a company for the new NFT project - she blanks out the name, wanting to tease for longer, but doesn't realise that "the Awakened Woman" PTY LTD can be clearly seen.
    • Alludes to a breakup in her stories - Talking about how when she last had a break up 13 months ago she hid away but this time she’s really ‘grounding into it’. Anna’s advice for sadness…just pretend you’re not, of if you are….be graaaateful, it’s lessons in life guuuuuys

    • Announces that she is releasing three Self Love School Modules as stand alone modules to purchase. Think like you love yourself; Earn like you love yourself & Speak like you love yourself.
    • Had planned to leave WA on June 5th but car issues have delayed the move back to the GC
    • Anna discovers her tattle thread through a friend and is triggered
    • NFT project name announced in June email newsletter - As tattle already discovered her NFT biz is called The Awakened Woman. It launches 8th August - 5555 NFT's available for $555 each, capped to a maximum of 10 per person, and can only be paid by crypto (specifically ethereum). They'll sell out - in days, weeks or months - but they'll sell out. There'll be a discord for you all to come and chat and learn about the biz. The utility attached to your NFT is ARR's new coaching program and being mentored by her. Plus, when it all sells out (because they will sell out) she'll be setting up a merchandising arm (PJ's, gym wear based on the art), that NFT holders will get a share of the sales/profits?? (not clear). Plus you'll have access to luxurious retreats, VIP meet ups etc etc.
    • Anna is at pains to point out that her NFT project is not only female led, but an all female team.
    • IG for TAW NFT launches
    • Leaves Perth to drve back to the GC


    July 2022
    • Arrives back in GC
    • Anna announces the launch of The Awakened Woman (TAW) NFT twitter page while simultaneously saying that she does not need twitter to sell out her NFT project
    • Announces names of all female team
    • Attends an NFT conference on the GC which, according to Anna was an awesome success; amazing party with really cool people and incredible conversations. Photos of the night, and reviews by other attendees, was that it was a flop. BUT Anna did meet Katelyn, co founder of Arcadians.
    • Launches TAW discord.
    • TAW artwork sneak peak released
    • proclaims that as a middle aged, childess, minimally employed, single woman, she is always asked "how she does it all?"
    • films TAW hub Foundational Course in a house that she has rented for the day to demonstrate the opulence, luxury and infiniteness of the NFT collection
    • Anna reported to ASIC for giving financial advice
    • content for July is a lot of lives around "education" on minting NFT's in preparation for the launch of TAW NFT on 8/8
    • Six months into developing the TAW NFT project, and less than two weeks before launch, Anna contacts business lawyers and crypto accountants to ensure everything about her NFT project is air tight.
    • Anna coins the term "Confused admirers" in yet another story abpout her haters (despite her saying repeatedly hat she never talks about it). I don’t read tattle; I have people read it and monitor for me (paraphrasing) because there’s stalking stuff going on, and people read it for my protection. But I don’t read it - they think I do, but I don’t”
    • July 27 2022 - has first call/zoom meeting for TAW merchandise
    • July 30 - Anna announces that she’ll be hiring someone from her community to answer crypto, minting and NFT related questions on the discord. This never happens, but (suspected sock puppet account) Snezana makes her debut answering questions in the discord shortly after (NEED TO ADD DISCORD SCEENSHOT)
    • Dirty deleting of questions in the discord that Anna does not want to answer begins. Anna claims that no questions have been deleted, only comments from women “hating on her and being bullies”. Unfortunately for Anna, tattlers kept all the screenshots and show multiple questions* being asked that are both left unanswered and deleted (* questions included: qualifications of those in the discord offering advice; how the merch companies profits will be paid;

    August - Lion Portals Minting Launch


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