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So just say 100 people sign up. I assume she is looking for big numbers to make some money. (So 100 is only just over $1k a week before tax but anyway) . So 100 people on a call - I’d hardly call that ‘coaching’? Coaching is one on one or small group surely? So it’s just going to be her rambling and providing more insight into her sexy times with Ryan? 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Sounds like that’s pretty much it, more verbal masturbations about what a blessing to the world she is. Unless she’s going to quit the incessant daily posts in homage to her own greatness and the podcasts, both of which she puts out for free, I can’t see anyone consuming all of that and then also paying her monthly for more of the same and for the self love school. But who knows, she’s seems to be a magnet for every dopey bitch in the universe.
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The reality is this was thinly veiled crowdfunding because Anna didn’t have the capital or didn’t want to use her own money to start up her crappy, Ali Baba awkward wear brand. She got what she wanted and no matter how angry these women get she loses nothing financially now. In fact if they throw in the towel she doesn’t have to share any “profits” (which I doubt there will be any anyway). These women are yesterday’s news. She talks a big game to get what she wants then drops them like a hot potato and moves onto her Inner circle…love bombs them so they keep paying.
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Why didn’t he wear a bandana around his head? That was 2Pac’s signature look.
With the baseball cap he just looks like, you know…himself.
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They have every right to be pissed. I would be enraged if I gave that bitch my money only for her to lie and renege on her commitments. I’m glad to see that she pointed out that the discord is quiet because everyone is cowed because of Anna and her flying monkeys relentlessly gaslighting, silencing and abusing them any time the ask for accountability.
Yes! I’m so pleased to see Pistachio and others speak up with valid questions. Finally these grifters are being called out for their broken promises and manipulative tactics.

I ‘invested’ in an embarrassing amount of coaching courses years ago and I cringe at some of the money I spent but I’m so thankful I saw through it eventually.

When will she announce the profits for TAW? EOFY? She will be scrambling now and possibly will feel the need to gain trust and pay something out. She does have a luxury yacht in Croatia to pay for though 🤔

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Tattlers are so clever! Anna just so happened to find that Danni's NFTs have sold....even though she bought them. Ladies of TAW you have all the evidence you need of Anna's level of truth telling.

Well done Danni. That will be deleted as now she is no longer a TAW holder so Anna can legitimately delete it according to her own rules.

It's unfortunate that no-one new can join Tattle. The tea would be piping hot.

Love your work @KrittyKat

Danni is 10000% on the money - you can follow the trail on etherscan - the account that bought both of Danni's NFTs - are two of Anna's crypto holding accounts, that she also holds both crypto and approx 57 NFT's in - she moves crypto from TAW sales, into this account, before then transferring, and converting it into "real" fiat currency - through crypto banks - into her Australian bank accounts.

I've also attached the last 3 months worth of new TAW NFT sales(Mints) - the one in yellow? Yeah - they're ones that Anna has minted to make it look like the project is still selling. These are separate to sales transfers - Like Danni's; where someone who has already minted NFTs, perhaps months ago, decides that they want out, so they sell. Or decided that their NFT image didn't "speak" t them, so they've swapped it with another TAWkward woman.

Receipts attached

From memory, its only people that hold a TAW at the time of the profit share - so they could have bought theirs the day before, and they get the same amount as someone who has had theirs since the get go.
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I just want to know if it’s a ‘global company’ because the polyester clothes are shipped from China?
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I said in this thread awhile back I quit a toxic job. Well I just started a new one and now I’m sitting here on tattle all day imma get fired. How do I explain I’m on scam watch? 😂😂😂😂
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For anyone in the slightest bit interested (based on recent sales, no one else is!!), TAW NFT has “sold out” 38% of available JPEGs (2147 of the 5555 available for minting).

There’s been minimal activity in months, and it’s mainly Anna transferring NFTs between her various accounts, or buying NFTs under one of her many wallets to make it look like sales are still happening.

(cue a sudden flurry of sales when reading this post reminds Anna about her global NFT empire).
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Morgans ex wife

Well-known member
I'm going to try and lay out the digital path that Anna has left that means she cannot claim that she didn't buy Dannis NFTs (and a reminder to Annie that if I - as a person with only a PC and the internet as a resource - can follow your trail, imagine what the ATO can do with all their resources!!).

1. We start with the TAW account on etherscan. In the internal transactions, you can see that 627 days ago (approx 26th Sept 2022) 354 eth was transferred out of the TAW wallet into wallet 0xAd2a71C0dA7C07df25AF2b62E2915b671c750535 - we'll call it 535 for short

2. 535 then makes three transactions - 220eth into wallet 983 (Trents wallet). From Trents wallet, 43 eth is transferred back to 535 and then 177eth is then transferred into EF3.

So what happened here? Trent and Anna agreed to share the earnings from the NFT sales to date, Sept '22 (354eth); so Anna trasnferred 354eth from the TAW wallet to a holding wallet. She then incorrectly transferred 220eth into Trents wallet (because her math is so bad and she couldnt divide 354 by 2); Trent sent back 43, and then she transferred 177 into her own account EF3 - long story short - they both got 177eth from the TAW wallet.

3 & 4. EF3 is the account that bought Danni's NFT today

5 & 6. ED07, that brought Danni,s NFT a month ago, is an account that Anna has set up to buy TAW NFT's .... the only transactions on that account, are crypto transferred from a crypto bank with the sole purpose of purchasing TAW NFT - they are the only NFT that the wallet holds, and it has 46 of them.
I can honestly say I love you 😍
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Short Kings thenominal project launch is ASMR recordings of him chewing gum. All recoded in the incredible lounge room recording studio. The popcorn ceilings are really good for acoustics.
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Chatty Member
The reality is this was thinly veiled crowdfunding because Anna didn’t have the capital or didn’t want to use her own money to start up her crappy, Ali Baba awkward wear brand.
AND she met Ryan. Let's not downplay how much of an impact simply being a 'pick me' has had...
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Absolutely she might have hung around longer for the ego stroking from her hub members if she hadn’t met Temu Tupac. For such an iNdEpEndEnT biZnEsS bAbe she certainly drops everything for a man. Her WoMen LEd OnLy bizness took on a MALE co-founder when she was so desperate to be loved. Major red flag 🚩 so early on. In the 2 years it has been running TWO different men have infiltrated it and impacted significantly on it.
Temu Tupac 😂😂😂

I am wheezing and deceased.
Yes and both 😂
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Oh look, she very conveniently has a new traumatic emergency to deal with …
yes… cue: ‘I’m very sorry I didn’t get your hub update in the time frame I promised, but I had a personal extremely traumatising situation I had to step into, to apply honey to my nervous system and sit with the alchemy of my rage before I could emerge stronger, as I always do. I’m very sorry if you don’t agree with that, but I’m afraid that is not my issue.’
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