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Oh for the love of God Scammie, keep the cryptic bullshit off your Social Media. Those posts about 'her dad' were 100000% directed at Short Kings Kids and Baby Mama. Get your toys back in the cot you stupid, jobless fuck and get on with it.
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No, apparently even though she's the most healed and together person because she said she is, something happened on NYE that triggered her and she had a meltdown.

It's OK though, because she had a cry and now she's perfect again.

Anna, I know you read here. Instead of following a bum expert, go and have some actual certified therapy. It's hard, but it's worth it.
She did! Remember?! She saw a psychologist who told her she was the most amazing person she had ever met! The psych was truly in awe of her 🤣🤣🤣 She was the bestest and the most amazing client EVER!
She didn’t go dark for a week because she was in a holiday love bubble. That’s not even remotely what Anna would do, she’d shove it everydobody’s face.
She didn’t melt down on New Year’s Eve because she was facing “unprocessed emotions” from the last 2 years, forcing SK and the bestie and her husband and kids to give up their festivities to come sit in audience with the queen and placate her. Something must have happened on Christmas day and she’s been spiraling out from narcissistic injury, as I suspected, right down to the fabricated drama to cover it up and feed her bruised ego.
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Chatty Member
He is honestly as dumb as dog shit. I can onot hope people realise he doesn’t have the mental bandwidth for anyone to seriously pay attention to what he says.

I still think in some ways it’s a bit weird Anna has chosen him as her king 🤮. There would not be the intellectual convos she seems to want?
I agree with someone else who said they are perfectly matched in the intellectual department.

For all her talk about how great her life is, it's pretty mundane and pedestrian. International borders have been open again for AGES and she barely leaves the Gold Coast?
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Also, and I really hesitate to say this because I really wish it wasn’t true, she does know that it’s not a magical beam of protection, it’s literally just a bit of paper and if he really wants to hurt her, they still can?
I believe her and I think it’s awful. However her behavior during this time shows how dishonest she is. She was online posting about her success and how happy and in charge of her life she was. I’m not saying that she needed to tell her followers what was happening, she’s entitled to privacy and she also needed to ensure her safety and protection BUT she wasn’t just not posting about it…she was actively selling a lie to her followers.
I also think that if he is as dangerous as she says he is, public humiliation is a very very risky move. I hope has other things in place aside from a VRO.
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Hello Loveths,
Thousands of you have messaged to see if we are ok. Like hundreds and thousands of messages in my inbox…I feel you, I see you, I soak in the love.
Apparently there were some really awful storms?
We didn’t notice, we’ve been so in our alcohol induced bubble checking our tan lines.
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Quick aside - looks like Ryan has taken his kids to Canberra to visit the one that lives there (because he’s signed to a rugby club there) - wonder if Annie got an invite??!!
And looks like it’s a “full”family visit - the kids mother (and Ryan’s ex) is also there. As said earlier in the thread, it would be positively killing Scammie that she can’t post about what a sensational relationship she has with his children and his ex.
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I think she’s seriously unsocialised. Like for so long she’s been on this JOurNEy that is totally focused on herself. She even said as much on Xmas morning, she’s not going to be putting herself out for anyone unless she feels like it. Maybe to be in a situation where she hasn’t groomed her audience didn’t play out the way she’d hoped 🤔
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Monday or better known as “Another day of TAW collective in absentia ….”
I'm confused why Lizard Lips repeats everything!? Surely she realizes she makes zero fucking sense!?

I'm confused why Lizard Lips repeats everything!? Surely she realizes she makes zero fucking sense!?

Thought I would also double up. Still don't get it.
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I bet she gives the worst head with that dry as fuck mouth and weak weird lizard tongue. He’ll cheat on her eventually once he’s bored with her histrionics and realises she’s a pathetic hideous corrupt troll. He must be quite naive to believe all her nonsense and tolerate it. It’s also pretty fucked how she makes him wear budgy smugglers identical to Trent her alleged abuser.
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So those posts tonight about her mum never saying a bad word about her dad, her dad being a “not great husband” but Anna making her own relationship with him, and encouraging everyone to hug their dads tonight… a poorly disguised dig at SKs ex wife and kids isn’t it
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Awh limited updates… most likely at a Christmas dinner at the modest eastern suburbs home. Not beach front. Not glamorous. And certainly nothing to be ashamed of.. for a normal person.

This relationship is purely lust at 2.5 speed. Annie’s biological clock is ticking.. ring and baby is definitely on the way. 🍿 ready.

Where’s the hub updates? The thriving community? Professional coaching? The Facebook marketing campaign that took dayssss to learn. All dropped because life and yes and both.. because at the end of the day Scammie still got paid.
Bali trip on TAW Co.
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In fairness, I think a lot of the recent word salads and verbal masturbations (I love that 😂) are more to ramp up sales of Self-Love School. (Fully named in hopes of this thread popping up in Google searches.)

- I manifested the man I wanted, you can too.
- I healed my trauma, you can too.
- I have enough coin to purchase a Porsche outright, you can too.
- I can travel wherever and whenever, you can too.

She's recycling her pics and vids from Bali because she wants her followers to aspire to that - hustle and work from 'dreamy' places like that. Her aesthetic has changed to suit the product she's trying to flog.

Yet, this product should have been made redundant when she started selling the JPEGs. The TAW Hub was supposed to be SLS on steroids, and theoretically you can access that for less than what this round of SLS will cost.

How are her iNvEsToRs not questioning that?!
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Hang on - is Kendal Trudes’ daughter??
I read this too and had a chuckle.
Maybe Kendall is an amazing content designer etc but I think it is more Scammie keeping those close she knows she can brain wash and who she doesn’t have to pay much/anything to. Kendall’s payment was probably the crappy wear.

We have only seen the blue and pink? What happened to the leopard print that supposedly they re dyed over and over to get the perfect and completely unique design? Two ‘outfits’ and some socks and a cap is hardly a release?

I am sure short king is lapping up this ‘lifestyle’. I am sure if you come into in from a FIFO job or a normal 9-5 gig on the surface it looks very attractive. He may be a nice guy but I think he is using her.

I could write so much about her supposed DV blood loss and the inaccuracies of her injuries/claims. I absolutely don’t condone any sort of DV however I think she has narrated the story for her own benefit.
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I just know we are going to see her wearing that pink jumpsuit at the Burleigh Pav
The same Burleigh Pav she BLASTED on socials during Covid lockdown / lockouts 🤭 #internetisforever.

She was adamant she’d never ever go there again or support them - she named and shamed them, the whole fucking thing - and she was so vocal about it. I remember because that’s precisely when she first came into my social media orbit 😆 …and when I started the petty hate follow, lol.

My friends knew about her from Isagenix days, and during a conversation we were having about toxic influencers spreading C19 misinformation, her name came up. Specifically in relation to the Burleigh Pav stuff. I still remember the stories about boycotting Burleigh Pavilion (I wish I had the foresight to screenshot them!) - I grew up in Burleigh, and I found it hilarious that some D grade internet gronk thought they had enough people power / influence to deter people from going there 😂 She’s a pHeNoMeNaL hypocrite.
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He’s been in a long term relationship with kids. It’s hard work. Your wife nags at yiu and hassles you about jobs and money. It can be boring and monotonous and repetitive.
Scammer gets to be a bit of fun and no responsibility on the side. Watch what he does when things get hard or tough or boring.
This 100% ^^

Scammie is like eating cheap chocolate when you’re craving sugar on a road trip and have to stop at a petrol station. A brief high, hits the spot but not what you’d buy if you actually had quality options.

He’s been married with children so she fits the mid life crisis bimbo role perfectly. Lots of drinking, travelling, shagging (I bet he prefers positions where he doesn’t look at her 🤢) and no cares or responsibilities…..until she gets pregnant anyway.

I do feel for his kids, shit it must be embarrassing seeing your Dad act like such a tool.

On another side I’m surprised how saggy her butt is for all her hours in the gym? Does she only do pull ups?
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