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And good ole scamma wouldn't give a rats arse about how tough it is for others in her TAW community. Do these women not see or understand how they are paying for her to live a fantastic life. She is very selfish and narcissistic. She is a horrid person.
ItsJess could have bought a switch for her kids for xmas but instead bought at least one TAW NFT (1 x TAW NFT > 1 Nintendo Switch)...Poor woman probably bought the NFT(s) because she thought it would have generated her an income now as a TAW NFT iNvEStoR 🫠
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I don’t think there is a coaching qualification recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Trent had a Tattle account for a hot minute. I have screenshots, but everything he posted was taken down, so I won’t share them.
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Fuck off Belinda.
i just saw this and 😭😭😭
i’d say Scammas experiences are actually pretty common within the Australian culture/landscape (DV, CSA, poverty) - and to proclaim most women don’t go through that is fucking disrespectful and a hindrance to the fact that these things don’t happen to someone because they are being bLesSEd or somehow taught a lesson by the universe - they happen because they are engrained and systemic in our society.
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Thank you for that summary. Jess asking the good questions, BUT suggesting the profits of $100,000 is surely making some of them realise how far they are from that, and that it is possibly only $100 back to them is 🥴🥴🥴
But was it the real community asking the good questions? 😎

I've only just recovered from her ra-ra MLM style boardroom pitch. Did you guys know that is is inevitable? Even H told her so. It's all just so big, like she was just saying to Ryan, it's big, right? All the things, it's going to be a sell out and did she mention how big this is?

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Shows that her whole “I don’t use filters” spiel is, unsurprisingly, a lie ….

I can't get over the absolute gall of this lying, gaslighting, volatile and hysterical dickhead (who is not successful by any metric that I would use) giving life advice to 17k followers.

a quick recap:

- punishes her body with exercise and diet because that's the only thing she's got complete control over;
- TAW Collective is an absolute flop, so much criticism about the functionality and comfort AND not even close to selling out after almost two months;
- same with TAW NFTs, not even half sold after more than a year;
- zero income for TAW NFT owners now or in the distant future (and let's face it, this was it's main selling point because she's marketing to the MLM crowd who will do anything to earn passive income vs. actual proper employment);
- not only moved in with a guy she's known for less than a year 🚩🚩🚩, but allowed him to encroach on a space that was supposed to be exclusively for women (all TERFS, probs); and lastly because it's my absolute favourite -
- any $ she earns are the fruits of other people's labour. she contributes nothing to the community, shits on us that work in conventional PAYG jobs. Where would she be without hardworking taxpayers paying for her to get her busted tits out while she cosplays girl-boss-barbie board meetings 😅


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View attachment 2643503

I feel you!!!
The mouth is never wider than the nose!
Oh shit, THAT is what is so weird! I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I'll die on this hill, she is so beyond unfortunate looking.
I’m with you. Of course her personality is what really magnifies her unattractiveness. If she were an appealing person on any level you wouldn’t notice how hard she is to look at nearly as much. The inside amplifies the outside.
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And looks like it’s a “full”family visit - the kids mother (and Ryan’s ex) is also there. As said earlier in the thread, it would be positively killing Scammie that she can’t post about what a sensational relationship she has with his children and his ex.
Maybe this is what caused the New Year’s Eve melt down/rage/wounds or whatever she said
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I think that for future “Boardroom Meetings” we need to do a tattle listen party, where we have to take a sip every time she says “I was saying to Ryan” or “ you need to understand”. We’ll be hammered within 10 mins 😂😂

This meeting began with Scammie berating her true confused admirers as it is their responsibility, not hers, to set themselves a reminder about their monthly board meetings, as they are the same date every month (except that they started off on the 1st of the month; and then there was that one time that Annie completely forget about it)

She’s setting the scene for Vixen not to launch at end of Jan, as previously promised. Stitching of garments has just begun; and that happens really quickly, but shipping will take at least 4 weeks and everything in China shuts down over Feb.

Her voice sounded very rough - she said it was because she was recovering g from Saturday night. Ryan was there, sitting next to her off camera.

There was lots of talk about the costs associated with TAW co are only for directly product related expenses - all other expenses - accounting, Kel, Kendall etc are being absorbed by her other companies.

TAW co spreadsheet does not include shipping costs (as she doesn’t know what they will be yet, but expects it to be between $1-$2.65 per item) or marketing and advertising costs (because she basically won’t start advertising until she’s flogged her products to her community and then she’ll advertise to move the demanding stock). She won’t be discounting left over stock as her first mentor (Brad Sugars) didn’t believe is devaluing your goods or services by discounting and neither does she.

With embody she ordered (based on community feedback) 3 times more size 12s in every item than every other size. This back fired as she’s been left with a huge number of unsold size 12s. Consequently, for vixen, she’s ordering the same amount (20) of each size.

Sounds like collection three will be called “Yes and Both”.

Then ensued a very confusing conversation about how profits will be split, started with this question from the crowd

View attachment 2692829
Scammies initial answer was along the lines of “no, you’re confused. I don’t know what you mean”.

Ryan, off camera (and away from the mic, so not clear) was trying to explain the question to her. She seems to be genuinely confused about whether TAW selling out, or remaining at the current number sold - she indicated that both are good/what she wants/ good for the community.

Finally, after much confusing and circling, she confirmed that profits will be paid per NFT at the time of profit payment. So, for example, if profits are paid on July 15th, and on July 15 there are 2000 NFTs sold; the 50% profits owed to the community, will be shared between those 2000 NFTs - regardless of how long you have held your NFT for. But that also means that as more NFTs are sold, the profit is shared between more - Scammie doesn’t believe that this will mean less money per NFT because “you have to understand” as more NFTs are purchased, that gives her more capital to invest, which will result in more sales and profit.

I checked out shortly after, but some additional notes that I made are

- Warehouse charges are $3.50 per item plus 75c for each additional item - unsure if this is just for picking and packing or if there is a storage fee on top of this.

- industry standard is 3 items per order - embody sold an average of 2 items per order

- there were approx 45 participants

Copy of Embody and Vixen Spreadsheets and a couple of screenshots of community questions - I think Annie is just so used to people worshiping at her altar, that when people start questioning her - even in her “safe space” she gets quite rattled and isnt actually capable of responding in an adequate manner.
Finallllllly the connedmunity are starting to ask questions! Playing shops is hard when it’s actually for real life. How unprofessional and unprepared she was for that meeting. So many unanswered questions.. if this starts to gain traction within the community it could mean mutiny!!
Selling more jpgs will reduce their profit and that money will no doubt be spent on Bali holidays and Botox.
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As a Perthian, I know the strip of beach stripper kens shoebox apartment over looks, and I know the beach they’re at. They’re 5 mins away from each other max. Where they were running this morning was even closer to stripper kens shoebox apartment. Perth has beautiful coastal waters allllll over, central Perth, south of the river, north of the river, there is SO MANY PLACES she could have chosen to stay? That are literally beach front. It makes ZERO SENSE! Also, her family do not live in this area she is staying in either. They are a good 30/45 mins away. She has 0 excuse to be staying in Perth so close to Trent. Very, very bizarre behaviour. Especially to be publicly posting aswell. And being Anna, theyll go to the same beach every day and run the same path every day.
Probs gonna frame it as taking back her power or making new memories in that location or some such toxic positivity. The courts DGAF Anna. If you have an order in place, deliberately going near the alleged offender is stupid
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Ok - for those who can’t bear to listen through almost 10 mins of word salad, I ran her latest word salad stories through voice to text ….

“Oh my God. Firstly, hi everyone. Wow. The conversations that are going on in my inbox right now are hectic in a beautiful, expansive, activated, also triggered way, which I love Lean in. Let's have the chat. That's not why I'm here. But also like, I'll just give that a quick voice. Also if that is like activating, I hate the word triggered. If that is activating for you, absolutely.

I like come and do self love school, but don't come and do self love school because like you love yourself weak. Is that on steroids? 10X so or do because it could be the exact thing that you need.

However, what I wanted to come in here and say is something I've been processing for an hour. But I had an incredible call today with my amazing. He's not my accountant. He's like become like a mentor. But he's the CEO of the firm, of the accounting firm that I use and like strategic tax planners, etcetera.

I have a monthly, a meeting. Every single month I have to sit in in my the big girl chair and hear about strategic planning and my tax planning and where are my company positions they're AT and where my cash position is at, which I always know obviously. Anyway, we were talking about the awakened woman, of course, which is one of my companies. And of course talking about TAW Collective and where that's at and what's going on, et cetera.

Now he knows all this because he sees my numbers all of the time and he's, you know, involved or looks and can see all of the position of the company. And he said a lot. I'm not going to go into it. He watches my stories By the way, he he follows along as well, which I love. Hello.

But he said a couple of which I want to say blew my mind. But also where inevitable. Fucking inevitable. And what I took from that call. So there's so much that's about to happen this year for me and the companies and the projects and everything else in such unfathomable way.

He's even just one meeting he wants to connect me with and put me at dinner with some people, four. And I was like, let me just do what I said I was going to do. Let me get that done because it's coming. It's so imminent. But he was like, it's you're going to do it. So when that happens, sure, let's wait. But when that happens, he was like, you have a lot of people that want to, you know, invest and have a lot of interest in what you're doing.

And I called Mum. Well, Mum was actually, Mum was calling. And I got to share with her the conversation I had just had with H And we were just speechless. Like, it was like I said to Mama, I was like, do you know what if nothing else came over or I didn't actually want to pursue what is about to be on the table? I said I've done it. Like I actually have done the vision that I had and how big it's going to be and the fact that people are willing to bet and invest. And like, I'm like, I know I've done it. I know I've done it.

So what's about to happen, I think for the world in 2024 and 2025 is so enormous. And I truly think that's wherever you're at. This is what I wanted to come in here and say, because I'm, it sounds like I'm being cryptic and because I want to be. Because I really just want to be quiet at the moment and let my results be pick for themselves. But what I did want to come in here and say more than ever as a woman to my fellow women, is that whatever the vision on your heart is, whatever the dream that has been burning inside of you for however long have been burning inside of you.

However, many people have told you that it's impossible, or that you can't, or that you shouldn't, or that you're too dumb, or you don't have a big enough audience, or you've been hated on or criticized whatever I've had at all times, 10 times a billion, whatever. My point is for you now is to say just fucking back yourself. Trust yourself. Back yourself, know yourself, love yourself and go for it. Because that is all I have consistently done now for a decade, but enormously the last three years. And this is the year. Watch, watch, Just keep watching. It's all about to pay off in unfathomable ways.

So and you can't say I didn't take you, I didn't take you along for the ride because I have the whole time. You can't say that I haven't offered all of me along the way because I have. You can't say that you haven't had access to me because Ioffer it in unbelievably fucking ridiculous ways. Like self love school where it's like 9 weeks of coaching pretty much one-on-one because we're in containers and all the things. So it's just like I'm just very proud. I have just never, I have never actually been more proud in my entire life than this moment. Like this very moment, and also this beautiful law of receptivity that I've learned.

Because last night on the call to my holders, I said you have to understand how much I back myself. This is before today's call. I said I am willing that one and H will kill me because I didn't tell him this, but I said I'm willing that when time comes like for that first profit pool, if I want you to have more profits because it's a 5050 profits there. I was like I would forego profits of myself to give you and I mean that because obviously those calls are reported, uploaded and I'm saying it again and it's and it's just the truth. That is exactly what I would do.

And that's exactly because I back myself. I know where this is going. I know I've always known where this is going. I've always known the inevitability of all of it. And so then today I have a call with a conversation from H just saying like, what he believes in the project, where he sees it, like who he believes, wants to invest in it, etcetera. And I was just like that to me was just this beautiful divine intervention like and you are. Don't worry, stop losing your voice in sleep like it's all going to be so insanely beautiful but yeah it was like this unbelievable law of receptivity in action for me in ways … (cuts out and goes to slides below)


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Chatty Member
Probs gonna frame it as taking back her power or making new memories in that location or some such toxic positivity. The courts DGAF Anna. If you have an order in place, deliberately going near the alleged offender is stupid
It's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, and for Anna that's certainly saying something.

VRO aside, what new partner wants to go to the place where their current partner used to hang out with their old partner?
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Sharing her Spotify wrapped and saying “Because. You’re welcome 😂 I love my taste in music..” Babe, shut up!! Everyone loves their own taste in music??!! It’s literally the music THEY like??!! Like she thinks everyone should be so into her and what she does and likes. Babe, you’re unwell. Seriously. I can’t with this absolute tool.
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It gives me great satisfaction to know that something has gone down in her PHENOMENAL life with short kings family 🤣🤣🤣

I’m so glad his kids are smart enough to see though her shit and can’t wait til he does too and we see her crawling back to her community for validation and to scam more money from her gullible followers.

My new years wish is that someone close to Anna’s current circle would join and spill some more goss.
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