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Oh lord, that pic of Anna's minions going to that Polo Match. Wow.

I feel sorry for them. I can clearly see in that picture that they have choose to follow an "influencer" that:

- Doesn't promote healthy living / exercise (no, posting a few pics with a "personal trainer" or "going for a stroll" doesn't count 🤡)
- Doesn't promote good skin care
- Doesn't know how to style herself / wears wrinkled clothing
- Doesn't know anything about culture, doesn't read...

She literally says in her polo video "You don't have to follow the game when you're there" 🤯
Anna, darling, people that have been attending Polo matches for years and years, they can chill and pay attention to the game at their own rhythm. Or some families attend together and you may notice that only the husband is the one obsessed with it. Meanwhile, women may network/chill with their friends there.
It's not only that specific match, they have been attending seasson after seasson. The know how to spot outsiders and posers. They also know how to spot if someone is new to the game but has genuine interest on it.

How do you think is the best way to portray yourself when attending a new place? As a "I don't care about the game I'm here to bag a millionaire dick"??????

Anna thinks that everyone is stupid. That's pretty much it.

Worst advice you could give to someone that it's starting to learn about an specific sport is not to learn the rules and attend only for the social part of it.

Now...Those girls don't even have the common sense of "it's probably weird to come up here in a group of 10". They are 100% lost.

As I mentioned in my first posts, I know that many of us were Anna's target in the past but I may say that during 2020/2021, the quality of her scam (and her own figure, she looks tired as hell, not elegantttt) has decreased to an extent were her target is now even more vulnerable women.

I always knew that I wanted to go to College and find a good partner. I enjoy reading, learning. for example. I know that you Tattlers are the same.
I just don't know which mindset those lost girls going to Polo matches with wrinkled dresses may have :(

I don't picture them coming to Tattle and reading sooo many threads. It takes effort to admit that you have been scammed and that you need to deprogramme yourself from literally a cult ideology.

I am proud of the girls that woke up from Anna and now are here.
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Seriously, guys, I don't know for you but for me the pattern is so evident. SO evident...
I had enough information about her London trip to draw a conclusion and I don't think I am wrong. She is looking for a new provider and she is escorting in the same time for money, she is broke.

Keep an eye on the luxury agency of the black lady, this is a woman who introduces escorts in some events, clubs or hotels of London because she knows the bodyguards at the entry or some members of the staff inside, it's a known trick in this "business". She is the one who got her inside Annabel's, last Saturday : either she was with the black lady waiting to be hooked up, either she was escorting a man to whom she had been recommended by the black lady. And as it was said above, picture in Annabel's toilets = escort for the first time in the place. They cannot take pictures inside (forbidden) but they have a vital need to show to the world that they were there. So it rests the toilets, their true place by the way.

The MaxMara outfit, so badly chosen because bought on sale in Geneva at 70% (I, too, know the stores who are doing it, haha, Anna! The design reminds me the big sale in Hoffstetter store, rue de la Corraterie, this summer ; or maybe you are a loyal customer of Le Mouton, the big brand for outlet in Geneva, haha, you can't fool me, you fool!) was there to give an impression of "the almost business woman" which in the escorting circuit is the uniform of escorts in order to be recognized : half hooker (lips, face, too much nude legs, too much heels, and hair down), half business woman (jacket-dress ; pencil skirt, etc.), you see the picture.

For the rest, like meetings with wannabe actresses that nobody knows and nobody will know, it is just to occupied herself or she is looking for a flat to rent with the help of her ancient acquaintances.
Highly suspicious ruining a luggage the way she did. She was in a hurry to something she could not miss!
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Can you spot the rich girl? 🥴
It's obvious that this is not a group of friends, the dress code is all over the place.

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Thank you so much for posting this picture. The outfit of those women inspired me tremendously and I feel like I am ready to nail every occasion possible, like (from left to right):

1. The celebration of my half's grandmother's bday.
2. The day I finally visit the Amazon forest.
3. To celebrate Anna Bey's 2M subscribers.
4. Doing groceries at Lidl.
5. Revival of my prom days.
6. Homage to table cloths from the 60's.
7. Foxy Asian inspiration.
8. Backstage of Elton John's concert.

Bless them all to Heaven and may Santa grace them with pink steamers.

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I get the message she's trying to convey: look at me, I'm so filthy rich that I can afford to ruin this RI-MO-WA luggage as if it cost half a quid! But that's just a display of snobbism. She's no BCBG as the French say. À la poubelle, ma belle 🤪 :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Chatty Member
Thanks @cherry cherry for the headline input!

Welcome to a new episode of Geneva Shore - or maybe not?? In the last thread we witnessed what might be the break-up of the cast of our beloved soap opera as Anna, Karim and Lina were in Paris but no friendship was celebrated on Social Media. Gasp! Also, no husband in the picture. A very sad trip to Paris that was...

Need to catch up? I highly recommend a visit to thread #24 for sweet memories of Anna's trip to Paris and a first hand experience of someone who was censored in Aija's really really really affluent A-List app.
Newbies also should grab some tea, coffee or a glass of wine (champagne! eleghant laaaadies drink only champagne!!) and visit the Wiki.

I might have forgotten some highlights, things in the threads are moving so fast - please feel free to chime in with anything worth mentioning!

Also, I found this hilarious picture but can't remember who made it!! :(

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Oh dear me. How sad and pathetic her life is. Imagine a luggage story being the most exciting thing to happen to you in London.

Random thoughts.

Now she's in a city where people get exposed every day! Impossible to pretend she's staying at a 5 star hotel because we know every one of them and it's very easy to confirm: that you came to have tea but were taking pics in the lobby like you stayed there.

Wonder who she will meet up with? She should have plenty of London friends right? People with titles, people connected to the royal family. LoL.

I was really hoping to set her up like the fake sheikh who poses as a fake rich man to trap people like Sarah Ferguson and others.

Grab a packet of Quavers or a Harrods mini cheddar girls. The clown show is about to go off the rails.

Oh, I see! Thank you. I took a quick look on their website and it seemed that even the black one had the metallic padlock.
Honestly if that was a real Rimowa, she would not have cut it. That is the action of a madwoman. Then again...
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A "luxury" PR agency owner. If it's just a friend, Anna will use her to advance the SOA agenda.

If not, then she'll definitely have to pay for PR services, which won't end well because she prefers Fivver-like prices from 3rd world countries.

It's that or they both have balloons as a common interest. 🥱 Boring!

Anna won't pay her, remember she likes to steal from black professionals like Christelyn. Wonder who paid at dinner? lol

That yellow is fantastic. 🥴
She looks like her real babushka self with the towel.

Here's your Anna location update: she's in the Selfridge's/Oxford Street area or at least claiming to be there.

I also have a little something from the previous cast of Geneva Shore. They're all hanging out together in Paris having fun without Anna
She's going to hit all the London spots she couldn't afford on her sugar baby salary. :ROFLMAO:

Where is Average Joe? Why is a newly married woman always taking trips alone?
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It's been a long time since I posted anything. Generally speaking, if I don't have anything important to say, I prefer to keep my mouth shut. But when I saw Aija's story in front of Google, my blood ran cold, and I had to come and write here.

You know that Youtube is more my thing. And now, obviously, I doubt she's even entered the building. First of all, since she films everything, why didn't she film inside? It's true, in Youtube (Google) you can't film in all areas, but there are dedicated spaces. In particular the meeting rooms where content creators are received for different celebrations. There is also the "YouTube space" a place that is specially dedicated to content creation. Secondly, I seriously doubt that this bouquet was given by Google. They do offer bouquets, but much bigger, wrapped in crystal plastic and normally attached to it is a congratulatory guard flocked Google or Youtube.Moreover, if they had made her come for a special celebration, they would have given her the famous 1 million subscribers award. Also, she is alone, but it seems to me that this is a moment to live with your loved ones or your work team. What also seems surprising to me and that I have never said before, is that she is not represented by any communication agency. Normally, you come to this kind of event with at least your agent.
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Oh, Lauren! Please forgive me for wearing your merchandise all wrinkled. You see, the thing is, I didn't bring my pink steamer and hotel laundry service is ridiculously expensive. I can afford it, but there wasn't any time.


Oh Lauren! Please take me with you to these amazing places, teach me how you do it. All these brands come to you? Wow, can I just join, or maybe look at you from the sidewalk?

Please Lauren! I'm begging you! I'm broke!
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Also, this pinhead never stopped travelling, not giving a flying f*** in the beginning of the pandemic even in the most critical months of its spread (yet had the guts to send an email to all the ladies that are trapped in her data urging to put safety first). She wants women to believe she cares about them yet always behaves in a disgustingly selfish way.
She also clearly isn't vaccinated
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Her video actually has some good points but I couldn’t stop laughing at the hypocrisy of it all. point 4 “elegant women are never jealous” that’s what’s expected of normal healthy minded people, not advice that’s solely applicable for elegance and class. point 5 “elegant women enjoy the finer things in life but are never obsessed” then why are you obsessed with everything that’s “shitty” why dedicate videos to bashing brands and only compare them to Allia and Hermes? I thought she goes shopping every other day, how come she can’t give us a list of brands for different types of materials? Bastine and the other ladies do that because they have the knowledge and the connections to know what’s “in” and what’s considered good quality (example from bastine- only buy vintage pourchet bags from antique shops because the newer ones from the store are low quality)

This video makes me think that she’s shifting her target audience to high school students, she says she teaches in her $1,000 course how to stop swearing and using slang. Point 8- never look down on people. Really Anna??? Your entire brand is looking down on people, dedicating multiple videos saying that certain brands make people cheap and non-elegant. “I don’t like when women use elegance to feel superior to others” THIS IS YOUR ENTIRE BRAND ANNA, ALL YOUR VIDEOS ARE ABOUT THIS TOPIC. Point 9- elegant women give back to society. Im sure anna has given a lot of STDs and migraines to people. Also I’m not a fashionista nor do I care about trends, but denim dresses (or maybe it’s linen) like that brings me back to middle school/ 2013 fashion. Overall this video was dedicated to tattle

ps. @Bastine de Beaumanoir I love the Eric Bompard sweater it’s more comfortable than the Reiss ones. Reading your posts makes me feel like I have a single cultured rich auntie giving me advice on how to conquer the city then the world. Thank you for your advice and introducing us to a variety of brands. If you ever want a new hobby, you’d have a flourishing blog.
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This is so accurate! it caught my attention too. Do you imagine what was in the head of those women sitting next to that crowd of wannabe-ladies-Anna's style? People are too civilized to show off their emotions, nevertheless they think a lot in this kind of situation.
They won't even say a word in the presence of such women, maybe a slight lift of an eye brow, a quick glance, but privately among themselves they will be merciless! Funny, how Anna Bey brought many ladies together, both online and in real life, and became an 'It' girl (not in a flattering way) but failed herself to befriend, be invited or connect in any way to rich. Her only rich friend Lina (who was most likely introduced by Bassim or by Karim or by Mr Not-So-Big) had enough of the leeching and distanced herself. So, there's another small lesson for the tattlers - if you want to form a genuine connection with the rich, don't 'fake it till you make it' but have some real substance and discipline and respect. Substance - build yourself first, no normal human being wants to hand out to 'damsel in distress', most common example is that one friend who's always in trouble, can never handle money, always complaining, I am sure you all know at least one. Discipline - even if the rich offer you their unlimited resources, refrain from taking it literally, people who have a lot to lose will test you and if you fail just once, you're out. Respect - respect yourself first, just because someone has more money than you doesn't mean you have to lose your voice or integrity, the rich didn't become rich being charitable and 'nice person' to everybody so if they see that you are easily manipulated (money is a powerful tool they have and you don't) they will use you, respect other people in general, again, the pauper and the king rule.
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All the new members suddenly claiming Anna isn't racist is a bit...strange. We all know how she's treated black women in the past. It's a matter of public record - but with her fans there's no way to bring facts into the equation.


Anna Bey is the same as Sheera so I think she is a big hypocrite to call Sheera Rachet when Anna Bey is rachet herself with how she behaves & treated Pink Pill and everyone else in her life.

I did hear both hardcore Anna Bey and Sheera7 fans gave Dami Bee and Anna Bey a big headache and ruined their Dan Lok marketing funnel mega groups. I agree with Lauren that Dami is sweet, but also misguided in her admiration and dogmatic imitation of Anna Bey that has only lead the poor lady to trouble. She even removes criticism of Anna Bey in her group and I heard says tattle is so mean to poor Anna (okay I heard, just a rumour).

Sheera reminds me of what’s wrong with young men these days. A lot of young men are raised by Pickmeisha single moms and learn that being a doormat doesn’t work and try being a jerk because at least they know that is not a Pickmeisha. There are a lot of toxic “light femininity” gurus like white supremacist Mrs Midwest (yes she has been caught), who advocate being a Pickmeisha doormat to get a husband. Being a pick me loser is not a winning strategy. Sheera is the other end of the Madonna- whore complex of toxic disembodied femininity. She thinks instead of being a doormat adopting poverty mindset behaviour is the solution because it’s the opposite of being a doormat. Healthy femininity is assertive, not a light feminine Pickmeisha nor an aggressive poverty mindset thief-in-the-night short term thinker.

Sheera and Universe Guru get along but Anna Belt is too Rachet to get along with anyone but herself. Anna is always around drama. Anna’s hardcore fans are worse and say racist things, cause drama. Anna complaining about Sheera’s fans is like the rubbish bin complaining about the recycling bin.
Pickmeisha is my new favourite word. Thank you.

I had no idea Dami held Anna in such high regard. When I met her in person (trying not to give away too much here) she did strike me as slightly naive and unexposed to the real world. This is coming from me, someone who at that time was very experienced and cynical about the London "scene". I took her to exclusive place(s) she had never been before and it was all new to her. I could see where she would be duped by Anna.

Initially, when the JetSetBabe Facebook group was small, before growing and being renamed to Anna’s elegant lounge, the girls were much more chatty about style and things to try living in a big city and did more meet ups/networking together. This is around 2016. Some women left the group with an influx of new members, others, including me, shifted to the Inner Circle group created by Anna. I also believed Aija at first. She definitely used all people she could, never reciprocating. My friend especially, who literally gave her a bunch of free training and was blocked and kicked out of her friend’s list.
Let’s just say Dami did not have great examples to compare Anna with.
Oh, and I also spent some reading Tattle before joining. I had a stigma-like assumption that this is a gossip site and the information won’t be credible. All Dami needs is to go through facts listed here and backed up by many people from Anna’s past.
Agreed 100% with this comment. I was also an Inner Circle member and felt like we were a group with a lot in common where we could be honest with each other and also were the real deal, as opposed to the larger Jetsetbabe group where anyone could join. At that time I thought Anna was one of us, and I had no idea she was simply using us for content and would later attempt to monetize the group.
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@teki_awas I am sorry this person responded in this way, and I also want to warn you to keep distance from her. Save who can be saved, but don't waste your time with those who cannot or will not see what is plain in front of them.

Why are all the A-(B)listers obsessed with getting an old money guy ? Would these A-(B)listers refuse to date Sergey Brin , Austin Russell , Jack Dorsey , Pavel Durov, Larry Ellison , Ray Dalio , Michael Dell etc ? Nearly 70% of the worlds richest people don’t come from moneyed families.They are self made .
And why this obsession with Polo and ugly dresses ? They need to be more creative in their search for a wealthy man . And they will not find this creativity in Anna’s courses , never .
Anna and the A-(B)listers always talk about wealthy, affluent men .What is a wealthy man ?A man with 15 million in assets? What does it really mean ? If the 15 million in assets are not investable assets , what kind of lifestyle could he provide to a A-(B)lister ?
I think we should talk about more creative ways for those on the hunt, but at the same time I don't want Anna and the minions to steal them.

Anyway. Best to become a wealthy man yourself, as the famous quote by Cher says!

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I've never been verbally attacked by a "wealthy" person before. I was in awe of the vulgarity in display.
She was peacocking me to death, proving herself to be worthy of respect. Anna, this is a die-hard fan.
Thank goodness she was on her way to the Gala 🥴 and only had half an hour to teach me a lesson.
Edit: As if that wasn't enough proof of her affluence, she threw in that she knows Lina Hadid's uncle.

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Speaking as someone in the know, the uncle is very well known in the circle of sugar babies and escorts. You all know that I was in the original Jetsetbabe and Inner Circle group and that was when real secrets were spilled. A lot of us had wealthy men as lovers. More on that another day.
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How many showers does Anna take before making her videos?

At first, she washes the past shame of the early days as a "low-class" plain Jane, looking for a way to make it big without any formal education nor connections.

Next, the second shower, it washes the present guilt, brought on by her financial instability and lack of support and apparent abandonment by her clan.

The third shower helps her prep and practice her big speech in front of the camera. This video was directed at a particular group of people (female, to be precise). Anna has been reading the Tattle threads more than we had anticipated, and it shows in her "storytelling".

This video was just a way for her to reinforce her own belief system by getting boosts of dopamine from the zombies in the comments.
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Naive women are one thing, but indoctrinating children by making them consume this foul content should be illegal, bordeline grooming. This is how big YouTubers go down, never to be seen again, when their 18+ content is used inappropriately (even if it was unintentional):

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Imagine your toddler looking up to a fake high class wannabe escort. Oh dear, not everyone should be a parent.
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@Sadies - on the advice or 'master class for the (un)fortunate 20' about playing the victim and telling sob stories - NEVER do that to the affluent people. Never play a victim to them because they will brand you as one and will either avoid you or use you. Rich/affluent/influential people already have heard all the sob stories in the world from their own families and friends. The tricky part is that they will be very sympathetic to your face but will start avoiding you and even warning their circle about you! I am very familiar with this 'damsel in distress' (which works in very few cases) concept by other gurus but how did they acquire their own wealth or fame? Not by playing a victim! Even Anna works hard on her scam and damage control and at least her youtube videos are well-presented. If you want to get help from people, show that you can do it almost on your own but just need directions, advice or information on a specific topic.
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So which tattle detective can provide supporting evidence on Anna contradicting herself?
- best elite DJ boyfriend / unhappy with DJ who treats her badly so left (“my b&£&@“, remember?)
- degree… yeah right

Quite a sad pattern emerging here. She’s tagging along boyfriends and keeps on moving to different locations (Malta after Mykill, Geneva after Joseph as confirmed by Anna) or going to destinations that in her head are jetset and full of affluent men to greet her (Asia, London, South America, Bali back when it was trending). In reality, it’s just a bunch of places jetsetbabes she followed on Instagram visited and posted photos from. Luxury resorts will look fabulous everywhere. Perhaps because of her limited mindset she never ventures out of those hotels when she travels because after a decade and a half of believing the rich men live there, it would be shattering to learn you’ve been living on feeding yourself a distorted illusion?
I think these days she just lives for Instagram. It's no longer about jet-setting or getting a man. She lives for validation from social media and to further sell her agenda.

She doesn't need to network with the top circles. She doesn't need education. She is happy finally achieving some of the goals that she has been working so hard for. Everyone else is jealous.

She doesn't need a man anymore. I think she never much cared about having a partner (nothing wrong with that) but she wanted one for the image and getting some money and means.

She found a formula that is working for her. for now! She has 1MM subscribers (some bought maybe) without having the means of the woman she wants to portray. She is not the first business that uses emotions and vulnerable spots to sell a product. Literally, every brand out there manipulates, triggers and uses human emotion to sell something. It's the basic code of marketing. Hers just goes an extra step further to put young girls in dangerous situations.
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Dolla' bills 🎶 Dolla' bills 🎶
Watch it fallin' for me I love the way that feels
Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah Twerking, twerking, when I buy the things I like Dolla', dollas dropping on my ass tonight 🎻🥴🎶🥴🎻

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Is she using some drugs?
I think she does considering her ignorance about psychic abilities...

Her ""LOA"" brought her a scissor. Very eLeGhAnT Anna, Bravo! 👏
So stupid, she sells stuff for 997... why don't use that as a code????? Works to scam a lot of girls around the globe, wouldn't work to open a simple suitcase?

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