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Where do you think she’ll head with this act? Heading to the country when she can’t keep up with the lies?
Maybe try to find a Farmer. It's the one type she hasn't doped herself with.

She binges on every trash television series that has "rich" on the title, then thinks fantasy is just like real life... C'mon, Aija, tell us your experience in Hong Kong! Or is it another bull just like the time you spent in Dubai?

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Okay I am now curious about her collection, because at BEST I would say she got things from the pre-owned market or like 70% sales online
You don't really need a video, when you have J.Tarac... 😜

Jokes apart, here you can have some idea of her elegant collection... Sorry it's a bit messy (done in a hurry).

no title1.jpg

no title3.jpg

no title4.jpg
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Long time reader, first time poster.

I dreamt about Aija/Anna last night. I was in her tiny apartment for some inexplicable reason. Everything was eerily white and sparsely decorated. Aija also wore all white clothing. She was taking care of all the housework and their unruly demonic kitty (who was also white) all by herself. She got into a huge fight with Joseph (who was wearing a pink polo shirt) over how overworked she is and how desperately she needs his help. She grew more and more unhinged as the fight escalated while Joseph just sat there with a smile on his face. It was a creepy and bizarre dream. The only thing I’ll take away from it is that maybe I should not be reading Tattle posts before bed. 🤣

I’ve been thinking about how enamored her fans seem to be with her. They will defend her no matter how contrary her actions are to her teachings. To those still on fence with her, I ask you this: Why would a truly affluent woman charge $1,000.00 for her course? Sure, lust for money never dies. No financially motivated person, affluent or not, would say no to a passive source of income. But why $1k when she could have easily charged SIGNIFICANTLY less for it? Especially during a pandemic. Maybe the 1k reflects the quality of her product. But, if she is as affluent as she claims she is and is truly a feminist, shouldn’t she be okay with taking a financial hit for the sake of helping out other women? I mean, it’s not like she needs the money, right?

Her response (almost word for word) as to why she charges 1K (according to what she said in Workshop 1) is:
If you don’t pay for something, you won’t value it. 😹🤦‍♀️

Yes, in her little bird brain, this was a wise statement to make, lol. She made the statement back when she launched it in the Summer and I thought, Oh, that was probably just a slip up, lol.... but i was wrong. She actually scripted that into her SPIEL!!!

Like we’ve said before, Anna is a total fake. She’s learning as she goes and charging her audience for stuff you can EASILY find on YT for FREEEEE. Like any good scammer, she wants you to think she’s the only trustworthy source ..and sadly some people actually believe her.


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isn't that funny that right after Tattle ladies talked about weired relationship of Aija & Bassam, he posts some pictures DAYS after her wedding saying it's a pleasure being HER best man... blah blah...

And Right after we talked LH doesn't seem to care about Aija, Lina posted a story calling Aija as her BFF blah blah...

Aija is so manipulating, plays them both easily to do & post on instagram whatever she reads on tattle!

BTW, how he's "best man" of bride, shouldn't be best man of groom???

Aija I am still waiting for a real close up shot of your engagement ring! Not when you can afford to buy a real one though.
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Ok so the morning after I write that nobody from the party said congrats or mentioned wedding here he comes...
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The body language in this photo says everything. Look at the brunette leaning away from Aija, arms held as far away as possible and legs crossed. She does NOT want to be that close to Aija. Isn’t Aija a body language expert who should be picking up on this? Even more, her facial expression looks embarrassed to be photographed with Aija.
Totally agree on the body language! That girls facial expression says it all!

Also. Is it just me, or does this girl’s outfit (including the white sneakers) go against what Anna preaches?? 🤔 Polar opposites from the way Anna is dressed.

Does this mean Anna is wrong when she talks about how “elite women” dress?
Does it mean this lady isn’t an “elite woman” but Anna is desperate & therefore compromising?
Does it mean once you get to a certain tax bracket, “elegance & style” doesn’t matter, so why even bother take Anna’s course?
Does it mean Anna is an opportunist like she talked about in Workshop 1and is using this connection to upgrade herself and therefore who cares how some of your “friends” dress as long as you can use them??

I have so many questions because we continue to see this pattern over and over.

What are your thoughts?

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He was wearing all black at Lina's. In the picture he's Mr. Grey... They want me to believe it's all in the same day. I won't.
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I find very interesting that Lina Hadid (kind of ) address Anna as Russian / Ukrainian instead of Swedish.
Of course we know that but I wonder is she will repost this picture and if so if she will crop it so her followers dont start asking questions?
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Hi ladies,

Thank you for exposing Anna Bey. I had no idea and thought she was being truthful . I used to be a follower of hers. my friends did mention that she has the hooker look , which I do not really understand. I have no idea how a hooker look or ever been in a presence of one. I feel stupid for not catching her lies, but I am quite gullible since I was extremely sheltered and too loved by my family and I tend to surround myself by the same kind of people.
My family money is quite new so my parents did not really instill a lot of elegance courses and they just tried to keep me away from dating as long as possible. Hence, I thought wow someone to teach me. I did bought her summer course the $1000 one and was disappointed. everything was basic and not helpful.
Also, a lady mentioned that Hermes is not 0.000001% of some affluent people wealth. that is true, I know a lot of people like that but for the wives of the recent tech billionaire or multi millionaire in my circle, they were not able to purchase it before marrying or their husband startup made money. Hence, it does not matter how insignificant wealth wise it is. They consider it a status thing. The older they get and get used to having an amount of disposable wealth, the better it gets. But for now not so much
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Submitting exhibits a through c....
look how many times the word billionaire is used!!! in her live she claims the press will say all kinds of things about her but that’s BS. She could have stated to the journo don’t say this or this or this because I dont want to misrepresent my self or my work.
How many billionaires does Anna even come near?
so yes. All her ex students or fans or people seeking more info, she strategised to give herself maximum drama and hits from her initial PR exercise. Why? So she can gain hits and clicks so she can sell an online course IMPLYING in all her BS branding and marketing that she know enough about million or billionaire men to teach others.
But where is the proof?
And yes, where are the success stories?
And where is the new affluence of the students?
Because affluence means excess of money not just a few 100$ salary increase.
you're right! nice find with those screenshots.
now, let's see what lies she comes up with to deflect from this evidence.



if you don't mind me asking, how did anna make you doubt yourself and your life/husband?

i think that it's important that we get some insight into the impact anna has on her students.


kinda off-topic here are my totally unimportant comments/opinions on some of the remarks from the previous thread lol.

first, i think it's a bit far fetched to contribute small nose to europeans and large noses to africans. Many european populations have naturally large noses (that they sometimes might get operated to be smaller) and loads of populations in africa have naturally tiny noses. so to imply that a black woman getting surgery to alter her nose is erasing her african features is a bit weird to me, when the same criticism of erasing their racial features isn't usually targeted towards other women.
imo generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with plastic surgery, as long as it is well done. and as long as the person is honest about it.
it annoys me when people try to lie about plastic surgery, especially when it's obvious lol.

i must say that it amused me to see the woman with surgery on a private jet. i wonder if Anna gets jealous when her students seem to surpass her in terms of quality of life.

second, i want to give my empathy towards all the hard-working eastern european women who are using their intelligence but still get stereotyped into the outdated gold digger image.
and i have observed that some western men will try to marry women from eastern europe or other impoverished areas of the world because they think these women will tolerate abuse or that it'll be difficult to escape said abuse.
obviously, these men are horrible losers who western women avoid at all costs.
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I am thinking of deleting my account actually because my language might have done more harm then good and I am sorry for that. I want to open a new one so don’t know if that is allowable. So save my screenshot of the water goblin. If I am allowed to return with a new account I will repost it. I thought I was being amusing and wanted to blow off some steam but I now realize my sexual bluntness wasn’t helping the cause especially since her students fancy themselves as elegraaant ladeeeez. Thank you for saving my sanity and it was a lot of fun chatting with you gals,
Always bold to take the high road and apologise, but I'm not sure what for. It would be a shame to lose you from our discussions
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Thanks for your questions. I understand your skepticism, and I think I gave you the wrong impression. I am 40 years old now, a lot of what I described in my story was how I was a bit of a failure after university and woke up in my late thirties having no idea how to fix it. I also tried to cover my identity a little more by being very general about academics, but I think it came off like I was a professional academic when I am not.

I actually grew up in a much less glamorous city than New York or San Francisco. Likewise, my University was small, private and not well known. I rambled on a lot last night, which I have been trying not to do. I have just discovered all this about Anna and am still processing my disappointment. I feel weird telling my exact location and University as I am just getting to know you all and this is not about me, its about Anna Bey.

Before the pandemic, I liked to go to amatuer poetry readings in independent book stores, and art galleries on first fridays. My fiance and I belong to private groups that discuss topics of history and mythology and we go to lectures in private homes. Although my fiance is wealthy from his own efforts and investments, none of our friends are and neither of us grew up wealthy. My standard of wealthy is people who have a net worth of more than a million dollars. My parents were and are deeply in debt. If I was in a bigger city, I might view wealthy as much greater amounts of money. Its hard for me to conceive of having been so poor most of my adult life and my father being a retired government employee.

University was well over 15 years ago for me now almost 20, I don't have an .edu email and I did not bother with one, I used Hotmail back then. My academic interests are mostly in specific areas of history, mythology and folklore. I honestly cannot explain why I still missed the boat so much when all that information was available to me and some of my friends did go to counseling during University. I suppose my focuses were too obscure or abstract.

I did read feminist writers in University, but often they were very difficult texts discussing semiotics and my favorite was Luce Irigaray, I Love to You. My opinion about this text overall is that possession of women is built into our very language, it is so much a part of our culture that new ways of speaking and writing must be constructed. Another thing that I studied was about the masculine gaze and about finding a femine gaze, for changing our relationship with possession, which is patriarchal. I am very rusty, although I studied Alice Walker, Bell Hooks and Luce Irigaray in university it was only in a couple courses. Oftentimes, we read collections of essays, and more in depth study occurred of gender studies was your major-but it was not my major. Again, I read these books about 20 years ago and have not kept up. The types of things that interest me now are early modern rat charms; the Irish Ogham, fairy women in Scotland. That kind of thing.

I am still making sense of my discovery of Anna Bey being so fake. I discovered this forum day before yesterday. When I searched Anna Bey when I first started following her awhile ago, I had found gossip that put down her then boyfriend for being Arab. I also saw gossip about Anna being Russian. Those things did not matter to me or seemed petty.

However, these threads on Tattler opened my eyes more with greater detail on what false I formation was being provided. I did not know what to look for, like I said I never fit in and I always felt like an outsider about wealthy people. I still am an outsider. Anything Anna taught about affluence, I have seen from these threads is false and useless. I will do better to forget it all. Having taken the class during the pandemic, I have had little opportunity to embarrass myself with this bad information and I am grateful to have found this forum before I did. The things I did use in public at my old job were more about boundaries, self validation and discretion. My wealthy formet bosses were probably just humoring me when they complimented my new clothes.

I need to give myself more credit, I think a series of very toxic relationships took me down hard. The main things I got watching Anna were things I would have found elsewhere. It was probably more about me being ready for that information and personal work.

In the actual discord for her class, there were a lot of older women like me who had lost themselves and were looking for something to fix it. I really feel sad that we were all lied to.

Thank you for reading my responses and taking an interest in my review.

To me, it seems like Anna’s course was what you needed at the time you purchased it??? It sounds like that’s what you’re saying.

You paid for it, you got something out of it.. but now you regret it because you’ve discovered that she’s a fraud??

If that’s the case, you don’t seem to be too bothered by it. You don’t seem too upset that you got scammed. Are you planning on asking for a refund or contacting some of the other ladies you met in the Discord group to share all this new info with them??

I’m just trying to understand what your motivation is for writing very long posts...if it’s just to share that you got something out of it but are kinda surprised that she was a fake??
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You don't really need a video, when you have J.Tarac... 😜

Jokes apart, here you can have some idea of her elegant collection... Sorry it's a bit messy (done in a hurry).

View attachment 433909
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and this one! I remember when she did that giveaway, I googled the bag, because I was curious about the price, it was on sale and still is... People thought she was being generous, but persuading at least one person to sign up for her overpriced 1k course for the chance to win a clutch more than makes up for it. Nothing generous about Aija.
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I’m more concerned about her lack of knowledge of horses. Including the holding the reins.
The horse keeps licking, air, walls etcetera in her stories. Could be a larger issue, could be ulcers or an attempt to create saliva
Or, it could just be horsing around.
That story of growing up in stables is another BS.
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Chatty Member
Lina rubs me the wrong way, always showcasing her designer accessories with “freepalestine” written on them. Like she would know what thousands of Palestinians are going through every day. Bitch, sell you Chanels and Diors and donate that money to Palestinian charities.
it is disgusting, imagine making people’s war and suffering into a hashtag and putting it on to a fecking chanel bag.
She’s privileged so in her own mind she probably thinks she’s is some kind of mother Theresa but to mix a WAR with her useless designers bags is just completely tone deaf and disrespectful beyond words!

How old is Lina?
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Shall we direct some of the Russian gals to open a baginya thread on Aija Raty/Bey/Beyer/Hallitosis? I would of course not encourage people to leave Tattle, but using that site as an example, I would almost pay money to see what a Russian girl viewing Anna's videos for the first time would say. We already know she was called an ugly milkmaid by another Russian gossip site. They instantly identified her as a village girl of Russian background. Haha!

I am reading some stuff about Olesya and Google Translate is letting me down but still funny. Here's a quote:

and 5 years ago I considered her very beautiful ... she just drove her head - ruined everything for herself - her appearance, reputation, and her personal life would go down her pussy ... like Bonnie - she flew in for all the boomerang. For all the treason with other people's husbands, for slut, for lying.
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Again...she has read all our posts about her ugly joules jacket, totally not matching (or weather & activity appropriate satin scarf), and borrowed Helmet...
So she tried to show us that she has other options in her closet, okay??? 😂
Again...terrible and not warm scarf (in February, in Switzerland, in minus, for an outdoor activity....totally inappropriate).
The Moncler beanie (which is either form the Turkish Bazaar as well or from an outlet store?), what’s up with the colour? It doesn’t match any of her winter coats...maybe she wore it to show off something branded (instead of the terrible looking Riding Helmet that is old and used and definitely not hers) and at least it’s warm 😂 (probably it’s the warmest thing she has in her closet).
Aija...Moncler beanies were trendy and fashionable like 10 years ago?
Also pleeeease fix your lips! When you’re talking and smiling on that photo it looks like a witch in a horror movie! Uneven, dry, botched, vulgar and unhealthy...

Edit: At this point when you look older than your age - it’s not cool & sexy not to cover your dark circles, use a lip balm or some more makeup in general! I find it extremely low maintenance and scruffy. I know you wanna look young, girlish and like a natural beauty...but you’re too old for it! It doesn’t do you any favour...
If you wanna be a high-class lady you have to take care of yourself on a verrry high level! Skin care, makeup, hair, body, nails, pedicure, lashes, teeth, gut health, intimate health, and so on.
You can’t neglect yourself, talk as a know it all, wear branded stuff and expect to look amazing! It just doesn’t work.
If it wasn't for Tattle she'd have no content, no fashion inspiration, no video topics
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Or just a few signed in for the course in the first place

Yes, I have a feeling that very few signed up for the course. Objectively speaking, her presentation/ sales pitch was quite bad.

Plus, 1K during a pandemic is a scary amount of money to throw at some random online course.. especially if you have kids or other financial priorities. I know many people that have had their work hours cut and thus are making a lot less than they were just a few months ago.

I totally understand that women want a ONE STOP SHOP solution to fixing some of their problems, but unfortunately, Anna’s course is only going to leave them feeling cheated. Why? Because as we saw from the course materials posted on here, her stuff is lacking in substance. If anything, it’s more of a placebo effect because you feel like you’re making progress, checking the boxes, being kept accountable by the release of a new module every week.

But after the 6 weeks are over, then what? Plus, like I said, her materials are not substantial/ thorough enough to walk you through from point A to point Z. So, after the 6 weeks.. I think many ladies probably feel like they NEED MORE. Which then leads them to googling some of the topics Anna talked about.. which leads them to FREE YouTube video and actual BOOKS that do contain REAL/ SUBSTANTIAL/ APPLICABLE material.

So, they waste 1K to “feel good & productive” but then end up using other resources to reach the same goal as the person that didn’t waste 1K on Anna’s course and decided to read a few books/ watch YT videos/ chat with people in the comments/ join FB groups.. All stuff you can do for FREE or a few dollars for the books.
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