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It seems that Aija is a country mouse now, dreaming of living on the countryside according to her Instagram stories. What's behind this change of heart? Why insist on the love for the countryside and horses? And why share that she and her husband haven't decided on settling in Geneva? Something is brewing...
She’s tired of FAKING a lifestyle that she can’t live up to and see’s the countryside as her ESCAPE.

So typical of her to want to run away (just like she did at 19) in search of something “better”.

A clear sign that she ins’t happy with the life SHE’S created... remember all that talk about her “huge transformation” blah blah blah.. Obviously, over exaggerated just to make it seem like she finally has everything she wants, when in actuality she can’t wait to RUN AWAY from own LIES.

She wants the public to have zero expectations from her. If she’s out on a farm somewhere, with a horse.. what else can we expect to see but NOTHINGNESS, just like she showed in her stories. Yes, the Countryside can be so beautiful if you have money, but she wants an excuse so that she doesn’t have to live up to the fake lifestyle she just SOLD.

Why does it matter where she lives if she spends so much time traveling away from home/ living in hotels for many weeks out of the year? Because ITS HERSELF that she’s trying to run away from.

That history she has of leaving one country for another and another, not embracing the language or culture.. just shows how unfulfilled she continues to feel inside.

When someone is this unsettled in their Spirit, restless, complaining all the time, over exaggerating how happy they are, it’s clear they’re not living an honest life. Stay away because this type of person is always likely to blame their surroundings (which could be you) instead of themselves.
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Even when single it's a great excuse to love yourself Happy Valentines in advance mon cheriiiii

I agree it's awkward for someone who claims to have ridden since she was a child you just see her walking like it's a pony and she's 5 years old. Can the horse expert who posted please come back and give us a critique?
I'm not sure if I'm the horse expert, but if I am, I am honoured!

When holding the reins, the thumbs need to be on top, with the rein running over the forefinger, down to the ring finger and then over the pinky (I'm not explaining this well, because I'd normally just say thumbs on top, a picture is attached). The hands should be kept shoulder width apart, with even contact down each rein.

Moving on from the hands, her elbows should be bent so that there is a straight line between her elbows and the horse's mouth. I'll attach an image of how this should look, although when not riding in an arena, people aren't generally as fussed about this point

Head, shoulder, hip and heel should all be aligned. It's hard to tell from this angle, but she looks a little hunched and her leg isn't stretching down into the stirrup. It's a quick hack, but you can make your legs look better with short stirrups and I knew several Youtuber riders who did lol. Her knee looks too far forward on that saddle, which is an odd choice, as it's far more secure with longer stirrups and the weight in the heels, rather than the knee. He heels are at least slightly down, but this is because the knee is actually slightly ahead of the knee rolls.

I've attached a photo of Charlotte Dujardin because she's still the holy grail in my opinion. She also loves hacking and allowing horses to be horses, which is actually quite refreshing in equestrian sport


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And again Anna showing someone’s else’s dinner arrangement instead of showing HER table with HER arrangements when shes the host (which she is never because Lina Palästina won’t feel comfortable in a closet)
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I thought I’d put together a little Wedding Album for our dear eleghaaant Aija!!!

It was such a unique and memorable event, how could I not!! 😹

Please enjoy these very professional & elegant photos. Oh, there’s a weird crease on her wedding dress/skirt. I guess “it had to be done” meant no time for steamer!!

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That "food table" broke my heart. Any Arab/Middle Eastern mother would be ashamed of having the neighbor over for breakfast with that little and unglamorous-looking food.

What is it? Store-bought dried fruit, hummus, and crackers just out of a plastic wrap? Really? At the high society wedding party of a Middle Eastern man?

If Middle Easterners genuinely couldn't celebrate with a big party and families, they'd at least go wild and lavish with whatever little they could do at home with food, decoration, clothes, etc. Especially such superficial people like Aija and her crowd who are all about looks and aesthetics.

There's something really fishy about this marriage and wedding ordeal.
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Hi everyone, im new :)

I just spent the past two days going through these tattle threads, and, let's just say my life view is in a bit of a disarray.

Quick introduction: This is an anonymous account because I will not lie and say the amount of investigative journalism you ladies have shown is just awe-inspiring tbh.
So, I just got into college (Poland, STEM) first year. And have (surprise surprise) never been in a relationship. It's kind of funny how 15 posts back that paints me as a target demographic for susceptibility to Aija's scam, and as much as id like to deny it, whelp, you're pretty spot on.

What lead me to discover this thread? Holidays, boredom and Reddit. I suppose I did find traces of this thread back in December but was too occupied with exams and brushed it off. Mind you I come from a very well educated background, I would always look at news scams or yt drama and find it absolutely hilarious, "that could never happen to me imao, amateurs, do they not have eyes?" etc. Hindsight is 20/20. To be fair, the one time I tried to dm Anna back in 2019 it was to ask for her opinion on "sugar baby and daddy" relationships and their perception in high society. Looking back I find it hilarious and kind of sad. No wonder she never even replied. (I have attached the ss for shits and giggles).

I guess the reason I am writing this post out, is because I want to thank you, all of you. Thank you for putting in countless hours of your time to reveal what kind of person Aija really is. I would have found out on my own eventually, but it would have taken a long long time. I still feel like some of the principles she preaches are not all that bad, but then again, I genuinely feel so heartbroken and betrayed. It's like getting to know one of the people you naively looked up to, if you squint through the light you'll see that that halo on her head is just her horns joining.

I guess since I found her when I was at such a vulnerable and moldable age it will take time to reset and realign and define my values for what I really want out of life. This is not to say that she was the only person I ever followed, but she was among my top 10 people to follow. I liked her message of conservationism, of having traditional family dynamics (Mrs. Midwest also had the same message, minus the "affluence" ). But I never agreed with how she never seemed to want to contribute, from what I understand, a relationship is a two-way street. At this point, im probably rambling a lot, but I really need to get some of these thoughts out of my head and on text to know that what I experienced, really did happen and that I am not as infallible as I once thought, that even I can get stuck in echo chambers of the internet. What I honestly appreciate is that there seem to be a lot of great people here giving genuine advice, people to follow and things to improve. I'm also glad to know that no matter what I believed in less than 48 hours ago, won't impact my life, I am lucky in that regard.

Since I managed to read through a fair few thousand posts, I guess the lesson I learnt is that it really is that simple. There is no secret, there is only the hard work you put into your work and your genuine nature, to always keep working on yourself. I was also wondering if someone was keeping track of the good people to follow for fashion? and even though im sure everyone old here is tired of newbies asking, are there any actual links to her leaked courses? And my last query would be, since I am in college, what things can I ACTUALLY do have genuine friendships, relationships and prospects later on in life? (student clubs, online forms to join etc)

This has been a rather long, and irrelevant post. I'm very sorry if I derailed the conversation, but thank you if you managed to read this far and give me time of your day. I appreciate it :)

TLDR: I'm young and dumb and need to reevaluate my media consumption choices to be more aware.


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Sorbonne is currently ranked 287th in the world (another source says #83) When I was staying in France I was under the impression it had lost its prestige and good reputation and most definitely can not be compared to Harvard... I know people who studied there, not that bright...Joe only studied
I agree. No need to delete your account (@AijaStopScamming). We all feel deeply disgusted by Anna’s scam so I think most of us can relate to the intention behind your posts. I actually like that this forum is a mixed bag (serious, funny, sarcastic, crass, sweet & respectful). Just find your balance so you don’t feel like your messages are polarizing.
Thank you! My Dear Eleeeegraant Water Goblins! I am back!

Thanks for the kind words and will try to see if I can delete and go through posts that are too much to newbies who were shocked to find out Anna Bey wasn’t the second coming of Grace Kelly. As for that Sore Bone university in Paris, I am American gals and back in my day a semester abroad there with an apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower and a string of sexy French boyfriends was the stuff of American girls’ dreams. I heard the new gentleman of French men are not the same but so no wonder the Sore Bone university isn’t either.

Still Water Goblin Bey Effendi of Rattystan has no education beyond the bare minimum need to be a water troll living under a Swedish bridge! And she married someone with two degrees, one in a first world country! Considering where she came from that’s impressive! Still if you are not lazy you can go to university and with no escort agency involved, marry a dude with like two degrees and EVEN enjoy sex in your marriage and not share his cute tush and nice abs with other men. The water goblin hawks a $1000 course on how to have a sexless marriage using her husband’ Buddy Bassem that her face and body shows she clearly has more chemistry with.

The reason she is so reluctant to marry Average Joe is because she wants to get with Bassem who is just flirting with her in front of her husband but won’t marry a former escort. That is a major violation of some international manners convention right there lol. The way Anna Rat Bey mishandled her wedding shows she slept through etiquette school. No surprise: she also slept through the yachts of Ibiza. If she was just a jet hopper like Lauren A I would feel sorry give the fool a pass on fumbling her bag and dropping her meal ticket to chase a man who’ll never marry her. But for that mess of a rats nest to teach etiquette? And then con women in the poorest countries and ghettos of their savings in her course? And get them to do unnecessary plastic surgery on top?! That is what drives me bonkers!
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I really needed this forum in my life..
I have realized that I'm spending long hours on my phone, especially on instragram. I need to confess that it has became an addiction of mine. Therapy would be the perfect to cure it however I don't have money for it.

Reading the background stories of those insta celebrities make me use the app not as much as I did previously. It really helps to cure my problem.
Thank you 💖

(sry, English is not my first language)
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LOL, renovate elegantly, you mean she will buy a dilapidated old house in the name of "being ecofriendly, original and owning something with history to it"? 😂😂😂
For me, this is her next rebranding. Getting away from SM for a while, going into meditation and yoga, moving to the countryside and explaining everyone afterwards how money and things have no real value 💁 it will be a whole story about how she changed her life and 'she had everything she ever wanted' (bags, traveling, affluent friends) but she wasn't feeling happy and fulfilled.
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What pissed me off about her since the start, apart from teaching teenage girls how to get a sugardaddy, is the fact she is a parasite. 100% useless. Teaches traditional roles for men are a must but she can't even cook a simple dinner, we never saw her host an event, even a small one. The only thing she is good at is spending someone else's money,sex workers at least make their own cash and their clients get something in return. That one is an absolute parasite.
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Y’all wtf is wrong with her.

Now she shows us a video that she actually DOES ride a horse!! Wow! Doesn’t look awkward at all miss Bey
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It wouldn't surprise me if she just grabbed the money and vanished. No "course" at all.
Anna Vague leaves the scene with half-filled pockets, her team completely oblivious to the dirty move and the "jobless" girls who wasted their money wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.
I always seemed dodgy to me, I mean who asks people what they expect to be payed in their application? Only people who'll choose the cheapest of them all and won't look at quality.
My guess to why she's hiring now: She hasn't put out anything of substance recently (no podcast, only a "workshop" and some recycled material) and is panicking because the person who used to do it all for her, quit. (I mean no one believes those idiotic videos of her sitting behind a laptop and pretending to be working)
It's obvious she can't run the business on her own, why would she otherwise need all these content creators and social media managers? Simple: she screwing up because she wasn't even able to achieve this scam on her own. Now, she's looking for another person who'll recycle things found all over the internet for her.

Aija, please do yourself a favour and stop your whole charade. It's starting to become embarassing.
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I personally don’t like sharing daily and if I was an influencer I wouldn’t change that BUT if I was her and selling qhat she sell, I would definitely share enough to be credible. She isn’t. 😓

Exactly. Even when she does post, there IS NOT a direct overlap/ parallel match with what she claims to know so much about:

1. Affluence - Her lifestyle is basic & average.
2. High society - To this day, has failed to show one shred of proof that she mingles with anyone that isn’t middle class.
3. Elite women - Access to exclusive locations/ events due to her connections with “elite women”. Nonexistent.
4. Impeccable hosting in her own home/ dining table. Such a joke.
5. High quality fabrics in her own wardrobe .. not in theory or on some dumb cheatshit. We have NEVER seen her BUY anything high quality.
6. Her so called, “feminine mindset” practice. If you’re such a good example & this mindset means so much to you, why don’t you ever share anything related to this. She only SELLS IT, doesn’t actually LIVE IT.
7. An enviable social circle which would indicate the RESULTS of her own 15 year “journey”. Laughable.
8. Expensive hobbies - Where are they??? She’s just now learning how to ride a horse. Don’t let her costume/ outfit fool you. She’s just a beginner.
9. Etc. etc.

This contrast is very important for people to see because once you realize that there are major discrepancies between what SHE SELLS & what SHE LIVES (is actually familiar with).. everything begins to fall apart/ unravel.
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Okay, Aija, the certified image consultant... Everyone is free to dress whatever they like. However, before you make money teaching other people how to dress the way it benefits them the most and empasize your knowledge on color and image, please make sure you apply your own advice. I already mentioned that her all black outfit is a no-go for her seasoning (light summer). The same goes for high contrast outfits (her white sweater and dark pants in the story for the new hiring). Also very white color is not that great for this season in general (again the sweater and also the dress in her new Youtube video). It may work better in summer when you're a bit more tanned though.
It seems that she dressed better before all her certifications. Is she rebelling now?

Also, why is she so set on making these wide pants work? How many pairs in different variations and colors has she purchased? To my understanding, she does it to camouflage her wide calves. But I think it may have the opposite effect drawing attention to them. Very tight pants also are a no of course but perhaps something more moderate?
I'm no fashion expert by any means but I'm also not pretending to be one. She has some nice outfits too but nowadays not so many, I say.
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Aija should change the name of her school to School of Embarrassment.
Next workshop: "How to make sure you destroy 4 years of a lie in 2 weeks, this time using your own images."
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My parents moved from a working and middle class neighborhood to one of the top wealthy neighborhoods in my American city when I was in elementary school. My mother suffered severe depression and was never able to socialize with wealthy parents, herself coming from a poverty striken background, she did not know how. She became educated and met my father who had a solid professional career with local government. I never fit in with the affluent people that were my neighbors and classmates. By the time I went to University, also a location full of affluent people, I only knew how to excell in school, not how to relate to classy people, who had always seemed to live in a world apart even if they were next to me all the time. After graduation, I went into a professional field again surrounded by affluent people and struggled to ever please them, no matter how hard I worked. The values of thrift and frugality and people pleasing my family held, were like repellant to affluent people and honestly until Anna's course, I never knew why.

After a series of terrible long term relationships with losers that I ended up providing for completely during various economic downturns, I felt used and past my expiry date being then in my late thirties. Yet I was an accomplished, funny and smart woman working as an experienced paraprofessional in a respected firm.

I also was active in my academic area and would lecture and write papers on occasion. Through these avenues, I met a man in the same profession as my father. I respect my father highly and that was a green flag. This man I met and was attracted to had so much interesting education and experience that compared and contrasted to mine. After dating for a few months, I began to figure out he was wealthy despite living like a poor student. As many critics if Anna's point out, most wealthy people do not look or act "rich."

Due to Anna's thrrapy story on YT, I began investing into therapy with a qualified psychologist. Often when things my Psych said did not make sense to me, the very simple way Anna explained similar concepts made more sense to me. I applied everything I was learning in class and my therapy: discretion and how, why and when to be more private, boundaries, about how to ignore other people's bad attitudes. how to dress well in nicer fabrics and cuts, even what make up look to try as I rarely wore make up before.

All those things along with the therapy I was doing completely changed my social status and how I was perceived at work. Additionally as I embraced my feminine strengths and the idea Anna discusses that 50/50 is not actually fair to women, the way I approached my relationship with my boyfriend changed in small ways. I thought about what I provide in a relationship, my biggest strengths and what he benefits from the most from me. When I valued myself, I noticed he valued those parts of me too.
I will give this girl a benefit of doubt.
But, maybe answer my questions first:
1 "one of the top wealthy neighborhoods in my American city":

since it is a city, I assume this is either NYC or SF. Which one is it? Which neighborhood? Tell me some activities you do during the weekends there.

2 "By the time I went to University, also a location full of affluent people",

by the same standard you define "affluence", and how good you are academically, I assume your school is either Princeton, Stanford, Columbia or Berkeley. Maybe NYU (for certain majors only). Can you DM me your alumni email account ending with .edu ? You likely have one.

3 "Due to Anna's thrrapy story on YT, I began investing into therapy with a qualified psychologist":

ignoring the gramma mistake, why didn't you use the free resources for therapy at your school? Or rather, why didn't get influenced by the general health info sent to your .edu account everyday, but influenced by this person you didn't know?

4 "Additionally as I embraced my feminine strengths and the idea Anna discusses that 50/50 is not actually fair to women."

Well, all the universities you likely went to have pretty good mandatory humanity education discussing these issues. Maybe just list ONE classical text you read and discussed in class, on feminism, and quote any ONE paragraph you have a strong opinion on. Write something about it. You know, classical assignment in these classes.
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