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Just saw her stories. Ughhh I hope nobody applies for this Content Creator position. This woman has ZERO appreciation for REAL TALENT & originality.

Listening to her talk about the position and asking people to apply, it just gave me vibes of someone who is looking to EXPLOIT an innocent person’s talent.

Listen to her tone of voice. She’s always so damn bossy. The complete opposite of someone with elegance & a kind spirit.

Her body language is always so aggressive too. I mean just look at this snapshot below? Everything about her looks mean, cold and self-serving!

And of course she says they’re closing the doors to the application process on Monday... always trying to create a fake sense of urgency. So predictable. :rolleyes:

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What a shame this "girlfriend", Cupid's vessel, wasn't there blessing her wedding. The girl vanished just like everyone else who couldn't put up with Aija's elegant :poop:.
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Girls, since you seem to know all the good stuff ❤ does anyone know anything about ariviere from Insta?
I went to Uni in Barcelona. Alex is from there I’ve met her a few times years ago (I won’t say how or when). She’s a very nice girl. Intelligent, cultured, polite and funny,....wasn’t so full of herself but definitely keeps a little distance from people - which some interpret as if she’s selfish/ arrogant (like most wealthy people who are born into it - she is cautious).
She’s from a wealthy family, she grew up in a huge Villa, her father was a millionaire who passed away a few years ago - was alive at the time I met her - they used to have big garden parties (he was much older than her Mom). Alex was invited to all the fashion and luxury events in Bcn thanks to her Mom and their high-society status so she became an influencer as she gained many followers from showing her high class lifestyle and luxury insider stuff. Apart from that she used to work after Uni and always had side projects (at a local underwear brand, then she started her own creative studio, now she has her own clothing brand) so she’s not just a spoiled little rich girl who carries around her Mom’s Birkins - now she makes enough to buy her own...and she inherited millions.
She moved to London to embrace the influencer culture and be on a more international stage (although she never advertised random cheap stuff like many others as she doesn’t need the money...but she attended every luxury Gala and Event) ,now I believe she’s back in Spain because of Corona.
Not much gossip. She’s quite normal and there’s nothing dirty in her past. She found her picture perfect IG boyfriend so I guess she’s happy. He comes also from a wealthy and cultured background so I’m waiting for an engagement soon.
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my only question to her students who might be reading these threads are:

what tangible results have anna's students achieved?

are they engaged or married to millionaires or billionaires? have they started a successful company through their connections?
are they in high society? in which case, are they regularly invited to parties and social gatherings with wealthy, famous, and/or aristocratic circles?

all of the above questions can be asked about anna. and the answer will be a hard no.
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I am absolutely disgusted at this little threesome they have going on. Parading another man and posting pictures of him to imply he is your husband, how low can she stoop?
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The plastic champagne flute next to a bag that most definitely does not belong to her might be the only TLDR we need
My cousin does this too, pretending on social media that things are from her but it’s not 😂😂 can’t believe people like that exist.

By the way, for the people that said that Anna never shows a car: she showed one today!! It’s Lina’s! Anna, are you okay? You wake up reading Tattle, go to bed reading Tattle...


EDIT: Finally you know why the weather was like that Anna!

Sand from the Sahara is carried by the wind to Europe, which makes the sky look like that. Pretty cool to me, but you kept bashing and complaining about the weather. You had yet to be educated by your followers again that it’s from the Sahara. Oh, are you okay with that?? You seem pretty racist to me so I hope it won’t bother you!
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She’s tired of FAKING a lifestyle that she can’t live up to and see’s the countryside as her ESCAPE.

So typical of her to want to run away (just like she did at 19) in search of something “better”.

A clear sign that she ins’t happy with the life SHE’S created... remember all that talk about her “huge transformation” blah blah blah.. Obviously, over exaggerated just to make it seem like she finally has everything she wants, when in actuality she can’t wait to RUN AWAY from own LIES.

She wants the public to have zero expectations from her. If she’s out on a farm somewhere, with a horse.. what else can we expect to see but NOTHINGNESS, just like she showed in her stories. Yes, the Countryside can be so beautiful if you have money, but she wants an excuse so that she doesn’t have to live up to the fake lifestyle she just SOLD.

Why does it matter where she lives if she spends so much time traveling away from home/ living in hotels for many weeks out of the year? Because ITS HERSELF that she’s trying to run away from.

That history she has of leaving one country for another and another, not embracing the language or culture.. just shows how unfulfilled she continues to feel inside.

When someone is this unsettled in their Spirit, restless, complaining all the time, over exaggerating how happy they are, it’s clear they’re not living an honest life. Stay away because this type of person is always likely to blame their surroundings (which could be you) instead of themselves.
All of what you just said is very true...

Also since she’s about levelling up and all that...why doesn’t she learn French?
Probably because she doesn’t wanna stay in Geneva & is lazy...doesn’t do anything all day since all her material is poorly edited, repetitive and stolen.
She checks Yoox all day, staring at JSB’s on IG 😂 sits in her closet...does her own nails and stuff...
Sometimes goes for a blowdry or meets LH, nature walks and that’s it.
Not like she has kids to take care of, a house to run, a daytime job, studies, hobbies, has friends/family to hang out with...

Just loooves to act busy - even so busy that she became sick - lecture everyone in her closet, look happy and satisfied with her perfect life.
Walking in the forest alone - at least get a dog or something...pick up running or cycling.
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  • Aww she's wearing the dress Lina bought for her in Dior
  • Calling women lazy as usual. Chipped nail polish - shot in the gulag like they do in her Mother Russia.
  • Her nostrils are gross looking and uneven. Ironic she's so judgmental but looks horrible herself.
  • I disagree, French manicures are never classy looking. See: my previous post on the American Manicure, much better.
  • Nail art: it's fun, and it's a common thing in Japan. Are all Japanese women inelegant? "Sophisticated nail art" means what?
  • Length of nails reminds me of a post from this Mexican girl who was active in the JSB group. She SWORE she would never give up her long nails.


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Oh look! Weren’t we just talking about how unhappy Anna usually looks... and here she is.. performing on demand, CACKLING dramatically to make sure we all know she’s indeed “happy”. :rolleyes:😂

Like @Birdseed2 said, I think she’s drunk as well. How is this elegant???

And where is your supposed husband?? 1 week into the marriage and already avoiding each other on Friday night!!?

Please look closely ladies. Do you really want to emulate this mess?? DO NOT waste your time, money, energy.

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Like a still from a horror movie.

After getting married a week ago you're out on a cold snowy street with a female acquaintance and a gay male acquaintance.

You too can have this life if you invested $2300 into Scamma Bey's School of Flatulence.
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Did she buy flowers herself?
The plier or secateur at the bottom right actually reminds me of a florist. One could browse in the florist and take photos without buying any.

Usually there’s a card or a note if it’s a present too? Also I don’t know about others, but I thought red (instead of pink) roses are more for Valentine’s Day? (I could be wrong.)

Come on, Anna, show us some fine jewellery or an Hermes/Chanel bag from your husband! Or a meal cooked by him, if elegant ladies don’t show off material stuff!

It‘s your first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. Know your value, you should be treated like a queen 😂

Happy Galentine’s Day everyone!
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Damage control 😂 so the escort date seems to be true
She definitely read here and she is not even discreet about it lmao Every time we say something she turn up with a Q&A that she wrote by herself of course asking herself question to answer what we talk about and justify herself. If this isn't being frigid and a control freak what is it lmaoo 😂😂😭
I look at her IG story and I instantly though about you ladies laughing, when we were pointing out the fact none of her friend didn't do proper congratulation post or stories and look at them 2833 years later after the party magically posting about it, her friend doing a story and her reposting it "thank you so much darling hihihi" and here she goes with her "sorry darling can you be clear on the fact you talk about your girlfriend in London introducing you to..." this is embarrassing and hilarious at the same time 😂😭
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I agree...since she moved to Geneva she became older looking on the outside & inside as well...she also comes across as very smug (before she was happy that she got some guy to pay her rent and some pocket money)...
I also think that before she moved she thought that she scored bigger than she did. He sold himself as this guy working at a high position in a private bank is Switzerland, having a PP watch 😂, knows LH, went to Sorbonne, etc. God knows what else he said...
So she thought she got a Whale finally! So she had high expectations and thought she will live in a villa with servants 😂 go on vacations all the time, etc. Will also have something to show for her course & followers...
Then reality has hit her - she probably became depressed...realised that the Lebanese Guy just sold himself high like her 😂 she got scammed LOL
So she came up with this Privacy Bullsh*t.
Cause before all this she showed her man, even did a Q&A with him, etc. So she proposed thought he will be a big asset for her YT & school as well...
She’s more aggressive, sad & older looking...hates the city as well (probably because it’s also not how she imagined).

Wow. Very well said. That fills in some of the holes for me and makes total sense.

She did seem more grateful, innocent & bright-eyed.. CONVINCED that her adventure was about to begin. But in actuality, it never even took off. As soon as she arrived in Geneva, reality set in.. no affluent living, no lady of leisure lifestyle for you.

That would explain why she never seems genuinely happy & why she doesn’t care that her wedding was poorly planned and executed. She’s always posting professional pics for SOA related stuff, but NOT ONE professional pic has been posted of her wedding??
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I am not sure if the scripts of elite scamming school have been deleted here (they were on LSA) so I upload them again. For those who want to know what's the hype about the so-called elite woman's course, I call it the elite scamming. Save your money, ladies.


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Some rich men like uneducated, not clever but pretty and sexy trophy wives, as long as the women are obedient, or almost subservient.

The issue with Anna is that she thinks she is educated, intelligent and experienced and can’t stop showing off. She think she is so clever that she can teach and manage a school.

Imagine a rich man just wants a quiet yet beautiful trophy wife/girlfriend at events so that he can be the intelligent and accomplished one to make other men jealous. But Anna won’t stop talking and patronising others. It’s going to be annoying and embarrassing to everyone...except Anna herself 😂
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I just love all the gossip and insight you all have! It helps put everything into perspective.

It's hilarious to me that every time we call Aija out on her BS she posts online, she just disappears because she knows her con is falling apart.

Where are all YOUR friends Aija (apart from Lina and her friends)? How was your honeymoon (which is non-existent)? Giving us a vague blur of your handbags isn't the same as proving you still own the handbags you used to have in pictures a few years ago (thanks for confirming you read Tattle daily once again and for responding to me calling you out)! How come you didn't post anything from Valentines' Day that your sweet Average Joeseph did for you? Not even a surprise candlelit dinner? I suppose you were busy wandering around the woods with BTF and Lina?

There is not a single picture nor video that proves Aija's affluent lifestyle. Not one. Not even an apartment tour. (And renting a horse at stables and riding it isn't considered proving you're affluent Aija, just so you know). She couldn't even afford to do something special for the wedding? Who were your bridesmaids? No bachelorette party? Or do you have to admit now it was all a con?

To all the people reading this and still doubting: your gut is telling you something is off for a reason. I mean, if she was really affluent, how come no one of high society even congratulated her on her wedding? If she really was that important and integrated, the well-wishes would be public and numerous.

Exactly!! Every single question you asked is normal and what anyone who’s not just following BLINDLY should be asking her.

But, no one dares ask these questions on her YT channel or IG.. and if they do, it’s a very very small percentage of people. Even if they are asking & subsequently getting blocked... one of us on here would have noticed some of these comments by now.

It does not make you a hater to ask her what you would normally ask a friend, family member, neighbor, etc. But of course she’s so defensive and guilt-ridden that everything seems like it’s coming from a place of hate..when in reality, it’s totally not!!

Most people on this forum started off just being curious about the statements she was making. Then when we began to ask questions just to get more clarity, and of course for “damage control” purposes she started categorizing us as haters/ trolls/ “smear campaign”, etc.

Thinking we’d all just GO AWAY.. she kept up her scam and we kept talking about it!! 12 threads later, here we are! 🙃😋 Still trying to get some answers, Aija! Meanwhile, this group just keeps growing and growing!
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The body language in this photo says everything. Look at the brunette leaning away from Aija, arms held as far away as possible and legs crossed. She does NOT want to be that close to Aija. Isn’t Aija a body language expert who should be picking up on this? Even more, her facial expression looks embarrassed to be photographed with Aija.

+ another picture of Aija & another friend saying if she'd sisters they would be Russian or Ukrainian!!!
This is so confusing...although Aija mentioned she is NOT LH saying Aija is Russian or Ukrainian ??

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If Anna move to Dubai she will be eclipsed by all the other Russians there and they will smell her BS before she even have time to explain where to put the water goblin. Her school of affluence will be a total joke in that city. Dubai may be fake but the people she wants to impress still know what is quality. Anna should move to a small country or town where there is less internet then she can pretend to be oo La la and bla bla bla until she is satisfied.
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