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VIP Member
She and her mate Rhitrition are endlessly going on about what sensitive souls they are. Either living your life on social media warps your sense of resilience or maybe you should just GTFO and earn a living by turning up to a workplace for a salary?
Why on earth would you whinge to the eyeballs that ultimately justify your existence as a walking advertisement?
The influencer life attracts folk who want and need that constant positive attention and validation but if it was before the days of insta, Alice would be the one huffing and crying in the office because she wasn’t getting to only do the bits of work she enjoyed. Now it’s constantly pissing off paying subscribers because the tricky aspects of the app - like actually putting effort in to running it - aren’t as fun as going for beauty treatments and dressing up.

We all know the sort.
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Farmer Sam

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Imagine the banal observations on life from these two airheads. Chessie I used to be a teeny ripped body builder then I gained weight and now I’ve lost it again ❄ Ozempic but yep I’m super happy with my body and Almond Bobble Head rambling on 🫣😂


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Just looked up the wedding content creator. She is basically there to capture the day on her phone and deliver content within 24 hours.

It's essentially for people who want to churn out decent wedding content immediately rather than wait 4 months for the official photographer or videographer to edit their footage.
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I’m still struggling to understand what her book’s USP is - why in this economy would someone want to buy what’s essentially a whole book of her talking about herself and especially things that are clearly lies in terms of having “healed” her relationship with food? Not sure the book even has recipes/workouts in it?
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I haven’t watched anything by her since her wedding- her content is dire. It’s either deep depression, food freedom or wedding bore… next time it comes up on my feed I’m deleting. I can’t even be arsed to look for it to delete it! 🤣🤣🤣
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Her writing is either SO immature or doesn’t make sense. It’s like she didn’t do English GCSE? ‘Today then brought a pool party back at the chateau where we sun bathed…’ WHAT?!
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An influencer called Olivia miller posted a video on TikTok about things she won’t accept on her wedding day and one of them was people posting pictures of her wedding before she does. Alice commented on the video saying I wished we did that re telling people not to share pictures.
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Imagine spending the first week of your marriage glued to Instagram rather than in the bedroom with your new husband. Fair enough if they are doing the honeymoon later but for god sake take a day off and enjoy your real life not your online one

I wouldn’t be happy if I paid £££ for a social media creator or whatever they are called and then not having the exclusivity of my own content. Surely you would insist that your “friends” don’t post content first if you had paid all that money
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I feel like this book’s spiel is just her jumping on a gravy train. She needed an angle for another book and now it’s how she’s apparently tackled her eating demons. No denying that she took it too far, but it just seems so transparent to me. She’s by no means “cured”, she’s still totally obsessed with herself.
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
Her subscribers must be crackers. A wedding gift? For a half arsed App that she puts no effort into?!!! Says it all that she’s checking her emails about the App two weeks after the wedding itself!

DP has some new trainers! He does dress like he’s her Dad tho. 🫣


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All I hope is that they both have a relaxed and happy day together, after all, the official stuff has all been done already.
However I can see it being a hugely elaborate photo shoot of a day, choreographed and styled to the max, with all those braying wanker chums all trying to outdo each other.
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Has anyone checked out her Mum’s aka Salad Queen? liveingbakes on Insta. I can see where Alice gets the narcissism from. A post all about the wedding with two shots of the actual couple tucked in well after the parental showing off. I can only assume Paddy’s family have asked for no social media parading of them as they’ve been absent from all the showing off shots. The mind boggles about the pre wedding drinks and buffet for 75 people too. The cost must be astronomical for this event. Her mother will be ditching the Ocado ingredient salads for some baked beans on white budget bread. 🙄

Horrifying outfit. Yep ditch the white now. The wedding band seems to be diamonds all the way around from what I can see. Amazed that’s not been shown off yet. She looks about 50 here.
Furiously updating Depop with all the ill fitting white outfits from the Gasman’s ex-mistress, and the Fisherman’s Third Cousin
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Has she blown the budget on the 2 million peonies so had to get the pub singer from the local hostelry? So out of tune!!! Amazed she didn’t have karaoke 🎤 🫣🙄 I haven’t seen any real images of the evening dress, looks like she’s got 1980 white stilettos on with it tho. DP must have been off having a “rest” ❄
The band she got are 10-15k….fuck me I could have done better than that for a couple of quid and I can’t hold a tune either 😂
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
He looks completely trashed here

View attachment 3013358
Look at the flower behind the ear 😂😂😂

I reckon it’s the only way he copes with these events. To get utterly steaming and they’re still sitting at the table, imagine him by the time Agadoo came on the ole disco box 🪩
Steaming. Look at the hand - don’t walk off you pissed up twat I’m posing


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Think we might need a bingo card leading up to the book launch

how many wedding photos can she show
The ring
The gifts
The honeymoon
One month
The book
The tweakments

what do you all think?
3.8 weeks married to you
Food Freedom - how to eat a croissant (nibbling the outside layers)
Honeymoon brows by the BEST brow lady ever
4.6 weeks married to you
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