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Mad Betty

VIP Member
She was never a memorable actress, IMO. She is flat in affect and has trouble showing any real emotion in her face. The reviews seem spot on. I think the VD role, though very short lived, made use of these shortcomings. The character was cold and contained. I watched a clip.

She was one of many leggy pretty young actresses who had minor roles other than the French film and the Dalmatian movie. It's hard to revive a career that other than small TV roles, ended 15 years ago. I'm a realist.

Her body of work as an actress paints an unremarkable story. She's not a great talent where industry folks would celebrate her comeback and clamor to give her roles. She's not Meg Ryan or Michelle Pfeiffer. Most people have never heard of her and if they have, it's because of the divorce.

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she is so much in a I dont give a damn period that she is starting to annoy me lol

PS: keep posting though, you deserve it
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
She’s changed the wording to add in the bit about “I’ll be back” 😴

Safely grown sounds freakishly ominous coming from Alice.

View attachment 3025091
Driving your kids to an occasional activity is so basic. Another family appears to be involved in raising the youngest and offering wonderful adventures and the eldest seems homebound with her mother.

How is this parenting? It's Summer. You take kids on adventures and swimming. You go on little day trips and weekend getaways. You can do them cheaply. Even overnights is good fun. You have to actually get out of the house, into the world, and engage with them. Dropping them off places?

Jesus, Uber can do that.

How depressing. And bragging about doing the bare minimum. 🙄

And regarding the digs about Italy: they're so obvious. She's trying to minimize the father's time at the festival with his new partner by virtue signaling about having to mummy full-time.

No girl, this ain't it.

I can only imagine what she's saying to the kids about their dad working it Italy. Because it is work. It's paid for and it helps to promote him. She knows that.

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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
I tend to cut Bianca a little slack not only because of her commendable attitude towards her illness, but because of how she handled these past three years of relentless abuse, both online and in real life. She strikes me as a particularly strong and resilient young woman, and I admire this kind of strength. Many of her bright-and-sunny SM posts may not be my cup of tea, and perhaps she mis-stepped with her attire the other day, but considering how well she has carried herself ever since she appeared on the scene, I like to think that she deserves a break (so does Ioan, of course).

When it comes to Alice, I have no more slack left to cut. It’s been four years, and she has done nothing whatsoever to improve her circumstances. She has turned her life into a sad, pathetic affair that will reach ever-new depths of sad and pathetic going forward. She revolves steadily around the past; if she ever spares the present and future any thought, she seems to do so only out of financial woes or in the context of finding new ways to disparage Ioan and Bianca.

She will never even entertain the naked truth that no one cares anymore, not truly. Ioan doesn’t, Bianca doesn’t, her family doesn’t (PentobarbiTONE will drop her like a hot potato as soon as he realises she won’t live up to whatever she promised him), the industry doesn’t, her daughters will wake up one fine day, and her few remaining, erm, “fans” will move on to more interesting targets until all she has left is Tattle.

Then what, Alice?
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Blackball made $48,000 at the box office. She gave up that glittering career for her kids. Wawawah…
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I see no issue at all with anybody using their own social media - which absolutely nobody else is forced to follow or even look at - to document happy times and good memories. The world is an awful place right now, we could all get hit by a bus tomorrow. I'd hope that if any of my friends were getting so wound up by seeing me post sunny, joyful photos of me out and about, they'd unfriend me and go and do something they enjoyed instead of sitting watching, getting needlessly wound up by someone living their life and being content, and accusing them of being vain.
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I think we would all like the opportunities to travel in luxury and get to see fantastic places and experiences. It is a no brainer. But B looks like she is just clinging on to the Main Man Ioan (who probably can’t believe his luck that in his middle age has manage to bag a much younger woman. It is not only his hair transplant that is making him look good, she does too. She is an asset when he schmoozes plus gives the impression that he is younger than he is.) But she is walking the same road that Alice did, putting him before everything. They are in that giddy loved up stage and probably want to be together but its an unproductive life for her if her role is just following him around. Hopefully her movie gets traction which will give her some separate identity - at the moment they are fused.

Still think the dress, which I loved, was disrespectful of the venue. If she went there earlier she knew exactly what the building was but still went in a dress that showed a lot of chest and leg. Alice would and has got flamed for inappropriate attire at kids premieres etc, but this is worse.
You think Alice put Ioan before everything? I've never thought that. Alice and her needs have always come first. I don't think the outfit was worse than Alice's attire at a kid's premiere. There was an event, and not a church service going on, and she stayed at the back, by the looks of it. Was it short with decolletage? Yes. Could it have been more covered up? Yes. But there was no one there to offend as the place had been made available to the event itself. And you could argue that renting a church for an entertainment event is also less than respectful (though I don't think it is). Especially considering the Pantheon was originally a pagan temple.
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I'm thinking how funny it would have been if the producers of San Andreas had completely pixelated Alice at the premiere. Just this pixelated blob in the background the whole time....
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Old Soak

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I’m dying, DYING, to know what is going on behind the scenes because this flurry of activity on her insta is fucking EXTRA, even for her
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One of the things I hate about The Abuser is that she complains about being a single mom and how hard it is YET refused 50/50. Fuck her, suck it up buttercup.
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I think anyone who has gone through what those two have over the past few years is allowed to post their happiness even if it is to the point of flaunting and even if it is unpalatable to others.
Mr NR for a long time would base every decision he made on "what will X do" or "what will X say" - he didn't even realise that's what he was doing.
I used to say he was like on of those people with the "what would Jesus do" bracelets on.
It's not a healthy way to live. I'm glad he's moving onto the I don't give a fuck what you think stage. It shows she has no power of him anymore to control his life.
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Ninas purse

VIP Member
I think we would all like the opportunities to travel in luxury and get to see fantastic places and experiences. It is a no brainer. But B looks like she is just clinging on to the Main Man Ioan (who probably can’t believe his luck that in his middle age has manage to bag a much younger woman. It is not only his hair transplant that is making him look good, she does too. She is an asset when he schmoozes plus gives the impression that he is younger than he is.) But she is walking the same road that Alice did, putting him before everything. They are in that giddy loved up stage and probably want to be together but its an unproductive life for her if her role is just following him around. Hopefully her movie gets traction which will give her some separate identity - at the moment they are fused.

Still think the dress, which I loved, was disrespectful of the venue. If she went there earlier she knew exactly what the building was but still went in a dress that showed a lot of chest and leg. Alice would and has got flamed for inappropriate attire at kids premieres etc, but this is worse.
I doubt that Alice ever put Ioan or anyone first. She was in competition with Ioan. She was trying to undermine him and did undermine him. She would've leapfrogged him if the opportunity arose. Too bad she had/still has a toxic personality, no work ethic and no talent.

Bianca is young, has no children, possibly has some of her own funds, has a boyfriend who wants her to accompany him on these jaunts. What do you expect her to do. Turn down a free fun trip because she should be seen pulling her own weight for internet likes? Sometimes people get lucky and can live this kind of life of leisure. No harm, no foul.
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It’s getting very Single White Female with the brunette throwback photos. It’s very unsettling knowing how obsessed she is with I&B.
I find it hard to believe there’s not a tiny little voice in her head saying “don’t do it - you’ll look tragic” that she chooses to ignore when she does these incredibly cringeworthy things on SM.
We know why she’s doing it, she’s comparing her younger self to Bianca. The only person she needs to be competing with is the woman she sees in the mirror - the crazed bespectacled harpy with toothpaste crusted in the corner of her lips. It blows my mind how she thinks she’s “winning” by posting ancient pictures of herself!
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