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After working so hard all my life I wouldn't say no to participating in the Hollywood lifestyle for a while, especially if I had my own money and no dependents like Bianca does. Sign me up! 😂

Gentle reminder, as someone who advises "the other half" for a living: if you have a relatively peaceful life and family and/or friends that love you, you have something that many affluent people don't have and can never buy, no matter how much money they have. Some of them have horrible things going on in their lives. Believe me when I say that everyone has their own cross to bear, and I wouldn't switch places with them for anything.
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I don’t have the rage. Just over the vanity of it all. That first photo of Bianca with a cat who got the cream look/the most blissful feeling in the world - pass the sick bucket.

The Texan gets a bad rap on here, deservedly, for being a rabid batshit fan, but some of the pro Bianca comments on here veer close to that level of fangurling. The pick me dance begging the lurker to give them a reaction was pathetic the other day.

Bianca is doing her own taunting.

They are as bad as each other. Ioan loving them fighting over him.

Do you apply that to Alice too?
who is Bianca taunting exactly? we are not seriously back to "they should not show off, it may upset his abusive ex and abusive children"? Quite honestly I dont like showing off either, but I think it's a good thing in this case. I think you only satisfy your abusers in the end if you do the opposite. And if it taunts them for their bad choices/behavior the better.

And I think its deeply insulting that you think that he loves Alice not being over him, I bet he wishes she would. You are just minimizing what she did to him this way.
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The legal stuff is not over by a long shot. There's still some sort of delay on finalizing the custody settlement that the lawyers told the judge about at the custody case management conference. Finances still need to be litigated since they haven't come to a settlement and the trial setting conference is in mid-August. The financial trial and legal filings will be public, unlike the custody portion (which the judge sealed).
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Old Soak

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•Bianca and Ioan made many appearances at the film festival in Italy and Ioan won an award.
•Many posts on social media from attendees, promoters and B and even a couple from Ioan
•Press, red carpets and swag bags
•Fair conversation was had about B’s jacket dress and her time in the noPantheon
•Alice, Alice, Alice
•Cool cucumber that Alice is, she properly malfunctioned. We were treated to lame insta stories, a yougogirl meme, a predictable but very cute photo of lil E enjoying life
•There were very real laughs on the last thread, tattlers wit was on some of its best form….
•Because Alice had posted no fewer than 4 red carpet posts in some weird competition in her head with Bianca providing much fodder, proving once again that Alice is not back, everything is not on the up and she is still completely obsessed with I and B
•Some had poorly cropped out Ioan, all were from some event Ioan was invited to and Alice was his +1
•Alice shamelessly liked a meme/post about how she’s tired of not waking up in Italy and even commented how SHE doesn’t get holidays enough and the girls also don’t get them (as an afterthought/but to make a point)
•Tone tried to threaten some crap when the RO runs out (hi Alice)
•Alice may have grifted several months of rental fees on her storage unit full of god knows what
•Alice keeps being tragic, tattlers keep being comics. Shakespeare himself would be proud.
•Alice failed to gain any traction in the daily mail, proving just how low she’s fallen. Can’t even make that sidebar of shame.
•Please add on anything I’ve forgotten and tattle on friends
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, he thinks it is funny when there is a tit for tat posting.
I can't speak for him but I can tell you my experience with Mr NR who had a very similar experience with his ex wife (although she was nowhere near as bad as Alice).
Leaving an abusive relationship like that causes longtime trauma. It takes years to get over. Mr NR's hairs stand on end if someone with the same first name is mentioned, and this is fifteen years later. It's a physical reaction. The abuse continues long after you've left and you don't find anything they do "funny."
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At a particular point in time she was for a period. Not necessarily the whole time though. We don't have the information to say one way or the other I think.

Alice: The bogan is stealing all my children’s money.
Finds out Bianca is loaded……
Alice: How embarrassing to be a trust fund bogan.
Finds out Bianca is financially supporting Ioan……
Alice: How embarrassing being supported by a bogan.
Gets down to her last $26……
Alice: I deserve half the bogan’s money.
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I've worked for decades solid. Frankly, it's indecent. If I had alternative (ethical) income or assets, I'd sit on my arse for a very long time.
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"....But it’s pretty obvious there are parallels in the life Bianca leads atm and how Alice lives or lived. She is a plus one, is taking advantage of the opportunity to network, promises books and films, is always with Ioan even when he is working, posts to instagram and has a gushing fan base. Dont get me wrong this is a benign life. But I don’t admire her for it and yes I know she has MS. My feminist side is screaming at her to do something that’s her achievement, beyond wearing a dress".

Sorry, I had to copy and paste as the thread is locked, but (no offence intended at all to the OP) fuck that - if I had the opportunity to be a glamorous plus one living the high life, I'd tell my feminist side to STFU for a bit and enjoy it! 😂
I'd probably have to find something to occupy my time eventually (ponies, maybe), but I reckon I could give riding coat tails a good go for a while.

I work like a dog and still don't have much money though, so I might be looking at how the other half live through rose tinted specs.
I don't understand why Bianca has to "achieve" anything to satisfy anyone, feminist or otherwise. It won't validate her more as a person. She is a young woman who has survived and seemingly recovered from an extremely abusive relationship. That is no small feat. She also has a debilitating illness and she has to get up and cope with it and it's side-effects every single day. Again no mean feat. She does all this with grace, good humour, courage and kindness. I'd say she achieves a lot more in a day than many of us do (and I don't mean that as a slight to anyone here.) Wherever it comes from she obviously has the money to be a lady of leisure and to accompany Ioan as a plus one, though for all we know she might be doing remote accountancy work online. Regardless, she is a true partner to Ioan, loving, supporting and encouraging him, not a selfish parasite taking all his money, leaching off of him and taking credit for his success. Imo Bianca supposedly not having some grand tangible, materialistic achievement of her own doesn't make her less of a woman, a person or a feminist.
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Some of you are too far in your obsession that you can’t see the wood for the trees. Ioan is loving having a fiancé 20 years younger than him, he thinks it is funny when there is a tit for tat posting. She makes him look good. Look Hollywood, I have still got it. He would have stopped it otherwise. B posted a bottle of lemon liqueur with big red lips this week. As you do. That was a taunt.

I was totally on his side, what Alice has done to the kids is unforgivable. But the vain side Alice has talked about of Ioan is showing, the hair transplant, the fake tan (his tan at BB4 was OTT), encouraging the gf to get her girls out in a church.
I have no doubt he loves having a young girlfriend and I dont see how being s bit vain is a bad thing but your post reeks of misogynism now: "encouraging the gf to get her girls out in a church" - Really? Aside that this is untrue (the "girls" were in, just the exposed legs were the "problem"), you really think Bianca would do this because he says so? What about the other women on this day that showed more skin? Did Ioan told them too? I think you are massively going OTT over a entertainment event at a church (isnt that inappropriate also to hold such a event there?)

PS: I have seen women at *actual* church services not being dressed much differently on a hot summer day. It's hardly the war crime.
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Ioan loves two women fighting over him? Are you on fucking glue? Let's compare their fighting styles:
Bianca: classy, supportive, fun, looks amazing, has a cute dog
Alice: drains him financially through unnecessary legal action, withholds the kids, abuses him, his family and colleagues.
Hmmm, I think your logic is flawed.
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I think people who ask what does Bianca do with most of her days are forgetting her MS. I have a chronic illness and there are days when I can scrub up and be up and about but it inevitably takes its toll. No two weeks are the same, but some weeks, I'm able to be up and about for three or four days with days of rest in between. And other weeks, I'm literally laid up for the whole week even if I haven't done anything vaguely strenuous.

Bianca has said as much many times e.g. how exhausting it is even to fly in first/business class. And how they both now generally have very early nights to accommodate her tiredness. I think there's a post from her on the previous thread in which she refers to her tiredness on this current trip but also her desire to enjoy the opportunity as much as possible. We also know she often has treatments which will be draining.

And as others have said, even if she was 100% physically well, we know that at one point she was supporting Ioan financially and isn't financially dependent on him.
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I think that Bianca has decided to live life to the full while she can - especially not knowing what her diagnosis means in terms of future mobility. She pays her own living expenses - slightly more than 50% if I remember correctly from the court documents.

In 20 years I bet she won't be saying "Oh I wish I had worked an accounting job rather than going to the Italian film festival as a VIP."
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Selma Blair posted this today--this one's for all the trolls who insist that Bianca cannot possibly have MS because she wears heels. 🙄

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I'm not at all into posting photos/showing off on SM. Just not my thing I think it's a generational thing.
But I don't begrudge Bianca and Ioan not being bullied into silence by Alice.
Alice tried and failed to cancel him.

Showing they are living a great life and not living in the darkness is a big "fuck you" to her campaign to ruin him. And I think it's a great use of SM so I make an exception to my dislike of showing off on SM in these circumstances....
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Ninas purse

VIP Member
Some of you are too far in your obsession that you can’t see the wood for the trees. Ioan is loving having a fiancé 20 years younger than him, he thinks it is funny when there is a tit for tat posting. She makes him look good. Look Hollywood, I have still got it. He would have stopped it otherwise. B posted a bottle of lemon liqueur with big red lips this week. As you do. That was a taunt.

I was totally on his side, what Alice has done to the kids is unforgivable. But the vain side Alice has talked about of Ioan is showing, the hair transplant, the fake tan (his tan at BB4 was OTT), encouraging the gf to get her girls out in a church.
You are reading too much into what Bianca and Ioan is doing. She is doing nothing more than what most women her age are doing. Posting pictures of herself and her partner travelling and having fun. He is in a profession that basically require you to put yourself out there on SM. Look good and project an image of fun and success.
Why should he stop Bianca from doing anything. She has agency over her own life. He has experienced what life can be like with a controlling person, why would he turn around and now attempt to do that to Bianca.
As to the bottle, I read something different in it, it was a fun object. Period. I'm sure a bitter 55 year old and her shenanigans are the furthest from the mind of a 30 year old having the time of her life.
Imagine going on holiday and worry about posting something because it might upset your bully and her children, your bully who had made you life such hell, that you had a MS flare up, put her children up to assaulting you and then dragging you to court over it, smearing your name harassing your family. Your bully who had/has defied court orders and continues to smear your name and harass you and your partner. Make it make sense
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Chatty Member
"....But it’s pretty obvious there are parallels in the life Bianca leads atm and how Alice lives or lived. She is a plus one, is taking advantage of the opportunity to network, promises books and films, is always with Ioan even when he is working, posts to instagram and has a gushing fan base. Dont get me wrong this is a benign life. But I don’t admire her for it and yes I know she has MS. My feminist side is screaming at her to do something that’s her achievement, beyond wearing a dress".

Sorry, I had to copy and paste as the thread is locked, but (no offence intended at all to the OP) fuck that - if I had the opportunity to be a glamorous plus one living the high life, I'd tell my feminist side to STFU for a bit and enjoy it! 😂
I'd probably have to find something to occupy my time eventually (ponies, maybe), but I reckon I could give riding coat tails a good go for a while.

I work like a dog and still don't have much money though, so I might be looking at how the other half live through rose tinted specs.
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I am so over people pouting and showing off on social media. That includes Alice and Bianca. Two cheeks of the same arse, look at me, look at me. Alice’s lips are legendary with their resemblance to an inner tube but Bianca is not adverse to a strange lip shot. This was a shot to talk about the pain she was in. Because of the OTT carefully applied wet lip look, it just looks performative. If that had been Alice she would have got ripped to bits here, but barely a mention. It is all so vain. Bianca has gained confidence, obviously a good thing, but I see her loving the attention a bit too much. Vanity has kicked in. The photo of her in her jacket dress with her chest falling out, in that venue, was totally inappropriate. I am guessing Ioan is egging her on. He is a bloke in his middle years and he has this much younger woman as his fiancé, shoring up his ego in the process. Look what I got. All vanity, despite the bead bracelets, Ioan and Bianca are not showing any great depth recently.
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I can’t speak for anyone else but I only comment on Alice because she’s an abuser. Anyone can post what they like on their instagram. My issue with Alice’s SM is her posting pics to taunt, ‘one up’ or criticize the victims of her abuse. As an aside her appearance comes up (she’s the one throwing stones at the appearance of others). In that regard I don’t see any similarly between the abuser and the victim here.
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Ally Pally

VIP Member
I think that Bianca has decided to live life to the full while she can - especially not knowing what her diagnosis means in terms of future mobility. She pays her own living expenses - slightly more than 50% if I remember correctly from the court documents.

In 20 years I bet she won't be saying "Oh I wish I had worked an accounting job rather than going to the Italian film festival as a VIP."
None of us know what is around the corner but this is especially poignant for Bianca with her MS. I for one don't begrudge her a second of her being Ioan plus one. Moo.
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