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Beautiful round up @Ametrine and perfect title @Hiraeth 👏🏼 🧡 🎉
Nobody’s as keen to see the court docs and Hiraeth’s explanation of them as Alice. So she’ll likely be ‘Baby Angeling’👶🏻 this thread extra hard today and she’ll need a big long walk down memory lane to calm her booze-shakes nerves afterwards.
Brava! I also nominate @M33LF (pron 'Milf') for the Tattler Lifetime Achievement Award in Effing and Blinding and a Special Mention for her magnificent contribution to the creation of the current MimsyPoll™ . 💜
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for those who wonder what Alice's latest IG story is. it's this
View attachment 2927884
she shared a standalone post the other day on her story too, how did she forget this here? 💀

but hey, she finally follows one of my many advices to use IG stories ;)

and so, sadly, is the alienated daughter

I btw wonder if he has thought at how much useless work he did while married to Alice. He was at times earning in one year even a million. so much of it was burned on useless shit for Alice probably (judging by what she spends her money on even now). With a less demanding and more financially independend partner (and no, it's not because Alice "sacrificed" her career, the prenup proved she brought nothing to this marriage in the first place) now he is probably able to live the same (yes, the house is smaller, but some people dont need more) life standard for himself (and would be able to provide it to the kids if they'd live with him) while working a lot less, especially once they marry and she has insurance over him they will have a strong foundation. I don't think he is working less on purpose. His career suffered a natural decline massively speed up by Alice's and Ella's smear campaign, but the problem with the accusation against men that work less on purpose because they want to avoid paying support is always that - unless you have massive wealth to begin with (which he hasnt) - you damage yourself more with this. But obviously if you dont need more than what you earn all power to you to have a nicer life. I bet he was all his marriage under enormous pressure to deliver.
Alice can tweet about spending 99c on a colander/how frugally she lived but the evidence suggests otherwise. Expensive IVF, private schools, fish shipped across the country on dry ice, gourmet meal delivery service, nanny for school aged children, creme de la mer, shopping addiction, plastic surgery and Botox habit, multiple doctors for her fictitious illnesses....

She was a total drain who brought nothing financially to the marriage either before during or after other than her financial incontinence.

Averaged over the entire duration of their marriage he didn't earn that much at all. The WeHo house should have been paid off years ago and it's very clear why it wasn't.
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I think this attitude is a lot of the problem. Probably few parents WANT (Alice caps) to miss a week of their child’s life, but they do so because they need to. Maybe, like Ioan, they travel for their careers, to support the family. I know that I traveled a fair bit for business, and it just needed to be done. It worked out fine, with appropriate arrangements made for the children and no hand-wringing and wailing about missing important parts of their lives. It’s not a tragedy or a mark of bad parenting. I don’t like to get up early in the morning, either, but I do like having a good career and money to pay the bills and have some fun, as does my husband. Needs must, MAlice. (DId I use that properly? Learned that from some of you.)
I find her insistence that she cannot ‘leave the babies for a night’ extremely creepy tbh. It’s extremely normal to leave your child for a night or longer, whether for work or play, unless you have absolutely no support around and are a lone parent. Even then most of those parents would kill for a break away!

i’ve never met a parent who has made such a meal over it tbh, it comes across extremely suffocating. It’s giving ‘kids, you will NEVER have a moment away from me to potentially risk you having room to think or speaking with another adult’. She just doesn’t want them to be out of her sight as her claws are sunk in so deep she needs to maintain the psychological stranglehold. It’s also a convenient excuse to not work, clearly. Wonder where they’ll be when she’s at the con. Probably with Gloria.
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Ella's doing online school
That could easily mean no school with a mother like her. Ella's trajectory is worrying. She sounds unhappy "up and down" unsurprisingly. Elsie is more resilient and has more protective factors. Being the golden child is turning into be mum's carer.
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They both look amazing. More than the fashion (LOVE the bee tie) they always look so happy and relaxed with each other. The trust and the comfort between them is palpable.
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I happened to see a clip of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He has two children and he and his wife haven't even shared their names publicly. He says that the children can decide whether they want to be in the public eye, when they are old enough to make the decision for themselves.
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What, it’s not $26??? Well blow me
If you insist...

I think it's likely that Ella has been excluded - she was probably one of the group of kids expelled from the 8th Grade. Alice is such a fuck up as a mother - and she can't blame Ioan because she is the only influence on Ella.
No offense to you Nixlondon but can we please stop assuming this about Ella? We have no proof she was involved in what was a really fucked up criminal thing to do. Her acting out against her dad with her mother's encouragement is one thing, this is a whole other level and without proof it is a pretty egregious thing to be accusing a 14 year old girl of. Especially one who is trapped in an abusive situation through no fault of her own. The reality is Alice has probably been keeping her home from school this whole time. God knows the GAL was fucking useless.
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this woman is literally in court fighting to be a single parent. you chosed this.

but obviously she added the important point "no childcare" - she is mad that she cant afford Gloria
She’s giving parents a shout out for caring for their own kids? The most banal things are absolute mountains to that woman. What a lazy mare. It just highlights how little she’s accustomed to doing.
she implies that Ioan doesnt
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She made a post about a sick child. But, she's made most of the comments about her situation.
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My heart is breaking for Fiona. Crazy how we all see this differently I’m seeing a vulnerable MH patient that has been badly let down. I hope she survives (literally) but I don’t think she will.

Alice is calculated, malicious and spiteful. She chooses to take the route of most harm to everyone around her. She deliberately opts for conflict and pain. It’s a choice. That’s the difference between them imo.
Oh I don’t know. I’ve been reading some of her old tweets to him. Crazy stuff. She’s clearly mentally unwell (but so is Alice) and she harassed an innocent family before Gadd. she caused chaos and lied. Even for her to suggest Gadd was lying about being a rape victim. That’s next level gaslighting. Can’t help thinking that if the genders were reversed ,there would be a whole lot more outrage and a lot less sympathy. (Not by you specifically - just people in general).
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her fans have so many self owns. this pic is from 2019 lmao
View attachment 2928620
View attachment 2928619
Loopy did pretty much confirm that it was timed back then
View attachment 2928623
aged like milk
Posting old photos and passing them off as new is so weird. The response to the comment about looking good now that her ex is gone is kinda proof that she’s pretending it’s new. Just own who you are now! If you want to post pictures, do it. Absolutely. Filter if you want even. But there’s something so odd about this.

And trying to frame B as an abuser will always be disgusting to me. Again, all the “the truth will come out” and “we have proof” kinda dissipated as always. But doing that to I and B was such an insane level of evil, even for Alice. I can’t even imagine how they must have felt.
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Slightly OT but Georgia Tennant has a thread on here now and some interesting tea has been spilt there in the last few days. A couple of commentators have already compared her to Alice.
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Times will be interesting when the girls grow up and leave home - then who will she be ?

Definitely not a single Mom, girl Mom and still not an “actress”. Will prolly have to change her bio to “Washed up crazy lady with the worst reputation in the world”
I don’t think Alice is planning for the girls to leave home.

I’ve thought for some time part of her endgame is to damage her kids and their chances in the world so severely they won’t move out, or if they do they’ll stay very close and rely on Alice for money.

Ella is a few short years away from college applications. What chances has she got, with the unschooling she’s been subjected to and the emotional trauma she’s carrying? I deeply hope I’m wrong and that they can get out from under her grasp and live fulfilling lives (and you don’t necessarily need college for that), but I’m certain Alice is consciously trying to damage them enough that they won’t leave her.

if they move out:

1) her identity as ‘single mom who can’t work’ will be gone
2) her excuse for not working will be gone
3) she will be absolutely alone
4) there’s a risk the girls might establish a relationship with Ioan and Bianca

I hope I’m wrong but everything she is doing screams ‘stunt my children‘s education, emotional security, maturity, social life, and life chances’ to me.
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Old Soak

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Yeah I'm fucking jealous 😫😉
You'll be in for a treat tonight, so many places in the UK can see it, so it's gonna be amazing where you are 😍.
I've been literally standing for an hour in my garden, such a clear night, can see loads of stars, which is unusual for London,'s faint, but look at the pink and green. Also been seen in West London too😱😱
It's on my bucket list, to go to Finland/Iceland to see them, for years now.
Take loads of photos please!View attachment 2928187
For London that is amazing and probably the best you’ll get but still really good despite all the light pollution. I was there in London when the Icelandic ash made shit purple or whatever, lived in Frognal off finchley road and the sky was wild.
Been to Iceland before but didn’t catch any northern lights. Usually we see it here in Canada because of how cold it gets. To keep it on topic, i bet we’ll see posts from I and B who’ve driven out of the city somewhere if it’s meant to affect California the same way ❤
Puked in my mouth a little
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