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Malice does what she knows best: bullying, lying and threatening. It’s part of who she is and the only thing she knows how to do. She has decades of experience.
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You only have to look at pics of Ioan in the post moving out photos. He looks like a recovering victim, to now where he looks refreshed, loved and happy.
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There's definitely one where she says MITH sent unsolicited nudes, I found these ones which are nonsensical and then one about dick pics but not the one I was thinking of so there is more than one!
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I think MITH used to post photos of himself in trackpants with his penis covered but outlined, but everyone who followed him knew that and Alice had no problems with it when she thought she was having some kind of emotional affair with him. @KikiFromNy was following them at the time (not so much Alice but that political commentary circle) and she said MITH was a young man (29 IIRC and Alice was in her late 40's/early 50's) with depression and the whole thing really upset him to the point he abandoned twitter for a while. I think she turned on him because he wouldn't support her in her stupid fight against the hoarse whisperer. To go on a public site and claim you're having a breakdown and need to go on anti-depressants cause some guy you've never even met irl has blocked you, after you attacked him online, is so freaking extra. Apparently it started over him talking about getting full custody of his kids, which Empress Alice didn't like. The whole thing was bonkers.
I also like how she is framing it. "over 90 % are from Brisbane" - the police would not tell her that since this info is not relevant as the investigation is against her. They probably told her over 90 % have no proven connection to her or around 10 % have a connection to her (which is what Bianca indirectly said too), and she concluded herself that the 90 % are Tamika.

remember when she claimed that she hired a writing style and IT expert that confirmed her that T is B? Good times

edit: at the off-chance it is true I bet she used Oz VPNs to frame the other side
It's me. I'm the problem. It's me.

Mailing and messaging relentlessly to Ioan and his parents, raging jealousy of all women (incl. his mother and her own dad’s wife). Ranting abusively on social media, chronically unemployed, exaggerating accomplishments, broke, unhinged, obsessive, deluded and insanely angry. Scrounging for cash and habitually freeloading. Court issued restraining orders.

Alice you absolute fruitcake - you are Martha.

Total number of emails Tattlers sent Alice - 0
Total number of texts Tattlers sent Alice - 0
Total number of times Tattlers have contacted her or her kids - 0
Total number of times Tattlers have trolled her SM - 0
Total number of times Tattlers have commented on her public shitshow 38;!494!

Yes Alice, you are Martha and you won’t stop and you won’t move on because you’re a complete fake and you have nothing and nobody to move on to.

Now get off tattle and all the other gossip sites and go and give your girls a childhood worth having and for the love of god get a job already.
I wonder if she had cognitive dissonance when watching Baby Reindeer and genuinely thought Martha is batshit crazy, or if she was watching it and thinking "You go Martha! All those thousands of messages and phone calls are perfectly understandable. She's just having a breakdown because he left her. We've all been there."
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So she spent the night before court trawling through the follower list of a woman who has a restraining order against her?

God that's psychotic. She needs help.
When people post negativity on Bianca’s feed she just deletes the comment and presumably blocks the person. That goes for negativity directed at Alice as well, although since saying enough is enough she is now letting more comments through but none of these seem to be blindly aiming to hurt Alice.

The woman who commented on Alice’s feed to state that she had a DVRO was responding to another poster who had wished that something could be done legally to stop abuse. It was a perfectly legitimate comment and statement of fact.

Why didn’t Alice just delete the comment and block the user if she found the comment so objectionable?

Her actions really show what kind of person Alice still is: an obsessive bully.
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O. M. G. She is just so, so utterly cringe! I seriously want to hide away and disappear watching the cringey shit she does, how she wakes up the next day and carries on is beyond me. We are back in the Marjorie days ladies, the beast is untethered and ready to shame herself by the hour. Her rage at Mad Betty is mostly because she wants to be Mad Betty. IMHO. Happily married and well connected in Hollywood. Go fuck yourself malice.
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I have some MITH or Hoarsewhisperer screenshots (can’t remember which), will dig them out.

I also have more info on the Alice/youtuber car park altercation. I just haven’t got round to making a post about it yet because unlike Alice, I have stuff to do in the real world, and I actually leave my house.
There's definitely one where she says MITH sent unsolicited nudes, I found these ones which are nonsensical and then one about dick pics but not the one I was thinking of so there is more than one!

Alice Avenatti tweet.jpg


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Just catching up... no wonder Ioan ran away from her, I'm exhausted just reading about her a few minutes a week, let alone living with her for years. She's like bloomin' whack-a-mole who won't feck off.
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Alice has been manically commenting on a woman’s posts on Instagram because the woman used her own name and account (just like Alice has been demanding) to make the factual comment that Alice has a DVRO.
She just cannot help herself!

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Oh and the time in LA is noted!
A narcissist's sore spot really is criticism and being seen for her real self. Just enrages big Al, the biggest bully of them all.

Didn't someone on DM post about her being a bully in her school days?
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@Hiraeth you mentioned at the end of the last thread that the thirteen likes that Malicious had on her post would be more than at her funeral? I reckon that her funeral would be packed out with her victims checking that she was really dead.

I don't know why the Malignancy thinks that we're jealous of her. I've got a home and garden that I own outright, long thick hair, my own nose without turtle nostrils, don't kiss like a vacuum cleaner, clean clothes that are newer than 2000, friends, animals that aren't terrified of me, good quality bags, shoes and jewellery, neighbours with whom I'm on good terms, a shower that I use regularly ...

I miss @KikiFromNy too 😢. Is anyone in contact with her?
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I was made redundant last year just before xmas and I decided to take 2/3mths off, because I needed it...I was burnt out and stressed from the redundancy process. Anyway, I'm looking for a job currently, and am lucky I have money saved, yet I'm loathe to touch it, so I'm economising as much as i can!
I miss working so much, even though I moan about work 🤣
I can't wait to start working again, honestly I don't how she does fuck all, all day and not get bored! Luckily I learned from a young age to be dependent, as I saw the hardships we went through, when my parents split...this was back in the day where 1 income was usually enough, and my mum did work partime on and off.
Anyway my point is, I'm panicking and I've only been out of work for 6mths - 3 by choice. So I cannot comprehend how she is so blasé about not having any money, and no real career, she's not trained in anything else, like a lot of us are. It just blows my mind 🤯
And I've just seen her insta, seriously she's posting videos before a court hearing, I'd be fucking shiting bricks! Talk about keeping up appearances!
Good luck with the job search. It was brave to take a step back for a while.
Due to Covid, my daughter was unemployed for nearly 18 months. It was hard work getting a job and when she saw an opportunity she grabbed it with both hands. It was nothing to do with her previous job, definitely a downward step as a swimming instructor, but, it was the beginning of her climbing up the ladder. Now almost two and half years later, she back to where she was and looking forward to continuing up the ladder, back in the industry she started in, water conservation. As a single parent to a young girl (not quite a teenager) she is an excellent role model of what you can achieve in times of difficulties. Unlike Alice!
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I also think she’s really rattled at the baby reindeer connection. There’s no way she didn’t watch that and think hmmm is 4k unresponded messages a little like moi? Yes malice. Exactly like you. I know narcs don’t like self realisation but you are Martha. Suck it.
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