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And would he be able to be spontaneous and romantic? Like I could definitely see him planning and scheduling in sex lmao, which would have to be done productively, of course. Maybe listen to an informative podcast on 2x speed while doing it? :ROFLMAO:
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Mind blown, imagine employing so many people and spending so much money just to run a mediocre YT channel with 2 videos a week and a website with the occasional article once in a blue moon. I won't even touch on the course which is a collection of free info with the occasional personal Ali touch that involves developing elaborate systems with funny names that never get used again. He seems like the type to read random books and just make up jobs just so he feels like a CEO of something. He's literally creating busywork for people to do so he can be all like "hey team ;) whazaaaaa". Next up, a 2 hour course on how to turn your computer on in the most productive way possible. I can't believe people associate the word with him nowadays, he's absolutely the antithesis of real productivity. His shtick is just shitty busywork disguised as valuable actions in the guise of "productivity systems" with silly names that even he doesn't follow.

I like how he keeps saying "we" spend X on WeWork. Hopefully the people participating in this charade don't have to actually contribute to the "fund" just to have the honor to sit at a desk in a rental of a failing scam company like WeWork. Even people who plan elaborate military operations can work remotely but Ali drags his yes-men with him to WeWork so he can feel like he's strategizing some grand takeover. Judging by his IG stories and previous videos, it's more like playing tabletop games and fucking around but "feeling" productive.

The "coaches" topic... My fucking god, not even gonna.

Boggles the mind how his fans can find this kind of content inspiring or valuable in any way. I've never watched a video that made me go "what the f..." more times. Not even those viral tiktok fail compilations raise my eyebrows this many times.
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Well, it's not him, It's Elizabeth who categorizes them as such.
Normal dudes don't have them because they are not Famous millionaires.

And "INvoluntary CELibate" is totally not a person who could get laid any instant of his life and just chooses not to do it.
Ali definitely could not get laid any instant of his life. He may be getting marriage proposals but those aren't the same people that he's encountering and getting rejected by on dating apps and generally
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Tbh I dont watch him much anymore - seems like a salesman now rather than anything of interest. Just jumping on whatever bandwagon is passing by for clicks. Considering a lot of his audience are students and impressionable, I found it really irresponsible for him to have videos about crypto investing. He is not a financial advisor. He is someone who can afford to take risks and lose money. Yet, by introducing himself as a doctor from Cambridge it brings an air of authenticity. He just seems stuck between spaces now - as a med student he had something to offer his target audience (other students). That also carried over to his early years as a doctor - but he has outgrown that audience now and seems to be flailing. There is only so much people want to hear about productivity etc. Even his idols like the minimalist guy have really cut down the number of videos they release now - focussing on quality content over getting a video out X times a week. And lets be honest - how productive and efficient are you really if you cant even find time to cook for yourself. Its not healthy to constantly eat takeout - I feel like crap after one night of takeout, I cant imagine living on the stuff.
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Hi, long-time lurker.
I had to create a profile because I want to say a thing or two about the whole ASD conversation.
I am autistic. I do not struggle with empathy and I like to believe I am a good person. Same goes for all my friend on the spectrum.
The fact that Ali is an ass is NOT related to him having ASD or not. He's just a shitty person.
I struggle with social skills, I don't understand most of what people do and I do not understand sarcasm. However, I have put so much work and effort both to communicate with others to the best of my abilities, and to be a good person. Lack of understanding does not justify lack of morals. Autistic people are some of the most moral people you will find. Ali is just a privileged, self-obsessed prick.
Also OT but ASD is also not a mental illness, and it cannot be cured. It is a disability, because our brains are fundamentally different than neurotypicals' brains, but it is not, like, a personality disorder.
Agree with this post.

Autistic people can be among some of the kindest and sweetest people you will ever meet. Some of them also may be difficult to deal with. All depends on the upbringing. However a dickhead is a dickhead whether they are on the ASD or not and unfortunately society has a minimum level for social interactions and I don't see that changing with is why autistic people may have a difficult time by not understanding social cues etc.

Ali is high-functioning and has clearly been brought up in an environment (a seemingly priveleged childhood, grammar school, followed by Cambridge and his YouTube career) which has never challenged his negative personality traits and allowed them to thrive. As he has grown he has become surrounded by enablers unwilling to challenge his views and the prestige he has accrued has pushed him into a deep spiral of arrogance.

What you are left with is a void of personality who ironically only exists to garner prestige and impress others. His goals videos - he doesn't want to learn to cook because it's a useful skill or allows him to eat more cheaply or healthily - he does it because he wants to impress his friends at a dinner party.
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I came across this video the other day on Instagram:

on the one hand I get where's he's coming from -having tools that may turn your work in more aesthetically pleasing or better looking for, idk, recruiters, other people in your field, it's really nice and makes it probably more valuable

but...i mean...really? out of millions of topics you could teach medical students, did you really choose...typography? and graphic design?
what about ethics? or what about teaching them that grades are not all what matters? or tell them to prioritise their mental health over uni work? or maybe, prepare them for work, like, teach them how to be empathic towards their patients in a computerised era in which everything is becoming increasingly less personal? or maybe, the opposite! how to not empathise with your patients because it will make your job even more difficult? i don't know, there could be anything!

however, he thinks that what everyone needs is just typography and have their own name in a website domain...definitely this guy has zero passion for his job -or exjob, i don't know anymore at this point

sorry for the rant!! i think this video snippets are meant to be like, enlightening stuff that he has discovered, but on the other hand they just show how he's so tone deaf with reality
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I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. Saying “the truth” about Ali, is lack of empathy? The guy made email for his wife, says 10% to be dedicated to dating, left medicine in the middle of pandemic and you say I am not having empathy towards him

clearly xD
We don't even know that Ali has ASD so using his perceived faults to go on a rant about people with ASD makes you look stupid and lacking in empathy. You can say what you like about him and call what he does cringey but it doesn't give you a free pass to make generalisations about everyone else.
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Agreed, some people on here think that working in healthcare needs to be this all-consuming passion that you selflessly dedicate yourself to, which is fair enough as it's a common stereotype that people have. But it's that kind of attitude that leads to the poor retention rates of medics in this country and a having a fairly balanced attitude to it like ali does seems healthier.
Yep couldn't agree more, a lot of people have that assumption about it and I did too when I was applying, I thought medicine would be my whole life. But then my perspective changed and I realised... I'm still just a person working a job, not a bloody martyr, and I want to have time to see my friends and family and do other things that I enjoy. There's some things I could criticise Ali for, but deciding to not slave away his life working for the NHS is not one of them.
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Bit of a rant here but I hate when people in the developed countries underpay the ones in the developing countries. I get that labour is cheap there and okay, maybe in England or the USA, you gotta pay $50 to a person doing a job, whereas in developing countries, it's much cheaper but he mentions $7 for the entire work? Fine, don't give 50, but how about $40 for that? They are putting in the same effort too! I hate how these rich people from a privileged background say their time is not worth doing a particular work but willing to underpay someone who's financially struggling in a poorer country.

Definition of a punchable face
this was what my first-ever post was about. i lost bit of a respect for him after this. I am all for productivity but this is too much lol
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You don’t need to follow the pages to do research though? I understand wanting to give Ali the benefit of the doubt but I do think it would be worth him addressing it. This stuff isn’t harmless.
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He is the most unoriginal person I have ever known.
Literally what he does is to read something, paraphrase it, and done content created.

No life experience, no own thoughts, just repeating what someone has said and remembering quotes.
Considering one of his life tips from Elon Musk was to take a shower, I think we can safely say he's gone off the rails. Imagine needing Elon Musk to state that taking a shower is good for the experience of taking a shower to suddenly become a pro tip. Tomorrow we'll see Tim Cook stating that wiping your arse thoroughly is generally a good idea and not too soon after we'll witness another lifechanging revelation from Ali.

In fact, I personally hold a list of super secret billionaire success secrets that I've never shared before but I want to take this opportunity to blow your guys' minds. Here we go, strap in:

1. Sleep at night.
2. Wash the soles of your feet, not just the top parts.
3. Read books.
4. Eat food.
5. Lift the toilet seat when you take a piss.
6. It was your parents putting those presents under the tree.
7. Start a YouTube channel and get 2.3 million people to subscribe.
8. Be rich.

It's ok, thank me when the shock wears off and Ali if you steal any of these I want 50% of the ad revenue from that video.
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He's a millionaire based on some good investments he's made so he doesn't have to actually work so has just decided to become a "guru" despite the fact he has almost no real knowledge. Productivity tips include stuff like "buy things which can do two jobs" and "go for a walk in the morning to clear your head". Money saving tips include absolute brain dead stuff like not getting takeaways and cooking your own food instead and then freezing it. Then it's sold to the audience like it will make you a millionaire. You should see the video of him trying to cook his own food it is pathetic.

This is the company Ali has made for himself and what this whole circle is based off.
Yes apparently every 20-something-year old who came into money has every secret to a productive and successful life.

At least Ali doesn't pretend to be a minimalist anymore. Everyone knows he will buy the latest model of Apple anything and will proceed to flex with it on the poor people. His tech "reviews" and setups have always struck me as boring and uninspiring, especially since he admitted he gets all his gear after he watches some videos of recommendations. He loses no opportunity to plug his affiliate links for products like Ugmonk analog which is literally a bunch of cards anyone could print at home. Imagine being so out of touch with reality that thinking a $100 pack of cards and a piece of wood contributes to your productivity and then pushing that onto your audience. I actually bought one of the Leuchtturm journals based on his recommendations and it was a piece of crap. Then I did 5 minutes of research and bought an infinitely better product. I bet 10 years from now he'll still keep plugging his Amazon link for that low quality journal. I've never seen someone be this lazy about what they're recommending to their audience. If he's this lazy about the products, I guarantee he's just as lazy about the advice. So far he's peddled several different "productivity systems" on Notion and because he hasn't been able to overtake Marie Poullin as THE Notion person, he's gone back to Roam and stopped making videos about these apps altogether.

Same with these sponsors of his. I've seen videos where he claims that after a busy day he'll sit down at 11 PM and do a course on Brilliant. Christ, if you're gonna sell out at least make it somewhat believable. His kitchen is a mess, his apartment looks dirty as shit from up-close yet he's telling me he's so conscientious that there's no other activity he'd rather do in the middle of the night than courses on Brilliant to "learn more about crypto". Haha.
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The jobs are a joke

The content writer is basically him saying you are my scribe, i'll tell you what I want you to write and you'll go and do it, even called this person his 'knowledge manager'

So errr are you going to be doing Ali if everyone is doing your job for you?!?!
I'm hoping that at some point his moronic audience realises that whatever content they're consuming, be it newsletters or videos, are actually created and thought up by some random worker on a salary, and Ali is literally just slapping his name on it and isn't actually intellectually or "emotionally" involved with any of it. Maybe I'm the weird one, but if someone was serving me content that they had nothing to do with, I'd stop watching in a second. Kind of beats the entire point of YouTube being a personality based platform where you watch people whom you resonate with. Who's gonna resonate with employee #18 in Ali Abdaal Corporation that's gonna be responsible for all his stories and scripts? At least in a news agency, they present facts (or they used to) and nobody actually cares about personal anecdotes from the anchors but the only reason people watch HIM and not someone else is to hear HIS words, not some fucking random's. This is reaching some serious levels of ridiculousness.

Someone who doesn't have such a dedicated fanbase of brainlets from India could never get away with this. He could post self-own after self-own and still get 98.7% likes just cause he's perceived as an idol by that demographic. More likes, bigger ego, more people signing up to his stupid course, more clones. Will this ever end?
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Another day, another awkward video from Ali Abdaal promoting some entrepreneurship book that he's madly in love with. I wonder how his new hires are working out—a whole team of people for a video that barely scratches 50k. Looks like the audience of 2.2 million has been whittled down to a steady 40-70k of diehard fans that still click these shitty entrepreneur mindset videos. Wonder how long it'll last before they also get tired of this.

I watched this shitshow of a video and aside from the guy filming himself in direct sunlight with his curtains open, it struck me as completely distasteful say things like "a stupid country like America" as if he wasn't drooling over moving to the US just a year ago because of how much doctors get paid over there. Oh so now it's a stupid country cause you discovered you can make more money from duping idiots into buying a useless course rather than being a doctor over there... Gotcha, cool. Makes me wonder if that line was his only personal contribution to the script, considering he outsources just about everything. Really adding some personal flair there to your employee's otherwise drab work.

Holding on to my seat for the next banger video. Maybe the next one will get more views than 2% of his subscriber base. Can't wait to hear that I should just start a business that makes a million dollars and to enjoy the journey again. Never have I seen a person embody the expression "beating a dead horse" to this degree.
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Bit of a rant here but I hate when people in the developed countries underpay the ones in the developing countries. I get that labour is cheap there and okay, maybe in England or the USA, you gotta pay $50 to a person doing a job, whereas in developing countries, it's much cheaper but he mentions $7 for the entire work? Fine, don't give 50, but how about $40 for that? They are putting in the same effort too! I hate how these rich people from a privileged background say their time is not worth doing a particular work but willing to underpay someone who's financially struggling in a poorer country.

this was what my first-ever post was about. i lost bit of a respect for him after this. I am all for productivity but this is too much lol
I don't watch him anymore - what work did he outsource that he paid so little? Even a measly £20 here would go far in the countries these privileged assholes export their work too. Paying £7 is disgusting and not something I would EVER brag about. He should be ashamed of himself.

Esp considering he thinks doctors are paid so little for their work in their NHS (which I agree with) but shouldn't he sympathise with those in other countries who are doing these jobs at a much lower price, selling themselves short just so people like HIM, don't go to someone who can offer a "better price".
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What such a bullshit thing to say, people get burnout even when working a job they love!!! Burn out affects all areas of life!! What an idiot
It‘s also such a huge sign of privilege too! Some people can‘t do what they enjoy because they need to do something that pays the bills.
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He just seems to be unaware of the fact that his validation stems from the sheer number of Indian/Pakistani viewers that will gobble up his shit without even blinking, and not from the validity of his advice.
What strikes me is that his audience didn't mind when he mentioned he has outsourced some tasks to Filipinos because they are cheap.
I mean, if you are from India which is Worldwide capital of outsourcing location for transactional and repetitive tasks, why would you praise the guy of similar ethnic background who looks on you part of the World as a location of cheap labour force and the way to have more cash in the pocket rather than paying fair amount of money.

I don't get it. I'm from Poland, remember the time when we were extremely poor, and when I see guy like him I am just disgusted.
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I would simply not talk to him. Most other people would also stop talking to him. It's probably why he has to build a "business" in which he's essentially paying people to be his friend.

If your contribution to a conversation is that David Woods in his book How To Be A CEO said this on some podcast rather than your own personal thoughts or experiences then you are not worth talking to. When Ali is sharing is own personal opinions they're widely abhorrent like donating £2000 is more statistically moral than volunteering to a soup kitchen in your local neighbourhood because one "saves more lives".
The whole "I donate money so save more lives than the doctors working" thing is really abhorrent. Only someone who has never had love for another person, whether family or friend, could reduce human life in such a way. I want to see him arriving in A&E needing emergency life surgery, and the surgeon to tell him that it will be more cost effective to instead spend that money saving poverty-stricken lives in Africa so he should not have the treatment 😤

Yeh the constant quoting thing is so odd. I really cringed watching Diary of CEO interview when he would repeatedly do that. Ali has really put me off using self-help books or self-help videos. He should have a syndrome named after him of what happens when you forgo real life for so much book learning.
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