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@herathebeaver there are far better role models out there than a Doctor who no longer practices because he can make more money selling overpriced courses to students desperate for success. I imagine it's a bit confronting to discover lots of people don't like someone you look up to. But that's just the reality of things.
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Second this. I think while he hasn’t necessarily been unprofessional, he is too overfamiliar. He has talked about his bowel movements/being a wasteman / cracks many jokes at his expense / promoted Huel, the list goes on and onnnnn. Not sure what other med influencers are like but I guess a sense of TMI is inevitable once you move from tech reviews or study tip videos to productivity maestro stuff.

I think this would apply if he was a lawyer or realtor or just worked at Starbucks to be clear, but I have always wondered if he really thought through how wise it is to marry influencer with serious medical professional. Like, seriously thought through. A lot of his content isn’t industry specific, as in, I’d argue being treated by a doctor who regularly did presentations or talks on medical things, and who you happened to recognise, is not the same as having a doctor who has a personal brand or channel on YouTube and can ‘get to know’ in a ‘personal’ way.
Yes, this is exactly what I mean. I think if at least a couple of us have thought it on this thread - it's probably a bit of issue. I know I wouldn't feel like I had the professional distance with him as my doctor. I'd be wondering if I, as a patient, was going to become (even confidentially) a small anecdote in a video or blog post. I don't think he would ever give patient details, but if he started training and vlogging stuff. It really does blur the lines, not outright unprofessionalism, but certain the notion of professional distance between you and a healthcare provider to allow you to feel able to disclose personal information.
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In his last update video he said he spoke to a CEO or something and he was like how much passion are you really giving to it, what's that 2 days a week giving back to you and it sounded like he decided to give it up because his heart wasn't really in it.

It's probably better for the NHS he leaves also. Don't want me ot my family practised on by some out of touch spoiled rich kid doing it part time because he thinks it makes his coding more interesting.
Gosh he’s done an amazing job in talking himself out of a job and scoring an own goal. He spent 8 years training to be a medic (6 Uni years and 2 FY years). Coming out to the public about how medicine isn’t his passion hence he was justified to leave it naturally means that people who have heard him will remember him as the guy who doesn’t like medicine. I agree with you - no-one wants to put their trust in someone who doesn’t want to do the job. In Diary of CEO video, he made a comment about how he knows intellectually he should feel bad when people are suffering and so he does, rather than naturally feeling bad. His bio in YT videos still reads as “doctor working in Cambridge”, probably because writing “just another YouTuber trying to make money” doesn’t have the same reach. I don’t think he appreciates what he’s given up until it’s gone!
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I find it really odd as well that he wants to go to Harvard to meet "cool people". He seems elitist as well.
I can't imagine anything worse than giving up my independence and freedom as a adult to be back in school/university, with pressured socialisation. I do think it says a lot about him that he thinks this is important. At this age and with everything he has done so far, I feel sorry for him if he thinks he needs more friends and going to Uni is the way to do it.
Ali's background is grammar school straight into Cambridge university. He has probably not spent much time mixing with working class people apart from possibly time with nurses in the NHS but given that he's turned his back on that I'm not sure he enjoyed it. A lot of people who are in Oxbridge for their formative years get this attitude, they only want to mix with people of similar class and education levels. Havard is probably his next step in creating a curated circle of people which meet his high education standards after his London experiment.

I haven't seen LinusTech. But I do think if Ali was just around people who he was having fun with, his vlogs would be more watchable. The Monaco vlog is a good example of how even being in a great setting to make an interesting vlog, you can end up making a really boring vlog because it seemed unrelatable and like an informercial for himself about how cool he is being in Monaco. Whereas a vlog like the vagabrothers did in Monaco shows that being relatable to your audience and having fun in your videos makes the vlogs watchable.
His Monaco vlog was just badly made and boring. He's gone to one of the richest cities in the world and then decides to do a tour of a bunch of different Starbucks whilst he does "work" and waits for the bloke he's interviewing to give him the 2 hours for the podcast. Shit content. Why would you travel all that way to drink a drink you could just go down the road to pick up? Go to a local coffee shop and try something a bit different.

He's a boring human being without medicine, no one wants to see him sit in Zoom calls, nod at people he's interviewing, or drink lattes whilst he replies to emails. It's dull, he has no actual skills to show off like art or wood working or music. He's just got medicine and he's just abandoned that.
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Our past year together - Woke Wednesday - YouTube

"This is when we read the tattle comments"
Ali: "Oh, we never released that video"

He seems really unhappy in this video
I cannot believe how many memories with her he simply cannot remember? How fucking weird if someone has a photo of me I can literally remember it always? Maybe I take less pictures of myself than these people do but I would find it weird if someone could not remember all of these photos?

I get the impression from these videos and also the videos with Elizabeth than he's very insecure. He's always very guarded like he's not saying much because he's not in control of the edit? Especially when in his own content he's so confident and chatty and bright. It's such a contrast from his videos with these two women, where he's just one word answers, doesn't want to talk etc.

Nice to know he's been reading this thread though. wonder why he never released it. Maybe because the Sheen comments were broadly positive in this thread, but everyone is constantly ripping on him in here.
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He is unethical and frankly very unkind but let's be real...all his followers follow him for his expertise in money-making and studying, not kindness/romance advice
But should creators who could be damaging (the incel stuff 100% is) be praise just because that isn’t part of their brand? He also doesn’t (and this is my opinion) recognise any of his privilege it’s just this work hard and you’ll get somewhere bollocks
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apparently, as mentioned in some of his videos, most of his family are doctors, and he sort of felt 'pushed' to follow that path (his brother jokes about how in family reunions, his relatives look down on him for being a computer science graduate instead of a medicine graduate)
maybe he wants to make up for the lost time and pursue a more 'entertainment'-based career? i also agree with the others that he has fallen into the rabbit hole of productivity, coaching, self-improvement and all that jazz, also i find it worrying how openly he talks about money (his income, his investments, the tesla car...) and i find him very money-driven, maybe i'm wrong
Yeah, I get the impression he pursued medicine for the wrong reasons. Tons of young adults think they want to be doctors simply because they excel in biology. There's also societal and familial pressure to find a prestigious, well paying job. In the US, tons of med school hopefuls change their plans during undergrad because they realize medicine is actually a poor fit for them. But iirc medical school in the UK is direct entry from high school. So I'm guessing Ali had to commit to one of the toughest jobs out there at an age when he still knew very little about the world. I'm sure there are also advantages to the British system, but I'll save that debate for a medical school forum.
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In the beginning he was quite interesting, but recently he has turned very strange. He seems to have really lost his path in life and I’m never sure if he is joking with some of his goals, like Gymshark / NYT award winning writer etc. It’s so repetitive it’s just become strange to watch. Every book he reads has changed his life which is also a load of bull. Don’t know what to make of him anymore
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And next video about money
I'm sorry but he looks so ridiculous in this thumbnail... pouting like his mommy took his pocket money away instead of losing 55k???? Most people would be absolutely financially devasted by a loss like that; the fact that he's still playing into that Elon Musk-esque 'just invest' type of financial advice is reprehensible. Especially considering he's not in any way actually qualified to give out financial advice
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Ali wants the best of both worlds. He wants the money from youtube and he wants the respect of a doctor. The funny thing is he seems to have no interest in the role of an actual doctor and sees it based on how many lives he can save, when medicine is also about the quality of someone's life. He views medicine so robotically and voids any kind of emotion, but patients are naturally emotional and need that emotional support from everyone, it's not just the nurses' job. He says he doesn't feel guilty about not working as a doctor during the pandemic which is just heartless - can he not read a room? What about the medical students volunteering at hospitals during the pandemic? They have less training than Ali, but they still helped because they know what's at stake. His reasoning for going back to medicine is bull because if he was being honest, he would really say he doesn't suit medicine but wants the prestige of a doctor. He's obviously more suited to youtube - a tonne of cash and there's no people skills involved. If you watch videos of doctors working in the nhs, you'll see how much of it is dependent on emotional intelligence as well as being book smart. Knowledge will only take you so far - there's plenty of other professions where a lot of studying is involved and emotional intelligence isn't important.
It makes me also think about the admission process to medicine on the unis. Weren't they supossed to check how well people are suited for the actual work as a doctor? Or is it only for the "science" knowledge?

Sorry to say that but Ali is not a good example for Cambridge University.
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Not just that but also all that stuff about "oh, but there's locums and the hospitals will always find someone to fill the gap". Dude, just own what you did. The whole country knew that the NHS was struggling. It was an unprecedented pandemic.

I'm just so disappointed in someone that I had previously perceived as quite genuine.
That locum comment 🥴, it’s that attitude of his. He tries to conceal his horrible attitude by pardoning it as Stoicism LMFKAGAGSJDJF

His approach to dating is odd at best. People aren't products in a supermarket. Unfortunately, you need to take time to get to know others and sometimes finding love isn't easy, even if you read all self-help books out there. I think he may put off many women when they learn about his obsessive approach to life where everything has to be done on purpose and there's no time to sit back and relax. A great example was his dumb 'super productive piano learning' video. My partner was watching it and I caught a few glimpses. It totally put me off. I would love to play an instrument but if I had a teacher who would want me to train according to this monkey pattern, I think I'd give up ASAP.
"People aren't products in a supermarket." Spot on. He doesn't seem entirely ready for a relationship either. It's probably familial pressure and a cultural thing about getting married before he turns 30 which is getting to him.
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He needs a lpt of therapy, always seeking validation like his life depends on it, who is Ali behind all these accolades? What a bland bland person if he bases himself on his degree and what ppl think of him.

Its like he goes on about the entrepreneur lifestyle but still doesnt understand. In his video he blatany said the podcast was just another way of making money its not like he was excited about it at all

No wonder his viewership is declining, he has nothing to add anymore and is getting boring and stale. Is a bland person with no direction. He just wants money and will do anything to get it. Its not like he grew up poor.

Ali, go seek therapy.
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I think it's fair enough if he wants to go back to doing medicine just part-time, if I had a side gig as good as Ali's I would definitely do the same. Love the job but it does tire you out and can leave little time/energy in your life for other things.
Agreed, some people on here think that working in healthcare needs to be this all-consuming passion that you selflessly dedicate yourself to, which is fair enough as it's a common stereotype that people have. But it's that kind of attitude that leads to the poor retention rates of medics in this country and a having a fairly balanced attitude to it like ali does seems healthier.
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Maybe Ali isn't 'problematic', but I wouldn't say his approach to productivity is harmless? It's part of a hustle culture/toxic positivity vibe online I find really distasteful.

I also think the way he reads is insane. I will never understand it. Books are amazing, why rush them?

Anyway, Tattle is here for us to express opinions. Compared to most threads this thread is very tame, and if you read through you'll notice a lot of intelligent and reasoned criticisms. Not everyone in life is going to like you.
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who is paying for this crap.PNG

Who on Earth is paying for this crap!

1500 for 24 hours hours worth of video that's $60 an hour! I guess some people have more money than sense.
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I think this thread should be closed now, he doesn't like the comments and it's personally affecting hiim
I empathise - it's no picnic to read negative comments about yourself and your work, and he was understandably hurt. However, people are within their rights to post their thoughts on him and his content here, and no one is making Ali read the thread. I hope he chooses not to read further comments.
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There's something so grating about this guy. Talks about productivity but can't get his hair washed properly 🙄 He also struggles with word salad. He keeps talking and talking about the same thing over and over again. He's not concise in expressing his message.

As other posters have mentioned, I don't know if he can enjoy anything in life anymore. Everything has to be 'efficient' and 'productive' to the extent that he probably can't find joy in anything that doesn't meet those criteria. It's a straight road to having an OCD.

His approach to dating is odd at best. People aren't products in a supermarket. Unfortunately, you need to take time to get to know others and sometimes finding love isn't easy, even if you read all self-help books out there. I think he may put off many women when they learn about his obsessive approach to life where everything has to be done on purpose and there's no time to sit back and relax. A great example was his dumb 'super productive piano learning' video. My partner was watching it and I caught a few glimpses. It totally put me off. I would love to play an instrument but if I had a teacher who would want me to train according to this monkey pattern, I think I'd give up ASAP.

Another thing is that the guy is clearly trying too hard. He attempts to come off as a cool bro but you can see the insecurity underneath which many can perceive as arrogance.

I don't have an issue with him abandoning medicine temporarily. I understand it is a tiring and often ungrateful job. But what shocked me is that while several times he mentioned interacting with colleagues as benefits of working in a hospital, he never mentioned working with patients and helping them with illnesses. Pretty weird if you ask me.
I have to agree, especially the last paragraph. I think Ali's a good example of someone who went into medicine for the wrong reasons and he basically admitted as much himself in this video. Despite that I was still surprised that he didn't recognise helping patients as any kind of benefit to the job - just 'banter' with colleagues. Then again, he previously described himself as having 'no internal care-o-meter' so I guess that fits. Personally I'd prefer a doctor who had not admitted that to the entire internet, skills or no skills.
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