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Chatty Member
When she said no teacher/school should fear ofsted, does she not realise that ofsted is a box checking exercise that rarely focuses on the important aspects of school life and more in grades?
she’s a permanent victim and there will always be someone she’s going after
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People like this always make me think of the phrase “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole”
Self awareness is so lacking. Why is everything someone else’s fault?
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I think by her announcing her adhd status/diagnosis in her TT handle shows that she plays on it and uses it almost as an reason for her maniacal ramblings.

If she’s medicated I’d suggest it needs adjusting. Not even trying her have a pop at her here but she does come across as mentally unwell
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One of the most annoying people that has ever come up on my fyp. Incredibly defensive, rude and and quite frankly if her story about her upbringing is true, it seems she is just as toxic as the family she claims to no longer see.

she has adhd which prevents her from doing any kind of stable job that might provide for her and her son. Her followers are so thick,enabling her behaviour and piling on anyone who questions or asks why she can’t do more to herself.

If anyone makes a sensible suggestion in the comments, she always has a reason as to why she can’t apply for actual government help, Why she is homeless? Why she is choosing to live in a house that needs renovation as opposed to emergency homeless housing oh and do you know she has adhd?! Vile woman.
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She is positively gloating that her son has been excluded! She set that kid up to fail from day one. He has no chance with a mother like her.
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I am one of the “vulnerable” people you talk about im a young single mum to 3 kids I have adhd BPD along with numerous other health issues and I’ve donated to her GoFundme 👌🏻 I feel like personally she’s Been as honest as she can be and there’s always going to be people no matter how much proof she posts who believe she’s a liar
Seriously, have a word with yourself.. she has a child ! She will be recieving benefits
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Chatty Member
I've just popped over to this thread to tell her to fuck right off. Can someone please educate these imbeciles as to what an actual Internet troll is/does and that this is effectively just a bitchy WhatsApp group. What the police gonna do? Fucking prize dickhead.
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Her TikToks on people working during the heatwave or sending children in to school are just so typical of why she is so irritating. Section 44 of the employment act 🙄 honestly- ‘tell me you’ve never held down a full time job - without telling me you have never held down a full time job.’

She would be the first to complain if she needed to phone the doctor or call the police, and was told the service was closed because of the heatwave. She does realise that some of us had to work even when there was a pandemic doesn’t she - surely she understands that many people are key workers / essential services and those people have children that need to be in school?? What does she expect? women to not have any babies today so that midwives can have the day off, no ones house to catch fire or cars to have accidents so the fire service can be home. I thought she was part of the farming world? I presume all farmers will be at home putting their feet up today, not working hard making sure crops/ animals are okay in this weather. And what about those that just won’t get paid and are struggling. She has no concept of the world around her - she’s like some overgrown spoiled teenager with a victim complex no wonder she struggles with proper relationships- she is insufferable.
It's ok for her she doesn't have a kid in a school or a job... I've got to go work in a nursery now with 15 children ( all babies so all going to be fractious) in a room where we have no air con, windows can't open more then an inch and on a good day the temp is 28 internally so parents can go to work and keep this country afloat. How she can be advocating these things amaze me. Especially for someone who so publically complains about her child not being in school.
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Chatty Member
My child is violent and half her childs age it hurts and Im often bruised. My child cant yet control their actions due to sen learning delays and the understanding not yet being at peer level. I dont judge her for her child showing violence its massively stigmatised with children with additional needs and a lot of it is due to sensory overload frustration and all that comes with a brain not working neurotypically. However I massively judge her reaction my child is told its wrong everytime and I am always fully upfront with my childs nursery teachers and have spoken to the reception one that Im one hundred percent on side and just talk to me and we will ensure the same methods are used through home and school. If going into reception my child is violent to other children and teachers I will support school in how its dealt with as its not fair on them or my child as they are clearly in a situation they aren't comfortable with and everyone needs to be safe. My child isnt a monster they have friends they are loving they are funny but they also can be violent and that needs to be considered not denied or laughed about like she is doing.

Also the knuckles being swollen thing is rubbish my childs have never once been swollen after one a meltdown where they have lashed out I said before but I mean it she absoloutely needs social services intervention as that boy is being failed. She comes across so condescending and narcissistic I genuinely worry for the child.
I know sen kids are excluded a lot and its not fair as they are left without a provision and there needs to be more support in school but I honestly think if she wasnt so combative he would stay in schools longer as they would be more willing to try harder for him if the parent wasn't so difficult
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Chatty Member
Whinging that her son is only getting 2 hours a week 2-1 tutors.

Here’s an idea doll, teach your son to behave, stop harassing and pestering schools for daring not to run the school around him and him alone and this won’t be an issue for you.

This woman is the literal definition of a drain on society.
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Chatty Member
A pet hate of mine is when someone who is diagnosed with something then goes on as though they're an expert about that condition. She is constantly giving out wrong information about SEN, benefits, autism & ADHD.
Tell someone that they don't have autism because that person doesn't see it as a disability just tops it for me.
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Chatty Member
She’s now giving tiktokers advice on whether you should send your kid to school tomorrow and Tuesday. Bit rich from the persons who’s kid doesn’t attend school
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She needs to stop peacocking, actually engage with the school in a positive manner rather than continuously making bitchy TikTok’s and playing games. I’m sure if she didn’t go to the school with the idea that she’s owed the world and they’re in the wrong with everythig they do that she might get somewhere!

She is cruel for telling her child he couldn’t go on the trip, it was his second day so it could have been explained away very easily.

There is also no consideration in her videos for the fact her child might not actually be able to cope with more than 1.5hrs at school at the moment! A 2 weekly review seems reasonable to me, that way they can increase/decrease to suit what he can cope with and changes won’t be made too quickly. I also don’t see any evidence of her attempting home schooling to try and help him either….
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VIP Member
Her followers bought her sons Christmas presents.
She pleads poverty.
Nothings ever her fault.
And she’s extra aggressive to anyone who comments..

Any thoughts on her?
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Chatty Member
She’s massively breaching her neighbours privacy and safety. Even if he is having an affair, it’s not her business to know or broadcast it. She’s going to land herself in some serious trouble over this. If he’s not having an affair and it’s a carer, a therapist or even a friend, she could be in some legal mess too. If it is an affair and his wife or family find out via some twat seeking views and follows on Tiktok she’s responsible for some of the fall out.

What an absolutely appalling women 😳
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I’m actually livid at how she is leading vulnerable women into this. It’s sex work. Between this, the scamming, acting like an “industry” expert, and pimping out her followers I officially have 0 respect for this woman.
She’ll be trying to sell courses at this rate. What annoys me even more though is that she has no authority on this and is hardly a roaring success?? She got a b&m hot tub and her eye brows done - why is she behaving like she invented this and she’s a leading expert 🤣
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Chatty Member
Seen this comment on a video about a Sainsbury’s delivery driver. I doubt Sainsbury’s will mind losing out on the £7.50 a month from her :ROFLMAO:
Tell you what for someone who is allegedly poor and needs to beg daily on tic tok how the fuck can she afford to shop at sainsburys ?
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I'm wondering if England have PDSA vet surgeries!? I'm in Scotland. My cat had an horrific accident and as a single parent I could barely afford the excess on the insurance so had to take him to PDSA and only paid £20 donation. He had an operation and meds included etc. She drives!? So doesn't matter if its not close to her. I don't drive and still managed the 20 mile journey without asking strangers for money. Unreal
They do have vet surgeries, the PDSA helped me a few years ago when my dog fell deathly ill. Can't sing their praises enough. I think (atleast from what I remember) they only serve local areas within a certain catchment in England - I could be wrong though. I know I had submit evidence & proof of address ect. Also, I know they're extremely busy and in demand & busy where I am. There was a period during lockdown when they'd only treat life-endangering emergency, not sure if that's changed. I visited during lockdown and I had to wait in the carpark with my dog and many others for 6 hours to be seen. None of this is in defence of her though - just some context.

Anyway I was having a morning scroll and had to comment here. She's only very recently popped up on my FYP. Seeing a woman sobbing over her border collie - I related as a BC owner myself.

It took approximately a day to realise going through 3 "horrible vets", a "horrible school" and having an excuse for absolutely everything and a wish list the size of the Great Wall of China that she was purely using TikTok for the beg, noteriety and sympathy. No thanks. Blocked.
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