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Chatty Member
She re-fills her wish lists, with things that her follows ask her to refill it with, we asked her to make these wish lists, we asked her to put stuff on there for herself, because in that situation wouldn’t you want something nice for yourself as a pick me up? The fact that so many people are willing to help her is amazing, clearly she’s going through a shit time I don’t believe she would purposely make her and her son who also has ADHD homeless, she has explained everything, and has even told us if we don’t believe her we can email the housing ourselves to find out the answers, if she was lying I do not believe she would be handing this information out, if you don’t want to help her, then don’t. Why spend your life bitching on social media about someone you don’t even know? You don’t know this woman, if you don’t want to see her content then block her? I see no reason to bitch and complain like some moody Karen. She’s trying to make sure her and her son have everything they need for their home, unfortunately getting a house… is not easy as many should know, it’s quite difficult, even if she was to go council it’s difficult, and unfortunately some landlords are just stuck up twats as I’ve learnt first hand and as many others have learnt first hand, just because you haven’t experienced something like this do not come after someone who is currently struggling, trying to bring them down in a situation where they already feel shit. Don’t like her content block her, don’t like her block her, don’t want to help her block her. Don’t sit here making yourself look like insolent children, just to make yourselves feel better. 😚
How about get to fuck. Don’t come on here telling us what we can and can’t do. Do t come here preaching to make yourself feel better 🖕🏻
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She seems to be a professional victim. It doesn’t matter what the school does, she’ll twist it to victimise herself and her son. If they took him on the trip it’s be “oh no it’s too much too soon for him, they should have known” blah blah blah.

She comes across as unhinged and manic.
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Chatty Member
So sick of seeing this Beggar on my fyp. She will be on some amount of benefits for herself and her son probs my earns more than me.

Surely social services should step in re the way they are living! I hope the old boss rats her out. She is an absolute disgrace.

DHB should be made aware of this cretin

She re-fills her wish lists, with things that her follows ask her to refill it with, we asked her to make these wish lists, we asked her to put stuff on there for herself, because in that situation wouldn’t you want something nice for yourself as a pick me up? The fact that so many people are willing to help her is amazing, clearly she’s going through a shit time I don’t believe she would purposely make her and her son who also has ADHD homeless, she has explained everything, and has even told us if we don’t believe her we can email the housing ourselves to find out the answers, if she was lying I do not believe she would be handing this information out, if you don’t want to help her, then don’t. Why spend your life bitching on social media about someone you don’t even know? You don’t know this woman, if you don’t want to see her content then block her? I see no reason to bitch and complain like some moody Karen. She’s trying to make sure her and her son have everything they need for their home, unfortunately getting a house… is not easy as many should know, it’s quite difficult, even if she was to go council it’s difficult, and unfortunately some landlords are just stuck up twats as I’ve learnt first hand and as many others have learnt first hand, just because you haven’t experienced something like this do not come after someone who is currently struggling, trying to bring them down in a situation where they already feel shit. Don’t like her content block her, don’t like her block her, don’t want to help her block her. Don’t sit here making yourself look like insolent children, just to make yourselves feel better. 😚

This is tattle …….

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Chatty Member
This woman is now going after teachers, I am a teacher and I can tell you now it’s a bloody hard job! Schools are under funded, under staffed, class sizes are huge. She has no idea what it’s like to be a teacher, she is calling them bullies but she is the bully for picking on them like this. Teachers do their best believe me!
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I love it that she reads tattle..
I'd like to give you some advice.

Hey Nina 👋
Get a fucking job
Pay for your own shit.
Stop lying.
Stop using your 'disability ' to con people.

Your welcome.
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Chatty Member
Her TikToks on people working during the heatwave or sending children in to school are just so typical of why she is so irritating. Section 44 of the employment act 🙄 honestly- ‘tell me you’ve never held down a full time job - without telling me you have never held down a full time job.’

She would be the first to complain if she needed to phone the doctor or call the police, and was told the service was closed because of the heatwave. She does realise that some of us had to work even when there was a pandemic doesn’t she - surely she understands that many people are key workers / essential services and those people have children that need to be in school?? What does she expect? women to not have any babies today so that midwives can have the day off, no ones house to catch fire or cars to have accidents so the fire service can be home. I thought she was part of the farming world? I presume all farmers will be at home putting their feet up today, not working hard making sure crops/ animals are okay in this weather. And what about those that just won’t get paid and are struggling. She has no concept of the world around her - she’s like some overgrown spoiled teenager with a victim complex no wonder she struggles with proper relationships- she is insufferable.
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Anyone seen her latest video ? Moaning about her kids new school and her landlady coming to do something that benefits her ! She’s never happy with anything 😳
I’m really sick of her pretty much doxxing teachers and the school on her very public platform. There’s 2 sides to every story and sorry but teachers have a right to do their jobs without fear of violence or aggression from kids or their parents. Whether that kid is SEN or not. Posting all of this online is going to do her absolutely no favours.
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Bora Bora Local

Well-known member
“Please send my son birthday cards” - next tiktok “omg trolls stop asking for his personal details that’s a red flag”

Ummm I think you’re a red flag mate
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She is trying to get the people on here arrested for bullying yet she is constanl bullying anyone who disagrees with her or has a different opinion . Also she claims to be so poor on one of her videos it looks like she is wearing a £75 oodie but all she will say is single mothers deserve nice things too . It’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out about her . I really feel for the kind hearted people who are giving her money you shouldn’t believe anything a person says who is after personal gain. She says she puts things on her wish list for a joke but I think she really thinks someone is going to buy her it all .
She seems to getting more aggressive and is the type to turn on anyone she does not seem grateful at all
The police don’t even come out if you’ve been burgled 😂 what makes her think they’ll give a shit about someone wiping an Amazon wish list, needs to give her head a wobble.
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She’s spying on a neighbour that she’s certain of having an affair with a female visitor, but it’s ok because this neighbour doesn’t have Tiktok! Instead of being a nosey cow, sort your life out and stop thinking that you’re Miranda Hart, you’re a massive cringebag.
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Nosey Rosie 69

VIP Member
This woman is using TT as her very own begging platform. So not only did the generosity of her followers pay for the dogs operation but some kind soul paid money into her bank account so gifts could be bought for the vet staff. She even took money for that as it she couldn't do that herself. The taxpayers are giving her money to be able to live in TWO properties, child benefit, UC and disability benefit. She can afford a car, internet, Ugg boots, name brand clothing etc. She's not content with that, she has to whinge & cry to get the public to look after her pets too. My p*ss is absolutely boiling!.
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What she's doing on tiktok is exactly what she thinks this page does. She's spreading shit without knowing the story. So what if her neighbour is having an affair it's their business, but gossiping and being a bitch about it puts her in exactly the same place she thinks tattlers should be...the only difference is we arent sprouting lies or being malicious
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I have a child with Asd and it has been my biggest challenge getting him through school has been very hard and have spent years worrying. But if his ever been agressive or rude at school I have backed the school. I have always said Autism is the reason but not the excuse. As a adult you cannot go fight there corner at work so I just felt I needed to prepare him for the real world. She has done her son no favours at all 😡
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I cannot believe how irresponsible it is for her to give tips on how to get a “pay pig”. She didn’t even realise it is sex work. She doesn’t understand that it is DEGRADING even if she thinks she’s the one in charge and calling the shots. She isn’t - and it’s abundantly clear from her first tiktok saying she’s spending all her time to keep the “pay pig”. Sounds pretty degrading to depend on someone else to throw pennies at you and spend all your free time ensuring they keep talking to you and nobody else. One day she’ll wake up and realise the tacky hot tub and holiday and who knows what else won’t disguise the fact this was paid for with a part of herself she won’t get back. All attached to her legal name as well, what if the texts get leaked? No doubt she’s sending pictures too. One day her son might see all this.
Sorry but I just find people glamourising sex work so irritating, she has no idea how hard it is emotionally and the extent and longevity of the damage on yourself, your future prospects, your family etc. Even ‘easy’ stuff like findom still has an impact. It is not easy money and to describe it as that is disgusting

Sorry - rant over!
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I cannot stand this woman but I’m so gobsmacked by the audacity of her I can’t stop watching it all! She has had more drama in her life in the last 6 months than most people have in their entire lives because it’s all constructed BY HER!! Anyone can fake emails, put a dressing on their pet & say they’ve had their oil stolen to get money because it’s easy to do so. What self respecting grown woman would go on camera crying begging for money yet lives in a massive, all be it rundown, house that must cost a fortune to heat etc. When I’ve had no money I’ve certainly not spent a penny on alcohol or chocolate and if I was desperate enough to be asking for things on a wish list they’re not things I’d ask for. I dont doubt at one point maybe there was some truth in things but she’s got greedy and is now playing up to the camera.

She is manipulative, deranged and preying on vulnerable people and when one sob story stops bringing the financial reward and attention she craves she constructs the next scene in the bullshit drama. I suspect this will be a case of ‘give her enough rope and she’ll hang herself’ as the web of lies is so gigantic she won’t keep up with it in the end. I’m amazed social services aren’t involved with her child due to the situation at school, how she’s reacting/her behaviour and the housing situation because there’s certainly a risk for future emotional harm.

Keep up the display shit show shepherdess, it’s brilliant to watch!
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VIP Member
More fool you then.

For all her deluded enablers coming on here.

The council/housing/employer/social services won’t be sharing shit with any of you nomatter how
much she screams she is being upfront and transparent. They have a duty to protect her data and confidentiality. Something she herself doesn’t seem that concerned with.

She seems a resourceful woman with knowledge of the system, she knows they won’t share info to either discredit or validate what she is saying. Meanwhile you are encouraging her to refill her wish lists with stuff for herself and her kid.

As previously mentioned, her rent will be paid, she will be in receipt of benefits, if she can’t manage and prioritise her spending then that’s on her, but keep encouraging her to fill her basket with luxury items cos “you’re doing your best babe!”
Oh and anyone emptying her basket will be visited by police or even worse Amazon and made to pay 😂😂😂😂. I swear these "creators" or scam artists are all crazy. Is there a test you take to be on TT cos I swear most need a spell in a psychiatric unit all nuts
This one gives me the fear though she's cold and calculating and may I say quite the narcissistic halfwit
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I really struggle to watch her, there is something about her mannerisms, the way she talks, the way her mouth moves when she talks, her eyes constantly being big .... Just doesn't sit right.
She absolutely oozes narcissism and her constant need to be "right" all the time is so detrimental to her child.
I don't have a child with additional needs so I'm not even going to comment on the intricacies of managing education / behaviour etc but I can say I would absolutely NOT broadcast my child's difficulties like she has. She would argue til the cows came home that she's advocating for him but she is doing it for her own gain - followers / comments / drama.
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Chatty Member
To be honest, I used to think tattle was being a bit mean to this woman, but the more I watch her, the more I agree with tattlers. Her behaviour towards the school is unacceptable, and I wonder why home schooling doesn’t work for her? Is it because teaching is indeed challenging, and she would struggle to do it. She’s very aggressive to anyone that challenges her woe is me behaviour, you can’t have an adult conversation with the woman. And as for encouraging her followers not to pay their rent, how utterly selfish and immoral of her is that. I am sick of this woman. I feel sorry for the child, perhaps social services should be involved because she clearly can’t cope
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