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Nobody noticed because Adam's been too busy profiting off death, but he completely ignored the 75 day mark and didn't weight himself. He's leaving town soon to do a series of bad baseball vlogs, so he needs some down time - walking around theme parks and riding monorails, getting ripped off by vending machines, it's just too much for him. So it's a Celebration vlog, but it's really a walk 'n talk with errands in between.

He's driving around aimlessly in the clown car, trying to make it look like he's "exploring" Celebration, like it's huge and there's always something new to see - "I don't think I've ever been in this section before", he says, trying to convince himself.

Then downtown, and the Celebration rituals start - obsession with the parking (he got a spot with the clown car sign!). Coffee, from Starbucks, of course. Here's an Adam the Woo talon/claw update:

What's worse, his thumbnail or his thumbnails?

He's still, 6 months after he stopped drinking lattes, talking about how you can just go in and order a "drip coffee" and the cashier will pour it right there and you're in and out quick. Adam says it's a "fun fact", although I fail to see anything fun about it. Still mentions the cream and sugar he puts in it, too, as if it's so much healthier than the latte.

Adam says there were people swimming in Lake Reinhard there in Celebration on Memorial Day, or so he hears. Adam says it's not illegal, because there are no signs up saying you can't swim. This is the ATW legal test for anything - if there's no sign up about it, it's ok to do. But Adam doesn't recommend swimming there due to the gators. One would think the town of Celebration would have signs up about not swimming, lest they be sued by someone getting injured to death by Kool the Gator, no?

He then complains about the heat for the 31st consecutive day, and then he actually mentions the stupid Howard the decoy duck, and admits he hasn't seen it there in a year, but he's still mentioning it. A year from now, he'll walk past this spot and say, "Howard the decoy duck isn't there, but he hasn't been there for 2 years", just like he drives past where the Holy Land theme park was and stares at the Advent Health building says says, "That's where the Holy Land Experience was, they tore it down 5 years ago."

Just like I said he would, he recaps his weight loss from last year, saying he got down to 216 lbs (we never saw any proof). Then he says he knows he was supposed to weigh himself on Memorial Day, but he got to thinking - and you know that's always scary. He knows he's not down to that 216 lbs yet like he was last year. How would he know that without weighing himself already? Like he's got the scale in his house, and he hasn't weighed himself. Sure, ok. And guess what?

Adam, in between profiting off the dead, had time to think it over and turns out he realized that the perfect time to weigh himself ISN'T 75 DAYS. That's crazy talk! Who weighs themselves at 75 days before their birthday when they are losing weight and said they'd weigh themselves again and again over the last 6 months, amirite?

So now Adam's NEW PLAN is to weigh himself 50 DAYS before his birthday, and then REALLY GO HARD AND CRUSH IT THOSE LAST 50 DAYS! Wow, this will be so exciting!
I was hyped for him crushing it the last 75 days, but now these last 50 days will be totally EPIC.

He then recaps what a good, good boy he's been: he doesn't drink any soda, he doesn't eat any fried food, and he hasn't had any desserts. If all that is the case, you'd think he'd certainly be 216 lbs after 6 months, no? One meal a day, no soda, no, fried foods, no dessert. Hardly any cream and sugar in his coffee, the way he tells it the coffee is almost black (even though it looks like cafe au lait when he shows it on screen). He then says he's been doing the no dessert thing for "probably 4, 5, 6 months", which seems like quite a range, you would think someone so proud would be able to narrow it down a bit more than that. Also, his camera is so bad it's hard to tell where his wisps of unkempt hair end and the trees begin but wow dude, is he going on this trip without a haircut?

Adam then says the problem with a weigh-in on Day 50 is that he "might" be out of town (again, like he doesn't know his schedule), and so maybe he'll have to weigh-in on Day 60, "so maybe 8-9 days from now, give or take a day", except when Adam was filming this the date was May 28th, and 8-9 days later would be June 5th or 6th and 60 days from his birthday would be June 11. So give or a take a week I guess, Adam? Math is not his strong suit.

He then shows the pole in the water and mentions the decoy duck again. Really.

Adam claims he's happy that he's been sticking with his fitness plans pretty well. He is still claiming he's eating fairly healthy (although he almost never eats on camera anymore, or even mentions anything he eats at all) and claims he's doing some light working out (although he never posts or even mentions any of that at all anywhere). Then he again brings up the half marathon. He's sure he can stay under the 16 min pace by walking briskly and doing "some" light jogging, even though he notes he doesn't have "the best ankles and the best knees". Good luck with that, buddy.

He then says he has something to look forward to in December, which he's mentioned before, my guess is a family trip to Hawaii and he wants to be thin for that for some reason. He says he needs things to look forward to as motivation (which is a sure sign you're doing it for the wrong reasons, because when those things are gone you will backslide, as he's done so many times before).

It seems that his Rays trip for Atlanta, Minnesota and Pittsburgh will be a driving road trip and not a flying trip. Because sitting in a car all day driving across the USA is the best thing for half marathon training, no? He is such a dork, he won't say where he's going, like nobody can look up the Rays schedule to know he's going to the DC/Baltimore area this next week, and then know exactly where he's headed for the next trip, and the next trip, and the one after that - he tells everyone where he's going, then tries to hide it.

Yes, the idiot didn't sign his passport application. Even with this he won't really admit his mistake - he says "I filled out all the paperwork correctly, and I forgot to sign the stupid paperwork." If you didn't sign it, you didn't fill out correctly. Is it the paperwork that's stupid, Adam? Or is it the person who forgot to sign it the stupid one who made the mistake? So he still doesn't have a printer that works in his Woomansion, and has to go back to the library to pay to print out the paperwork again, sign it (or not 😉) and mail it in again. Genius missed this:

Back in the clown car, he admits he doesn't want to do the race (of course he doesn't as evidenced by his actions - just like he doesn't want to get healthy, as evidenced by his actions. He just wants to lose weight. Period, end of story.) He then says he's talked to a "bunch" of people who say there's a big conglomeration of people who walk with the balloon ladies at that 16 min/mile pace and finish. Adam says he plans to be "way ahead" of that, but he's not going for time in this half marathon. Wow, good to know, good to know.

This is the "Knowing Limitations" part of today's vlog title, where Adam admits he won't be running races after this, he's not becoming a runner, he's just focused on getting healthier, eating better and losing weight. Doctors and nutritionists all recommend the "coffee all day, and one questionable meal at night" method on the road to getting healthier, eating better and losing weight, right?

Adam returns home with his passport forms because he brought a blue pen, and the forms state you can only use black ink. You just can't make this up. He ends up in front of the fountain in the downtown square, yammering on about passport rules and the different options. Why, I have no idea. Then into Town Hall and we get an extended low-voice, I don't want to call attention to myself, creepy Adam segment showing all sorts of crap and Celebration merch. He was there to ask about the paths through town and the distances of them, so he can map himself a route because he wants to see what he can do as far as a mile pace goes. Yup. He waited until the summer to do this, when it's humid and hot. Also, he waited until he's traveling constantly and won't be home.

So he goes home and maps out a 3 mile course, and says he'll try it at some point, hoping he can do an under 16 min pace, maybe even a 12 min pace! He bases this on the fact that when he does his treadmill, he does 2-3 miles at a speed of 4.2 mph, and that a speed of 4.0mph would be a 15 min pace, and if he could do that he would be gaining on the balloon ladies. Because of this, Adam has "good thoughts about being able to do it." Then he says he would like to do even better on pace so that he could check out some of the characters and the experiences offered during the race. This is unbelievable, I hope he tries this.

He will need to buy some new shoes though, because he's worn the On Clouds every single day and hasn't run in them at all, they look like this now:

He ends the vlog in the Corridor of Goons, looking at the toys on the shelf. Alone and sad, as usual.

Wonder how those doctor appointments are going?
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Adam has settled himself in East Moline, IL, just across the Mississippi river from Davenport, Iowa. I thought he'd do the 1200 miles over the course of the 2-3 days, doing the backroads. Instead he drove 800 miles in one day so that he could station himself in East Moline for a day? There must be something here that he's specifically planned to do and researched, right? Otherwise why drive 800 miles in one go?

But first Adam must complain. What would he do if there wasn't something to complain about? He'd have to lead off the title of his vlog with something relevant, like what he actually did. It would be so sad.

Speaking of sad, the fire alarm went off in his hotel. When that happens, you're just supposed to get out of the hotel ASAP. As Adam pans around and shows the other hotel guests standing around, you'll notice hardly anyone else has their bags with them. Adam pans down and, yes, he packed up his bags and took them with him before evacuating.

In a succession of shots, he then gets closer and closer to the police and fire vehicles in front of the hotel entrance. He is, indeed, the only hotel guest using the fire truck as a backdrop for the intro to a vlog and the thumbnail

It's the standard "Would you look at this, isn't this crazy, I'm sure one of these people pulled the alarm as a prank and it's disrupted my morning and ruined my day but I'm not annoyed" attitude from Adam. Under it all he is very annoyed, although it will get him views so I don't know why he would be. He wasn't even sleeping, he was already up "editing" (if you can even call what he does "editing").

The longer it takes to get to OK to go back inside, the more annoyed he gets. He speculates if the area is pronounced "mo-lean" or "mo-line". I'm sure the firefighters enjoy being filmed by the pornostache homeless guy in the $6.99 Stuckey's shirt (Adam said he had to throw the shirt on before running out of the room - sorry, I'm just the reporter):

Adam says "they are in their fire outfits just in case, you never know what's going on inside." Fire outfits. JFC.

They are let back inside, and Adam heads straight to the coffee area, only to find there's no coffee available (and no breakfast, not that he'd eat it). I bet he complains at checkout and asks for some money off.

After a few more hours pass, he leaves the hotel with the ever-present and always ominous "no real gameplan for the rest of the day" :rolleyes:. Is it good to tell your audience almost every day that you have no idea what the hell you're doing and have no plan? He passes the John Deere HQ and notes they aren't open on the weekends, only M-F (yes Adam, those are the days corporate headquarters would be open, it's not a John Deere theme park).

It's time to check out the downtown of East Moline. Adam spots an old theater and simultaneously calls it impressive, but has seen better days, is desolate, and abandoned. He just drives aimlessly from small town to small town in the area, and then a storm rolls in. Adam becomes very concerned he's about to be in a real-life version of Twister the movie. He says if it gets worse, he may have to dart back to the hotel. In reality, it's just a thunderstorm. And sure enough, like the wimp he is, he goes back to the hotel. Manufactured drama for the vlog. I mean, it seems he had no plan anyway other than driving around, so who cares.

I'll also note that once again Adam has embarked on a cross country trip without an umbrella. Look at this, folks. Time to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE BACK TO THE HOTEL! HEAVY RAIN FOR 10 MINUTES!!!!!

Adam mopes around the hotel, looking at the tiny indoor pool ("look at the indoor pool!", yes, so amazing Adam), the tiny gym, and you can hear his voice dripping with distain when he says that they did make coffee in the lobby, but it's completely run out. So, he's headed to his room to make coffee there. I guess Adam hasn't read the savvy traveler info on in-room coffee makers and the amount of bacteria, etc. they can contain.

In the room, he actually ponders "having a hotel day" if the weather doesn't pass. Didn't this guy, not long ago, spend all day riding outdoor attractions at MK in the pouring rain? He seem petrified of any storm in the Midwest suddenly turning into a tornado and picking him and the car up and killing him. Finally, even though it's still raining, he makes his way outside and gets in the car.

He ends up in the town of Rock Island, and notes it's "the fictional home of the Blues Brothers." He then immediately references Rock Ridge from Blazing Saddles for no reason at all. Adam tries to find coffee because the coffee in his room sucked, but he has no luck - every coffee shop in Rock Island seems to close on Sunday at 3pm 😂. He looks for statues of the Blues Brothers, but there is street construction everywhere and they seem to have been temporarily removed. What planning! What research!

Adam is drawn like a moth to a flame when he sees handprints in concrete on the side (not the sidewalk) of a brick building. Alas, Adam has no idea who it is - he says, "Louie someone, Louie Ballson?"

I can't really ding him on this one, it's fairly obscure especially in 2024. It's Louie Bellson, an old jazz drummer. I used to play the drums, and my much older brother played as well and he was into a lot of old jazz drummers like Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa, etc, so I know the name. What I didn't know was Louie Bellson was born in Rock Falls, IL (also a small town in northern Illinois but along the Rock river before it meets the Mississippi, more in the direction of Chicago) and when he was young the family moved to Moline and they owned a musical instrument store there. Anyway, I digress.

He finally stumbles on the Blues Brothers statues in the window of a cafe (that is also closed at the moment). Adam again bemoans his lack of coffee again - meanwhile, he's literally 2 blocks from a coffee shop open until 9pm on Sunday. If only he had a way to know that right in his pocket. Does he film every single thing involving the Christian religion that he comes across for his parents (specifically Rev Jim?). He never, ever passes up highlighting stuff like this

Of course he's even fixated by the painting of the payphone on the wall

Can't pass up the glass image selfie:

Adam finds a choo choo train to look at, so he's happy. Back in the car, and back over to Moline, and he's still saying it both ways, Mo-lean and Mo-line. Here he finds a clock to stare at

Adams sees this modern building in downtown Moline and I think he wants to note that it looks out of place. Instead, he says that it's "an interesting building to be in kind of an old-timey downtown like this, a skyscraper, it looks like something you'd see in LA or something".

I don't even know what to say if he is calling that a skyscraper. Then he's upset the old-time soda and candy shoppe is closed. He isn't eating sweets, so what was he going to do, go in, film, use it to make money for his vlog and leave without buying anything? He then goes on a bit of a "sermon" about how in "smaller towns like this a lot of places are closed on Sundays because there's not many people downtown, and smaller communities still do the traditional thing and take a day of rest on Sunday, take the day off, that's what it's for, it's the Lord's Day." Adam, buddy, when's the last time you took a Sunday off, huh? (please, take the Lord's Day off, I'm begging you!)

With 3 minutes left in the vlog, he arrives at Sylvan Island Gateway Park. Also, now that the rain is gone, Adam is constantly complaining about the number of bugs that are out. Maybe pack some bug spray when traveling by car across the US during the summer, big guy? Umbrella, too? He stumbles on some small broken concrete and says it's part of the old factory. Then 2 mins later, he comes upon the actual old factory which is still standing and behind a fence topped with barbed wire. What a guide!

And that's gonna do it for today! Thank Jesus!

Why did he drive 800 miles in one day? He obviously LITERALLY had no plan to see ANYTHING in the Quad Cities area. Wandered, trying to find all the stuff he finds at home - Main St USA substitutes, Celebration clock substitutes, places to buy coffee, and things to complain about.

He said he's leaving this area today and headed into Iowa, I assume in the general direction of Minneapolis. If he's doing the stadium tour on Tuesday, he'll want to be there by Monday night. It's 5.5 hours and around 350 miles with no stops via the interstate, so he could do another backroads day with stops and make it there by the evening with no problem. But it's clear he has no plan. The only plan he had was, for no reason, drive 800 miles from Atlanta to northern Illinois. That was the only plan.
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Ah, the Walk 'N Talk. Or, now that he has a clown car, the Talk 'N Drive. And throw in the word "Thunderstorm" to add clickbait, and then stir until it boils.

He's still obsessed with Celebration parking, and because of the weather Adam says he has his choice of spots but he's such a wonderful human being that he will still park in the spots intended for clown cars and not just anywhere he wants to like all those other mean people who live in the community where he decided to put roots down. Only someone completely uneducated could say "raindrops are formulating into puddles", it's just extra ridiculous.

Adam confirms he's leaving on his road trip on June 13th. Ever since the "donut incident" Adam has been showing off what he eats every night and providing extra details of his coffee each day (not just the milk and the sugar, but the exact bean type), for whatever reason. He then makes his way over to the lakefront, points at the umbrellas, and says there is some "shade from the elements here". Did he put on his "say extra dumb things" hat today?

He needs to go back to the library again - not to get or read a book, but to pay to print out more things, because he still hasn't fixed or replaced his printer. He confirms that his passport is in the mail and on the way to him. He needs to print something out regarding his move and house purchase (???). He says he "has to be honest, the Rays aren't doing well this year", which is an odd thing to admit being honest about because anyone can see the Rays aren't doing well, it's in black and white in the standings. What isn't he honest about, then? Probably a lot of stuff.

Adam's having issues with his iPhone, it pocket dials and facetimes people all the time. He has to put it on airplane mode if it's in his pocket, otherwise it goes rogue more than half the time. In the middle of all this, he points out that the community he moved to, that he loves so, so much, hates skaters and wants them to die and thwarts them at every turn

He basically wants to turn off the calling features of his phone, but leave on the internet/data portion, and he just can't figure it out. Alternatively, he could get his phone fixed or replaced so that it doesn't randomly pocket dial people. Guess he didn't get the Apple Care or the AT&T protection plan? I believe he only got this phone a little more than a year ago. He says this same thing happened with his last iPhone. Maybe it's not the phone Adam, maybe it's YOU.

Adam announces it's time to move on from the Canon G7X Mk2 camera :eek:. Then he immediately backtracks and says, "at least attempt to move on", which is so typical Adam. He has ordered a camera "to test out" (he's keeping which one a mystery) and thought it would arrive before leaving on his two week road trip, but it looks like it won't. Then he says he "thinks" it's on backorder (you don't know for sure - you ordered it and didn't know it was on backorder??). I'll believe it when I see it.

So he's been in the clown car talking (yelling, really, because of the road and rain noise) about the camera this whole time, then it cuts to one quick shot where wither he's not in the clown car, or he's stationary in it, then suddenly back to that same cupholder shot with him yelling again, very odd. It's then that he clarifies that the new camera isn't really an "upgrade" (because he's too lazy to go past 1080p quality, or have better quality audio with dedicated mics, and he certainly doesn't want anything large in size), he just says it will be a different camera - mostly he hopes a new/different camera will fix the focus issues the Canon seems to suffer from.

Adam rambles about the Publix on World Drive and how he took the clown car there once by driving it on the sidewalk (because the speed limit is 40mph on that road, so he can't drive it on the road), but then he thought maybe he shouldn't drive it on that sidewalk so he's never done it again. I'm pretty sure it's a regular sidewalk (not a 5ft+ wide sidewalk that he loves to say it's legal for him to drive the clown car on), so Adam just admitted he's ignored that rule and drove it on regular sidewalks - who knows how many times?

As he walks into Publix, Adam actually admits that he PREFERS driving to the library to print out his documents because it's LESS STRESS THAN HAVING A WORKING PRINTER IN HIS HOME. Oh, there's just not enough therapy hours in the day to help this man. He exits Publix with no air fryer veggies, because he says he just craves the salad fixings, the chick peas, the hummus, "snack crackers" and cottage cheese. He eats that combo of things when he's home every night, for his one meal a day, dinner. Truly amazing this guy gets in his golf cart or car every day and stops every day at Publix to buy dinner. No stocking up for Adam!

Adam says he's a creature of habit. If he eats "well" (he thinks the above diet is eating well), then that's what he eats every day. If he eats poorly for a few days, then that becomes the habit. It's almost like he has no free will or control. I wonder what will happen on his 2 week road trip, hmmm?

Adam then uses this pretzel logic: traffic to St. Pete is SO BAD, he prefers to simply travel to other states to see the Rays play. He said it with a straight face, so if he's joking he's pretty bad at it. BTW, is it good to constantly talk to and stare at a camera on the dashboard while you drive a golf cart around town? Also, is it good to drive this jalopy without using the wiper?

He then reflects that it's been almost half a year since he bought a house, "well, yeah, it has been half a year, it's kinda been half a year." I guess Adam forgot it's public record that he closed on November 15th, 2023 and he's recording this June 11, 2024, so it's almost 7 months.

Back to damn downtown Celebration simply to stand next to the fountain in the square, no other reason :rolleyes:. Adam says the Woodio room is still sitting empty, with just a couch in it. He FINALLY admits that he had planned to do a video podcast in the Woodio (which we all knew had the plan all along - what else was he gonna do??). The topics would be "deep dives" on the things that interest him - I guess deep dives like the living room broomstick handle BttF fiasco, but in the Woodio. Now he says he doesn't know when that's going to ever happen. He says it will happen, but he's not sure when, and he's not in a rush to do it. He says he doesn't want to step away from traveling quite yet, and of course he's excited about international travel.

He actually mentions ENDING DAILY VLOGGING again at the close of the year, and says he won't be doing daily vlogging in 2025. BUT, he doesn't know how many days he will take off. So the backtracking has officially begun, and it's started with "I won't vlog every single day, but who knows how many days I'll actually take off", which is actually technically what he's doing now - he doesn't number his vlogs, he doesn't brag about how many days in a row he's done at all, but when's the last time he took a day off? I bet nobody knows but Adam because it's been so long.

So did this idiot actually sit around the last few years and think to himself "I better get a lot of travel in these next few years, go hard on the travel, because when I turn 50 that's the end and I'll be old and I'll have to stay home and retire from travel and daily vlogging and figure out how to support myself on YouTube from home"??? And now he's realizing he still wants to travel and the Woodio podcast can wait?

When he started the "seeing the Rays in all the other MLB parks" thing, he was excited, and the way he talks about it now, it's like an albatross around his neck. He says next year, after he's "finished with it, after I have that out of the way, I won't have any of that holding me back." I mean wow, if it's that annoying, just don't do it Adam. The Rays will manage to go on without you, my man.

He says then in 2025 it will be all international travel and domestic road trips instead of constant domestic air travel. So he can replace domestic air travel with international air travel and that will get old quickly, and go back to his road trips which will become incredibly boring in no time at all (watch what happens on this upcoming one). Because no matter what he does, he puts zero effort in and falls into the same rote patterns.

Here it is, here's his nightly meal (although he's quick to note, not usually the fruit)

I have to assume he doesn't eat all of this in one night. This has to last 2 meals, right? Adam then confesses, as I noted previously, he keeps absolutely no food at home, ever. He literally goes and buys each meal, one at a time (although I still think this must last him more than one meal, c'mon, right?). He only keeps coffee, sugar and "a little creamer". I bet he also has some Red Bull, lemonade and other drinks in there, right Adam? He has to do it this way, because if he keeps any other food in the house, he's going to eat it. Wow, amazing healthy habits he's developed over the years, great job buddy!

"I wait until I'm hungry at the end of the day, and then I go get some food." Just, wow.

. No haircut or grooming of any kind. If he doesn't groom himself today, I suspect when he returns from this roadtrip he will look like Wil Sasso from the old Mad TV show playing Kenny Rogers in the Kenny Rogers' Jackass sketches


EDIT TO ADD: not one sound of thunder, or lightning (or even actual heavy rainfall) during this entire vlog
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It infuriates me that these 3 assholes were all able to ride on opening day even though they are locals and can ride anytime (Tracker has been on 3 or 4 times now) yet families who were there on a once in a lifetime vacation weren’t able to get a virtual queue. Obviously there are more important things going on in this world for me to be angry at but it’s just annoying how things always work out for all these asshole vloggers.
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Of course Woo does the obligatory “bad neighborhoods “ videos that these racists do for views , when these are only a very small fraction of cities , but the MAGAts always eat it up like the entire cities are nothing but “shitholes” 😡 P.S. that was dog crap he stepped in , but lies for more views 😡
YouTube poverty porn is always so repellant, but somehow, coming from this guy, it's even worse.

ATW #19 - Stepping in his own content
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What aspiring half marathon participant (see, I didn't even call you a runner, Adam) wouldn't stop at Randy's Donuts right outside LAX? Adam reminds us that it's been 3-4 months since he's had any dessert item. That's odd, since it was a beginning of the year resolution and the calendar says June which is the 6th month of the year according to Google. He says the cream and sugar in his coffee doesn't count, and against recites that he doesn't drink soda, and he now says he "tries not to" eat fried things (I guess he knows he can't say he doesn't eat fried food after the Camden Yards fiasco). He says he's tempted to get a donut, but maybe he'll just get a coffee.

Then he's up at the order window and after a moment of thought, he suddenly says, "Yeah, you know what, I think I am gonna get TWO donuts." Where the hell did TWO donuts come from, buddy? You were just considering MAYBE one donut, but maybe just coffee. Now it's, yeah, I guess I am gonna have to get TWO DONUTS, oh well? Adam rationalizes this by saying, "I've been pretty good, so...I'm gonna have myself a little donut." But I thought it was 2 donuts? Then he says maybe just one donut and the coffee. "Eh, I think one's probably good enough. I'll have one donut", concludes Adam. Damn man, make up your mind. "They also have a glazed twist. I'll get that too." What??? You just said ONE donut? Now we're back to TWO?

It's literally like peeking into the mind of a toddler making a decision. Adam, here's an idea, try to follow with me: you're at the place. You have tons of time before your flight and you're right next to the airport. Get the coffee and one donut. Enjoy it. After you're done, see if you feel like another donut. If you do, THEN get another damn donut. But maybe the one was good enough and you don't feel like a second, and you can then just move on with your day. It's not rocket science, my man. OMG, is this guy REALLY 50 years old? Really?

Of course, he can't just go to his car and eat the donuts off camera and then give his review. No, no, he has to find someplace away from the busy parking lot where he can put the camera down on something and film himself eating his donuts so the audience can watch, just like his disgusting parking lot car roof fast food reviews of the past.
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Adam says, "It's pretty good" in a surprised tone, as if Randy's Donuts has a reputation for being mediocre or something. I'm not a connoisseur of high end donuts, but the one time I had Randy's at this LAX location they were indeed pretty good, no complaints, but I expected them to be good. He says of the specialty one that is filled with cream that is coffee flavored, "wow, that's sweet". What a review Adam, amazing. Also, the sun is hot and the ice in my drink is cold.
Look, Adam, you want to have a donut? Have a donut. Want two? Have two. I don't care. It really doesn't matter to me what you eat. But I understand that you're not doing all this for your audience; you're trying to convince yourself that you're eating really well and super healthy and totally deserve those treats.

Now that I think about it, the way that he focuses so obsessively over his food seems like disordered eating. A mental health professional sure would have their work cut out analyzing that rotting brain of his.

Oh, and I couldn't help but to add a little unnecessary censorship to that photo of him with the donut.

1717957294356 (1).jpg

Happy Pride Month, Adam! 🏳️‍🌈
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It did cross my mind that Woo, never one these days to want to be alone anywhere, would actually get the Philly Captain to drive over an hour south to hang out with him and go to a baseball game. "Please, Philly Captain, I'll pay for your ticket to the game, and your food!" The vlog is titled "A Day At Baltimore Famous Graves & Babe Ruth Birthplace - First Time In Camden Yards / Boogs BBQ". And sure enough...

Adam is SO DESPERATE to HIDE THE BASEBALL CONTENT from his viewers and the algorithm that the way he mentions it in the title is at the very end as "First Time In Camden Yards". Doesn't even mention the name of "his team" in the title anymore, or the word baseball. How does the impending weigh-in factor into the decision to eat at Boogs BBQ? This should be good.

You know the vlog is worse than usual right off the bat before you even watch a second because it is 41 minutes long. You've got Adam (no research, no ideas) and his tagalong Philly Captain (only there for the free ticket/food, to bust Adam's chops, and film his own vlog) with no motivation or knowledge of Baltimore. That plus the length means Adam just threw every minute of footage he had into the vlog to try to make it look like something, anything, happened.

Adam pronounces "Skinner" as you would expect, but then says "or sky-ner" as an alternate pronunciation. It's supposed to be a joke, right? It is a good joke when no one can tell if you're joking? I guess this is the "famous graves" part of the title. Wow.

Sure enough, Adam gets a Starbucks and says, "We're just looking for something to do, because first pitch isn't until 7pm and gates will probably open two hours before that." No ideas at all. no research again. So I guess no ballpark tour for Camden Yards, eh? They move on to the Babe Ruth museum.

I think Adam is a little salty about being in the Babe Ruth museum. I think deep down, he feels there should be a Randy Arozarena museum. He doesn't seem very awestruck by the baseball history - my guess is because he really doesn't like baseball. He'll like it even less when the Rays lose later in the vlog. Of course, he also hates the Yankees with a passion and that can't help in a Babe Ruth museum.

So not much enthusiasm as he notes the artifacts, he's making bad jokes, acting like he doesn't want to be there and just doing sloppy work - he slips into that mode where he's pointing everything out and punctuates each item with "here": "you've got his uniform for 1914 here, and his shoes here, and his cap here, and the bat over here". He shows the bat and says, "the bat even says George Herman quote Babe Ruth". I guess he just imagined the Herman part?

Speaking of imagining things, Adam is still telling the story of when he visited new Yankee Stadium and how the "at softball field next door, you can stand on second base and it's the exact same spot as home plate of the original Yankee Stadium". A) it's not a softball field, it's a baseball field and B) second base is not the exact same spot.

Adam is confused when a museum worker tells him that the Orioles jersey Ruth wore in 1914 looks different because it was basically a minor league team in those days, and then his rights were bought by the Red Sox. Adam says it's kind of confusing. So Adam doesn't know the current day Baltimore Orioles came into being in 1954, and can't wrap his head around the idea that the name was used in the town before that? JFC.

We are now 14 mins into a 41 min vlog, and the famous graves and Babe Ruth museum are done. The game and BBQ are all that's left in the title. They walk around aimlessly, with Adam just reading signs. Adam zooms in on his beloved "ghost signs". They randomly go into the subway station (but don't ride the subway). PC gets very excited about a little placard on Rembrandt Peale. Adam and PC discuss that his enthusiasm about it really isn't a "bit", but later when he's acting annoyed at the baseball game, it's kind of a "bit". Man, the comedy is really flowing with these two and their bits.

Adam finds a microcosm of his whole life on the streets of Baltimore, the store with the lingerie sign is named "The Big Top"

He then tells PC he really would like to go in the Big Top, which also offers magazines and videos. No joke, he wants to go in there, and I think they really did. Of course, Adam doesn't show it, and then they are by the water. They look around a bit, see a Hard Rock Cafe, and then out of nowhere they take an Uber to a cemetery??? I guess this is Famous Graves Part Deux.

How many graveyards and cemeteries has Adam visited lately? It's been a lot. Too many. The graves they visit here are the Booth family plot, as in the family of the guy who shot President Lincoln, and also the grave of the guy who patented the ouija board :rolleyes: . Then an Uber back to Camden Yards.

Adam went up to the ticket window and said "give me the 2 cheapest tickets you have", and they cost $22 each. Adam walks past Boog's BBQ (named after Oriole great Boog Powell, I'm sure Adam has no idea who he is) and says he will have a "when in Rome" moment there later.

However, Adam instead goes to Jimmy's Seafood stand and gets this FRIED crab cake sandwich along with freshly FRIED chips

Getting ready for that weigh-in

In an effort to continue to make sure his next weigh-in goes well, Adam then visits Boog's BBQ anyway, and gets this:



That 12 min per mile pace is lookin' good, buddy, lookin' good! Shortly thereafter, Adam says he should've only gotten the Boog's and skipped the crab cake sandwich.

Rays lose. Vlog over.
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As usual, Adam has to find a local youtuber (who needs him for views) so that local can lead him around by the nose and do all the work for him. Of course Adam will refer to this person as a "friend", but they really aren't, they are just mutual users. As he's in Baltimore, it happens to be his old "friend" Dan Bell. Regardless of what you or I think of Dan Bell and his work (not really my cup of tea, but some of his work is ok) he puts more effort into his work (or at least Dan used to, I haven't watched in a bit) than Adam has in a loooooong time. So Adam is happy to sit back and let Dan do everything for him.

Dan and Adam have another thing in (kinda) common: Dan's first channel is where he made his name (600k+ subs) and it's kind of abandoned with Social Blade only showing $20k/yr on the high end. Dan's active channel is his second channel which has just 125k subs and doesn't seem to be doing so well. Adam admits right off the top that he has no idea where the day will take him, because he literally has no idea where the day will take him. He emailed or texted with Dan, said hey, show me around and this day, we can film our vlogs together, and that was the extent of his effort. He's that lazy, Dan will do everything and explain everything.

Adam can start braiding the hair flowing across the middle of his ears from his upper sideburns.
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The genius looks down and says, "Going along the old cobblestone, I guess technically this would be brick." Had it right the first time, buddy.
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Before Dan shows up, this is the extent of the content Adam can provide: Walks down the street. Can't even identify the material the street is made of, reads the side of the building that says in giant letters, "The Wharf", sees an old pier and says "that's the old pier", sees some ducks and says "there are some ducks", and looks across the water and says, "there's some big ships, and a small little boat in the water, too." It's literally like taking a walk with a 6 year old.

They start in a graveyard. Dan is filming on his iPhone, like many modern youtubers, while Adam's old camera is chattering away trying to focus even in the daytime. They spend almost no time in the graveyard, only looking at one mausoleum. What was the point?

They stop at a shell of a building next to train tracks. Adam asked Dan what it was used for, Dan begins to explain that the cattle train would stop, platform extenders would bridge the gap between the train and the building, the cattle would...and that's all we know, because Adam cuts Dan off and suddenly we are looking at old payphone shells with McDonald's ads on the side. WTF? This is reminding me of the Flag Retreat Ceremony editing, just awful.

They just drive around with poor, shaky camerawork by Adam, nothing really interesting. One thing of note, Adam films a red diamond sign outside some rough-looking homes and says that Dan told him that's the sign for fire dept personnel to not go inside if there's a fire, only firefight from the exterior. Dan begins to explain and expound on that, but Adam interrupts him because he sees a restaurant named "Pak Man's Fried Chicken", and Adam must scream out the name as he sees it, cutting off Dan and ruining the explanation. Later Dan finally gets to finish and says it's for any city workers to know not to go inside.

It's one thing to document run down areas, less fortunate areas, poorer areas of a city, another to make fun of them. This one joke Adam has, where he sees a rundown place in disrepair, and does the "bit" (right Adam, this is one of your famous comedy "bits"?) where he pretends he's going to use the place as if it wasn't rundown and falling apart - "I'm gonna run in there are get a cold drink, I'm gonna just get some cash out of that ATM" - wow, it gets old fast and is pretty tone-deaf. That's not what documentarians do. You don't kick people and a community when they're down. Well, I guess you do if you're Adam the Woo. Nice to see Dan actually make him go inside a rundown bodega and buy a cold drink to support the store. Adam was probably crapping his pants, and wasn't brave enough to film inside at all.

Adam and Dan continue to explore not very interesting abandoned and run down places. These are all locations and places that Dan frequents and has done videos on for years and years and years, so the unless the recent Woovians are interested in Dan Bell and this content (doubtful), I'm not sure what the point of this endeavor would be. Leakin Park, in particular, is a place Dan has covered so much on his original channel years ago. It seems too dark even for Adam. They are barely there before they leave.

Dan shows him some old headstones in the middle of the woods back in the park. Adam just walks from stone to stone pointing at them, "wow, look at the old headstones, one here <he points at it like we can't see it>, and here <he points again, and here <points again>." Thanks, Captain Obvious. Adam sees a small snake and freaks out, as if he saw a rattler or something. Dan has to calm him down.

Back to bad downtown areas. Fittingly, Adam sees a handmade sign that says, "Be careful how you treat others" - words of advice, Adam. He then finds 3 CDs on the ground under a bench. But Adam is too chicken to touch them to flip them over and see what they might be. Remember what this guy used to do in his videos? Now he won't flip over a CD on the ground. They don't appear to be wet, the ground isn't wet, find something, a stick, a napkin, something, geez. If I knew I was going somewhere with Dan Bell, I can tell you I'd have a couple of pairs of disposable gloves in my pocket, along with an n95 mask. But that's too much thought and prep for Adam.

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The HIGHLIGHT of the vlog is when they walk down an alley and Adam steps in feces. Dan believes it is human waste. I'm willing to roll with that analysis, since Adam is wearing the brand new $200 On Clouds 😂 and it makes it even better thinking about Adam desperately trying to clean it off back at the hotel all night (it could've been dog poo though, who knows). Adam makes himself feel better by finding something from the 80s, and spots some Robocop graffiti
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Adam just runs the same joke over and over again, right into the ground. "You see, even though this salon says walk-ins are welcome, whoever tried to walk in there was not welcome!"
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They walk through what used to be Baltimore's Chinatown, and Adam asks Dan "So there's not really a Chinatown anymore in Baltimore?" and Dan starts to answer but you can't hear him, and then Adam cuts off the answer anyway. Basically almost any time Dan is saying anything that might interesting, you either can't hear him or Adam cuts it off with a bad edit. Complete half-assery.

A few rare things missing from this vlog: no coffee in sight at all, and the vlog ends with a rare peek at Adam actually eating his one meal of the day, chicken fajitas at the Diner Latino on Eastern Street, two thumbs up from Dan and Adam.
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Overall, this vlog was a failure because Dan didn't seem to put much effort into it (and why should he?), and you know Adam was putting zero effort in to begin with. Pretty lackluster (I may be a bit biased, as I already knew the few actual locations they went to from prior Dan Bell videos), just driving around not doing much, and the poor editing made it even worse.

Today (tomorrow) a ballpark tour and a night game and then he's leaving town for a mystery destination (DC? Somewhere else)? This is all we get to see of Baltimore? :rolleyes:
Is the Universe finally catching up to Adam's behavior? In that he saw the sign that said - "Be careful how you treat others" - and then stepped in shit with his brand new overpriced shoes (second pair in a matter of a month or two)?

I'd like to hope so.
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This chronic borefest proves that he schedules his plans a year in advance. For the most part. He knows where he is going bc tht is all he knows or cares to do. As long as a minimum amount of money flows in, he is ok with it. The monkey wrench is that he didn’t expect giggs to actually wtfu and lose his tired old @$$. She fought hard to find happiness and doesn’t need to play his creepy asf games anymore. She didn’t attend Epcot Flower and Garden and she isn’t playing his more knowledgeable tour guide in SoCal anymore. June 4th is just another day to be lived with your loved one Chey. David will spend his pathetic holidays in Hawaii with his parents eating hotel cooked meals. Enjoy it David! The rant is now over…..
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You see, EPCOT has changed DRASTICALLY. Of course, he was there twice 3 weeks ago, and multiple times 1 month ago, and 3 months ago, and 4 months ago, and 5 months ago, and 6 months ago (when he said World Celebration was "unimpressive"). Never said any of the changes happening were drastic, but now, suddenly, they are drastic! Or, he's just desperately clickbaiting with his title.

It's time for all the usual OCD rituals: Mickey Power Pole (illegally parking in the breakdown lane of an overpass)>filming while driving under the main WDW welcome sign>films the monorail

Adam is there for rope drop for some reason. As they let the massive rope drop crowd in, Adam thinks everyone is headed straight to the new area, Communicore Hall. While maybe a few people (mostly locals and vloggers/streamers) are headed there to check it out, the vast majority of people are on vacation and are headed to Guardians, Ratatouille, Frozen, Test Track, Soarin', etc, and don't even know that "Communicore Hall" is open or what it is. Talk about living in a dream world. Here's the crowd rushing to Communicore Hall, according to Adam:

The rituals continue with Adam allowing the crowd to stream past and waiting so he can get his OCD mirror shot under Spaceship Earth, of course. He says he needs to document this moment for posterity. Really? Why? I'm just happy he's not wearing the orange shorts


He cannot stop talking about the Mickey and Figment shirt he's wearing. It's disturbing.

Adam comes around the corner to get his first glimpse of Communicore Hall, saying, "Alright, coming into fruition here...", so throw yet another word on the giant pile of words he uses incorrectly.

Here you can see the vast crowds and lines of people Adam said were headed to Communicore Hall:

OK, so maybe the giant crowds of people are simply inside, right? Adam steps foot into Communicore Hall for the first time and he sees:

Nobody is in here, but Adam says he loves it and if it's like this (quiet and empty) all the time, he will be spending a "heck of a lot" of time in here (he won't) enjoying his coffee because the new garden area outside with the Walt statue is so LOUD and obnoxious. Adam also likes the design of the outside of the building. He's skeptical they will keep it nice and quiet inside and suspects they will start "pumping tunes" inside at some point.

It's time to resume the rituals once again by going across to Starbucks to get coffee. Adam kinda complains that there's a line, but says it doesn't look too long (that means the line might be 5-7 mins, which is barely acceptable in the world of Adam the Woo). But Adam is willing to put up with a small line in this Starbucks because it allows him to do what he does EVERY TIME HE'S IN THIS STARBUCKS. I challenge anyone to go review his Epcot vlogs and find a time he's gone into this Starbucks and hasn't done what he does again in this vlog, point out Walt's original Epcot sketch on the floor and tell the entire story of how Walt sketched it on a napkin, etc:

Today Adam feels the need to go very deep on the details of his coffee: blonde roast, "nonfat milk" and a couple of "regular sugars" (as opposed to ?). He rambles awkwardly about the seating areas in the Starbucks, and then awkwardly points out the Pride mural. I bet Rev Jim doesn't watch any of Adam's Disney vlogs anyway, so Adam doesn't need to worry about Daddy being mad.

He runs into the Jammitors (but has to make it all about him - just pipe down and film the real entertainers, buddy), and then goes to the Encanto show (where he can't include any songs, of course). He shows a bunch of dialogue but in the middle of it, he suddenly pans over to Spaceship Earth for no reason at all. Like if he doesn't show it, he's afraid it will disappear?

All this new stuff keeps interuppting his usual OCD flow, so he heads over to the Imagination area for his usual monorail shot, but he's sad because no monorail shows up and the jumping fountains aren't on. He then goes and grabs a drink. Oh nonononono, why would a thirsty person drink water? Surely not soda, Adam doesn't drink soda? Of course not, he doesn't drink carbonated sugary beverages anymore. No, Adam orders a lemonade. Or as Adam calls it, "a light lemonade", although I'm pretty sure it's just a regular lemonade.

He takes his lemonade into Communicore Hall and is sad to hear the music on inside, whomp whomp. He keeps wanting to "take a peek" inside the Mickey and Friends meet and greet area but you can't do that unless you actually wait in line and do the meet and greet. Being allergic to lines, Adam wants no part of that. Why he would think you could pop in to look around this meet and greet, when you can't really do that at any other one is weird. As he walks through the center garden area, he says he agrees with everyone that says it looks like a college campus. When's the last time Adam was on a college campus? Ever?

He goes over to The Land and I'm pretty sure he did it just so he could get a shot of his feet on an escalator

For the enjoyment of the other guests, Adam proceeds to talk through the Living with the Land ride, very enjoyable for them I'm sure. At first it's just about the slight changes to the ride made recently, then he just starts riffing with Adam the Woo patented "Comedy Bits", like asking if Pauly Shore or Stephen Baldwin have ever been on the ride as the boat enters the Biodome section, making Willy Wonka references, and pointing out the not hidden Mickey. As he exits, he says that he thinks this looks like the person who was the 45th POTUS. I feel like he's mentioned this before.

He exits and finally runs into his beloved inside the park

Adam does a World Showcase loop and seems so happy that there's no festival happening until August 29th. Of course he might go to Epcot one more time between now and August 29th because he'll be traveling constantly, so that's a shame. He shows the model trains (he calls them miniature trains) and I can't remember the last time he didn't film them.

Adam stops at the character spot between UK and Canada because he sees Big Al. This gets him talking about the Country Bear show, and he proclaims that if Big Al doesn't sing "Blood on the Saddle" in the new show (and everyone on the planet knows that the song won't be in the new show), that "it's a total fail". Newsflash buddy, it's gonna be a total fail for you then. Move on, go home and take out your pressed pennies and your bootleg Blood on the Saddle pins and cry in the corner of the Corridor of Goons room. The world is moving on, nobody cares.

Merch time, and Adam says he's been "eyeing" this for some time, but he doesn't even know what it is. Apparently he's never heard the term sling bag, because he calls it a "front pouch, fanny pack, but over the chest" and then says he will never use it but he's going to buy it anyway.

He mourns the loss of the Wonders of Life/Play pavilion and says, "will be ever be able to go in that building again?" Better be careful there Adam, that's a sore subject between you and Disney, isn't it?

Time for awkward finger pointing for thumbnails time. While he's posing with Communicore Hall, he sees the monorail and actually turns all the way around to pose with that even though he would never use that for the thumbnail. He just had to.

He begins his walk out, saying that he "didn't get to go inside the character meet and greet", as if Disney stopped him or closed it down or something, when all he had to do was get in a 30 minute line, but that was a bridge too far.

In addition to the bag he will never use, Adam also bought a Monorail candy dispenser, for real. He says he will use it as a "pencil holder", because I'm sure Adam uses so many, many pencils

The bag he will never use looks like it was $40 before any AP discount. The Monorail candy dispenser is $15 and is supposed to be a holder for Disney Pez dispensers. Vlog over. No haircut, no shave, no weigh-in, no passport.
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I just watched a video from another travel vlogger I follow who recently encountered an air travel snag, and the difference in how he and Adam presented similar situations was striking.

A connecting flight that this vlogger was taking was first delayed and then ultimately canceled. Instead of being a whiny bitch and fussing about it like Adam, this vlogger explained the facts of the situation and had a positive outlook about the situation. Some key quotes (or at least paraphrasing):
"There was another flight that evening, but we were booked on a flight the next morning. That's ok because a lot of other passengers had more pressing needs to get to their destinations than we did."
"The delay gave us an unexpected opportunity to explore the city; I'm grateful to be able to visit a place I've never been before."
"The airline employees all had a good attitude and worked hard to minimize the impacts of the delay for the passengers."

Such a different perspective when contrasted against Adam's grouchy tantrums!
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My God, he stayed in Minnesota (at least for a few hours) and went to the Mall of America, holy @&#!

Maybe take a day off and get some sleep, because you don't look so good, Adam

So many potentially interesting things to do, and he stays in Minnesota and goes to the Mall of America where he visited 6 years ago and already vlogged. Also, he's wearing the Stuckey's t-shirt again...was it washed?

He couldn't bother to get coffee beforehand, so he searches for coffee in the mall. Adam proceeds to roam the mall, reading the signs of random stores and telling stories about when Hulk Hogan open a pasta restaurant in the mall. Remember now, this is a guy who will drink ANY coffee from ANYPLACE - a gas station that hasn't been cleaned in 10 years, any random hotel lobby urn, etc. He is so repulsed by the coffee he got at some place called Carlo's - which was poured from a pot made fresh for him - that he throws it away. And he makes a big deal of doing it on camera and including it in the vlog, too.

He cannot stop talking about Hulk Hogan opening the Pastamania restaurant. He talks about other stuff and then comes back to talk about Pastamania again, like it was the most interesting thing to ever happen in the world. In between those stories, he just points the camera a different rides and says he loves that there are rides inside. We're 25% thru the vlog and you haven't even been able to find coffee you like, maybe actually move along and do something???

He gets Dunkin' and just strolls around, filming rides and describing them (when we can all see them) while he sips his coffee. It's one of those segments when every statement ends with "right there". He's still ridden absolutely nothing, and leaves the rides area to go find where the Pastamania restaurant was, no joke. He finally finds it, and it's now a Popeye's. He still can't stop talking about it. Maybe he should do an analysis of it on his living room tv with a broomstick handle?

Think of the laziness and utter lack of effort he puts into so many things, but he actually bothered to put together this location matchup on his phone right on the spot. He couldn't be bothered to actually insert it into his vlog, just holds the phone up to the camera, but he did actually bother to line up the present day shot and then stitch them together. This is the whole reason he came to Mall of America. He admits he found out about it shortly after his first visit 6 years ago, and has been thinking about it ever since.

I would say up to this point, 15 minutes into the vlog, and 10 minutes of it has been devoted to Pastamania. Yet it is the last thing mentioned in the title, stuck all the way at the end, because if he put it first no one would click on it. The rest of the vlog is literally as if you went to your local mall, started recording and just rattled off the names of whatever store you saw ("Oh, over there is a Bath and Body Works, and on the other side is a Sharper Image, pretty cool") and also complained about coffee.

He finds the Rainforest Cafe and it has a gator just like at Disney Springs so he's very excited, and says "the gator's mouth is emitting through the foliage and the fog in the water right there". Emitting? JFC. I can hear Adam has a Stuckey's candy in his mouth again. Let's quickly review how those candies are doing in his mouth, eh?

Did you really get that health insurance Adam? Have you actually gone to the dentist? Really? I don't think so.

The pointing out of the obvious in this vlog has driven me to tears. "Oh, look at the Climb Zone here, you can climb up all these things, there's people climbing up the side of those things." Yes Adam. That's the way it works. "Oh, look at this parking lot here, you can park in any of these spots, there's people pulling in and parking their cars here." SERIOUSLY, WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?

He rides the ferris wheel. "There's a pretty good view up here." :rolleyes: And then he does this





I want you to keep in mind that you can't ride alone on a ferris wheel and that a worker from the ferris wheel was riding with him while he did this.

Adam goes and gets himself an Orange Julius for his Fit By Fifty campaign. After he sucks that down, he rides the log flume. 6 years ago they yelled at him for filming while riding and here he is again, with his arm all the way out, filming the entire thing all the way through 6 years later, not a care in the world.

He gets soaking wet, including his camera, on the first drop. Too bad it didn't break.

I guess Adam didn't learn to read:

He heads to the rental car, and the vlog is over. I have no idea what he's doing. I assume he did the mall early yesterday and then hit the road and drove late into the night toward Pittsburgh? Who knows.
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That's as close to saying "I was wrong" in his comments section as he'll ever get. And guess what? Next April, he'll complain about paying taxes and a month and a half later, on Memorial Day, he'll treat it like Veteran's Day - Spring Edition once again. One of the telltale signs of a narcissist, they can never admit they are wrong, they are never wrong in their mind, because that's weak.
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Plus he left his parents in their house instead of inviting them to the Contemporary to ride it out with him.
Just saw a post on reddit with a screenshot of him replying to someone saying he's not going to weigh himself at all until his birthday 🙄

Here it is, in his own words:


He's gonna keep going until he's 50. He's gonna jump on the scale then. If not before??? WTF?

Not trying to be tied to the scale right now? Did anyone ask him to weigh himself? IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA! Stop arguing with yourself out loud in your vlog, you dope.
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Once again, I continue to underestimate the stupidity of Adam the Woo.

This is SoCal to Milwaukee and Milwaukee to Orlando all over again, where he could've flown direct into Chicago, rented a car and driven the hour each way to and from Milwaukee. He booked layover flights that went to Milwaukee, it was a nightmare, and he said it made him not want to book layovers ever again.

Now he needed to get to Baltimore. He could've just booked a direct flight to DC, rented a car and driven the hour or so to Baltimore - or even taken a train! Or, sucked it up and flew economy on an economy airline directly to Baltimore.

Instead, he books a flight to Baltimore that has a LAYOVER in Charlotte and guess what, it doesn't work out well for him.

Mr. Moneybags parks his car at the airport. Before he said if the trip was a week, he parks at the airport. Now he says if it's 7-10 days, he parks at the airport. Otherwise, he'll take rideshare. Goalposts keep moving, just like that weigh-in. He visits the wooden deer that he and his mom saw the last time, so we can add that to the list of rituals.

For a hot minute I thought he was wearing the On Clouds with the hole in them for this entire trip, but I was wrong, evidence later:

So, I wrote last night off the top of my head:

Park at MCO>fountain>sleeping traveler statue>TSA rules (still never got Precheck, idiot)>MCO sells gum>look at the gummy candy>is that my plane?>jetway OCD shot>feet in first class>water>Orlando from the air again>coffee>snack (no meal, too short)>endless clouds>land in Washington

Reality was:

Park at MCO>fountain>sleeping traveler statue>TSA rules>looks at the gummy candy and notes he brought his own gum because MCO does not sell gum>shows Orlando souvenirs including the same coffee mug he shows every time>is that my plane?>jetway OCD shot>plane's safety card (forgot that one)>shot of coffee (no water to start)>takeoff and Orlando from the air for the zillionth time>shot of his feet>endless shots of clouds>lands in Charlotte

Pretty close, eh? My bad, MCO doesn't sell gum. Of course, it just goes to show how amazingly predictable and how ritualistic this guy is. He even says and explains exactly the same stuff at each spot almost every time. Explains the entire thing about the gum, reads the entire plaque for the sleepy traveler, stands next to the fountain and says when he thinks of MCO he thinks of it, the American flag and the hotel rooms -every single time.

Here's the total weirdo OCD shot of his feet on the plane, it's clear he's dropped another $200 on a fresh pair on On Clouds, they are NOT the ones with the hole, I guess even Adam won't go that far (yet):

In the most garbled way possible, Adam tries to convey that American Airlines is not his "chosen" airline going forward, this flight had already been booked before he'd chosen his one future airline. He says he did get the airline's credit card. He REFUSES to reveal what airline he did choose, for whatever reason. Like people are watching waiting for THAT big reveal. He wants a US-based airline that has a deep international system/alliance. If it's not AA, it's United or Delta, who cares which one? Flip a coin for all three of them.

Sadly, he also lets us know he is aware of Global Entry, so that's why he hasn't gotten TSA precheck yet, because he's waiting to get Global Entry. Of course he compares Global Entry to Fastpass because nothing in the world can exist without being compared to something in the Disney universe.

Adam follows up his coffee with a "not full of sugar at all and thank gosh it's not soda, plus it's fruit so it must be good for you" glass of orange juice. Adam says with a lot of satisfaction in his voice, "Got a little OJ for some vitamin C, got that vitamin C kickin'..." and he sounds as if he was drinking a spinach oat milk smoothie.

Adam lands to find his connection is

and he's very unhappy about it. AA puts him on a flight later in the evening guessed it, Washington D.C., but he's scared it will also get postponed or cancelled, so he books himself on a Frontier flight. Yes, he could've just booked Frontier direct to begin with, but Captain First Class MUST enjoy his orange juice while filming his legs crossed, relaxing. He also looked into renting a car from Charlotte and driving to Baltimore, but that would take 7.5 HOURS with no stops and no traffic. How about flying direct to DC and driving from there, you dolt?

Adam looks out the window and laments his lack of "luck" with American Airlines the last few trips. I guess Adam doesn't realize that this is the state of air travel, it really doesn't matter what airline you fly, and that you need to avoid flights with layovers at all costs. Or is he doing this on purpose to get views? His travel vlogs never get views unless he can put in the title something about a horrific delay or cancellation he experienced.

He again does the thing where he says, "I'm putting it out into the universe that <whatever, in this case, the Frontier thing> is gonna work out." He finds time while finding and waiting for his Frontier flight to film some Charlotte/North Carolina souvenirs, because those airport souvenirs are so different everywhere you go. He did get replacement shoes, but no haircut or grooming whatsoever for the weeklong trip. He actually brushes the hair out of his eyes during this shot. Why wear your hat like this if it bothers you?


Did I mention he's actually using that Pepe le Pew luggage tag? So appropriate in so many ways.

He says he won't cancel the AA flight to DC until he's on "Frontierland" instead of Frontier Airlines, I swear to God.

What is it with this guy and his feet? Yet another shot on the escalator of his feet in this airport, his feet on every plane all the time, damn. Adam overcomes his social anxiety to talk to a stranger while his films out the window. The man surely thought Adam was talking to him, when in reality Adam was talking to the camera. He gets the OCD shots from the end of the jetway and of the plane safety card, and then explains that for $124, Frontier "blocks off" the middle seat in your row and gives you two carry on items.

Adam ponders why Southwest and Frontier are still flying to Baltimore but AA "stopped" their flight, because certainly there could never be a myriad (or to help Adam understand, a cornucopia, which would be incorrect usage but perfect for Adam) of reasons why one airline cancels a flight on a route that others may not.

Adam sits there, having to deal with the real world for once, with little kids being little kids on a plane. I remember when my son was little and having to go on business trips, and seeing little kids having issues in airports and on planes and it never bothered me, it just reminded me of him made me want to get home to the family. If you've ever traveled with kids, you know how hard it is and you have mercy on the parent(s). Being the dickhead he is, Adam sits there, films himself, purposely keeps his noise-cancelling headphones off his ears, and makes faces at the camera over the noises he hears. Newsflash, kids yell and cough.


The pilot announces they are waiting for fuel. Adam chuckles with distain over this latest delay. They take off and we get endless shots of clouds while Adam hopes for continued noises from the kids so he can react to them. The plane lands after way too much flight footage, per usual, and I guess this really is an OCD shot I didn't notice until this trip. Every escalator, he has to get the shot of the feet every time:


Once outside, he can't find the rideshare area at first, then he comments on the "lack of humidity" in Baltimore and begins posing for thumbnails with the eyebrows up, and the vlog is over.

Again, how is this guy in trouble financially? His views are dropping in general, but he continues to spend money freely. Parks the car at the airport, books first class flights even at the cost of flying direct, when he gets in trouble during a layover, will spend whatever he needs to spend to get to his destination. I really don't think he actually got the health insurance. No way someone pays out the nose for that and then doesn't use it.

He says he has another destination beyond Baltimore. I assume it is DC, but then again I assumed he would just go to DC in the first place. Given that he went to Baltimore right off the bat, maybe he's going to the Friday game, leaving town and heading to DC for the rest of the week long trip. Maybe I'm wrong about DC and he's headed elsewhere.

But wow, why wouldn't you just fly to DC and either rent a car and drive to Baltimore, or Uber from Reagan to the train station, and take a train to Baltimore for a change of pace??? Or, investigate the cost of Frontier with the blocked seat, and just fly direct. Also, maybe take an earlier flight to help avoid disruptions? These mid-afternoon flights with layovers that land in the evening are just asking for trouble, too. I really have to consider that he's doing layovers on purpose now, hoping for drama to generate views.
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The Daily Woo has now become "The Daily WDW", it seems.

I guess Adam is feeling that money crunch a bit? His one Epcot video that had no clickbait or gigantic ride opening in the title sits at 35k. The "Extreme Lack of Sleep at MK" vlog is at 55k and the Tiana opening, predictably, is doing decently at 58k after 24 hours. So Adam has gone back to the clickbait well of "EXTREME WEATHER" to pad the bank account before having to put up more lackluster travel vlogs.

This is one of his patented comedy "bits". This is where he knows that the weather will be bad, but he goes out in it anyway, without any sort of umbrella or poncho, and he walks around in the rain and gets soaking wet. Then he can use a CLICKBAIT title. So he posts this:

Here, let me start my own vlog: "My Messy, Bloody Mistake When Mowing The Lawn - Horrible New York Lightning Storm (BAD IDEA)" - it's all about how I decided to mow the lawn in the thunderstorm when I knew it would thunderstorm, gosh, it was a BAD IDEA.

He starts on the wooded pathway by his house (what's wrong with his living room, he hasn't done that starting location since he came home). He says it's an errands day (oh, really?) and then says that among the many other things he needs to do today he's going to "pop in" to Disney Springs to see if there's any Tiana merch there because he failed to get the little ride vehicle with the Brer Rabbit head on the log (he managed to get the pins, the special lemonade, and went back for the Passholder t-shirt, but somehow forgot the ride vehicle). Why not run back to MK, they had plenty there?

He ALSO mentions that his On Cloud sneakers (and these are the newer ones that he first started wearing on the trip to Baltimore on May 30, so exactly one month ago) are again developing HOLES and tears in the sides

Instead of saying to himself "wow, these shoes just aren't for me, they fall apart in a few months", he says he's going to go back to the store and see if they will do anything about helping him, and even if they won't, he still loves the comfort of the shoes so much he'll just buy a couple pairs more (money is no object!) even if they each fall apart in a month. Must be nice to drop $150-200 a month on shoes, eh?

Then he finally mentions he needs to go by Hollywood Studios and get the popcorn bucket. Sounds like most of his errands involve purchasing Disney merch. He can't even articulate what the popcorn bucket is...he says it's "the Toy Story truck", so I guess it was a senior moment and he couldn't recall Pizza Planet.

Drives under the main WDW welcome sign, guess what, he parks in the Orange garage as always but doesn't park on the roof because it's too hot (and he bought a black car in Florida). He obsesses over the status of the balloon as usual, gets his Starbucks coffee, and runs into World of Disney to look for the Tiana ride vehicle. But while he's in there, he shows a bunch of other merch (do his viewers really care about merch this much? Is this a WDW shopping channel?). He asks a CM about Tiana merch, and there is none, only at MK. Who'd have thought? (anyone with a brain)

Adam goes to the shoe store and emerges wearing his same defective, crap shoes (so they told him to go kick rocks about a free replacement), and has a pair of new ones in a bag (although they don't carry that same model anymore). He spent another $160, what a sucker. Only Adam, a guy who doesn't run and admits he can't run, would get suckered into entering a half marathon, buying expensive running shoes, and then just keeps buying the expensive running shoes to walk around in daily. Now he says "I kinda like the way these feel, but I might go back to my Sauconys". Earlier in the video, these were the greatest shoes known to man, now he might go back to Saucony.

He tries to get a lightning strike on camera while he's driving. Sounds safe. He's off to HS for the popcorn bucket he can't even remember the name of. He gets a lightning strike on camera in the distance, but he's filming through his windshield and his awful old camera is focused on the raindrops, not the horizon.

It's raining, and you have no rain gear, but why take the tram? Nah, let's walk but then also complain about the weather. He continues to hype the bad weather, and you can tell he's really concerned because then he does this


Then he admits he really likes "rainy Disney days", which is great. He should wait for the rain to come, go to the park, stand out in the rain and just film himself with a gopro the entire time. That should be his whole channel.

He's literally walking around hoping it rains harder so he can get a better thumbnail. He goes to the popcorn stand that you see him pointing to in the above picture, that has the popcorn buckets right on the counter, but doesn't get one. He asks them if the bucket is available at any popcorn stand and they say yes. He needs more storm drama so he just walks further into the park, finds questionable shelter for a moment, and identifies another popcorn stand he could get the bucket at. He smells money and clickbait, so he's in no rush to get the bucket and leave now.

You're just gonna love this part:

Chevy Chase enjoyed Song of the South. Ok. He also references Garth Brooks' "Thunder Rolls" lyrics at one point, and of course that song is about domestic violence. But Adam thinks the BAD IDEA in this video was going out in the rain.

So now he wants the viewers to believe that after he walked all the way into the park in the rain, and was at a popcorn stand and could've gotten the bucket right there, but he went further into the park in the rain, walked past another popcorn stand in the rain to an archway, so he could stand under the archway and say, "I'm just waiting for a break in the rain so I can go over there and get the popcorn bucket and head out." Man, his audience must be beyond dumb.

Then with no change in the weather, he just goes over to get the bucket. As he's walking out, he actually tries to explain for the 483rd time about the statue of the filmmaker/camera operator at the top of Hollywood Blvd and how it's an exact replica of the one across from the WB studios in Burbank. There's some thunder and he runs for cover (multiple families with kids are also walking down the middle of the street and they just keep walking). He cracks himself up by asking if you get struck by lightning at Disney, would they give you a free lightning lane. His fake laugh is just awful, worse than his joke.

Now, suddenly that he's already soaking wet, he's concerned about getting soaking wet, and he's running from store to store moving down the street but taking his time, milking it for everything it's worth. He comes into one store and there's a squeegee mop at the door. He notes that he has a squeegee mop at home, he bought it when he bought the house and "I've never used it". I bet there's a huge list of stuff he bought for that house that he's never used, or only used once or twice.

He runs across the street for no reason whatsoever. He gets across and says "I made it in here now" - yeah, why??? He's cowering in the store while people walk right down the middle of the street because they know they won't get hit by lightning, but he acts like he will for the drama. Then he gets the idea to not just run from shelter to shelter for no reason at all, but to film himself while doing it:

It's all just performative, fake nonsense, but the Woovians and the algorithm will eat it up, I'm sure. Adam delights us by telling us that thankfully he's close to his homestead and he can "take off these wet clothes and enjoy a nice hot shower", so enjoy that visual.

It's still pouring, thundering and there's lightning, but Adam decides it's now OK to walk to his car. Someone helpfully lets him know his shoe is untied. His response is "Yeah, I know" and only then "thank you" and he says to the camera he just doesn't want to stop to tie it. Normal person would reverse that, and say "thanks, I know" or even just "thanks" because the "I know" part is rude and not needed. He was just under a shelter, why didn't he tie it then?

He begins rambling about nothing, homemade slip n slides and whatnot. It's like the camera is his friend, and he has no one else to talk to. It's why he films something every day. He claims he can't remember where he parked. The vlog is, mercifully, over.
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