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When things are tough, it's time for the good old Walk & Talk ™ . Also, make sure you take the time to take down (but not really completely shave clean) the mustache and leave the scattered and haphazard beard for the traditional, once every 6 months, Amish The Woo look. Perhaps because he's seeing his parents right after he films this video, and he wasn't showing up there with the ridiculous mustache. No haircut though, that would be a step too far.

It's time for more announcements where Adam talks about things he probably won't do in the future. Like working out in his garage, and running outside, and running marathons, and weighing himself, and cooking in his kitchen, and peppering in new content, and not ever vlogging from Disney again, and cutting back on dated, ticketed events. I guess that list is long enough for the moment.

Adam announces he has gotten "IN-surance". He doesn't even say health insurance, just insurance. Of course he complains that it's very expensive. Says he hasn't been "insured" for a very long time, and again he certainly means health insurance. "This means I can start progressing forward with health" he says.

Yes, he is very concerned with the magic number of 50. Certain things will go "awry" and it will happen "shortly" and "very very quickly" 😂. Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at someone concerned about their health but for this guy to suddenly be concerned about his health to this extent is pretty rich. Where was this concern when he was plunking down $130k for DVC points to use for vacations for the next whatever years if he was concerned about being about to use them past 50 because his health would very very quickly fall apart? Same with the 3 bedroom $539k house he didn't need? The $17k clown car?

Adam goes on a long speech reminiscing about how he started YouTube. The best part of it is that he was always annoyed working for the man, not because working for the man is just generally annoying but because he always felt he wasn't properly compensated for what he was bringing to places like WalMart and the feed store, and the man was getting rich off his back. So yeah.

He wants to make sure all his affairs are in order now that he's half a century old. Which seems crazy to most of us, but for Adam I kind of get it. You have to keep in mind, he has nobody, pretty much literally. No matter what his poor health might be, he will certainly outlive his parents. And then has his sister. And that's it. The odds of him finding a life companion at this point are slim and he knows it. The odds of him ever having kids are even slimmer. If he died suddenly, for health reasons or getting hit by a bus, he doesn't want to leave a mess for his parents or for her. It will be tough enough for them having to get rid if his pins and clown car and toys and the rest of his stuff. And when his parents are gone, the older he and his sister get, the more difficult it would be for her to deal with if he doesn't have his stuff in order.

He breaks away from this topic to talk about future travel and announce he's chosen an airline to be his main airline, but won't say what it is until later in the video 😂. Wow, what a cliffhanger, I can't wait! He then likens going to the international Disney parks to seeing the Rays in all 30 MLB stadiums, a/k/a a "one and done" type of a thing - he's gonna do it and he ain't ever going back. Of course, you can't trust anything he says and how would he know, maybe he loves one of them and wants to go there more.

However, he then states "once those are done, I just want to go to other countries and see things that are non-theme park related." I'll believe it when I see it, I'll believe it when I see it. Then he says something that makes no sense, which is why I don't believe him - "I don't want to go through all the trouble of getting a passport just to see the Disney parks outside the US, I want to use it fully to see everything." All the trouble? You printed out a form, got a cashier's check and went to the post office. What an avalanche of effort that was!

Adam moves on to the 4,726th review of where he lived in "downtown" St Cloud and all the same stuff he always looks at every time. Here he mentions his BRAND NEW, BIG BIG US-BASED PROJECT FOR 2025 THAT DEPENDS ON THE WEATHER. Yes, it depends on the weather, so he's not sure when he's going to be doing it exactly, but says it's pretty cool. I hope it's cooler than the Rays in every MLB ballpark, and I certainly hope it's cooler than the broomstick with the tv in the living room.
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That’s got to be one of the worst thumbnails I’ve ever seen from him. He looks like he is coming off a 3 day bender.
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I would pay a large sum of money to have a picture of Adam in his dapper garb standing on the overpass (illegally) taking footage of the Mickey power pole.

Yes, he's wearing the running shoes (although he's now calling them "tennis shoes" just like he calls the Sauconys, as if the effort to run never happened) and check out those pants

No idea why Greg's Gameroom is along when he has not dressed up at all. Adam is already complaining about the heat. Then he complains about the line for coffee. And of course he gets hot coffee in the Florida heat.

Adam just walks around and poses everywhere trying to twist the ends of his sad mustache and doing an evil laugh. He also talks to topiaries and Greg's Gameroom and Splorin Ryan do the character voices off camera. Makes you want to watch, right? :rolleyes:

Adam tells almost everyone he meets that this is the first time he's worn suspenders. Here's the full shot Adam wants you to see, from a million miles away straight on with the dark background on his dark shirt:

Guess what? Adam buys a Dapper Day pin. I know, unbelievable, right? He's so frugal and never spends money. It has an owl on it. He calls it a "hoo owl" and goes "hooooooo". It's hoot owl, buddy. Hoot.

He can't resist the Ben Franklin bifocals line. He also makes sure he hits up several young ladies there for dapper day. He really thinks he's actually dressed up fancy. Adam can't bear to wait the 30 minutes it would take to get into the DVC lounge for his sugar free drink. I believe this is the second time in a row he's tried to get in there and hasn't because he refuses to wait for it.

Instead, they eat in the Land and Adam says he will get macaroni salad. He ends up with this:

He calls it shrimp and rice. He also got not one but two sides of macaroni/pasta salad:

Also note the extra packets of soy sauce on Adam's tray. If he's eating like this on camera, you can imagine it's not any better off camera.

Adam looks like someone dressed a homeless man with clothing they found in the dumpster behind a Party City or a some cheap costume store.

He once again doesn't drink soda by drinking soda at Club Cool for the 900th time, and still tries to get mileage out of the Beverly gag.

Adam says this is "the backside of dapper"

Sorry folks, I'm just the reporter.
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This is from The Tim Tracker thread for those of you who don’t participate there:


These two really look like they are in marathon shape.
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Chatty Member
The asshole strikes again.


If he doesn't want to arrange something like this, it's fine and somewhat understandable. But there's a way to respond that doesn't make you look like an ungrateful POS.
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Chatty Member
Woo looks massive here, especially in comparison with the rest of the group. Guess that "fit by fifty" and half marathon training is going quite well.
Yep, it's amazing what the camera shows when you're not controlling the angles.

As far as the Giggles/Daphne/Natalie stuff goes, it seems pretty simple. She's starting to mature, found what seems to be a healthy relationship with someone who seems to be a normal, cool guy. Adam probably shot his last shot a few months ago and was permanently friend-zone (without benefits) and now it's awkward.

We can all prepare for manic behavior upon his return, followed by a renewed commitment to Fit By Fifty, followed by him falling off the wagon shortly thereafter.
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Somehow not only does he do another day of WDW parks to make it two in a row, he does the same MK/Epcot combo as yesterday. Are there no military cemeteries in central Florida? He couldn't find anything more appropriate to do on the actual Memorial Day holiday than go to a themed amusement park? I guess not. This vlog is nearly exactly identical in running time to yesterday's as well, 27 mins.

Also, I guess the Dapper Dans deserve a look of disgust? I mean, WTF?

This time he skips the Mickey Power Pole. Perhaps there was a LEO hanging around there? More likely because he heads to Epcot first and usually the MPP shot is a "I'm going to MK" thing. So we begin with driving under the WDW Welcome Sign archway, and then he's out of the car in the Epcot lot and walking. Here's his very favorite thing in the world:

He could barely turn the camera on and rush out "Welcome everyone, Adam the Woo here" before it appeared over his shoulder, wow, that was close! Adam talks about what Memorial Day is all about (and someone shoehorns in that he's not a drinker), and of course like most people he gets it wrong and thinks it's "Veteran's Day - Start of Summer Edition". It's funny that I referenced the Sam Eagle Muppetvision quote because he's wearing a t-shirt with that quote today for Memorial Day. He believes this is an "appropriate t-shirt" for Memorial Day, and of course it is not.

Adam notes "the mental health" that service members have to go through (he has the communication skills of a tree), and notes that while he has family members who served, and friends who served, he never served. As if that wasn't obvious - it's pretty obvious he's never done anything for anyone except himself. Adam is so concerned about saluting the troops that he's honoring them by going to theme parks. I'm sure at the end of this video he'll say he's donating all the profits - heck it, the channel's entire week's profit's, right? - to the Fisher House Foundation or the Gary Sinise Foundation. Certainly a man so concerned and deeply impacted by Memorial Day, who swims in the kind of money that allows you to live in a McMansion, drive around in a $17k golf cart for kicks, and pay Chuck Norris $240 for an autograph and a picture would at least do that, right?

He gives his thanks for veterans for keeping the country free, and he "warns" the viewers this will be a "very" patriotic vlog (gosh, what's going to happen?) He can't forget his rituals though, so time to look in the mirror:

He says he has to hurry to the back of the park because he really wants to see the American Adventure and the Voices of Liberty, but then he stops to look at...."patriotic" merch. Makes his way back to the American Adventure but then takes the time to get his large, hot coffee in the Regal Eagle while complaining about the Florida heat for the 30th consecutive day. He then calls the patriotic bunting "flags", and complains about having to hold the door open for other people for approximately 7 seconds. Does any of this behavior show sensitivity to the men and women who died for your freedom?

Adam seems to think he may be looking at a replica of the Liberty Bell when he sees this tiny little bell on the desk in front of him. He has seen the real one in Philly, if I remember correctly, and certainly he knows the true replica in Liberty Square, so how can he be that stupid?

After watching the Voices of Liberty, he totally bails on the American Adventure because he wants to catch the last Dapper Dans show (so he can make a face like someone farted while pointing at them for his thumbnail). A flash of a monorail ride later, he's doing the most patriotic thing possible...looking at PINS in the Magic Kingdom. He actually misses the beginning of the Dapper Dans show because he can't stand to wait outside in the heat and he loves to look at those shiny pins.

Now I see why he likes the Voices of Liberty and the Dapper Dans - they might be the only musical content in all of WDW that he can actually include in his videos, as the YouTube AI will never match the audio to any copyright. Regarding that thumbnail, he did have some "fans" also watching the show with him, and they held the camera for him while he posed with the group like this and could have used it for his thumbnail, but he chose to use his own stink face selfie instead

Adam then visits the real Liberty Bell copy in Liberty Square. Here he is honoring all our dead heroes by...pointing at it with his very serious face

Of course what he's really doing is trying to get another thumbnail candidate, as he then adjusts his broken sunglasses and poses again, with no shame whatsoever:


Time for a ride on an old-time motorcar on Main St. Of course the drivers are using their horns quite a bit due to people in the street, and Adam just cannot resist mentioning to the driver about "shave and a haircut" :rolleyes: . To complete his day of including actual music in his vlog for once, he stops by the piano player at Casey's Corner.

It's time for the Flag Retreat ceremony in town square, which should be the main highlight of this vlog. Somehow Adam totally destroys this. He starts up on the top of the train station, which is certainly a good view. Then the Pledge of Allegiance starts, he shows the first two lines and then he cuts it off! Suddenly he's on the ground walking up to the flag pole, and they are preparing to start lowering the flag. There's a edit/cut and suddenly the flag is almost completely lowered! Another edit/cut and the flag is already partially folded and the triangular fold part is about to begin. The band and the Dapper Dans begin to sing "God Bless America", and Adam zooms in on them, (ignoring the flag folding completely), you hear them sing the first lines "God bless America, land that I love" and then he cuts THAT off, and suddenly the flag is completely folded and we hear the last bit of the song, except he cuts THAT off as well.

I don't even know what to say about this. First of all, you don't walk around and move around during the Pledge, especially on Memorial Day! Second, if you're filming it for a "very patriotic" vlog, you might want to film it all and include it all. If you're "documenting" the lowering of the flag, show it all! My God, this guy makes 40-50-60 minute vlogs about nothing, wandering around places with nothing to do! HE NEVER EDITS A DAMN THING. He's got actual content for once, AND HE EDITS THE CRAP OUT OF THIS ON MEMORIAL DAY?????

Adam continues to honor America's fallen heroes by taking advantage of Big Thunder Mountain being a walk-on. Sunglasses? Best remove 'em! Footage of the flag retreat ceremony? Best remove that too, I guess.

Time for monorail footage all the way back to Epcot. He arrives, and he's thirsty. I guess Adam couldn't grab something on the way out of MK to enjoy on his long monorail ride. And, he just can't wait that long 15 minute drive home for a cold drink. So he goes to a vending machine, and decides that water is just not enough to quench his thirst. He needs zero sugar red Powerade. So he swipes his card doesn't come out at the bottom. At this point, he decides to turn his camera on and "document" his frustration for the viewers, detailing exactly how much money it cost him. You can hear the frustration in his voice that he didn't get his cold drink, poor baby. No irony at all that he's complaining about this on Memorial Day, none at all. Thank you for your service, vending machine!

Of course he still has enough energy to capture this while walking to the car

that would be a neat trick trying to duplicate something that's filmed a day ahead.
He really did duplicate it because for the second day in a row he chose to monetize people's death to line his pockets. He warmed up by doing it to Richard Sherman, and then decided to do it to every deceased United States military veteran.
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So the guy who is deathly afraid of YouTube music copyright strikes goes to Epcot for a rock show. Right. And of course the weather must be mentioned otherwise the algo can't possibly pick it up. Look at this amazing thumbnail!


Simple Plan is Adam's favorite type of "punk" band, which is "pop-punk", which has always seemed a little bit of an oxymoron to me. My favorite part of their career credentials is this from their Wikipedia entry: "In 2004, the band appeared as themselves in the film New York Minute, starring the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley." Where's the punk part again 😂? Right up Adam's alley.

He starts by illegally parking and illegally standing on an overpass to film the Mickey power pole for the 9000th time. It's just not ok to stop in this breakdown lane on an overpass on World Dr., get out and start filming on a weekly basis (and sometimes more frequently), and he's lucky a LEO with nothing better to do hasn't noticed him yet

He films the WDW welcome sign while driving, he films the parking booths, he mentions the name of his parking section, he films walking in from his car and that he's not taking the tram, (he does all these things every time and in this exact order because he's OCD). He stops and talks out his plans for the day because he is waiting and hoping that the monorail will come by because he wants to film that. He has to wait longer than he wanted, but he waits as long as he needs to (there's an edit due to waiting so long) because he HAS to wait and film it before he goes in the park.

Adam says he's hoping for rain, I guess because he's dying of the heat. And yes, the orange shorts again:

Following his usual pattern (does he ever do anything differently?), he looks at pins. He sees new Figment pins, and gets very excited. But, he decides he will not buy them now, he will stop on the way out. You know what the next stop is, as always: coffee. Adam took a HUGE CHANCE and didn't stop at the Joffrey's outside, and opted to brave the 10 minute line for Starbucks. Every time he's in line there he notes that "you can look at Walt's original plans for Epcot under your feet as you're waiting for your coffee" and he does it again. The rituals are beyond crazy at this point.

More shopping, and he shows his name written on the coffee cup, another ritual. He again notes he has never purchased or worn a spirit jersey. Off to the Imagination pavilion so he can wait and film the monorail there (does it every time).

Adam finally moves into World Showcase and actually begins to do something different! He sees the Canada movie! Of course, he has to be a big dick about it. While the cast member does the pre-movie talk, Adam is recording and talking over the cast member about Scott On Tape being from Canada and Adam thinks he is very funny. And of course we see none of the movie, not even with a voiceover, and suddenly he's at the character spot between Canada and UK. What a loser.

He acts surprised that the big doors are open and characters are there to greet people, as if he has never seen this before. Of course he's seen and done this a bunch of times before. Is he really doing this performance for the small number of people who will watch this video beyond the diehard Woovians? He shows only one character, and there's another abrupt cut to the classic rock band in the UK playing 2 notes at the end of a song, speaking for 15 seconds, and then he moves on. You might think he felt bad about meeting characters when there are kids who want to meet them, but you'd be wrong - the other characters looked to have long lines and he didn't want to wait. Wow, this is really, really entertaining. I can't wait for the concert he won't show.

Adam says this is the first time he's walked around World Showcase since he's renewed his passport, and takes the opportunity to again promote his 2025 international travel: "2025 I'm going to be doing a lot of international traveling, a lot." He then goes on to say, "Yes, I will be visiting all these countries over time" meaning that I guess he will be visiting Morocco, Norway, Germany, the UK and Italy, as well as the already known Canada for baseball and Japan, China, and France for Disney parks (and he's already been to Mexico. I believe). He then again stresses his international travel for Disney parks is only the tip of the iceberg and he plans to go many other places, "it's time to go down that rabbit hole", he says.

Adam announces of Simple Plan that "this is the last night of their tenure here", once again using that word completely incorrectly. If he reads here, you'd think he'd pick up on some of this, no? American Adventure is down, doesn't stop Adam from using the Ben Franklin bifocals line once again. Then it's time to disparage Dasani water, another favorite hobby of Adam's. He then confesses that he's really doing a "bit" about Dasani at this point (did you know Adam is a comedian for a living that does bits?) and that he actually doesn't mind Dasani and he believes you actually need "salt in the water for hydration purposes" because we all know that salt hydrates, that's why they pass out salt in cups at half marathons, right? Does he even read the label?

No sodium. Salt, among other trace amounts of minerals, is added for taste. He probably doesn't know what trace amounts means, and he probably can't pronounce magnesium sulfate (a laxative!) or potassium chloride (an electrolyte with a salt-like taste!), so he focuses his OCD on the salt and calls it "a bit".

At this point he is literally just wandering around, waiting for it to rain and for the show (that he can't show) to start. He could do some tasteful silent shots for a change in the back of the Japan pavilion, where it is quiet and peaceful. Instead of goes back there and caffeine-yammers nonstop. He gets bored waiting for the Japanese drummers, and heads to the AP lounge in Morocco. Makes sure to note he's not getting any snacks, just the mint tea. It begins to rain, and of course he didn't bring an umbrella or a poncho on purpose so that he can get wet and make a big deal out of it. He's never brought an umbrella or a poncho anywhere in his life unless he needs to protect the old camera, makes for good content. He finally sees the drummers in Japan, then heads to the show.

By the time he gets to the show, the only seats left are uncovered, so he stands under the entrance to the American Adventure to listen and not really watch because he really can't see anything from all the way over there. Way to prepare, buddy, great job. Viewers don't care, they won't be seeing anything anyway. As usual, Adam gets lucky and a Cast Member lets Adam and these two who show up out of nowhere stand under his umbrella

Then the rain stops and they take seats. If you wanted a supercut of just the lead singer's banter between songs, you came to the right place, and Adam seems to be making fun of the band a bit? Did he want to see them, or not? Adam says one set was enough for him, probably because the line for the second show is gigantic and he'd never get in anyway. He stops in Germany to see some German drummers - does Epcot only feature drummers in every pavilion now?

Now he's back in range of the monorail and of course films it. Rides Spaceship Earth. He buys his beloved PINS, always MORE PINS. Three more pins to throw on the mountain of pins at the Woomansion. Adam says he really, really likes the one...yeah, you know: with Figment sitting on his behind with a remote control eating "buttery, fresh, salty" popcorn, of course. Maybe he can wear it while he does the same every night.

Here's another thing he constantly mentions that I've never noted here: Cumulonimbus clouds. Except he says "cumulus nimbus clouds", which isn't a thing, of course. All. the. time. He says the vlog is over but the monorail comes by before he gets in the car and he has to film it and include it AGAIN. Dude has mental issues and they are getting worse.
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I like that my title covers both his diet, and the fact that he's accused of getting married women to cheat on their husbands 😂

Yeah, I still think he covers the eclipse in some way which doesn't really leave time for SoCal, and he's already seen the Rays in Anaheim. He said he was gone for a week or less, and he left April 4th which puts his arrival back home anywhere between April 9th and April 11th by my guess. Everyone over on Reddit was convinced he was headed to SoCal, but I'm not so sure.
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You called it!!! 🤣

"HEATWAVE at Magic Kingdom" :rolleyes: I mean, I had a 20% shot before I put any thought into it because he only does 5 general activities when he's home, and he said he almost did it yesterday, so I can't even say I impressed myself.

When he's home, not only does he have the same 5 general vlog activities, he has the same 5 general "vlog intro" spots: his living room, downtown Celebration, the overpass with the Mickey power pole, the "art deco" 7-11, and the shaded walking/running trail near his house that absolutely destroys what little quality his ancient camera has left with its complex shadows

He looks like he's a carnie checking out of the local no-tell motel, headed to the empty mall parking lot to begin setting up the portable tilt-a-whirl that he operates for the traveling fair while nipping from a flask in his back pocket. But no, he's going to the Magic Kingdom and complaining about the heat.

Adam notes that he took a shower before leaving the house. Makes me wonder if that's the exception and not the rule? Also, he wears a hat to an indoor baseball game, but doesn't wear a hat in 97 degree no cloud weather in the middle of the day to a theme park? Lots of white skin near that hairline buddy, you better watch out!

There are traditions in life. Many people like them. I like traditions. Every summer I go canoeing on the same stretch of river with my son, we've done it since he could swim at the age of 6 or 7. I have some old Christmas decorations I like to pull out and put up every year. Adam's traditions are not traditions, they are OCD rituals. He needs to see a doctor to help him. He has to stop at "heavy metal Mickey" every time he visits the MK. He has to call out the monorail every time he sees it anywhere. All the ridiculous alternative phrases he uses - the summer season can't ever arrive, it has to "rear it's head", he can't stop using them due to OCD. He has to wait for that Celebration clock to move before he can continue his day. He has to look at the ticket prices on the way in to the MK, and read them all out (even the ones for the other parks). He has to mention he has an AP. He has so many little rituals it is scary. It's why he can't stop going to ticketed, date-stamped events. I'm no doctor, I'm no OCD expert, but that's the way it seems to me.

He gets his HOT Joffrey's coffee (because there's no line) in the 97 degree heat before getting on the ferry (even though he's already hopped up on caffeine and talking so fast he calls it "the riverboat" twice). And the whole ride is just non-stop caffeine yapping and shaky camera zooms. Once he arrives, he has to look at the posters under the train station just like he always does. Then on to the merch, like he always does. Rides the riverboat. Goes and looks at Tiana's construction. Notes the gift shops will be open but they weren't open for Splash "in recent years", doesn't comment why that might be. Notes that empty logs are running through the ride and there are signs up and acts surprised - he knows these logs and signs have been there and that every Disney vlogger reported on them what, a month ago? And the sign says "Sorry", so you know he has to pull out the John Candy line from Vacation.

Drinks a water and rides Pirates. He always has to point out the spitting tikis in Adventureland and today he REALLY overexplains and talks fast like a maniac about which tiki is spitting, and manages to mention another Adam favorite topic, Dasani and salt, too. He proceeds into Tomorrowland and is still going a mile a minute. As always, he can't say Space Mountain without doing it in the Mickey voice, "Space...Mountain". He doesn't actually ride anything, he just walks around.

He heads into back of new Fantasyland and rides the train, then decides to take the boat to the Poly. He's slowed down his talking a bit, but still can't shut up for the most part. He finally quiets himself during the ride to the Poly, but at this point we're 32 minutes into a 34 min vlog and after being audibly assaulted by him for the last half hour, it's really hard to enjoy the silence boat ride. Then he ruins it anyway by breaking in and saying "golden hour goodness" and then he has to point out that monstrosity of a DVC tower they're building near the Poly.

More OCD monorail footage, then we're in the parking lot. You can just tell he's waiting around for the monorail to come by again so he can have that while he's saying he'll see you in the next video and the vlog is over. And that's exactly what he's doing.
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He's gone to...Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Why is a bit of mystery.

You'll notice he hasn't started a vlog in his living room since March 12. When he wants to start a vlog near his home, he goes to this wooded trail area down the road for some reason

There have been some theories that he's had his mom stay at the Woomansion while he's gone to protect the place, but I don't think so because this is a "family trip" with his mom (of course Rev Jim isn't coming along). For some strange reason Adam has booked an evening flight, and of course there are no direct flights to Cedar Rapids so they have a layover and don't arrive until 10:40pm. Seems odd timing with his elderly mom along.

I immediately noticed Adam is wearing THE SAME SHORTS he wore to Epcot the day before. As an added bonus, it was in the 40s in the late evening yesterday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He's a real thinker, that David Adam Williams. His sensible mother is wearing pants and a sweater.

As always we get to see his socked feet for some unknown and odd reason, and he has to explain the TSA procedure he endured. You'll note this time he is traveling with his "running" shoes and I do think he has finally switched to one of his newer, unused DVC backpacks

I knew this would be a really bad one because they got to the airport way ahead of time and then got through security really quickly. There is nothing worse in the world of vlogging than Adam with time on his hands in an airport. Even though his mom is with him, he follows his usual airport routine to the T, with the Orlando merch, the gummy candy, looking for his plane, etc. Then he starts filming other planes at other gates as if it were their plane, then announcing "this isn't our plane or our gate", then moving to their gate and saying "ok, this is our gate but this isn't our plane, we've got a while before our plane shows up", then "here's gate 55", then he rambles incoherently about the trip, flyover states, how long he'll be gone (he again cycles through all his ways to say it without saying it - a week, 6 or 7 days, a week give or take a day, etc, etc)

He moves on to gate 54, I'm not kidding here people, he bumps the camera into the window and says "oops, I bumped into the mirror", here's gate 58, our flight will be 10 mins late, and on and on.

Finally, it's time for the incredibly tired shot through the jetway window right before he boards the plane. That is certainly OCD, he has a compulsion to do that shot every single time he gets on a plane - remember this for later. Now it's time to point out, in his creepy low voice, all the obvious things...point the camera out the window and then say "I got the window seat". Point the camera at the cup of coffee you're holding and say "I got a cup of coffee here". Once again, for anyone wondering about Adam's finances, he's flying himself and his mom FIRST CLASS again. His mom asks if she's supposed to turn her phone to airplane mode and Adam says yes, and "I don't know what happens if you don't, do they confiscate it?", he says very condescendingly like he's an FAA electronics expert.

Adam really goes overboard in this video of shots of his feet and legs all stretched out if first class. I'm not sure what message this is meant to convey, or if he has a fetish, or what, but it's really weird

Adam might want to re-watch a few Neistat videos and emulate some quick cut shots of takeoff and landing, he shows way too much of takeoffs and landings and it becomes incredibly boring. Silly me, I forgot and thought Adam was trying, but he's not.

The connection is in Charlotte, NC. Adam is nervous about it because their flight left a bit late out of Orlando and seems to be having a problem getting a gate in Charlotte. Of course Adam is also the genius that booked these flights with only a 45 min layover to begin with, which leaves hardly any margin for error, and we all know that the airline industry rarely has on-time issues, right? Yes folks, Adam is really stressed and they barely make their connecting flight. In fact, they cut it SO CLOSE that Adam ALMOST DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO DO THIS SHOT BEFORE BOARDING:

Can you imagine the crew, as these last two people finally show up to get on the plane, and this hobo-looking numbskull stops to film out the jetway window right as he's getting on board?

THEN this flight is delayed about 20 mins due to an issue with baggage. Adam, the guy who barely made it on and stopped to film his OCD jetway shot, complains about the 20 min delay. You just can't even make it up.

Adam landing at 11:30pm at Cedar Rapids airport: "Wow, it's quiet and empty" - big shock there, buddy!

As he walks to the rental car in his orange shorts, he can't stop himself from again saying that he's there "for the next series of days, almost a week, give or take a day or two"

Adam indicated this was some sort of family gathering? I assume his sister and her family (are they still in Indiana?) will be attending? Will Adam have time to do other stuff? Will he roam the countryside looking for small towns that have died? Roadside oddities? Or will he be busy with family functions?
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Yes, Adam heads south to Disneyland for "Pixarfest", whatever that is, in California Adventure. Had I known it was the first day of some special event, and that means every Disney vlogger in the world has to be there, I would have known for sure that Adam would be making his way to Disneyland today.

This is a quick 24 minute vlog, and almost refreshing as it's not a damn studio tram tour. SoCal Jay joins him for the "Pixar Pals Playtime Party". I mean, I do like Disney parks, and I would vacation there with my wife without our kids. But I would never, ever, go see anything called the Pixar Pals Playtime Party without a kid in tow.

The fit by fifty marathon training continues with a Pixar Round Up BBQ Baked Potato

Really not much happens in this, except the elephant in the room. A few ride with shorter lines as Adam is allergic to lines, then he does the usual voice over to avoid copyright during the parade (no need to stand in line for the parade).

It's eating time again, and Adam chooses the wet burrito

They wait forever for the fireworks, and Adam predicts they won't do the show with the fireworks due to the high winds, which turns out to be accurate. He then does the voiceover, telling his audience that the projection show was still really great. How do you even bother to include this in your vlog when you refuse to show any of it with the audio to your viewers? "It was really great, too bad you can't hear any of it, here's a few very short clips while I ramble."

Now to the elephant in the room: Giggles. Here's the bottom line, folks. Something is going on. They may be hanging out and all, but something is going on. The behavior exhibited in this vlog is completely different than any other time he's hung out with her in SoCal. She's basically not in this vlog. He clearly goes to great lengths to make sure to not even get a clear shot of her anywhere in this vlog. And the one picture of them together is not his, but a group shot taken by someone else where they aren't even standing together.

The first time they are within proximity of each other in Adam vlog is when the group rides the giant Mickey ferris wheel. It's Adam, Jay and FreshBaked David on one side of the car, FreshBaked Liz, Daphne and Provost on the other side. So they aren't sitting together, and aren't even across from each other. Adam's camerawork is done is quick swipes between Provost directly across from him, and then back to himself, Jay and David. Unless you know her distinct fried blonde hair, or could pick out her scream from the others as they rock the car, you would be hard pressed to identify her. She is not part of any conversation while on the ride, and the camera never stops on her (or Liz, because if it did, Giggles would be in the shot).

Then when they eat, you see everyone's food and hear comments from everyone....except Giggles. I can't even be sure she ate with them, there's no evidence she was even there for it. Then on to the fireworks, and the biggest, clearest proof. He is standing on Main St in the group. He's facing away from the castle, and in a semi-circle around him is the Ordinary Adventures guy Peter to his left, then Giggles, then FreshBaked David and Provost on his right. They are discussing the potential cancellation of the fireworks. His conversation is exclusively with Peter, David and Provost, and he again does the quick swipes with the camera between the Peter on his left to David and Provost on the other side of him, like his life depended on it. At one point Adam wanted to say something to that WDW vlogger guy JoJo who was also there, and JoJo was standing a few people behind Giggles, and he had to do some quick work to swipe across and up to make sure he didn't get her in the frame. The only time he made a mistake and got her in the frame was when he was filming himself after they announced the fireworks were cancelled, for just a brief moment, behind him, while she was talking to someone else (Liz I believe). At no point, even off camera, did you even hear her talking to Adam.

Besides that, literally every other person in the group photo appeared and spoke to Adam on camera at some point in this vlog, even if very briefly. Contrast this with the "we're besties" stuff that both have posted so many times before, the many Disneyland vlogs they've done where it's just the two of them, etc. Something is going on.
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S. McQueen Light

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I dislike when people wear costumes for dapper day instead of looking actually dapperly attired. Adam appears as if he should be in a circus.
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He'd probably just fake a phone call to avoid the conversation. 😉 He's got that totally real social anxiety, you know.
I totally wish y'all could have been there to see what he did to me and how stupid it was.

For any newbies, we were literally inches away in the switchbacks waiting for the BttF panel at MegaCon '19

He towered over me bc I'm a short gal (And no, I'm not an ugly ass DUFF ogre. If I'm legit tooting my own horn for a second, I was nominated for Homecoming Queen in college so I can't be that bad looking ...hahaha...ah, those were the days).

And all I said was "Hey, Adam the Woo!" (just to say hi, wasn't about to have a huge convo with him), and he looked at me and took his phone and put it up to his ear, acting like he was listening in on a call and turned away.

I shrugged and thought, ok...that was strange. And I certainly saw him in a different light from that point forward.
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You have to not be a narcissist with a chip on your shoulder and an inferiority complex who is deficient in emotional intelligence in order to be able to connect with others genuinely and be interested in listening to their stories.
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