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So Giggles takes Adam to her boyfriend's place of work where the boyfriend is forced to yell "Woo!" at the top of his lungs as part of the show?

You just can't make this stuff up...
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I know. That's why I continually say I regret DH and I ever spending time watching him the first place.

I mean, was he ALWAYS this insufferable and we just didn't notice?

I swear it started to get worse during COVID and then just continually increased in levels of obnoxiousness since then.

Good question. I wondered the same, so I decided to go back and watch some vlogs from the year I started watching Adam daily, which was 2016. He was living in Anaheim, had just broken up with Madame the Woo (who'd been living with him there during 2015). By mid-2016 he had left Anaheim and went out on the road again. This certainly has touches of ridiculous word usage, but it certainly seems more real, honest and open than anything he does today:

Look at this random Disneyland vlog from April 2016. Focus on the first 6.5 mins of him and Micah (before he was "World of Micah") - the rest of it is him talking about the state of YouTube and creators at the time (but even that his attitude and energy seem much better than today). Look at the crisp editing, the pacing, the energy, the noticeable lack of over-explaining and reading every sign he sees:

And sometimes back then, he would take on unusual subjects he wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole today. Yes, the water bottle intro is annoying looking back at it, no way around that. But he asks how the audience is doing, makes an effort to make it seem like he's having an actual dialog with the viewers, would even sign off by saying he loves the audience, he has energy, and the topic is unusual and interesting:

Nowadays he is jaded, guarded, low energy, and lazy. It's like he's doing the audience a favor by letting them in on his "adventures" and he can barely stand to document it for them, other than the fact that their watching finances it all. This combined with the deep ruts he's made with the same content over and over again, the First Class, DVC, baseball seats in the first few rows, and his combative stance in the comments, well, I can't blame us for watching him back in the day or for laying into him now.

Final Thought: when I started watching Adam I had no idea how old he was. He didn't look that old, and based on what was going on in his life in his videos I assumed he was in his 30s, maybe even early 30s and looked a little old. Looking back, he turned 42 the year he made that "Things Don't Work Out" video, crying on the couch about his lost girlfriend. 42yo! It's just bizarre he was doing stuff like that in his late 30s and early 40s and seems to have transitioned to an unhappy, lonely person approaching 50 even though he has his DVC and first class and lives in his dream town of Celebration.
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600 points is a ton of points for him, a PLETHORA, if you will. I have 325 and that’s actually too much for us, I’m going to start renting some.
I think he falls in love with the act of buying (often impulsive), just because he can, for one.

On one hand, he purports to be so smart with money... so thrifty (Exhibit A: lives in a rented drainage ditch in Celebration).

On the other hand, he overbuys DVC points as a single man, approaching 50, with no real stable full-time job, no retirement fund, likely no health insurance, no immediate people (beyond mom and dad) to enjoy the DVC amenities with (and even that, sad to say, has a limited shelf life these days). etc. He also enjoys buying overpriced things on a whim (Exhibit B: Howard the Duck) while, again, trying to come across as just a simple man... with his caffeinated beverage... monotone delivery... let's just see where the day will take me... I made no plans... except for my continued First Class air travel.

It kind of reminds me of the Trackers where one day they're buying Roy O. Disney suites and Gucci sweaters, and the next day, they're complaining about the cost of blueberries for Jackson and why Tim won't buy him a $10 cup he wants at Disney Springs. 🙄

This ALSO all boils down to the fact that these fucking vloggers lead empty, materialistic, vacuous lives - no matter what they try and portray on camera.

They're all trying to replace something in their lives that doesn't exist.

For Adam, he knows something is missing - especially now as he's almost 50 - so it seems like he's amped up the rate at which he tries to buy things, experiences, etc. to make up for it while also trying to convince himself that he's so fucking happy (LoOk aT mY AuLAni WriSt BanDS! TeE hEE HeE!) when, as evidenced by his ridiculous talks-in-circles, ever-so-contradictory walk-in-talks, he's not. He's not happy at all.
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Chatty Member
As this is the first page of a thread please do give a TLDR / recap of the last thread if you can and if someone hasn't already, thanks :)
You know how when your favorite TV show goes on hiatus, they just play reruns? That's what Adam's been doing. He's just showing repeats.
  • Disney parks
  • Baseball games
  • Weight loss attempts
  • Stock talk
  • Hanging out with Giggles (aka Daphne, aka Natalie)
Haven't been keeping up with Adam's videos for the past several months? No problem! You've seen these before!
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What the hell is this ridiculousness in the title: "The Greatest Flight But Bad Experiences"

Let's count the variety of things annoying Adam in this vlog:

- he's leaving Aulani which is his new favorite
- he had to get up quite early
- he's missing game 1 of the Rays' wild card series
- he hates traffic and Hawaii has traffic, more traffic than he'd thought, and he hates traffic
- he has to take a shuttle from the rental car facility to the airport
- he has to take yet another shuttle from the airport to his gates
- the flight has no wifi (great research, Adam)
- he complains about the long walk at LAX to the ground transport area
- he complains about having to take a shuttle from LAX to the Ride Share App pickup area
- he complains about Hawaiian Airlines, but first he praises how great the flights were (???), then he details the two negatives, the first being the lack of wifi but he immediately downplays that as a "it would've been nice, not that big of a deal" thing. The second is his big issue, about the ticket for Rev. Jim (I'd love to know what old Jim had to do that he couldn't go to Hawaii with his wife and son - perhaps a big QAnon meeting?). Adam doesn't like their refund policy (again, he didn't research). Why is he only mentioning this now, though? I think he decided to mention it because he needed a clickbait title and he was annoyed about the Rays losing and decided to lash out at whatever he could. 2 mins later he describes them as "the two little things", so the refund policy went from a big thing to a little thing in 2 mins.
- he then adds the complaint about the flight out being cancelled "for no reason", and it forced him to book another night at Universal City, and extend the rental car in LA another day, etc etc
- and last but definitely not least, the Rays lost

You can tell whenever Adam is really, really annoyed by something because he uses the phrase, "it's all part of the experience."

Why Adam look to fly on Hawaiian Airlines? I really do think he thought it would be some sort of more authentic Hawaiian experience, or maybe he saw they had lie flat bed seats in First Class and figured he'd try that. But no wifi, all the shuttles, the cancelled flight out there, their refund policy for his ticket class, I see no compelling reason to book Hawaiian. The seats are nice but totally not needed on daytime flights lasting 5 hours. Furthermore, why wouldn't he have researched about the wifi and the refund policy of his chosen airline? He certainly had plenty of time, he booked the tickets for him, Mom and Rev Jim back in MARCH 2023.

Adam has a lot of time to kill at the airport and he spends it all talking about the Rays and the postseason.

How much time has Adam spent in the SoCal area, and he doesn't recognize or have any idea about the Channel Islands National Park as he passes over it. He should take a trip to visit them, but that would be too interesting for him.


He then lands and tells us he'll be turning off airplane mode and he'll get the score - "Stay tuned", he says 😂 . "In real time", he says 😂. Dude, it's a vlog not a livestream. We all know who won the game many hours before you published this vlog.

And here's the "slapped in the face with a wet fish" moment for anyone that wants to enjoy Adam finding out the score, timestamped:

Again, anyone paying attention to his vlogs knows he's going to Disneyland Villas DVC. But in this video he consistently repeats that they are going to "Anaheim" and he's not renting a car because it's just a few days and they will "just be around Anaheim". Does he think he's preventing people from knowing where he's going?

Final odd observation: there is not one shot of his mom in this entire vlog. I guess she wanted a day off from filming and told David to piss off.
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"The sun is fully aroused out there" 🥴
Did he actually say that?

The sun is fully aroused?

OMG. I need someone else to start updating that Wiki list I made awhile back.

I'm waving the white flag at this point.

I can't even with him anymore. 🤦‍♀️
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This latest vlog proves he reads here. Also I don’t want to hear about stress. His life is pure luck. He gets to travel and go to theme parks. He could have bought a house outright in Tennessee for the amount he has spent on DVC. He does not know the first thing about real stress since he left retail. He is so out of touch like most vloggers are.
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Great next thread title.
Thanks, I will formally submit it but I think it's too long to fit as a title, so I'm providing an alternate as well. 🤣

Adam the Woo #13: I'M sUCh a pUnK REbEL. ChEck ouT mY eLVis Hard-ON wHiLe I waLk ArOUnd amONg ChiLDreN at DIsnEY WiTh mY OF WanNaBE PoRn StAr BeSTie.


Adam the Woo #13: I'M sUCh a pUnK REbEL. ChEck ouT mY eLVis Hard-ON.
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Mr Pewtey

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Today he admitted he’s not a member of any travel loyalty or reward programs because he doesn’t have “a favorite airline”. What an asinine way of thinking. Does he not realize that he can sign up for more than one airline? And it’s free to sign up? I believe it all comes down to him being a lazy ass, which is why he doesn’t have TSA Pre-Check or a valid passport.
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Just another reminder of why Adam's continued use of the word commute is incorrect:

Nobody commutes on vacation.

TL;DR version: "Overexplaining Hawaiian tourist traps"

His mom must have done some or all of these things when she was in Hawaii before, right (Answer: yes, his mom says they visited the Dole Plantation the last time)? Adam wasn't happy with the Dole Plantation train ride. He thought the whole thing was too much like a big advertisement. Good thing you did no research, Adam.

Adam's got a MagicBand on, he's riding a train and eating a Dole Whip. Could he make it any closer to a Disney experience?

You'll never see a better example of Adam's lack of skill with a camera combined with his crappy camera than the sea turtle portion of this video

Adam calls these "concrete pylons":


I hate to reference a Freudian slip because it is nice that he's taken his mom on the trip and is spending time with her, but at around 29:40 he is showing photos on his phone and says "took a photo of another couple that was out here, and they returned the favor and took a photo of us", which is pretty odd wording.

And speaking of odd, what was that non-ending all about? Did the jetlag melt his brain and he hit publish before adding an ending?
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One has to wonder what act of depraved perversion was committed by Mr. Woo to make him quit drinking and treat it so disdainfully like garlic to a vampire. Were farm animals or escaped prisoners involved. Was he forcibly given crappy tattoos by aliens with a sick sense of humor who used their feet and worked blindfolded? Did he wake up in bed with the Carpetbagger? The truth may never be known, but odds are it is more distasteful than anyone can imagine.
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Chatty Member
Poor Adam! He lives such a tough life. Gosh I hope this won't result in a delay in him posting the next woopeat!

View attachment 2498285
Adam can fuck RIGHT off with his bitching about jet lag after flying across only 3 time zones. Does he not realize that people frequently travel for business by flying from the US to Europe or Asia -- at least double the time difference you just experienced -- and are expected to put in a full day of productive work (real work, Adam -- not {checks notes} dicking around at another shitty horror convention, arriving whatever time you like and staying for only as long as you please) as soon as they arrive?
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Smiles like a normal person:

Always has to put on some bizarre, fake expression and mug for the camera:
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I like seeing filming locations. I like how Justin does it. He actually puts the shot of the location from the movie in his video comparing it to where he is pointing the camera….

…where Adam decides to just use his cracked screen phone to just barely show a picture of the spot from the movie. You could almost actually see the picture on his phone.

I just can’t with his videos. I’ve always thought they’d be good for insomniacs. He points his camera at a building or a tree and very bored and dry he says “look at this tree…” before moving on to film something else.
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"Pre-purchased tickets ahead of time" 🥴

Adam's mom thinks coral exists above the surface of the water.

Someone must have told him that you need to mention the rental car in the video in order to write it off. It's never "we drove here". It's always "We drove here in the rental car"

Did you know that Adam thinks the coconut water is actually creamy and milkshake-y? He only repeats it 10 times in 2 minutes.

Really, REALLY enjoyed the scene of him eating with his hands and then licking off each finger. Great stuff.

Again everything has to be related to Disney - so far this trip he leaves his Disney resort to go to places that are like Disney and he compares everything to Disney. It's impossible to escape Disney, impossible.
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Over the course of today's 25 min vlog you can actually see the weight being put back on. Now it's a "diet", not a lifestyle change. It's also 10am east coast time and no IG workout video. Heck it, I walked 20k steps, it'll be fine!
Oh, but we have a proclamation! 🥴

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A lot to unpack in this video:

Still has whatever it is on the end of his nose, and does not address it or explain it.

I love that in the intro, he explains everything he already explained in the previous video, and then says "so we've lost a day in the hotel in Hawaii that we're going to be staying at", but doesn't name it as Disney's Aulani. Then he says "it's ok because they are still going to be there for a week or more, 7 or 8 days, give or take a day." What does that mean? They might leave early? They might extend their stay? When and how will the decision to leave after 7 days or 8 days happen? Then at the 11 minute mark he again mentions how long they are staying and actually says, "7-8ish, 9ish days, I can't exactly remember." Imagine not knowing how long you're staying in Hawaii when you're the trip planner.

Adam does spring for first class for both of them.

It occurred to me that Hawaii, while obviously a US state, is very much like going to another country (except for no language difference). Yet Adam claims he has no desire to go "overseas". Hawaii is, essentially and physically, overseas. You even have to fill out a form to enter Hawaii, that says on it that's it mandatory for all passengers, officers and crew members. Adam has no idea about this form until it was handed to him, and can't figure out if they really actually need to fill it out (and of course travels with no pen).


I get the impression that Adam thinks you kinda have to fly Hawaiian Airlines to Hawaii, the same way some people might think you have to fly British Airways to get to London.

He's really in overexplaining mode on travel day (as usual). Honestly, this man thinks he's going to change things up next year and he can't even change things up in these flight videos, even when his mom is along. Rental car re-fuel, has to film his plane at his gate, has to film the awful tourist trap stores at the gate, has to point the camera out the small windows right before boarding, everything he drinks and eats.

Speaking of drinking, Adam decides to wait until he boards to get a coffee, and then a guy who flies dozens of times a year is surprised that they can't serve hot coffee until after takeoff. He and his mom got guava juice, then he quickly adds, "non-alcoholic guava juice." Who was thinking that the guava juice had vodka or rum in it? No one is thinking that, but he has to mention it. Then he reviews the available refreshments for First Class and notes "of course, my mom and I don't drink alcohol so this section isn't for us, but I've heard that if you're sitting in these seats you get unlimited booze." Adam must be an alcoholic from his punk band days or something. He's "heard" you get free alcoholic drinks in first class, he's not sure.

As far as "country come to town", Adam asks his mom if she "likes that pillow and blanket", like they were some sort of luxury item or something. He keeps pointing out that you can actually sleep on the plane if you wanted to :rolleyes: , like it's some new feature airlines just started offering. Really enjoying Adam's sneaker sole that has just walked all over a dirty airport and is now pressed up against his mom's hoodie:


Adam to his mom: "We're going 635 miles per hour right now" 🥴. You sure there was no alcohol in that guava juice, Adam?

Adam decides to watch Lilo and Stitch because "I think that was based in Hawaii". Mr. Disney just isn't 100% sure about it though.

Adam doesn't recognize macadamia nuts on sight. Guesses they might be nuts but isn't sure until mom tells him. He then documents every single thing provided to them for the meal..."and of course cutlery" and then he starts opening up the layers of his meals to show where the pasta is. Did someone tell Adam he can only write off the cost of the flight if he documents the number of forks and how many napkins they give out? Then he says "I believe it comes with a dessert option". Really Adam, you've been flying first class for 2-3 years and you're not totally sure that the meal comes with dessert? "And I'm in the middle of watching Lilo and Stitch", in case anyone watching forgot from 2 minutes ago.

"I don't think I've ever laid down flat on an airplane before" - Adam might want to see a neurologist, he can't remember and isn't sure about a great many things you would think he'd know for certain.

"I don't think that's dirt, I think that's ice"

Adam notices Hawaii is lush and green :rolleyes:. He actually becomes concerned when they pass the island and wonders why they haven't landed or made a u-turn yet. Hey look, it's the same crap t-shirts he showed us in LAX, they just say Hawaii on them instead of Los Angeles. Now every single sign that Adam passes with Aloha written on it, he needs to singsong "aloooooooooooooo ha!".

And it's a yes on the rental car. On the way, Adam stops to document the rainforest plants on "DISS-play", as he likes to say. Just like INN-surance and UMM-brella. We don't even get a glimpse of their arrival at Aulani and it is never mentioned. Any yes, he really did say he doesn't know much about Hawaii and hasn't really done any research. Of course he said the same about NYC and had all sorts of plans anyway. I don't know why he wants to make it seem like he's flying by the seat of his pants when in reality he does have a definite plan. If he does any filming locations (like Superman in NYC), you know for sure he researched.

On top of all this, the usual lack of focus from his old camera is just constant in the dim lighting on the plane. It's almost headache inducing as he lingers on each item or object and waits 5+second for it to come into some kind of focus

And then in the end, while Adam is acting like this is some once in a lifetime trip he's taking his mom on, we find out this isn't even Mom's first visit to Hawaii, she and Rev Jim went just 3-4 years ago for their anniversary.
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