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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!
This is getting ridiculous that this one thread is creating so much work for mods.

If someone goes to far report and ignore.

ALL Stop this bickering and running around threads to create more drama.

Waiting to hear back from admin about this thread.


Edit thread locked, do not talk about this account or go around other threads talking about this account or that the thread has been locked.

This is wasting far too much of mods time, they do not have a public figure status on instagram and are likely to only have a small income from subscriptions.

Mods will not waste any more time on this bickering and if we have to get involved again peoples accounts will get banned.
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Without sounding like the Tattle Police, for the love of god please tell me no one is doing anything in person to Cassie or doing shit like calling ATO.
Because that truly is unhinged. Let's keep a bit of perspective here, she is not wrong - she is just a mum from Mandurah with heaps of kids and a few lofty goals. She isn't the person anyone wants to die on a ditch that for the real wankers like Sophie Guidolin.

Right now I'm not sure who or what to believe but it all feels a little cray cray.

No I'm not Cassie, No i'm not tone policing. Yes all see myself out!
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A few people really ruined this lol. It was fun for a while till some when too far. It’s now harassment unfortunately.
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I’ve said my fair share about Cashie, but I kind of feel that there’s nothing problematic to bitch about anymore. She’s stopped showing her kids which was always the biggest issue. She’s private now and really not sharing anything problematic so wouldn’t it make sense to leave her be and focus on the “influencers” that are currently problematic… Scamderson, MFM, sorry Son, Childfree Dickhead etc etc…
Anyway, now I’ve said that I’ll see myself out of this thread ✌🏼
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I find it funny how a certain person is on this thread when they made a big song and dance about how they were sick of reading about Cassie, but here we are😂😂😂😂😂 Warermelon sugar highhhhhhhh
Dude, I set up the thread. 😂 Of course I dropped by to check how it’s going. If I wanted to be a secret lurker I wouldn’t be clicking like on comments I agree with, would I? Not trying to hide. 😂
I don’t mind reading genuine complaints about her, I’ve made plenty in the past myself, but the drama was going to break the original thread. Which is exactly what Cassie and the other influencers would want. I ain’t playing into their hands!

I know you’re mad that the thread exists, but you’ll be fine babe. ❤ If you want to do a less shitty opening post feel free to write one!
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I’ve said my fair share about Cashie, but I kind of feel that there’s nothing problematic to bitch about anymore. She’s stopped showing her kids which was always the biggest issue. She’s private now and really not sharing anything problematic so wouldn’t it make sense to leave her be and focus on the “influencers” that are currently problematic… Scamderson, MFM, sorry Son, Childfree Dickhead etc etc…
Anyway, now I’ve said that I’ll see myself out of this thread ✌🏼
Agree. I find her really tiresome and there’s plenty of stuff to laugh at with her (if you want to appeal to my cold dead heart on your stories at least spell my username right, ya silly twat 😂), but the ultra-toxic aspect of this thread is weird and super off-putting. It’s a shame because I enjoy bitching about the dumb shit she does and there’s always been plenty of it!

If she wants to charge that much for word vomit instead of cultivating actual two-way friendships and idiots actually want to pay it, then more fool them. At least she’s learned about not selling her children for likes, and has learned not to plug her account here in an attempt to get more followers. 😂
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I’ve watched her stories and Cassie has a point (watch the small minded accuse me of being her again 🙃).
Regardless of what people think, it IS coming across super obsessive and unhinged. That’s why we keep saying it 🤷🏼‍♀️

Question for the group: people keep saying Cassie wasn’t dobbed into work safe so “nobody went real life” but Cassie has shared screenshots on her stories previously about the work safe visit to her shop. So did someone dob her in or not??
Because there’s been so many lies I can’t keep up with what is true and what isn’t.

Someone sent a complaint in regarding the water. That IS going real life. You had to have her address to do that. I’d be shitting bricks if that was me so I don’t blame her for checking in here to see what’s coming. Makes sense. She has small children to think about protecting.

And a simple way to clear up this profile picture drama is just to share the whole bloody picture 😂 why not just share it?
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Deleted all her posts again!! What’s with the it’s not just online, it’s in real life! No one is harassing you in real life Cassie, get a hold of yourself and stop with the attention seeking. Please Scott give some attention to your wife, she’s dying for it.
Scott should be paying more attention to this and getting his wife some therapy. This is not healthy. He should be helping Cassie make some real life friends so she doesn’t feel like patreon and instagram are her only outlets that give her adult contact and the veneer of friends. She always says that this isn’t their “season” for socialising but that is bullshit. Mums need friends, social meetups, company! The internet is not a substitute. Normal people don’t charge their friends for life updates. She’s already said they don’t need the blogging money anymore because they’re so rich, so he should spend some of that cash on some therapy and a babysitter occasionally so Cassie can go to a coffee group or join a club so she can make friends.
If the dumb man wants to marry a fresh-out-of-the-cult teenager then he has a responsibility to ensure she’s not isolated and lonely. He’s missing some serious red flags, which makes sense I guess seeing as he’s a walking red flag himself.

Be better, Scott. Your wife clearly needs help.
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You TC lol the “how very influencer of you” was because influencers lack the ability to google, just like you do. It’s not really a hard concept to grasp the doxing aye? You all good?
Why are you coming for this poster!? I ask what things mean on Tattle also!?
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I wouldn’t think they are unhinged, I just wanna know cos I’m nosey. We all know who Cassie is in this app, so big yaaaawn whenever someone says “ok Cassie” lol like can’t we just be nosey little bitches with out being labelled as our Mandurah crab queen?!
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Looked up the tattle info -
We allow commentary and critiques of people that choose to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain.

Officially she is monetizing her personal life by charging for it as a business. Selling that to at least 300 people on the internet to me is public too, no matter what her page is currently set at.
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So how is she 'problematic behaviour' to be -'called out' when she's not public, not an influencer, not harming anyone or doing anything wrong and you've made it onto her private account by faking being kind? It says clearly in tattles rules no talking about/sharing screenshots off small/private accounts.
Bet you’re regretting this now…


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Why delete possible genuine followers though? How does she know who is and who isn't? I mean, I get deleting obvious bots but she's doing herself out of possible Patreon followers. If I was ever tempted to pay someone money for their drivel, I'd want to see what their content was like first. It doesn't make sense, not a good 'business' decision.
Realistically how many people are on this Tattle thread? A dozen? A few extra since she was mentioned on the Aussie thread? It’s a drop in the ocean of her followers. Presumably no one here contacts her. Don’t open Tattle and it’s like it doesn’t exist. I get it if she was being trolled in her comments and messages and it was right in her face, but who cares about a few nobodies shit talking on an obscure forum?

(For reference Cassie, I’ve never looked at your account, I’m just always extra intrigued by the people that talk about Tattle 😅)
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Wow Cassie you left Mandurah!!! Only took us tattle aunties to get you to leave but you didn’t go too far, you only went 30km down the road so petrol wouldn’t have cost you much 😅

it was only 25 degrees yesterday so probably the same as back home in NZ

also really you are going to whinge about having paper cups? There’s more problems in the world than paper cups

And final one, you are the first person I’ve ever seen take a platter board on their day out. Most people use containers 🤣
Why does she always have to flex the difference with weather in comparison to NZ? It's been a little cooler the last couple of days here which I've absolutely loved as it's not too stinking hot. My kids are still wearing sun hats too. Not unusual at all!
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