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Very traditional

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Don't be too disheartened that you haven't heard back from them, most venues would have been closed last week depending on their tier and definitely closed this week or at least with staff working from home on reduced hours since the national lockdown was brought in - I'm sure they'll get back to you soon xx

I emailed our wedding venue last Friday. Asking for a bit of advice about whether we’d be able to go ahead with a really small wedding in June or what our options are. I completely understand they know as much as we do but think it makes more sense to be realistic and cut our numbers dramatically.

They haven’t responded to us in a week. I understand they must have loads of weddings to sort but that’s why I sent an email so we weren’t being pushy and phoning them. I’m pretty pissed off that they haven’t even had the decency to reply to an email. Our menu tasting session should have been in the next couple of weeks so surely we should here from them anyway.

I’m at a point of thinking fuck it and cancelling. I wanted to try for a baby after the wedding but wanted a nice big honeymoon first and a lovely wedding. Now I don’t know what to do for the best. I’m 30 on Sunday I don’t really want to think of having to wait a year to try for a baby when it might take a while to get pregnant. I know it’s not the end of the world but like many on here I’ve had my plans set out and now it’s all been taken away.

I have really bad depression and this is just not helping 😢

Thank you for letting me rant on this thread 😂
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Thanks 😊 we wanted a small wedding even before Covid so getting married abroad gave us a good excuse and we love Italy, got engaged there etc.

We’re due to get married in September, but a bit further north than the typical wedding locations. We visited that time last year to see our venue and it was a nice temperature 😎 but I know what you mean, we once went to Rome in July and it was stifling!!
Ooh yes September is lovely. Perfect temperature, especially more Northern. My parents live in Central Italy and my god in August I feel like I could melt unless I am in the pool or in the sea 🤣 🤣

Are you having the full on banquet type meal? My parents went to a wedding in Lake Como once and they had a 2hr nap between course 4 and 5 (of 7) for people to nap!!
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I think august may hopefully 🙏🏻 be back to normal. I guess that would probably be the best month to hope things can go ahead as fairly normal as possible.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I will phone them but give it a big longer incase they are dealing with weddings for the next couple of months first.

I’m leaning more and more to cancelling and going abroad just us two and doing it when we can. It’s too much money to plan a venue wedding with all the supplier costs. Like others have said the genuine excitement has gone and I feel I would regret having this wedding if it is going to be like what we wanted.

It’s always going to be a tough decision as to what to do for the best 😕 I’ve been ok most of the time but I think I’m just a bit upset the last couple of days I’ll probably change my mind again by Monday 😂
Yeah I guess so, the people we know want 150 at the evening doubt they’ll let that many people be together who knows
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i feel exactly the same! Everyone messaging me about the good news! I’m now essentially paying the full wedding price for a very expensive meal and no party after! Would have been better having a smaller wedding and getting some money back 😂
Why can’t you have a party after?
Receptions have been happening since last year with the same current restrictions
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Same! I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t come to ours. Younger people seem to be happy to get back out to parties, festivals, holidays etc. Older people and vulnerable people will have had vaccines so should be ok. I just have to ignore these negative comments. I know they are valid points but it’s been disappointing enough this last year for weddings and I’m rooting for all couples and suppliers who need things to get better 😁
Same, we’ve had lots of people saying they’re looking forward to coming etc, everyone seems chomping at the bit to do something! at Christmas I had a minor breakdown about all the people saying in Christmas cards to us that they were looking forward to it (these were people that we would probably be univiting when we know what number we can have 🙈🤣).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and If people are nervous then they won’t come and I’m fine with that, there are plenty of others who will come! I’m hopeful that I will be getting married in June, and will be whether it’s 15 people or 50 people.
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With us, they know we want to cancel as the other options just don’t work for us. So it’s the discussion as to what we’re owed back. We have basically paid up, even though the balance wasn’t due. Big mistake! I’d never do that again, lesson learned. Although regardless of that, we’d still be owed money.

They’re advising us to hang on until our date is officially in some kind of lockdown/restrictions. It’s the start of April so we all know we won’t be having a wedding of almost 90 guests. But I think this is the final thing they’re clinging on to.

Anyway, they said their MD wouldn’t go for a refund until this happens. The call ended with partner asking them to put everything in writing to us and her replying that she thinks that’s best as we’re obviously not getting anywhere over the phone 😢
surely this is not allowed! they have to refund you! did you by any chance have a covid paragraph in your agreement?
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I haven’t spoken to many other people who are going to carry on with a small wedding so it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. Would just be nice to have it set in stone how many people we can have now so I can plan. Our 15 guest list is easy but if it’s 30 it would be harder as friends would be left out where as with 15 we’d just have family.

I’m hopeful that June will be much better. We have to stay hopeful.

As much as I wanted the big wedding I think I’d prefer the idea of trying for a baby sooner rather than later so it was the best decision for us 😃 things will work out for us one way or another 😃
Aww no last year I probably would have said no to a small wedding but we just want to get married now. I agree 15 is easy in a way because it is so small it’s just immediate family. Where as 30 is where you have to start telling people they can’t come with their partner or I’m closer to you blah 🙈

I spoke to our venue at the weekend they said they thought it was more likely to be 30 than 15 by June or could be more but they have no idea. Hopefully a road map is released soon so we know one way or another 🤞
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Ahh it’s nice to read some positivity, got my fingers crossed for everyone 🤞🏻

Sadly we are still so up and down. Italy are way behind us in vaccinating, have paused use of the AZ vaccine, heading for lockdown and a third wave, but claim they’re going to have offered to all adults by September. I just can’t see how that’s possible but it still seems a bit too early for us to cancel and i feel bad for our suppliers. I am confident that our wedding day itself could go ahead on our date but the travel from and to the UK is my biggest concern. I think we’re going to have to postpone if the global travel announcement on 12 April doesn’t give us the answers we need (which I doubt it will because when has it ever😅) but we have pretty much come to terms with it now.
I really hope you manage to get over there and have your wedding. I know they aren’t looking good at the moment but we know how much things can change in a small amount of time so fingers crossed it will go ahead for you 😀🤞🏼

We were May 2020, then Oct 2020, then April 2021 now September 2021 😂 planning for our wedding as normal (75 day guests going up to 120 in the evening), really hope everybody gets the weddings they want
How are you finding planning? Had you already got most things sorted anyway? We’ve still got quite a bit to sort and I’m terrified I’m not going to get it all done in time. I’m actually having nightmares. Last night I dreamt that I’d forgot to buy most of my decorations for the reception 😂😂
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My friend moved hers from July to May this year. She’s also moved her hen do, which I’m going on, to end of March. We received an email from the company yesterday saying payment is due in Feb (I stupidly paid for my place in full last year), however I can’t see how things are going to be back to ‘normal’ by then. There’s 20 of us going and staying in a house in Bournemouth, plus most of the women have had babies/furloughed/on less money etc.

The maid of honour messaged to say she’s working with the company to extend the payment date, however if it was me I think I’d bite the bullet, cancel the hen do and get refunds for everyone. We could always do something more local that weekend if we’re allowed to. I think me and my other friends going all think the same, but we don’t want to be the first ones to suggest it 🙈
My hen is at the end of March too and to be honest, even if we’re out of lockdown I think it’ll revert back to the rule of 6 and probably won’t go ahead anyway.
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Is anyone else still in the boat of waiting to see what their wedding is going to be like in June /July? I know it’s probably going to be 30 guests but wish they would just tell us now 😂
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We’ve changed ours from 19th June to the 26th. Hoping they won’t delay then 21st date now we’ve changed. It is strange how you can go from one day to only having 30 to then unlimited. I know most people who I’ve told are really excited for our wedding and still want to go but it might still be 30 anyway. It’s so hard knowing what to do. Damn Covid.
The guests I’ve spoken to are really excited some have been booked hair and make up appointments etc. They are probably more excited then us as we have it in the back of ours minds something will change

I know what you mean though it is a big jump, I’ve not spoken to all our guests so there may be some that don’t feel comfortable coming. I know some people who were worried last year are a lot more comfortable as they’ve already had their vaccines so feel safer mixing. But I guess that won’t be everyone
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I flit so quickly between feeling really positive for my wedding and panicking.

My wedding planner is confident ours will go ahead, but when I saw Spain were cancelling tourism this summer until their vaccine is properly rolled out, it was made me a bit nervous about our wedding. I won’t be booking any flights for another couple of months, hopefully we know more by then 🤞🏻

I’m pleased things sound they’ll work out for you. A crystal ball would definitely be appreciated right now!

We have a phone call with our venue in about 15 minutes and I’m so nervous!! Still waiting for my other half to get home which isn’t helping, I don’t want to deal with it on my own!
Good luck!!
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@Barbie2020 i can’t remember if you’ve mentioned a date for your wedding in June, but I have my fingers crossed for you?!
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My daughter was due to get married April 2020. We postponed to April 21 but it’s clear the big wedding she wants won’t happen. Her fiancé is Asian and has a big family spread across the world and they are unlikely to be able to come. We have now decided to push it back to August 2022 which seems so long to wait.
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Chatty Member
For those flying with Ryanair, Michael O Leary said before he wouldn't be implementing the vaccine passport, whether he stands by that now or not remains to be seen.

Still a shit show here in Ireland. Absolutely zero insight into when it will change from 6 people.
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Aw I’m hoping you get to atleast do something for your hens n stag do hopefully can meet up with a few friends & do something... I’m meant to have a hen in Marbella in May not sure that will be going ahead x

Fingers crossed for you 💕🤞🏼

If anyone has any doubts about having a micro wedding or unsure whether to go ahead with small numbers , then I would highly recommend it

I got married in October and had to go from 100 guests down to 8. Growing up , I thought I wanted the big wedding with all the big displays and big crowds because that’s what’s the norm and what everyone normally does . Because of covid , I went ahead with just 8 and it was the best thing I ever did . Covid for me was a blessing . I had both immediate families and the bridesmaid and best man . I loved the intimacy and smallness of it , we were all able to sit around one table and we all just chatted . Definitely took away the stress of family drama and certain family members acting up
That sounds lovely 💕 I definitely like the idea of a smaller wedding. My mental health has been very bad the last few months so I think the simpler the better for me would be great but we will see. Congratulations 😊
We’ve postponed our wedding from October 2020, to March 2021 and now to October 2022! People who are still going ahead in June/July, are you still going to go ahead with your original number of guests? Going from having 30 or less to unlimited is a massive jump. I worry that lots of guests may not feel as though going to a huge wedding right after the restrictions have been lifted is a good idea. I know I wouldn’’s so hard