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Well-known member
Ah I’m really sorry you’re having to cancel. I know whatever you choose to do instead will be lovely and perfect to you. I am a believer in everything working out for the best but I know it’s still hard to cancel the one you had planned 😞

June 19th. Hen and stags were going to be around April/may time. I was only going to have a day do so hopefully by that time we’d be maybe be able to go and have a meal and a few cocktails. My partner is disappointed because he wanted a big city break type stag. I’m hoping if things improve he might be able to get something like that maybe even a couple of weeks before the wedding 😄🤞🏼
Aw I’m hoping you get to atleast do something for your hens n stag do hopefully can meet up with a few friends & do something... I’m meant to have a hen in Marbella in May not sure that will be going ahead x


VIP Member
I am feeling really positive about Mondays announcement now! I'm thinking by summer we could hopefully be having 30 guests? X
I reckon you will probs get the 15/30 numbers by then but if they are quoting June : July for hospitality , not to sure it receptions will be a go


VIP Member
We’ve responded to say that our contract is also frustrated if it’s “radically different” from what was originally planned. This is quoted from the gov website. We have also asked for a breakdown of specific costs of what they’ve incurred from OUR wedding date, not weddings as a whole.
You will need to see what your actual contract says, as if it is just that you are hiring X venue on X date then that may still be possible, even if the logistics of the day are different because of covid. So be careful with this one.

Also, legally their reasonable costs are how much it costs to run the venue divided by the amount of weddings they host a year. This is because the upkeep of a venue is not just for one wedding but all of them. I hope that makes sense. Maybe calculate 37% of your hire fee and see if that is thousands. This is what a court has deemed 'fair'.

You should definitely be owed some money if your wedding is unable to go ahead because of covid.

It's a really murky area at the moment, which is a shame the venue won't work with you on this.


VIP Member
No but have two weddings to attend as a guest in July, one was only planning for 30 guests anyway but the other there is supposed to be around 80 guests I believe. Feel so bad for our friends, we postponed from April and wanted to postpone to July but our venue made us go for September as they didn't trust the government! MP's just do not understand how long weddings take to plan and arrange, a weeks notice is just not good enough
I had 48 hours notice for my wedding 😂😂


VIP Member
Can anyone tell me if before 12th April, receptions are included? I know it’s 6, but is that just ceremony or reception too? I can’t find on the gov website for that period.


VIP Member
I’ve been following this thread like a hawk but seem to have missed your original post and now can’t find it 🙈 sorry! when are you due to get married in Italy??

We’re due to get married in Lake Como in July (changed from July last year) but I just can’t see it going ahead at all!! As you’ve said it’s more the travel between here and there which I think is going to be the issue, we’ve already had our flights cancelled (which we rebooked late last year when we still thought this summer would be fine 🙄)as have a lot of our guests, which I think tells us that they’re not planning on travel being anywhere near normal this summer! Even if we can get there I think there is going to be conditions such as testing/possible vaccine requirements/possible quarantine etc. Which is going to make it next to impossible.

I spoke to our photographer last week who’s coming from the UK - he was supposed to have 12 weddings in Europe this summer and we’re the only one who hasn’t yet cancelled/postponed 🤦🏻‍♀️

Our venue are being really awkward and trying to make us hold out as long as possible before even discussing the possibilities of cancelling/postponing again, and seeing as though we’ve already paid them nearly £14k we don’t have many choices really but to just hope they play ball 😫

I agree with you regarding 12th April, we can’t hold on any longer than that really to be able to actually finish planning/get everything in place in time.

I’ve had enough of it all tbh, if we hadn’t paid the venue so much I’d just cancel and look at it again in a couple of years.

On a more positive note I’ve got everything crossed for you UK ladies who are this summer - we have 5 weddings this August all rearranged from last year so I’m thrilled that they may (hopefully!) be able to go ahead 💗🙌🏼
Hey 👋🏻 We’re the first weekend in September.

This is our first date so luckily we don’t have much money tied up, but that’s interesting what you said about flights.. Who did you book with? None of our guests have booked anything, we’ve asked them not to until the April announcement but now I’m worried if we get a clear plan which doesn’t require full vaccination and quarantine, that prices will skyrocket so not sure if that’s good or not 🤦🏻‍♀️ Our route is run by Ryanair so I know I won’t get my money back 😂

I totally sympathise re worrying about getting everything ready in time if it does go ahead - we have nothing! We have amazing planners who are dealing with a lot but because of closures at the end of last year we haven’t been able to get our dresses or suits, or those for the wedding party. No invites either. We planned a small wedding even before Covid but I honestly don’t know how people manage 🤦🏻‍♀️ I know what you mean re wanting to postpone if you didn’t have money tied up, I feel like this has taken a lot of joy out of planning the wedding. I can’t believe another year and we’re pretty much in the same position.

Ive got my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻 Grit your teeth until the 12 April xxx


VIP Member
As in from 12th April... not before that date?

ETA - if anyone has a link they could post that specifically says receptions cannot go ahead before 12th April, that’d be great please. I have seen where it’s been phrased “weddings” and then “weddings and receptions” as the time goes on, but if it has very obvious wording that’d help us with our venue. Thank you ♥


VIP Member
We are 19th June as well!! Haha what are the chances. Fingers crossed for you!
It's just numbers now I feel like I can't plan anything until we know a bit more.
Okay I am going to have a look & start tomorrow.
Haha I can’t believe that 🙈😂

We have a few weddings to go to this year but really not sure what’s going to happen regarding number? Staying positive but then can’t see huge weddings going ahead? Who knows anymore tho!!! Our wedding was cancelled for April this year x
Both of my friends who were getting married this year have now moved theirs to next year. I don’t think they will be big numbers this year no 😞 maybe July/August will be the best months.

Have you moved yours or cancelled completely?


VIP Member
There's still some that that wouldn't stop! 🙈 I didn't think it would be a big deal but seemingly some people get really offended they can't bring their children, even when the invite doesn't name them, and now I'm stressing.
How many are trying to bring kids? We are having my friends 1 year old at ours and my partners cousins will have a baby who’s a few months old. Everyone is getting pregnant atm though and id have to put a limit on at some point 🤣


Well-known member
Ah well if you are happy to have a smaller wedding then I think it will be lovely! I think we will be in a much better place than now. We are supposed to be 19th June. We are happy to have a smaller number of guests but we are waiting to see how much cheaper it will be.

If you are looking for exercise I am doing the Chloe Ting 28 day challenge on YouTube which is quite good 😃

We are 19th June as well!! Haha what are the chances. Fingers crossed for you!
It's just numbers now I feel like I can't plan anything until we know a bit more.
Okay I am going to have a look & start tomorrow.


VIP Member
What are we thinking for numbers in June. Do you think weddings will go ahead in UK but with restricted numbers again?
I really don’t know. I’m thinking restricted numbers. Maybe 30? I think that will be the worse case scenario.

I still have a bit of hope in me that things are really going to turn around with how well the vaccinations are going and cases are dropping. I keep having to have hope because I need to lose some weight for my wedding dress so I need to try and keep myself motivated.

Are you getting married in June?


VIP Member
If we are not included in the 22nd February roadmap I may actually sob.
I think you’ve got to be included🤞🏼 The wedding industry has being ignored for long enough and people are properly fighting for it now. We are doing so well with vaccines that they’ve got to start thinking about big events like weddings now 😁

Just came across this thread and wanted to pop my head in to say I’m thinking of you all - it must be so hard planning a wedding at the moment. I got married a few years ago and the stress was unreal. I’ve got 2 weddings to go to this year, one was supposed to have been last year but got rearranged. I wouldn’t dream of pulling out because of COVID, I know how much planning goes into a wedding and how much someone pulling out can have an impact (seating charts, chair numbers, minimum number requirements etc) and it’s really giving me something fun and social to look forward to. Wishing you all the best of luck x
Thank you that’s really kind and reassuring of you to say 😘 I hope the weddings you are looking forward to going to get to go ahead as well 😊


VIP Member
Is/was anyone here due to get married before 12th April?

I’m just trying to work out what the rules would be if they’re now saying about this change for 15 guests from that date.

It was set to be 6 guests and the exception rule was lifted. But from the latest news I am taking that to mean that a wedding of 6 actually couldn’t go ahead inside at a private wedding venue...?


VIP Member
Yeh that makes sense.

There are venues near me that can easily hold 300+ for Hindu weddings etc. So I don't see why a wedding of 100 couldn't take place there when everyone could easily socially distance!

My friend is getting married 22nd May, postponed from 23rd May last year. Thankfully 30 works for her as a lot of guests from their original 70 were coming from overseas. But it seems ridiculous that at her venue she can only have 30 in the room that has capacity for 150 and in the restaurant next door they can have 200+ from different households. But because they will be eating dinner with table service it is allowed??

Edited to fix typos
It’s more based on that social distancing goes out the window when booze is involved lol I got married last year with 10 of us and my MIL was going around hugging us all 🙈🙈🙈 if she was like that with us lot , imagine what its gonna be like on a scale of 100 people


VIP Member
It’s so difficult still to think about how things might be.

Our date is still booked for the first week of April. It won’t be going ahead as we’re trying to cancel but keeping hitting a brick wall with our venue, who want to retain half of our money for it NOT going ahead. I just feel like I have so much information in my head, it’s going to explode.

We’re thinking of asking them to calculate our costs based on 6 of us wedding only (which is all it could be on that date). We wouldn’t go through with it, but it’s bound to be a lower cost than what they want to currently retain. We just know it won’t be as easy as that though, they’ll find a way somehow to argue.

And then there’s the question of where we actually go from here. I think I still want a smallish wedding, but later in the year when there are no restrictions. I’m lying awake at night thinking about it... and yet I don’t know why, because we can’t do anything until we receive our money back anyway.
I hope you manage to sort it! Did you end up getting any legal advice? Surely now they have been told what weddings can be like by then they they know they can’t keep all that money now!