
Chatty Member
That is quite the hole she's digging, each tweet contradicting a previous one and generally making the situation worse. I can't help thinking, and this is mean, that she's dumb as toast tbh because leaving that sort of stuff up on your FB when you've reveled in other people's "private content" being posted publicly is... Short sighted?

I'd love to hear the police response if she tries to report that as a crime. It's not malicious communications, it's not harassment, and one could argue that given her single issue platform/solicited income predicated on a very specific political agenda those (original and undoctored) photos being posted is in the public's interest. Transparency and integrity and all that jazz.
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I'll never understand a woman who believes that making threats of male pattern violence is helping the trans community. Unless it's another joke that I'm only taking literally because she "has tits"? I mean the thought of her coming at anyone with a weapon, intent on causing them serious physical harm is laughable. But that can't be right, because she wouldn't joke about this issue, right?
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She has habits of saying things are a crime when they aren't. I suppose theoretically it might be harassment, but I suspect the CPS might tell you to get lost, given the circumstances.
Didn’t she think that people inferring she’d had some action with Admiral Rear Foo Foo was illegal?

Although to be fair any action with him should be outlawed.
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waffle maker

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I hate fake engagement and joke pregnancy announcements, it’s so self centered, like everyone is hanging off your every move. So basic.
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The way that she insists her landlord only has one property when nobody asked is weird and quite funny.

It’s also sad that she is a grown woman but isn’t capable of taking a picture without looking like a tryhard teenager.
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Someone I know I have kept in contact with for years, speaking regularly via whatsapp. He has very different views to me probably because he has different life experience to me (I went to Sixth Form then University, he joined the army from school and went on tours of Northern Ireland and Bosnia). He has always been fairly conservative and often tried a bit of a wind up with me during the Corbyn/Abbott era, which I largely didn't rise to. I always try and be even handed when talking politics rather than rabidly partisan.

This morning he tells me he has voted Labour for the first time since 1997. That's nothing to do with me of course, but Tan seems to miss the point for Labour to win an election people who voted Tory previously need to vote Labour so being an annoying skidmark who goads and insults people probably isn't the best tactic.
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I hate to keep banging this drum but his brother, the racist axe murderer, who he allegedly helped to skip the country is even worse.
And he also went on a podcast in november last year crying about how his brother had “lost 17 years of his life in prison over a silly scrap”…. No mate, your scum brother carried out a premeditated racial murder of an innocent young man. Was not just a “scrap” at all.
Sorry for OT! Just wanted to say, I have a lot of mixed feelings about this exchange. It’s hilarious to see someone as annoying and sanctimonious as Tan get her arse handed to her by a big account on twitter, but it’s just such a shame it’s being done by a woman/child beating scumbag like Joey Barton.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
That is one of the most ridiculous apologies I’ve seen on Twitter for a while. Banging on about how the photos were taken without her consent. Err, you’re posing for them hun. Then throwing in the good old ‘trauma and bad mentals and drinking made me do it’.

Can you imagine for a second if someone who had even slight Tory leanings did this? It would be Twitter chaos.
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Thoughts and prayers to our members who are conscripted to the Essex Division of the people's army, stuck in a trench with Tan, Jack Monroe and Simon Harris.
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this is in response to someone posting a poorly designed stain glass window where a priest is putting hands on head of a small child knelt before him which could be construed to be something else


whilst I do not disagree with her point, you know what else could be massively triggering to people, Tan? ALL the flippant jokes you make about child sexual abuse (Tories sweating at kids birthday parties, nonce this, nonce that) in your fucking videos!
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She openly admitted it apparently, hand waving it away as 'bad mentals be kind':

View attachment 1801043View attachment 1801044View attachment 1801045
I don’t understand how anyone could have the conviction to say it defies science without being like… a qualified buildings and/or explosives engineer? Like how tf would us laymen know?

And then why is she blaming random governments for it to boot? Again unless you’re privy to those official conversations you just can’t - or it’s just weird and probably racist?

Like many/all of us I’ve struggled with mental health and yet have never felt the need to tweet conspiracy theories with racist undertones? Wild right???
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Lol, just killing time waiting on another jaccident and/or the H&M Netflix chaos but this amused me. Her landlord must be Big Dave!
On a side note what is so special about ‘only renting to creatives’? Would a McDonald’s worker not meet the cut?

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It always amazes me that so many people with rejection sensitive dysphoria seek out big followings on social media. It’s almost as if their narcissism outweighs the RSD…

Dystopia warning ⚠
THIS!!! I never ever write anything even remotely argumentative on twitter for fear someone will clap back. It’s visceral, and I might as well have bloody RSI from the amount I write then delete!!!. These people are liars, they have NO idea what RSD is actually like. Unless they have some weird version I’m unaware of, I realise us NDs aren’t a homogenous group (maybe they are a grifter subgroup?)
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SuperTans does NOT like comparisons with Jack Monroe posting cleavage shots for divorced dads engagement and donations.

It's weird, because I thought she was doing all this precisely to make money. I didn't realise saying Tories are fannywombats or suggesting everyone says minge on Twitter was a selfless calling. I also thought her £40 Patreon tier offers a follow back as a reward. I knew she did the Hitler impressions for free but I didn't realise all this 'activism' was also gratis.
I am suitably chastened.
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I'd argue Santa probably doesn't hate Tories either. Santa is arguably the bourgeoisie, what with running his massive factory staffed by elves, and being the face of the most capitalist holiday going
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