Livia Fantasy

VIP Member
Can't believe the tedious twat has me batting for Team Tory here, but there's never any argument or rebuttal or facts or evidence against any of their policies or decisions, it's just... TORIES ARE TWATS. Yeah, I know, but WHY? What's the specific thing they've done/announced/voted today and why is that bad? Does it affect me? Who does it hurt? What's the alternative?

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So there's a Youtuber I follow who sometimes makes political videos. I checked his Patreon and it says this. (The tiers go up to £5 btw).


From the same page: ''I will sometimes pause billings if I am not actively working on making videos.''

I guess the point I'm making is that it's possible to use these platforms without being a huge grifter, and comparing the decent creators to people like Supertanskiii/Jack Monroe/Russ will always highlight the latter's greed.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
I've never looked at this grifter's tweets before but it's like deja vu - I honestly thought Jack Monroe had come back under a different name.

Same MO - blame neurodivergence, trauma, harrasssment, doxing and ADHD for everything bad she's said or done. Superscamskiii uses the same emotive 'tweet and delete' twat storm that Jack does when she's backed into a corner. Fascinating.

I ckicked on both these tweets to see what the replies were but they were both deleted by that point.

View attachment 1944886

View attachment 1944887
Let me guess. This vicious constant harassment is basically a few internet people saying ‘woah that supertanksiiii is a bit of a dickhead isn’t she?’

Let’s just hope she doesn’t post her mum’s roast potatoes.
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Yes I posed for them and had them on my Facebook page but I didn’t consent to those pictures.
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View attachment 1948902


It's not defamation or smear when they're literally reposting your own words and photos. I'm no legal expert, but I'm pretty sure you can't defame yourself.

PTSD and neurodiversity are unrelated to antisemitism. PTSD doesn't cause antisemitism. Diagnoses are not excuses for bad behaviour. Neurodiverse people should still be held accountable if they do or say something that's bigoted and hurtful.

Which scientist decided to clone Jack Monroe?
I was speaking to a friend about this plague of social media twats who self diagnose and then use their labels to deflect criticism, or to explain their actions as if they were somehow caused by said label and therefore not their fault. Both of us are ND (so note I’m using the word label in the case of the internet dicks while knowing full well that a proper diagnosis is an affirmation of self and NOT a label) and neither of us have ever worked with or known an autistic or otherwise ND person to weaponise their condition in such a manner and we met working in the disability charity sector and know an awful lot of ND people, all of whom hold themselves to very high standards of accountability and would never blame their conditions for that sort of behaviour. Being ND doesn’t make you unaccountable for being a racist piece of shit ffs.
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Sideboard Bob

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What's with these fake-leftie influencers and pretending to be tough? ''I'm so anti-Tory, I opened my craft beer with a hammer and sickle'' etc etc.

I'm curious to see videos of Tan interacting with other people. Does she stand her ground or does the posturing give way to anxious warbly voiced smolness?
“I'm so anti-Tory, I opened my craft beer with a hammer and sickle”
Thread title nomination!
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
I can sort of sympathise with how embarrassing it must be for old internet content to resurface. I was a fucking idiot edgelord on the late 90s internet and thank G-d that the old forums I frequented are long deleted. And if she’d just made a sincere apology about what an idiot she’d been I would have respected that.

But instead she whines to the internet that it’s somehow someone else’s fault because the photos were leaked without her consent. She keeps mentioning consent because she knows the image it invokes of her being a victim. Then doubles down blaming the ebil trolls and essentially saying we shouldn’t care that she did a shitty thing because she has the correct political opinions. Also, she’s very much participated in this awful internet culture, and she’d be first in the pile on if it was anyone else. So fuck her (I shouldn’t say that. Might get the dads excited).
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Livia Fantasy

VIP Member
Mithered on it before, but for Labour to win power, current Tory voters will need to vote Labour. Twenty tweets and Tiktoks and Reels and Snapchats a day calling them all shitcunt badgerfanny twatgibbons possibly - just possibly - isn't the best recruitment strategy.
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Jesus fucking Christ. Some people truly are mugs. As if she can't get a phone herself. She will totally exploit that offer.

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a smarter person than me would investigate them all over the course of a dissertation/thesis. I’m fascinated by peoples blind generosity more than anything.
I'm fascinated that anyone would believe donating cash to these chancers is going to do more to help those less fortunate than giving it to your local food bank. My eyes have certain been opened since I came to tattle, I didn't realise how many of these grifting twats walk among us.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Imagine if a woman had cervical cancer and a man reduced it to 'fucks sake who wants to hear about her fanny'.
And way to make men feel shame about their concerns about their health by reducing to an 'arsehole'. She really is a repugnant individual.


She is just Katie Hopkins at this point isn't she?
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Especially when "attention seeking troll" is a completely accurate description of her.

Swearing again because it's 2023 damnit and women can!!! So edgy.

Why does she keep using disparaging sexual analogies when insulting people?
It's so wierd and creepy.
Imagine if a male troll kept going on about women's genitals to prove a 'point'.
'Har har Angela Rayner is as much use as a dry old fanny'.
Yet this seems to be the cornerstone of her vital campaign work.
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She's a moronic commentator who provides commentary for morons.
It's a weird, lads' mag persona. What even is this?
View attachment 2708743
View attachment 2708744
That's exactly what it is! She's stuck in the Lad culture era

I'm a few years younger than Tan (based on lower estimate of her alleged age) but I can see it, but we all grew out of the long 90s hangover of edgy humour. Though I can hand on heart say I've never fashioned myself a Hitler tache.
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Yeah, the old 'I've changed and grown as a person' schtick doesn't wash when you're still conducting yourself appallingly on social media.

Poor the divorced dads paying her 40 quid a month on Patreon for her not to shag them.
Exactly! And the fact she opened it from a place of victimhood like 👉🏻👈🏻 a friend betrayed me 👉🏻👈🏻 rather than owning up to how abhorrent it is shows she doesn’t get how seriously fucked it is.

Does anyone know how old she is? I believed mid 40s which would place her at late 20s or early 30s in 2009 when her and her friendship group found Hitler funny. Comparatively I was just finishing sixth form/entering uni and fresher’s week and saw nothing like that from the 18 year olds I was surrounded by at either location? It’s almost as if it was already very clearly not remotely socially acceptable by that time?? 🤔
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