Jelly Bean

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Wasn’t she making digs about JM the other week but now LG is coming for her she is a poor woman who was hounded off Twitter 🙄

Also her description of us does sound like projection as she sits in her rented room with the phone and ring light carefully positioned in the best angle to ensure she looks nothing like herself.
It is a strange one. Her whole 'career' is literally making digs at people on the Internet. That is it.
Yet others who do that (better) are incels and trolls.
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A bad boy did it and ran away, it's all Corbyn's fault, I was simply mocking Hitler, I feel sick leave me alone.

At least she doesn't need to do "the money was resting in my account" because she has no shame about taking money off people for doing fuck all.
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How about we get an NHS that actually functions for people first, eh?! God the absolute fucking melts who follow these grifters have the critical faculty of a gnat.

EDIT - and of course she had to bring up the ABUSE she’s risking by grifting money. Blatant, transparent manipulation when every reply is positive, if not fawning.
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You have to look closely to see the difference between the real one and the parody. It’s the one i in the handle I think.

I’ve got Covid too but that hasn’t meant that I’ve run away to avoid being accountable for things I’ve done.

2 years of degrading, invasive abuse. Alright Miss Monroe, nobody is forcing you to have a big social media presence to get narcissistic supply and take money off people are they?
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Well I feel like a nob for getting the bus over to a nearby Labour constituency in December 2019 and spending my evening walking for hours in the dark and pouring rain door knocking to make sure the vote got out. Could have just stayed at home and called Johnny Mercer and his wife 'minges' on Twitter
And while we're at it, isn't calling a man by a slang term for a part of anatomy (usually) found on women to humiliate him in itself a bit sexist?
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It always cracks me up when she tweets things like 'getting myself mentally prepared for the election' hun you're not an MP, you don't work for either party - no-one is asking you to participate. No-one is seeking out your insight or wants your input. It would be like me saying I'm mentally preparing myself for the Olympics while sitting on the sofa eating crisps.
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I'd love to hear the police response if she tries to report that as a crime. It's not malicious communications, it's not harassment, and one could argue that given her single issue platform/solicited income predicated on a very specific political agenda those (original and undoctored) photos being posted is in the public's interest. Transparency and integrity and all that jazz.
Imagine her making that police report and they’re like ok supertanskiii, please show us the tweets that are doxing you? And she has to pull out all of these pics of her dressed up as hitler and comments of her saying shit about anne frank💀💀. They’d surely just laugh in her face 🤣!
I don’t think a single person is falling for her accusations of crimes being committed and threats of legal action here, I think she’s stupid to even try that.
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Sexblog has made it clear that he will *not* be commenting.

Its amazing how these righteous crusaders clam up when its one of their own.
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Chatty Member
JFC, this woman really thinks she's doing something, eh? How did we as a society get to a place where brain-dead nonentities yelling "Tories bad, durrrr!" on Twitter become the apparent height of political discourse? Twitter should be banned, I hope Musk runs it into the ground.
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I think one of the things I dislike most about her is I find myself rooting for utter scum bags 😡
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
She has habits of saying things are a crime when they aren't. I suppose theoretically it might be harassment, but I suspect the CPS might tell you to get lost, given the circumstances.
I doubt it’s harassment given that she posed for the pictures and even gave a salute. It’s like when Jack Monroe claims that sharing her screenshots are libel.
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Only recently learnt of this cunt after seeing her glasto photos circulating…how many of these twitter grifters are there?!
Honestly, hundreds of the twats. All with a little army who thinks their parasocial relationship makes them special friends and they will defend them to the death, whilst supplying them with cash donations.
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If we get to the point where an "NHS for pets" is a priority then we'll be living in a much better world than we are today.
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