Get a fucking credit card like the rest of us do when faced with unforseen vets bills/dental bills/house bills/car bills etc.

Grow the fuck up you grifting lazy bastard.
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VIP Member
Because she is terrified of something like this.

The thing with this clip is that I don’t particularly think the kid schooled OJ in any meaningful sense, it’s more that OJ, who’s allegedly a journalist and has been doing this sort of thing for donkey years, couldn’t get one over on a teenager. OJ’s entire ‘argument’ boiled down to sound bites like ‘Enoch Powell’, and saying ‘diversity’ every 5 seconds because he spends too much time in his echo chamber on Twitter and expects people to fold if he calls them a racist. So called ‘activists’ like OJ and Tan haven’t yet realised that Twitter does not equal the real world or that ‘likes’ on a dim witted Twitter post saying ‘Jacob Rees Mogg fucks badgers up the bum hole’ won’t equate to votes in an election.
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I'm always reminded of the time I went canvassing for Labour for the Dec 2019 election campaign.

A man opened his door, saw me standing there in the rain with my leaflets and my badge and my clipboard, and shouted "IF JEREMY CORBYN WINS THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION, I WILL GO UPSTAIRS, GET INTO BED, CLOSE MY EYES AND DIE" and slammed the door

Which was a very south-east England response and door slam. It'd probably be a lot worse up in those parts (I'm allowed to say that, I'm from the East Mids)
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Active member
I don't watch her but from the bits I've seen isn't a lot of her content name-calling and fairly smeary? You know the bit "[So and So] Tory minister for [whatever], who looks like the ghost of a dusty vagina and eats children for Satan." clichéd mock the week panel comedian type stuff?

I don't particularly care about 15yo Facebook posts but it's a bit rich she's upset people are calling her mean things.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Calling people cunts and threatening them with legal action for publishing screenshots of your own posts. Classic.
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Christ, she really does look different in normal photos. I have no idea why she has to do this ridiculous doe eyed nonsense. I’m guessing she’s in her 30s by now.

Tan in every photo:





Honestly, this is not shade. She’s a perfectly normal looking woman in her 30s. If she’s not doing it for attention or to attract men, then why is every selfie and video of her taken at a 2006 MySpace angle?
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I almost felt sorry for her then, sitting with a martini glass of cranberry juice on a Wednesday early evening videoing yourself and taking selfies with a strategically placed Private Eye is a bit tragic
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Riot society is such a cringe name. They’re all well into their thirties and bearded men who should know better. Well ok there’s one token red lipstick lady comedian who looks like she either talks about her fanny a lot or does the tired mummy needs wine schtick, but mostly he/him types.
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the funny thing is i’ve finally realized is when she insults people she don’t think they’ll either reply or see it, it’s just to indulge her ego and her followers but when they see it abd reply back she gets offended and will cry “misogyny” or get her pack of weir followers to defend it.. it’s still funny when she insults the same sex it’s not misogyny it’s only misogyny when she’s the one getting called out

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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Take care everyone Tan is watching you...

Evidence of what you utter melt? 😂
Writing on a public forum we think you're a massive twat? It's hardly up there with the fucking Post Office scandal.
I love it when these ones are compiling 'evidence' (which is plainly here anyway). Monroe was always doing it too.
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waffle maker

VIP Member
Well Jeremy Corbyn and every one of his supporters should be thoroughly ashamed of making her do this at Glastonbury.
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VIP Member
I almost envy you not knowing who Jack Monroe is. She has too many threads on here that are really fast moving but I would definitely recommend clicking on one of them and clicking on the pink wiki link at the top.
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