
Chatty Member
OMG, have calculated the cost (to you & me if we bought them) of the tables & chairs.
There’s 14 tables in the video, 14 x £699 = £9,786
The chairs are £50 each & the tables seat 8 so that’s another £5,600
A grand total of £15,386 FOR FREE! 😮
for FREE! 😮


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Maybe just me being a bitch.... but could she not have left the hoovering ? It's not like I believe she does it often anyway. Looks like it was being done just to irritate / annoy joe as usual. She has a nasty mean streak.
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The fact she said “last night we rescued a dog”

like she’d broken into a dangerous building and fought off crackheads to save his life 🙄

you adopted him babe get over yourself
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I don't care how much you dislike her, or hate what she does, says, sounds, acts.
This. This is heart hurting, and all the other heart feelings she could say.
RIP Theo.
I can safely say (I hope) that all of us here on Tattle are incredibly sorry for your loss. Truly.
If you've lost a fur friend you'll understand, please tred careful guys, belittling someone for a loss is never a good look💛
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With a flurry of activity in the Swollomon household recently there seems to be a fair old bit to recap and when you combine this with my propensity to ramble, well I apologise if this goes on! You know me though, why use one word when you could use 150?! 😆

So to begin; it’s been an exciting old time for Stacey recently as we’ve had the creation of a Santa’s grotto, her being completely unphased and unbothered about being gloriously usurped from the front page of a Sunday Magazine by of all things a Christmas Pudding, the nigh on perfect dying on her hair all by herself only to then have her celebrity hairdresser friend pop over and style it, and of course not forgetting the infamous streaking around Costco incident, if anything Stacey says or tells us can be believed of course. More of these later though as the most obvious and pressing detail that has emerged over the last weeks is that *fanfare please* Stacey is breastfeeding Opal Fruit!! 😬

Yes that’s right folks, her well documented issues with breast feeding have been well and truly overcome as Stacey now feels the need to provide an at least daily photograph of her in various stages of feeding baby Roess, presumably to ensure everyone can be made aware that her perfect darling little baby girl gets the best of everything, including being breastfed. If you happen to be a new mother yourself and somewhat struggling with breastfeeding your child, well sod your luck as you’re going to have her boobs thrust into your face at every possible opportunity. 😖 With even the most ardent of ‘breast is best’ advocates now being sick to the back teeth of seeing Stacey, grinning like an inane idiot with her jumper rucked up and the baby pressed to her chest, seemingly regardless of whether breastfeeding is occurring or not, dear Stace would be at risk of alienating her audience should the sheep not be so utterly devoted to the minimally talented airhead with the grating personality, as it is the worse she gets only seems to encourage them more, a case in point being the way they behaved like a group of lunatics en masse when the issue of the Sunday newspaper magazine supplement arose. 🤦‍♀️

This infamous ‘You Magazine’ incident only served to prove just how much the sheep seem to be under Stacey’s power with the first battle cry being contained within an Instagram post where Stacey in the most passively aggressive terms possible described her ‘amusement’ on finding that rather then being the cover star on the front page of the magazine as anticipated she had been ousted in order to make way for what the editors thought a much more attractive proposition; a Christmas Pudding! 😂 Rather than being dismayed or upset by such an event however, Stacey continued to relay the tale all the time hysterically giggling, which was a very poor attempt to disguise her obvious anger and utter contempt at being overlooked by a steamed dried fruit and booze laden festive treat, especially as just the day before she’d announced her cover stardom to the world on the ‘gram, presumably to prepare the sheep to drop everything and scuttle off to the newsagents purse clenched in hand first thing on the Sunday morning. 😳

The plan, such as it was, clearly was a success with the staff and Editors of ‘You Magazine’ probably never experiencing anything like the onslaught of abuse that moving Stacey Solomon from the front to the second page of their magazine brought upon them. The sheep taking their assignment very seriously bombarded the magazine with both their concern and complaints with ‘I don’t even like Christmas pudding!’ being an example of the reasoned and sensible argument being posited in Stacey’s defence. 🤯

In other news, after being bedsit bound with little more than breastfeeding and staring at baby Opal Fruit to keep her occupied (well apart from the unfortunately seemingly fairly regular occurrences of Mick behaving increasingly boisterously and loud around the baby, but rather than being deterred by Stacey instead somewhat encouraged, all whilst she films it for the ‘gram), Stacey has been out and about busying herself in the garden of Pickle Cottage, undertaking a DIY project with the small feral one. ‘Rex and I are creating a Santa’s Grotto’ she trills on one video followed by a series of posts of them bodging their way through various tasks, included painting the years worth of muck, dirt, cobwebs and various other detritus into the walls by just randomly slapping paint all over without prepping, priming or even seeming to wipe the surface down, clagging a layer of what seemed to be white felt on to the roof, regardless of the fact it is possibly the least weatherproof fabric known to man and will be utterly ruined by the first heavy downpour and my personal favourite, Stacey showing her expertise in clearing gutters by having herself filmed up a stepladder in her slippers poking and prodding the buildup of leaves and dirt out of said gutter with what appeared to be a twig. All in all if you were going to produce a video on what not to do when renovating a garden building, you couldn’t go far wrong by using that.🤦‍♀️

Moving on from one transformation to another, what cannot be forgotten is Stacey’s first attempt at dying her hair from a L’Oréal (not yet an #AD but she’s mentioned it often enough surely she’s got to be angling for it to become one!!🤔)box kit. Unlike the rest of us who encounter a few hiccups when trying to dye our hair having never done it before, Stacey it appears is a natural, producing salon worthy hair with perfect coverage (alongside some God-awful photos which anyone else would have deleted immediately and not shown to anyone rather than share with however million Instagram followers! 🤷‍♀️). It’s fair to say the colour can be described as ‘striking’ to say the least, and it was made even better by the sheer coincidence of Stacey’s ‘hairdresser to the stars’ friend happening to pop over and blow dry and style it for her after she’d managed to perfectly dye it herself; such luck, I mean what are the chances eh?! 😆

Last but no means least then, the last thread cannot be summed up without mentioning the Costco leggings incident! 😉 So imagine the scene, Stacey and her beloved husband to be decide to embark on a trip to the local cash and carry, presumably to top up on gargantuan bottles of fabric softener and laundry detergent ready to decant into her specially labelled and easily opened by small people and imbeciles alike (think Joe) jars (courtesy of her of the undead sister Jem Jem who happens to now be flogging an overpriced range of receptacles alongside her overpriced stickers). In her haste to get ready Stacey supposedly pulled on a pair of leggings and at no point whilst getting dressed, putting her footwear on, leaving the house or even sitting in the car did she even catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror, notice her legs or pay any attention to what was going on below the waist at all which then turned out to be a massive mistake. Why, I hear you cry? Well, it was only after walking all the way around Costco Stacey was informed by a ever so pleasant fellow shopper that ‘did she realise that her leggings were a bit see through?’, at this point in the ‘gram post the camera pans down to a shot of Stacey’s legs clad in said leggings and loe and behold she might as well not have worn any at all. Nope, clear as day Stacey’s floral knickers are there for all and sundry to see and who is to blame for this wardrobe malfunction? Well it’s Joe of course!! 😆 Even though he pointed out that she’s more than old enough and capable of dressing herself (for once I agree with him, it’s a very valid point!) she refuses to hear any of it and this debacle continues on as far as her going on to name and shame the said legging makers (expect a torrent of abuse from the sheep guys! 😆). You do have to feel for the poor woman on this occasion though; I mean all, to be the centre of all that unwanted attention, oh wait… 🤔😂

So, there you go, I warned you it would be a long ‘un, it’s the insomnia, it gives me far too much time on my hands!! 😬 As with anything with Stacey, it’s hard to know how much if any of what she puts out on Instagram is the truth but hey, what does it matter, this woman gives us life right?! And she loves us all to the moon and back so how could we complain?! 😉

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I don’t really understand the whole ‘get out of bed’ thing…

She has money, she has people around her to watch the kids, feed them, look after them etc, she said with red she really struggled with depression so maybe she’s trying to take it easier this time, take her time to establish breast feeding etc.

Back when my mum was born, they used to have to stay in hospital for a week! I think sometimes we push new mums to be ‘doing stuff’ when let’s face it, you’re exhausted, you’ve just pushed a human out of your body and probably have stitches….being in bed for a week after isn’t the worst thing in the world!

You can all banish me to the rave thread if that’s what you want, I still think she’s an absolute dick but come on, she’s just given birth!
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She'll come in shortly sorry everybody I had a false alarm, I really thought pickililly was on her way but she wasn't
“Morning 👍, oh I had a right scare, thought my waters broke! Turns out I just pissed myself. Wasn’t all bad though mad mick had a good splash about in it hehehehehe. Hope your all ok, love you to the moon and back”
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I was born in 1993 and before I was born circa 1990 my mum was engaged to marry a man before she met my dad. My mum; more or less left this poor guy at the alter, everything was arranged, bought, paid for when my mum essentially got cold feet and couldn’t go through with it.
My Great Grandma was horrified with my mum’s actions and for 30 years decided to keep everything from the wedding in case my mum ever changed her mind.
Well wouldn’t you know, today in the late summer of 2021; Stacey Sullivan has worn one of my mum’s bridesmaids dresses to her baby shower.
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On the 21st of May Stacey put a story up saying she was so tired, had no idea why and would go to the doctors to have her iron levels checked.

21st of May was 8 weeks ago today.

3rd trimester is obvious 28 weeks onwards SO when Stacey put on that story she would have been around 20 weeks pregnant atleast.

What a lying twat she is

What a cunt.
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I saw him in a bar in Birmingham, got to have been over 10yrs ago now, it was pretty empty and he was with someone from brookside. Anyway, my friend was/ is a massive Eastenders fan, and said hello and he was really rude to her.
Not saying just because you're famous you have to speak to everyone or be nice to everyone, especially if you're trying to enjoy yourself, HOWEVER, they both looked miserable as sin (so not like she was interrupting anything) and if you put yourself in the public eye a lot of your success comes down to how you speak to your fans. Needless to say, she went right off him! (Just to add, she had a boyfriend and didnt fancy him or anything so she wasnt being one of those annoying, flirty girls, she really isnt like that!)
Reminds me of when my daughters surprised me for Christmas years ago with tickets to the clothes show in Birmingham, I was a big fan of the streets a band at the time and the lead singer was there with a couple of wannabe models, my daughter went up to him to ask for a autograph he was really rude to her saying I'm here on a day off, my daughter responded with you don't get a day off you're only famous because people like my mum like your music , he backtracked instantly and went to grab the paper and pen my daughter said keep them you'll need to learn your signature for signing on the dole because with your attitude you won't be famous for long 🤣🤣🤣 she was 15...
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If she didn't want to announce her pregnancy that's her right.

I didn't want to announce mine. I hid them for as long as I could. I've had 4 kids. For a whole host of reasons I am very private in pregnancy and do not share until I absolutely cannot get away with it anymore.

But I have never pretended I didn't know I was pregnant.

You know from 6weeks with the toilet trips and hormones especially when you've had babies before
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