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His “who knew photography could be so exciting” video makes sense now. Absolutely disgusting excuse of a human being.
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Morning you wonderful lot!
I checked my reports on tiktok yesterday & they’ve actually permanently banned his old account & found violations under minor safety on his video with grace 👀
He will never get that old account back now and any money he had in there was lost 😂😂😂 happy Sunday 🤘🏼
Also subscription payments are once a month on the 15th so he’s lost his entire sub earnings for December 😂😂
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The filthy little fuck piece followed my Daughter yesterday. Her profile picture is her in uniform, she's under 14 and she doesn't follow him. I've reported him in every available way. I'm just glad she shares her online life openly and was also horrified a grown man followed her (her accounts private so he could get past the main gates of safety, but still)

I also don't follow him nor does he follow me so its not due to him tracking me down from here.
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Sophie is a clout chaser. Always has been, always will be.
With her predator shaped head and actual predator ex
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miss n thropy

Chatty Member
I don’t do illegal things either but people can still not like me, he’s such a 🔔 🔚
The replies on his insta are absolute gold. I think my favourite is someone who writes, it’s not illegal to fart on your gran’s head Paul but that doesn’t make it right 😄😄😄
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Sing to the melody of smells like teen spirit by nirvana

View attachment 1870761Load up on sweets, catch the train
Photography it's fun to pretend
She's under 17 baby mammer but don't let anyone know
Saying fuck is my new dirty word


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I can finally comment! Been wanting to ever since I came across Paul a month and a bit ago... At first I just thought he was an old bloke doing cringy dances... albeit wierd for an older person to do that on what I'd classify as a teens app but no harm in it.

Then I just had to delve deeper 🥲 He gave me a creepy feeling, his eyes and... well face. Lol. He has a balloon face. The way he presents himself and speaks. Very odd and uncomfortable. Known a few men like him and I avoid them as much as possible, they spark up my anxiety and I'm worried what they're capable of.

I wasn't exactly shocked that he is a groomer/predator of teen girls. Again, know this too well. So the weirdness made sense after I realised he prefers much younger girls. Classic behaviour of a predator! Nervous, twitchy... Avoids male friendships. Seeks younger partners and undeniably has no actual friends. Or if he does... I'd imagine they're younger, the same as him or extremely gullible.

The lack of friends is the most obvious to me because he doesn't lack friends due to anxiety but because people want to avoid him. He's only anxious or twitchy when he's doing something odd. The talking to the nineteen year old for example... "As long as he doesn't punch me." Predators know exactly what they're doing is wrong, there's nothing innocent or excusable about it. I imagine he was absolutely terrified her dad was dropping her off. He knows it's wrong to prey on teen girls, he just doesn't want it to be wrong.

As for the crying video well, I just can't believe the audacity of him. I know a few people have said he should step up but I don't think he should. I think he needs to disappear from his sons life completely because of who he is and what he is like. It's not fair on his son or the mother to have any type of relationship with him. I can't imagine how stressful it all is for them... To have this 42 year old man acting like this in the public eye. Broadcasting his perverted behaviour to thousands and being proud of it! He needs to leave them alone, leave TikTok and seek proper help.
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sorry for how off topic this is LMAO
but one thing I find so weird about his "I moved back home because of my mental health and I needed my family" thing is he never actually seems to spend any time with his dad/family at all? he's made it obvious they don't even cook and/or eat together, don't food shop together, he's always on live watching the footie alone, always alone or with a laydee at costa?

my mum is living with me atm as she has left an abusive relationship (thankfully ❤) and we go for coffee or cook/eat together when our shifts fall right, watch tv together, make a food shop list together etc etc bc we're living as a household for the moment - it's so weird to me he's seemingly not a son living w his dad but basically a weird reclusive lodger looming in his ensuite like a victorian ghost 🤣
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guys I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to say I’m questioning Grace’s motives. Paul is a vile feral pig for going anywhere near a teenage girl, 1000% a groomer and a narcissist pink toe rag that is void of any reality; without doubt.

I believed grace implicitly the moment she revealed what had happened - and I’m so sorry as I know there are so many of you who resonate with her from your past experiences (trust me, I have my own) but this is just pure and utterly shameless clout chasing now, in my eyes anyway.

I know people deal with trauma differently, but constantly teasing to leak receipts, lives that coast on his name, now a tell all podcast? If this went to the CPS it would be thrown out immediately.

Paul is a despicable creature but what Grace is doing only gives him credibility, what’s sad is what he has done IS morally wrong - meeting and having sex with a teenage girl! But unfortunately it isn’t illegal, rape has a clear cut definition which is penile penetration with lack of/no belief in consent (with some common law that covers things such as removing a condom, lying about having a vasectomy.etc), and if this is what has happened - which has been hinted at numerous times, plastering it over social media will not help see justice served the proper way - in a court of law, not on another clout chasers podcast who is using her for views!

Like I said, I am sorry to be that person, and I feel for Grace as he has taken advantage of her - the age gap alone speaks volumes. She is only 19. But this is going way too far and Paul will not face the proper consequences for his actions as this has become a tiktok soap opera.

Boo, quirks, the podcast guy should all be ashamed, they’re just as bad as Paul for taking advantage of a teenage girl.
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Guys, please calm down.

People slamming each other over a nonce makes you look like silly Billys (bear ham)

No one is getting in trouble so for the love of Christ, stop banging on. For the newbies, Paul reads this thread hourly and would be clapping his sweaty palms with glee thinking some of you are shaking like shitting dogs and all worked up. So please, in the nicest way possible, if you are worried you’ll get in trouble, stay on the side line and just read the posts. The last thing we want is pumping pools ego so he knee slides back on tik tok sooner than he planned thinking he’s billy bear big bollocks.

Do not take anything off Tattle, if someone is trying to get your attention off Tattle, stay away from it. If you get yourself shot in the foot, you have yourself to blame. Also, if you are new here or that’s you calling people out on 🥕’s video, stop. You are baiting people and it will be picked up by a mod and you will be banned, it’s a simple rule so if you want to stay in the hamily, keep it in the hamily.

Also, we all love to bitch but let’s keep it factual, someone on the live and on here said ‘Tina’s an insider’ let’s be real, I will eat my whole arm and leg for good measure if twat face Tina is a mole, we all know she isn’t. Someone made a simple comment and some of you have ran with it, Tina is not a mole, a n? Quite possibly but a mole she is not.

I couldn’t give a flying fuck what you guys and gals do, but when n0ncey Paul uses the whole ‘they twist everything I say and make stuff up’ … that’s exactly what is happening when we start running with comments that clearly are not real, let’s not give him any room to wiggle out of shit anymore. Let’s try stick to the facts and take the little n down once and for all.
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