Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Hey WhatsApp huns, please feel free to screenshot and discuss in your group.

Imagine yourself being in a Domestic Abuse situation that you have no idea how to get out of and desperately need some guidance on what’s the best thing to do. Some gentle advice and reassurance. Maybe some confirmation that this situation is actually abusive in some form. Self doubt is high. Paranoid maybe. Is he right, it’s my fault. You’re too embarrassed to talk to friends or family. If only you could talk to someone without setting alarm bells off. Then you discover a lady who has a large social media presence regarding her apparent experience and knowledge of DA and helps ladies in these situations. You feel a bit of hope.
You message. It’s been read but not answered, not even a response to further signpost you towards help and guidance. You feel disappointed. What can you do? Maybe message again. Still, no response. You think oh I must be paranoid, he’s right. Or does the self doubt kick in and you’re thinking you’re not worthy of help. Either way, you’ve tried to reach out and it’s backfired. You follow her on Instagram and think, she’s talking again about her warriors, who are they? Why didn’t she answer her messages.
Weeks pass. The situation isn’t getting any better, in fact it’s getting worse. You feel trapped and stifled at home when he’s there. It’s a sunny day, you use it as an excuse to get out the house for an hour so he can calm down. You take the dog for a coastal walk, the sea air will clear your mind. You lose track of time. You feel like staying out a little longer and will join the queue for an ice cream. The dogs spinning the metal water bowl the vendor fills with water for passing dogs. He’s making a right racket. A little girl in the same queue with her parents spots the noise and laughs at the dog. You smile at her. It’s the small things you know. Then you realise the girl is the daughter of the lady you messaged on Instagram. She is with her Mum. Wow, it’s her. She’s in the queue. Part time working mummy. She’s with her Husband too. The police officer. Oh gosh what will you do. Shall you approach? While you’re pondering over that, you suddenly and violently get yanked by the shoulder. Oh god. It’s him. You’ve been out too long. He’s furious, you’ve made him worry. He spits venom down your ear to get the fuck home now, grabs your arm so hard it makes you scream out that it’s hurting you. He has his hand round your throat and yanks the dog lead out of your hand. Oh the pain. You’re sure he’s broken your thumb with that yank. You feel sick. You cannot breathe. Everyone is aware of what’s going on. You’re petrified, embarrassed, scared and your heart is pounding. He’s causing a scene and you don’t know what to do. Maybe someone will step in. The lady who helps DA victims and her off duty Police Officer husband surely will. They wouldn’t ignore such a publicly open display of abuse would they? That’s exactly what they did. They scuttle off with their daughter. They witness everything but choose to turn their heads and walk away fast paced. Someone does shout out but that incenses him further.
After being frogmarched home, you receive the beating of your life. The dog tries to protect you and barks and snarls. It’s no use. The last thing you hear before slipping into unconsciousness is the barking.
You’re left with life changing injuries. Long recovery ahead. Police statements. Multi agency involvement. Arrested and charged. Court case. Prison sentence. You are given support from genuine agencies. You mention in your statement who witnessed the first aggressive incident. How aghast and in disbelief at what they did. Anyone who will listen you tell. In therapy groups. The police. Anyone. You start to hear the feedback from those in authority regarding this couple from Paignton. It’s not positive. You’re actually sickened upon what you hear. Not just professional agencies. Anywhere in the area will know someone who knows them. Coffee shops, nail salons, local tradesmen, neighbours, ex friends, even family. You can’t believe it. Why hasn’t anything been done about them you ask? More and more people have been negatively affected in some form regarding the so called social media saviour of South Devon and her Police officer husband. You continue to follow their social media. It feels macabre in some ways but you live in hope that somewhere along the lines they will be stopped and he’d accountable. The fraud, the gaslighting, the abuse. Their platform just grows. She writes books. Their wealth snowballs. They convince people that they’re good citizens and the vilest people troll them.
I know the truth. This is my truth.
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And I quote "the poison that flows out of you for so many of us online that I’ve read will flow through your house and into your children. It’s sick." Please take on board your own words when dishing them out to others!


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A little Christmas pantomime for you all… 😂

Now this is the story all about how,
hundom imploded and burnt to the ground.
I’d like to take a moment, just sit right there,
I’ll tell you how Nikki went from a throne to a chair…

Once upon a time there was a lovely glittery far away land called hundom. All the huns came together to worship their master and create a ‘women supporting women’ community. Overseen by their ruler Queen Nikki.

All started well in hundom. Although their common enemy at this point was from a far off land called tattle. The huns did not like tattle. They knew the population of this land was far more intelligent and this rattled the huns. Dorothy red shoes in particular had upset the huns. Dorothy had shared an opinion about prison guard lisa and her piss take wishlist. This had ruffled the huns, who decided Dorothy needed to get laid and if she has something to say she should use her real name and ‘say it with chest’.

Other than this all was well in hundom. There were tales of bowel movements and dildos galore. All was going swimmingly. 1000s of messages were flying backwards and forwards day and night.

Their next grapple was being called a cult. This angered the huns. But the chat of how great the master is flowed and cheered the huns up no end. Queen nikki even created a discount code for her perfume business of ‘rachisqueen’ for her fellow huns. All was merry and bright.

Rumour quickly circulated through hundom that VCJR was among them and all hell broke loose. Nikki spent 2 hours searching who was following patreon and cross referencing with the hundom register to try and kick her out but alas this was no avail. They decided VCJR should be allowed to stay to see how ‘women support other women’ first hand.

Many of these hun had never heard of the little much more astute world called tattle before and went for a day visit to see how the intellectually more superior lived. They seemed surprised by some of the revelations.

By this time a hierarchy had formed in hundom. Queen Nikki reining over her subjects. The 6 diehard huns were next in line. The second tier of about 10. Then occasional commenters and lurkers. This suited their little cult just fine and the fun and frolics and chat of cheese intolerance and moaning about partners continued.

Just then a new enemy was encountered. A troll from the land of tattle had infuriated them. That troll went by the name of Emily chambers. Emily had threatened to report the master’s nursery. Well, the huns took umbrage to this. They decided they would search out Emily and take matters into their own hands. They thought they tracked Emily down and were going to do some reporting of their own.

There was a rather pleasant second tier hun who was the budget version of dipsydoodle. This hun did recaps at the end of everyday. Well, this cheeky little hun suddenly left the group without so much as a goodbye, thank you or fuck you. Just vanished. The diehard huns decided she must be a troll. In fact, they decided she was none other than Dorothy red shoes. They scoured the hun chat to see exactly when she left and if this coincided with their very own troll hunt. They even compared writing styles. You see, the huns are not very bright, it didn’t occur to them that Dorothy isn’t even one of the patreon spies on tattle, this little fact mattered not to the huns. She was Dorothy and that was that.
The bargain bin dipsydoodle then reappeared and they gushed over how they’d missed her and made her promise to never ever leave again. Surprisingly no more was said about her being Dorothy, apparently they didn’t fancy ‘saying it with chest’ themselves. Women supporting women.

A brief and welcome distraction came in the form of tattle discussing hundom. There was offence taken in abundance by jessibuns comment about them being from council estates. In fact I believe the huns referred to her as a ‘entitled Braggy little cunt’.

A diehard hun’s husband, let’s call him Dim Derek, decided he was going to infiltrate the land of tattle. He pondered for ages over his cunning plan. Derek did little voice notes saying how he was ‘really going to show those tattle trolls’, what was he going to do I hear you ask. Well, I’ll tell you. Derek wrote the longest paragraph he has ever written in his dopey little life, bless him. His poor little simple fingers must have been aching, he was going to post it to tattle and call them all cunts and ask what their problem was. Sat with a big grin on his gormless little face Derek excitedly posted this to tattle, ready for the hun praise to rain down upon him and…. Instant ban! Epic fail Derek!

After another failed attempt Derek decided he was going to start a rave thread for the master.

Before this could happen. Derek was stopped in his tracks. The much brighter beings from tattle had cleared the prison wishlist. Every. Single. Item. Gone. Poof, vanished into thin air. Tears ensued from Lisa and a big old ‘I don’t know why I bother’ while, I’d imagine, flinging her arms in the air in despair for dramatic effect. Her kids, sorry I mean the prison babies, Christmas had been ruined. The master had promised her this would work! Now she had nothing, no presents, no tree, not so much as a bauble.

A diehard hun had the bright idea that she would open up her personal PayPal for all the huns to send a small donation to buy a pre-lit Christmas tree for the prison. Now this hun clearly wasn’t paying attention in scam lesson 101. She kept tabs on every penny that was sent, provided minute by minute updates and when the target was hit sent a big STOP message. Sent proof of buying the tree, where it was sent and proof of delivery on arrival. This hun was a big disappointment to the master. A very big disappointment indeed. Had she taught her nothing?!

Unfortunately some huns did not understand the stop message and still sent more money. Disappointment hun told everyone how much had been sent and by whom and that she wasn’t comfortable with it. Queen Nikki courageously stepped up. ‘Send me the money’ she cried. ‘In fact everyone send me money’ she selflessly took the excess money and put her personal bank details on the WhatsApp stories for all the huns to send her money. This came with the promise that she personally would buy the prison babies the presents they so desperately needed with the money and send everything to the prison. What a hero!! Meanwhile, prison guard Lisa set up a new wishlist that only hundom could see. So why Nikki was needed is a mystery. A mystery that will most probably never be solved. This new wishlist was shared every god damn day until the end of time with sob stories and promises of photos of all the good that had been done. Along with occasional praise at what a difference they were making and how wonderful they were. The huns lapped it up! Sent their money to Nikki and bought gifts a-plenty from the wishlist. After all it’s women supporting women, right? This was going to be a marvellous Christmas for all. (except the huns that were now skint).

It was at this time that a message from the master announcing that she was receiving screen shots from tattle and it was making her poorly. She made an official request that hundom become a tattle free zone. She didn’t want the huns discussing or screen shotting their intellectual superiors from that moment forward. It enraged queen Nikki that the master had been upset and her wrath echoed through the narrow halls of hundom. A statement was quickly released by the palace ‘Hear ye, hear ye. It is hereby announced that from this moment on any mention of the brighter, more knowledgeable world of tattle shall result in instant banishment from hundom. The master shall not be questioned’

A deafening silence fell over hundom. The diehards were no where to be seen. The second tier occasionally peeked out of their hiding places to check if all was ok yet, but ok it was not. The occasional contributors made small talk but it all felt very dark and eerie in hundom. From that day forward the glitter was gone and a dark cloud loomed overhead, like a symbolic threat from the master.

So where were the huns? Were the diehards making their own smaller group? Had they been pushed too far? Did they think queen Nikki had actually been the wicked witch dressed up as the queen? No, surely not I hear you cry! This group is about women supporting women after all.

It was around this time that Nikki officially changed her name to reflect her self proclaimed royalty. With the huns hard earned cash in her pocket the power was really going to her head. Reminders of this rule and that rule flying about continuously. New rules added on the hour every hour. The huns heads were spinning. Threats of banishment for anyone who didn’t tow the line. She was ruling with an iron fist. This was not going to end well. All was no longer merry and bright.

The mood was briefly lifted by a second tier posting pictures of a Facebook selling page with tacky Chanel furniture up for sale. Oh how the huns laughed and mocked the Crystal encrusted lamps and Chanel embroidered placemats. It was all hun fun and games for a brief moment until a diehard burst back through the doors announcing, ‘you lot are no better than the trolls’. Well, world war 3 broke out! Calling each other trolls, leaving the group, queen Nikki implementing new rule after new rule to try and calm things down. The one that posted the selling page left hundom slamming the door behind her in rage. It calmed down for a short while. Just why the diehard took such umbrage to this is unknown. Maybe her house is filled with such tasteful Chanel furniture. Maybe they had inadvertently stumbled across her selling page. Who knows, or even dares to dream.

Just then, a diehard, probably the most popular in hundom, thought not enough attention was being paid to her and declared ‘if you’re going to break into smaller groups and slag me off, make sure it won’t get back to me’ weeeell, she was then threatening to leave too, everyone was up in arms, no amount of new rules nikki was throwing around was calming things down! Hun harmony was well and truly over. It lasted… About a week! ‘Women supporting women’ right there.

Amongst the chaos Nikki implemented a new rule that they aren’t allowed to advertise their small businesses on the page anymore. The huns all do things like scentsy or Avon. She loves a new rule does Nikki. A hun obviously missed this among the barrage of new rules. She was asked for details of her business, she obliged and Nikki removed her instantly. I’m sure it was just a coincidence that this particular hun had the same perfume business as Nikki. But remember, women supporting women.

3rd December 2022 started out like any other in hundom. Bit of small talk about misbehaving kids. Talk of what the day might bring but no one NO ONE could predict that this would be the day that would change hundom forever. The dark cloud that had been looming was about to burst in spectacular fashion.
It started with a few sly digs in nikki’s direction such as ‘I’m not sure we’re allowed to talk about that’ and ‘be careful I wouldn’t want you to get banned’. Then the feistiest of the diehards just went for the jugular ‘we’re not your fucking subjects Nikki, we don’t need a ruler. We can talk about tattle if we want’ so basically just fuck off with your rules. Well, Nikki came back fighting she said her and the master had decided that anyone who mentioned tattle would not only be banished from hundom but also removed from patreon! A collective gasp at this latest announcement could be heard from neighbouring kingdoms. Nikki thought the huns would surrender after this revolution but she was very very wrong. Screams of ‘well fuck the both of you’ could be heard far and wide. The diehards said that they wanted no part and they would cancel their patreon subscriptions themselves and leave hundom forever. If the master didn’t want their money then fuck her too! They threw a little ‘and you’re a bastard for removing perfume hun’ in for good measure. They would not be dictated to by Nikki or the master any longer. Nikki had to admit defeat. She repented, apologised profusely for her actions. She said that the master had turned on her too. She had accused queen Nikki of creating hundom only to discuss tattle and expressed great annoyance about this. Nikki felt there were underlying tones that the master thought she, queen Nikki herself, might be a troll!!

At this point I felt like my time in hundom had come to an end. There was the threat of more dramas on the edge of eruption as I left. Dethroned Nikki was being asked constantly how much money was collected for the prison babies and what she’d bought/if she’d sent it yet. Nikki was deflecting these messages and knocking them away like Serena Williams at a Wimbledon final but they kept coming thick and fast. Lisa (who still shared the wishlist multiple times a day) was subtly coaxed ‘we’d love to see that photo you promised’ but nothing was forthcoming. In fact both Nikki and Lisa were deadly silent on exactly what had been collected and where the money was.

So I packed up my girl gang T-shirts and Gucci glasses (they are standard issue) And joined the stampede for the exit in the days that followed.

Although a part of me wishes that I hung around for the sequel. ‘The huns and their big bums (that don’t fit in REBL tracksuits)’ coz it sounds like a corker!

And that my friends is a very good example of how women should not treat other women. All this happened in just over a week.
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Chatty Member
Morning ladies,

Don’t know what got into me last night, think I was just really fed up with Rachel jumping on the newest band wagon without even looking into it properly. It’s quite an emotive subject for me.

brief run down of why I got annoyed.

Age 6 weeks old dad walked out on mum for another woman. He lived over the road, was quite happy for me to go to school in jumble sale uniform whilst my step sister went to school in brand new. Promised to take me on holiday, week before said I couldn’t go as step sister wanted to take a friend.

mum had a brief relationship with a man that kicked hell out of her and us. I remember as a child peeking out my bedroom door and seeing him hitting her over the head with a tin of dog food, he wouldn’t think twice about just punching us as kids. Mum soon kicked his arse out!!

age 11, next door neighbour threw his 2 week old baby down the stairs as he was a psycho and was jealous of the baby, I held that baby in my arms while we waited for the ambulance to come, unfortunately the little boy died 3 weeks later.

got into drink and drugs at age 13, did my GCSE’s stoned...still got 3 ds 6 Cs and a B lol.

met my ex husband at 17, had kids at 21 and 23, got married, then he changed. Became an alcoholic, used to spend all his wages on booze, I racked up so much debt just feeding and clothing the kids. I didn’t eat so the kids could...was a lovely size 10....compared to my size 16 now!! Got a part time job, but would get home on a night and he would be passed out, pissed himself on the sofa and the little ones would still be running riot around the house. He would txt me constantly whilst I was at work, I was a slag, shit mum etc etc. He threatened to kill me several times. He was very manipulative as people thought he was amazing, and used to say how lucky I was to be married to him.

age 29 my beautiful baby sister committed suicide. My ex husband used that and used to say there’s no wonder she killed herself having a sister like me etc etc. Worst day of my life having to break the news to my mum that her youngest daughter had killed herself, then having to go round to my dear old nans and tell her, that broke my heart .

It took me another 4 years to finally break away, I got a job as a dinner bag so I didn’t need him to look after the kids. Then I kicked his arse out. Left thousands of pounds of debt im still trying to pay off 5 years later. Even when we split he sent abusive messages every night, turned a lot of friends against me, tried to turn my family against me. Turned up one night with his new drug addict girlfriend. Called me a shit mum, amongst other things, it turned physical, and he broke my leg in 3 places. I phoned my friend after crawling into the house, she took one look at me and packed the kids up to go to her house while I went to the hospital. I had met a wonderful man 3 months previous to this and were still dating, he came to the hospital with me, and basically moved in because I wasn’t allowed to walk for 6mths. Had an op 2 days before Christmas. Ex then tried to turn kids against my new boyfriend. Daughter didn’t speak to him for ages. I didn’t go to the police, I’m stupid I know...but I didn’t want the kids knowing their dad was a bastard. I wanted them to be old enough to make up their own mind. Which they have, slowly, they have realised since the lock down started he’s seen them 3 times, for an hour. He stopped me taking them abroad on holiday, refused to give me permission to take them out of the country for 2 weeks. Ended up doing it, and we had the time of our lives. He pays me £100 a month for both of them in maintenance, he walked away with £4K in cash and both cars...and it still wasn’t enough.

I had a mental breakdown 3 years ago, it was hard but I climbed back to the top

Now 5 years later, I am so in love with my wonderful other half who saw me at my worse. My kids adore him. We have struggled through this pandemic me being furloughed and him unable to work. We have been on the bones of our arse. But my kids are amazing and thriving. I’ve had a promotion at work and now an assistant catering manager, over seeing 10 primaries and a secondary school.

Life is on the up!!!

This is why I get triggered by all the crap she does, this wasn’t a woe is me post, it was a reassurance to anyone struggling it gets better.

Sorry to everyone that read that and didn’t scroll by, be thankful I didn’t embellish like our Rachel does....hey I should write a book!!!

Love you all xxx
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(I've rewritten the first verse of STAN for Lindsey. For £400 and a Cost Voucher, I will go and Rap it outside one of her book signings through a megaphone 📣.)


Dear Rach, I DM'ed you but you still ain't respondin'

I left my number, my @ and my home address at the bottom

I sent two fluffy clouds back in Winter, I know you got 'em

They are probably in the bin, or got thrown into the toilet by Wibble or somethin'

Sometimes I get emotional and desperate when I post 'em

But anyways, babes, what's been up, hun? How's your centres going?

My Husbands a twat too, I'm 'bout to be a single mother.

But if I get married again guess who I'll be marrying?

I'ma marry you

I read about your Ex Wayne too, I'm sorry

I also had a kid with a man who didn't want me.

I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan

I even pay on two patreon's and still donate to your PayPal

I got a shrine full of your books, wine glasses and calendars mam

I even pretend to like Josh too and that shit is hard damn

Anyways, I hope you get this, Rach, hit me back

Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest of Prin's

This is Lindz
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I know you read these threads, as do your followers, so I’m hoping you’ll read this.

I’ve never followed you, but I remember that post you wrote years ago about being in Mothercare with the new mum who was struggling. It was shared thousands of time; you touched women - some mums, others not for whatever reason. But it resonated, because as women we get a fucking shit deal in life. I didn’t read the other post about a woman on a bridge, but again - that resonated with many.

Slowly, your page grew and grew. Mums who were sitting at home, tired from a sleepless night, worrying how to care for children alone, living in abusive relationships, trying to feed their families on a limited budget. Wow, they could relate to you. This wonderful mother who wasn’t just raising children but also her husband’s from another relationship. What a woman!

Your daughter was traumatised so much by her father that she requires therapy. Those boys’ mum was such a neglectful alcoholic that they were not permitted to see her.

Your husband, a heroic police officer working nights and making right what was wrong in the world. You began to work with domestic abuse charities and you were taking in referrals in the middle of the night - services were ringing you to accommodate women and their children. Amazing. This woman who empowered other women.

You’d bring them to your home, around your family, show their photos to the world of their happy faces.

Your followers grew and grew... baring in mind that 1 in 4 women are affected by domestic abuse so chances are the majority of those followers are or have been victims themselves at some point. They see you as a beacon of hope. You make the long days better with your words, they also feel like their kids are turds too. Hooray for someone who admits this!

You wrote a book about your life and these followers bought it, as seen in your Instagram stories, the majority are women. Tired, kids in the back ground, strong coffee at hand. You make them feel better. You had a shit life and now look at you... beautiful family and home. They can have this too.

But then Tattle happened... and you directed people here (me included) with your emotional story. I expected nastiness, vitriol, hatred... some posts are unfair but I scroll past. The majority are from women whom are intelligent, articulate and fair. They ask valid questions. They are concerned regarding your lack of safeguarding, your change in lifestyle but lack of transparency, your lies.

You wrote a book and gave someone a pseudo name of ‘Sam’. That is your stepsons’ mother’s name. You had no consent from her to write about her in your book, but you still went ahead. Those ridiculous followers that you have will read this book and know personal information about her. Did you mention that you had an affair with Josh, that he left on their son’s birthday and that you broke her and she turned to the bottle to cope?

Have you tried to maintain contact between the boys and their mum, seeing as you are a champion of women?

If T, your daughter, is so traumatised/shy/timid... why have you permitted her to use social media - a particular media that is commonly used amongst sex offenders? It is irrelevant that ALL her friends use it; you, as a fucking ambassadors of Kidscape should know better and use that as an example. God... you could’ve posted how dangerous it is and your moronic followers would have deactivated their children’s accounts too... you literally could have done something positive in safeguarding children.

Instead, you wrote a message to say T uses it on your phone... when? It’s glued to your hand?

You have written countless posts about ‘working’ with Women’s Aid or Refuge and you do not. You are not qualified to do so; you do not work in a refuge, you do not offer outreach support. Your home is not and should not ever be used as accommodation for vulnerable women. They should never be on your social media accounts and especially not their children.

You portray yourself as this woman who does so much good for DA victims yet your teenager daughter lives in the garden. You do not show respect to your husband and neither do your children; if he treated you as you do him - your morons would be in uproar.

Yes, you breastfeed. Now stop. Stop with the videos and photos and stories... there are women who cannot breast feed due to physical abnormalities, pain, inability to latch (me) or just don’t fucking want to. Stop ramming it down our throats. There’s enough of that in the world.

You cannot possibly think it’s okay to post asking for donations of prams when you’ve been gifted one worth £900.

You cannot post asking for donations for women leaving refuge when you were gifted a conservatory.

You cannot ask someone to donate to your PayPal when you have perfume worth £200 by your bed, a zoo in your garden, designer clothes, a cleaner and a stockpile. Don’t be greedy. Don’t exploit vulnerable women who have fuck all to give but do because you’ve resonated with them (with your lies). You are not relatable anymore Rachel. It’s time to leave the DA/safeguarding/empowering women stuff behind. Leave it for those of us like me... who after paying for childcare, rent and food has fuck all each month but still gets up each morning to REALLY WORK IN DA. You enrage me because you exploit these women that I strive to protect. You have made money from the back of being a champion for these women and you are not Rachel.

Your moronic followers have low intelligence, most likely to be unemployed and the type that call themselves “yummymummy” or “leylasmummy”, each day is a fucking struggle and the summer holidays have been hard trying to raise children on a low income. They look at you getting your feet rubbed, sitting on the sofa with your #gifted deliveries and you give them hope that it won’t always be like that. That’s what they mean by “all she does for other people”... it’s what you do for THEM. That hope. Exactly like the Mothercare post (which I think turned out to be made up, wasn’t it?)

How awkward it must have been for you to have KDIL cry about her issues with PND and seeing your new baby... will you be next with the PND bullshit (by the way, I was sectioned for hearing voices and wanting to push my baby son’s pram under a lorry so all these mum bloggers’ continual droning on anything to do with pre and ante natal stuff for likes and followers just tires after a while).

Be a good friend and encourage her to see a counsellor, or invite her for coffee. Try and get her to stop over sharing personal issues and maybe share them with her husband? But that wouldn’t be right coming from you because you’re exactly the same. Anything for the gram! You post a photo of a csection scar and the painful recovery the same time as your timid daughter posts a photo of you dancing.

You are greedy Rachel. But the higher you climb, the harder you’ll fall. These morons that idolise you will whittle away and your beautiful children will grow up with many questions. I wouldn’t sell my family’s mental health for all the #gifts in the world.

Please stop with all the penis, vag, nipples talk.
Please stop writing that you cried in the supermarket and required comfort from your husband and reassurance that you’re not fat. You have a teenage daughter and your morons will also be impressionable (I mean... they actually followed Betsy’s teenage boyfriend so 🤷‍♀️)
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Thank you everyone ❤
It’s the sheer frustration that people are still being duped by this fraudulent pair and us tattlers here are portrayed as the ones in the wrong. It’s infuriating and downright dangerous.
Not all ladies ( or men) fit her demographic of what a victim of DA is. Being poor, having hungry kids under foot with no place or means to escape. I don’t need somewhere to put a load of washing on, a footlocker gift card and a £30 Nike beanie hat is of no use to me. I can afford my own Costa coffee. What would of been useful to me costs nothing. Not a single penny. A reply to a message. Even an automated one with a helpline or signposting me to somewhere that could’ve listened or helped. I had no idea about where to go or what to do. For a DA advocate, surely that would be the minimum response.
I’m in my late 50’s. I was married for 30 years to the most wonderful man. We had the best marriage and raised our 4 children together and welcomed grandchildren. I had a blissful life. I was sadly widowed and when I was at my most vulnerable, the man who I casually employed to take care of the DIY and gardening became the controlling abuser within a matter of weeks. He saw me as a rich widow meal ticket. When that didn’t transpire as easily as he thought, that’s when the trouble started. It really can happen to anyone and in any circumstance. Anyway, I’m all good now. My family were my strength and still are and I had professional help and support throughout. The only thing that hasn’t healed is that the sham that is Part time working mummyThis patchwork shitshow just gets worse as every day passes. I’m a tattler because of her. Pure and simple.
I don’t live in Paignton but I do have a holiday home there. The support services I have received there and in my hometown were amazing. What is apparent is the amount of professional services who do not have a good word to say about either of them, never mind all the family/friends that they’ve hurt. They really are vile narcissistic abusers full of self importance who actually believe their own lies. They are cheating, scheming, deceitful nasty people who have both put their ex’s and others through utter hell. My grievances with them are small fry in comparison really. I live for the day their empire comes crashing down as do many others.

And you huns in your WhatsApp group, Some words of advice. Never trust anyone with a god complex. Do a little research and try and put 2 and 2 together. All their ex’s, family members, friends, ex employees who are now deemed toxic by them can’t all be bad surely? The common denominator is them.
Are us tattlers all evil trolls as she suggests? We are not. We all have a reason to be on here. We all have a right to say what we feel and what we’ve experienced. We can and will continue to voice our opinion. We do it with humour, sarcasm and also anger and astonishment. We do not make death threats to her or her family, unborn child or anyone else that she implies on her social media. She and her vile husband are the masters of deflection. Once you see the light, you will kick yourselves for not seeing it sooner. But when you do, us tattlers will be here and will welcome you. They welcomed me and without this safe space here, I don’t think I’d of healed quite as quick as I have. Thank you to each and every one of you ❤
I’m going to open the Christmas Baileys now. Cheers Tattlers. x x
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I wasn't going to post this, but fuck it some more of her lies need to be outed.
I accidentally posted a screen shot that doxxed me, she went on her stories to doxx me and emailed my employer. She then went on about how I was desperately trying to delete all my posts and being on here had cost me my job. None of this is true. My line manager had to follow up on it (as they do with all reports no matter how crazy they seem which I do agree with). My line manager informed me as a FYI that someone had sent a report about me that appears to be malicious as they couldn't see any record of me using work resources to chat on message boards. I hope rach is happy about wasting public resources and literally taking money away from struggling people! There's nothing illegal or even immoral to chat about influencers, she's crazy to think it's akin to running an underground crime ring. I only don't post here as much anymore due to not having the time. She didn't scare me off and I know by posting this she'll probably know exactly who I am, but fuck it 🖕 . Rach you were called malicious. Why don't you reflect on your on behaviour and stop trying to make out everyone else is the problem. I'd stand up in court over calling you exactly what you are. You keep going on to prove everyone here right. You have volunteered to make your life public for cash, the public are allowed an opinion on it. I think you're actually too stupid to understand!
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VIP Member
Wow I hope your OK and glad to see your still posting here!
I'd would definitely name and shame them although the screenshot my get deleted as it could break tattle rules....
Yes influeners.... this website actually has morals!! Unlike you like.
I swear, they all behave so so much worse and they think its ok.
What I would do is screenshot their abuse and send it to their employers and places of work... see how they like it!!! And inform them that u have contacted the police.
Then they might shit themselves (the huns i mean)
I haven't done anything wrong. I've stated my opinion on a public forum of a public account. They have posted details of a private account. I haven't contacted them, their family, their colleagues, nobody. If they can't take criticism, which is far from trolling, then maybe they should be rethinking things.
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Chatty Member
I actually feel quite sad knowing there is a minority on here that don’t really give a shit that the Acipellas are pouring out years of abuse and trauma at the hands of Rachel, instead, that minority are focused heavily on the tea being spilt.

Seriously, at what point in life do we think it’s acceptable to get off on someone else’s troubles and not show an ounce of empathy for what this family have been through?

They don’t *have* to do anything they don’t want to. They don’t have to speak up or spill anything more than we know now, it’s their story to tell.
I’ve seen very few people try to make a stand beyond tattle regarding her behaviour, yes, we see lots of complaints to brands which is great when done the right way, but we also see a lot of trolling beyond here which actually, completely discredits us. So, rather than sulk and demand the Acipellas spill more or shut up, just remember they are vulnerable women themselves that have been heavily impacted by that fraud of a woman. They aren’t here for our entertainment. We aren’t Rachel, remember that before obsessing over their trauma please.

Acipellas - all in your own time ladies. Do whatever you need but protect yourselves and your mental health above all else.
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My partner has threatened to slit my throat in front of my children tonight, I'm on the floor in my youngest child's room, so they feel safe. In the past I turned to shambleton for help - only to be ignored.
This will be the last night we stay here, one way or another. At breaking point. Sorry to post on here x
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Well-known member
Good morning Tattlers; new and old.

I’ve had a look at Louisa Zissman’s stories after reading about them on MOD’s thread. I’m so glad she’s understanding what Tattle is all about... it’s just gossip, with some unpleasant comments that are easy to scroll past and some valid, articulate discussions regarding our concerns about some of these influencers.

I’m intrigued at PTWM’s sudden decision to have a social media break - probably the first time she’s done so and that phone is glued to her hand... could it be that she’s concerned about the press catching on to the PayPal scandal? About how her followers set up a PayPal donation account to save PTWM’s house - but no one knows where those donations have gone to? They’re still renting the house.

Could it be that she’s worried that the press will find out that she’s lied about the ‘stranger on the bridge’ and ‘the young mum in Mothercare’ stories that were shared thousands of times and propelled her to this platform as a Champion of Vulnerable Women?

Is she panicking that Tattlers are finally getting recognition for not being a group of vipers and trolls as she regularly spouts, but that we are a group of honest, decent women (mostly, am sure there are men, too) who are sick of these scammers. Sick of these social media influencers shoving #ad after #ad at us when we can’t afford that lifestyle. Portraying this wonderful family life when they’re #gifted this and that. STOP.

PTWM is an ambassador for Kidscape yet her young daughter has a TicToc account; by the way new readers and lurkers... Tattlers found that video of PTWM dancing on TicToc first and PTWM saw it was shared here - that’s why she uploaded it, to ‘normalise it’. The reason we were appalled though was PTWM had just written a long post about not being able to move after ‘having her stomach sliced in two’ but she was dancing with her daughter? Then we were concerned and toyed with the idea of contacting school - because of T’s public TicToc account. We debated this and decided against it, so no-one did. Not one of us here reported it to the school.

PTWM has built her name on being a Domestic Abuse advocate. And this here is where I became a Tattle member as that is my background. A DA advocate does not invite vulnerable victims into their home and nor do they show pictures of these women (and their children) on their social media accounts. I was appalled at the lack of safeguarding PTWM displayed - inviting strangers into her home - we as support workers of vulnerable service users are not allowed to disclose our personal details.

We have women telling their partner which refuge they’re in and have the perpetrator turn up, so we have to move her to keep herself and other families safe. What would PTWM have done had this happened at her door? How has she managed to find refuge space for six women in a week when I have to send a woman back to the perpetrator on a Friday afternoon because no refuge in the nearby counties have a space?

An advocate of DA does not film her husband, without his knowledge, and post it without his consent. She posted several stories/videos filming Josh complaining about something related to the family or housework. It was a private conversation between husband and wife but she uploaded them. Now, had a man uploaded videos of his wife complaining - there would be uproar. It would be abusive.

An advocate of DA does not tell her followers the whereabouts of a homeless person’s staying place. Nor do they discuss the fact he has a broken tent. They don’t upload a picture with the cost of a new tent (who’s benefit was that for?); they don’t video the Mother in Law laughing and making fun of a torch that “looks like a tampax”. They don’t say “it’s been a nice day out” when they’ve been out to hand these new camping equipment to the man in question. HE did not ask for his story to be told. HE did not ask for sympathy nor donations. They intruded on his personal space.

PTWM shared a story (and this is how I heard about Tattle), where she was distressed and hurt about some of the comments about her. I wasn’t following PTWM but I was following Knee Deep in Life who wanted everyone to support and love PTWM. Anyway, I was moved by this video of a pregnant vulnerable woman and horrified at Tattle Life. But I’m glad I was nosy enough to come and have a read because I have had my eyes opened so much.

I feel like I could be Wilby’s nanny - I know everything about him. PTWM’s eldest daughter, Betsy, has a boyfriend and PTWM even tags him - why? Where is the safety in this? Her children are constantly filmed. It’s #ad after #ad yet in her rant about Tattle she was crying saying she gives her last £20 to strangers. Hang on a minute... she’s wearing a £250 Stella McCartney coat and Josh has a £250 Stone Roses coat. So - where’s the PayPal donations? She’s able to go on holidays, often eats out. That’s not reflective of the lifestyle of her followers.

Anyone who’s ever tried to ask them about PayPal are ‘blocked’. KDIL even blocked me because I’d ‘liked’ a comment asking where the donations were. Why not be accountable? You can’t put yourself out to the internet and not accept that there will be backlash? You’ve got to be transparent. I’ve found that those who want Tattle to be taken down (PTWM and her husband), usually have something to hide. PTWM’s artist friend even called one of us a ‘c**t’ when asked a question. Is that being kind?

PTWM advocates for kindness but she had an affair with Josh whilst he was married? And for those of you who’ve thought of his ex-wife as some drunk, how many of us would turn to drink if our husband left us on our son’s birthday? And how many of you would turn to drink if you weren’t allowed to see your children but the whole world could, because your sons are always on PTWM’s posts? We know more about S and I than their mother does. How bloody sad?

And that book you’ve all loved reading... did you notice she’d given someone the pseudo name ‘Sam’. Yeah, that’s the ex-wife’s name too. Can we really relate to a woman who writes about her family members for the world to know?

Now, I’m not a viper. I’m someone who’s been in and out of refuges as a child and adult. I was physically beaten by my mum when she was an alcoholic, I was so happy when her partner died of a heroin overdose cos he would have killed my mum, and it would mean no more kicking my bedroom door at night. But I’d never write about this in public because she’s my mum. People would treat her differently. It’s respect. You can’t sell your family.

PTWM had a healthy eating campaign recently but her children regularly have breakfasts in McDonald’s and she’s got an #ad with Nutella?
This woman claims to champion empowerment but she portrays herself as weak, needy and dependent. She phones her husband at his work place when she wants something... she doesn’t do any housework and has the luxury of a cleaner. She forgot to do the online food shop one day and complained about how he kids had to have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, I work with families who’s children go to school’s Breakfast Club because they don’t have anything in. But she managed to get her nails and lashes done?

Look at the bigger picture and do not be drawn in by this false Instagram social media bullshit. Be critical. Ask yourself if this is true. Does she really work with refuges - or does she simply send #gifted donations on? Does she sit in an office applying for benefits and grants for a mother who’s left an abusive man, does she badger housing associations for a property for a family, does she attend Marac cases and put safety plans in place to stop another woman being murdered?

How many times has she mentioned Rosie Duffield’s speech? Moving, raw... 0 times. How many times has she mentioned the Domestic Abuse Bill? 0 times. But this is her USP?

I work x2 jobs and can’t afford their lifestyle, but I’m fucking honest and hardworking. Tattlers, enjoy your families, your health, love each other and do an act of kindness each day without posting it online. Be real. Warmth, food and a roof. We don’t need designer crap and expensive holidays. We need integrity. Have a lovely day ❤
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