
VIP Member
I just thought we were gonna get home bargains and Iceland hauls. Instead we’ve got jacked up caro-whine who is just raging at anybody and everything!
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That poor girl, having to do damage control and not a word from Caroline, just removed her review that was it!
How could she be so.....let's see, clumsy🫢
I hope that Talbot gets a hold of this! What a shit show, like I've already said what if people tried to put her mum out of business, wonder how she'd like that?
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She just posted a video of Kyle’s arrival and he’s hugging the kids and no word of a lie, she looks at the camera and says “visibly no yeti cooler” (ice box.) who gives two fucking shits if the cooler did or didn’t show?! Your children are seeing their father for the first time in about a month. Absolute psycho cunt. Just shows she doesn’t care about him. If it was my husband I’d be all over him with the kids wtf.
If she gave the tiniest shit about her family she wouldn’t be filming such an intimate moment in the first place. She exploits every single family moment.
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So she’s now slagging off brits. Is she now trying to piss of the Brits as well as the Americans? Does she want to lose all of her followers? This women truly baffles me.
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whatever is going on, in Caroline’s world, where it doesn’t rain, the NHS isn’t fucked, where she doesn’t need a car but ends up with a defender, where she has her “village” even though that’s currently just one friend - it’s absolute career suicide and I have no idea how anyone is still following her.
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How tone deaf do you have to be to think formula costing £12 a tin is cheap? Yes it’s cheaper than the US, but for a lot of families right now £12 for a tin that won’t last a week is a lot.
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This woman I swear to god. If she has one hater left, it’s me. If she has zero haters left, I’m dead. Xenophobic, classist scum. Not to mention she’s dumb as a brick, an awful wife, and a seeming incapable/barely passable mother. I genuinely can’t think of an influencer I’ve disliked more.
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It always blows my mind a company like Tempur are gifting a mattress to these fools and so many kids in the UK don’t even have a bed/mattress to call their own 😞
Companies use the grifters as it’s a cheap way of advertising unfortunately.
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Stars so entitled. I want my kids at the school my friends kids go to. Boohoo you don’t always get what you want but they won’t get shot! Thought that was what it was all about.
I used to really like her but she’s beyond irritating now.
im just here to watch her life fall apart in the uk.
her marriage is defo not going to survive the long term.
WHY does she need to be in a school her friends kids are at? Just so Caroline has mum friends in the school? Cos my kid isn’t in a school with my friends kids so when she joined I just made some friends and so did my daughter and whilst I might hate some of the mums of her friends I grin and bear it. Seems like Caroline wants to micro manage Sophie’s friends for her! Get a grip! I’m sure you can all go for picnics after school and drink condensed milk and have lashing and lashings of ginger beer, after you all cycle there on your bikes!
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She wants Sophie in the same school as her friends kids because she has this image of dropping Sophie off and then toddling off (on her stupid bike of course) for coffee and cake with said pals. Has she considered that most people do drop off and then dash off to work?! Most people have real lives and jobs and responsibilities? It is all about her and her idea of what her life will be like here, not anything to do with Sophie or what is best for her.
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I'm a British person living in Britain and I've never heard off the bigger the easter egg the more you are loved. Does Caroline just have some family traditions and then says the whole off the UK is the same?
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This was what she always wanted. She was trying to sound relatable saying they wanted the kia. She's disgusting. Maybe get an actual house for your family to live in since you dragged them across the world to make you happy.
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Fuck me she’s rattled my cage with that NHS post. Why does she think she knows EVERYTHING??? Listen up Miss Know it All. You haven’t lived here for 10 lonnngggg years. The NHS is in crisis. No shit her 4 month old got squeezed in, any GP would do the same. JUST WAIT till you or Kyle need it, or an ambulance takes an hour to someone who only has minutes to live. Or try waiting 4 FUCKING YEARS for an Autism diagnosis for a toddler to access support. You know fuck all you dim cow so do us all a fucking favour and STFU!!!!!! 😡😡😡
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The lifestyle she thinks she's about to have vs. the lifestyle she'll actually have is going to be wild to watch. 👀
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