
VIP Member
I feel like she’s going to have an almighty big crash bang wallop down to reality when winter hits here. She keeps going about loving the later nights and being able to walk and enjoy the extended days. Pizza express and roasts. Like someone who is on holiday. She’s not living in reality. When the honeymoon period ends it’s going to be a real shit show.
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VIP Member
Saying that Brits are ‘negative about the weather’ when she is negative about just about every fucking thing ever
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Mmm I don't agree, if he was the only child, maybe but she brought up Sophie and I like how she constantly offers Charlie what they are eating, exposing him to plates of food, texture, flavour, does he eat it? No but at least she tries, Caroline doesn't get everything right but aspects of her parenting she is good at, people will say oh he knows he can get a pouch but what's she supposed to do? Starve him? He has lots of energy, looks healthy enough so whatever he is getting is working. I think he may have some sensory issues regarding texture, not uncommon.
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There’s absolutely no way she’s bumping into ‘everyone’ in ‘little Sainsbury’s’ (no one calls it that) she’s been gone 10 years, they won’t remember her/ know her well enough to talk to her. She’s acting like she lives in a tiny village in the 1950’s. Monetising off the Americans I guess and she’s not embarrassed that her British followers know the truth
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Active member
She will argue black is white.
So much anger and frustration.
She has burnt her bridge with the States with two fingers up. She knows that she will never go back, hell would have to freeze over.
She will defend the narrative she has sold to herself and Kyle to get out of the States until the cows come home.
I also feel like something hasn’t gone to plan and that reality is causing her palpable rage which comes out in her comments. Biting commenters heads off like mentioned above.
At the end of the day, she got what she wanted but it’s not actually really what she thought it would be.
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Well-known member
Is it just me - she comes across in her comments like she hates her followers...

Every response is so defensive, passive aggressive or just plain aggressive.

Her poor family must just live in the world according to Caroline. She is ridiculously tone deaf. She wasn't in the UK during Covid and didn't experience the NHS on its knees.

It's still not recovering. It isn't fit for purpose. The government have systemically destroyed it. The people are excellent (for the most part of course there's exeptions) but they're also being underpaid and undervalued.

She lives in an altered reality where she can spend her days at farm shops and soft plays then swan off to the pub in the evening. For the majority of mums in the UK that isn't realistic. I don't know who her very small niche of followers are but Caroline it won't pay the bills. So maybe wisen up.
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Chatty Member
I think someone on Reddit got it spot on- she’s just never going to be happy. She thought getting married and moving to America would make her happy, nope, then if they lived in Boston she would be happy, nope, if she had a third baby, nope now wants a fourth, if she did up her kitchen and bathroom it would make her happy, nope. How many jobs has she had? So going home isn’t going to work either. She will get back here and will only be happy when they get their own house to do it up like the other instahuns, this will be the next “I want”. My husbands like this- it’s exhausting, constantly chasing dopamine fix. Loves spending money. Kyle must be a saint. She needs to get help!
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I don’t think she fully realises how shit things have been for lots of people this year. It’s complete ignorance. I’d love her to sit in front of a mother who’s been waiting for months for a cahms appointment whilst worrying about her childs rapidly deteriorating mental health. “Stop ‘moaning’ the NHS is great I got some rash cream for my baby in 2 hours and I’m not even registered”.
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Her post about romanticizing the uk 😂 one person said something and all her adoring fans jumped on her. The uk isn’t all beer gardens and soft plays. It’s poverty and miserable for lots of people. Not everyone’s fortunate enough to be in her privileged position. She slated America every day! Make it make sense.
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Active member
I think she could do with putting her phone down today and enjoying time with her kids and family rather than rambling on about societal issues she has no education in having been out the country for some years.
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I can’t believe she’s sharing a link for a petition about keeping children safer from social media. The hypocrisy is too loud
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Chatty Member
Can’t say I have witnessed her happiness since arriving in the UK. Is she saying getting a free pram makes her happy. 🤔

Have mainly witness one very angry, aggy, pissed (UK meaning 😉) money & status obsessed, spoilt brat.
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Well-known member
Have I got this right…Kyle was given the opportunity to choose a diamond ring which he has given to Caroline as a push present?! For free?! And she knew nothing about it?! 🙄
There are not enough eye rolls for this!
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I just don’t see what the appeal is now. She’s slobby, a bit grubby and so snarky to even the most well meaning of comments. Being someone who happened to live out of the UK for a few years doesn’t make her interesting and neither does thinking she speaks for the whole of the UK about politics, the NHS, schools or food. I don’t remember the last time we ate “bangers and mash” and the way she “cooks” and then throws it on the plate certainly doesn’t represent the way I live. How does she get gifted so much? I wouldn’t want her to represent my company, and I would not buy anything from anyone gifting to her.
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The begging is embarrassing. That’s the third (??) time she’s tagged Buggaboo in wanting one of those prams. If they wanted to, they would Caz.

For someone who is always flaunting and bragging about wealth while simultaneously moaning about the cost of things, she sure does beg for freebies a lot. Caroline, you have three £400+ baby carriers in different fabrics. Maybe just buy a double pram, you nonsensical twat.
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