I absolutely loathe the way she goes on about the NHS like she’s Nye Bevan reincarnated because it’s FREE and therefore we’re obligated to overlook the myriad of problems because IT’S FREE.

It’s not fucking free at all Caroline, it’s free at the point of service like other European healthcare models which are paid for with a mix of taxation and insurance. These healthcare systems have far more favourable outcomes and operate much better as a service than our NHS but nobody has the right to complain about the shit standard of the NHS because it’s free.

Love, if you needed shoes and I gave you one shoe with no sole on you don’t have to praise my generosity. It ain’t fit for purpose as a whole and if one trust is arguably decent, that doesn’t mean the trust down the road is too. I don’t think Caroline realises that the NHS isn’t one thing - it’s a whole interconnected network of private and public businesses and contracts managed (and mismanaged) by individual trusts. The NHS in Wales is run by Labour too but she probably doesn’t know that or even count Wales as part of the UK.

Say you’re thick as pig shit without saying you’re thick as pig shit, you ignorant, sanctimonious narcissistic fool.

Many of us have watched our loved ones die in this system when they could have been saved but Caroline wants to go on about her seven grand baby who was only seven grand because she and her husband fucked up their insurance. Dickhead.
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Chatty Member
Most local authorities offer free school meals now for all children up to a certain age. The age varies by authority. Do I think that’s the best use of taxpayers money? Absolutely not. That help should be for the vulnerable. I’ve seen first hand the waste involved in these schemes. It’s unreal. It’s more to do with parents not having to bother making packed lunches and having one less thing to do imo.
Sorry no. “It’s more to do with parents not having to bother making packed lunches” is such a wild and insulting statement. Our country as in the whole UK not just one part is massively fucked from different reasons/situations but the main being our government.

I would pay double tax to make sure children were getting a free lunch and having some food in their stomach whether it be a sandwich or a hot meal. If anyone can begrudge a child food then I think you should maybe re-adjust your “what is the best use of tax payers money” to our members of parliament with their ridiculous salaries.
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Chatty Member
Attack is the best form of defense. Deep down she realized it probably wasn’t a good idea to leave her dog unattended & vulnerable but her huge ego would not allow her to admit it. People were giving her advice but she always knows better. She wants England to be the England she left a decade ago.
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Well-known member
She's just absolutely miserable.

Hates her children. Hates her husband. Hates her family. Hates the US. Hates her followers...

She reminds me of my mother. The entitlement she has and the way she always has to be right and wants to be seen as the centre of her family when in reality she does fuck all.

She doesn't like her followers at all. She just wants to live in her mums big house, drive a 70k car, cet gifted luxury items and holidays and go to soft plays and pubs all day.

She's living in altered reality. None of the comments I've seen have been rude her followers are all lovely to her and she responds with so much nastiness it's vile..
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Wow so Caroline has one positive experience with the NHS and that means that EVERYONE else’s must be wrong and “they’re just moaning”.

Way to completely invalidate anyone else’s feelings or opinions just because they’re different to hers 🙄.

Getting an appointment for the same day for a rash on a baby/child is her experience, but what about the man in his 60’s who has never smoked but has had a cough lasting 3 months, has only just plucked up the courage to get it checked only to be told there’s no appointments and to book it online. Who then feels like they’re just worrying about nothing and wasting people’s time so doesn’t get it checked.

Just because it hasn’t happened to Caroline doesn’t mean it’s not happening to people all over the country.
She’s infuriating.
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Is she actually sniffing glue? Is that what it is? Is this not the same woman who sent her minions and herself to a review page of a local business without even thinking, but yet claims she doesn't believe in boycotting businesses or bringing good companies down?

Also Kelly 😂 she needs to come out of her shell 🐚
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A couple of weeks ago she was telling the story about the incident with the boys in the park, someone in the comments said to her, I'm surprised you didn't get stabbed. And she clapped back and said they were in an upper middle class town. On her Reddit thread, someone posted the comment so it's there as evidence. But now apparently just a few weeks later, she's incredulous that in 2024 people are still categorizing by class. She can't believe it's still happening, what's the obsession everyone, can we all just stop it.

Her lack of self awareness is staggering.
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She just posted a video of Kyle’s arrival and he’s hugging the kids and no word of a lie, she looks at the camera and says “visibly no yeti cooler” (ice box.) who gives two fucking shits if the cooler did or didn’t show?! Your children are seeing their father for the first time in about a month. Absolute psycho cunt. Just shows she doesn’t care about him. If it was my husband I’d be all over him with the kids wtf.
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What is her actual problem? She’s been back in the UK two minutes and thinks she knows everything about everything? She’s insufferable
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VIP Member
Ooh. I’m glad I found this thread. I used to quite like her but finding it all a bit contrived now. Shes just another middle class insta hun.
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Chatty Member
She’s common as muck. I find her set up baffling. I’m still baffled her mum has a mortgage at her age! Tell me you couldn’t afford your house without telling me you couldn’t afford your house😂

Leasing cars, living with her mum and her poor kids dressed like they are homeless …. Yup defo posh Caroline 🤯🤯🤯

Money shouts , wealth whispers babe✌
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Caroline is the type of parent that will let her kids wander over to other people, and think it’s cute when her kid won’t leave them alone, meanwhile the people are getting pissed off some random kid won’t f*** off.
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