From one animal murderer to another...

So someone killed your dog on purpose Kipper. Maybe it's the South Africans? Or a stalker? Or a fan? Or maybe it was YOU, ya thick cow!

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Stan Butler

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Those things are absolutely hideous - pêrfick for the skank as the fashun ikorn wot she izzz innit :)
I think i'd look stunning with a pair of oversized JYY nylon trousers tucked into the top of the cowcroc boots and a nice oversized JYY fishing net jumper and one of skanks headband things to top the "look" off. 🤣
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Well Bernie Eccleston has just been found guilty of a massive fraud against HM taxes Admittedly he won't go to prison because he's frail and ancient, plus he's paid a massive settlement and a fine on top. Skank must be bricking it 🤣
If BE hadn’t paid that fine you bet he would be going to prison. 93 years old or not. HMRC does not like people taking the piss.

next up…… Katie fucking Price
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DCI Jack Logan

Chatty Member
Just a thought has anyone thought of emailing her local MP whoever it is, totally different situation but a few years ago I needed to speak to my local council and just kept getting fobbed off, emailed my local MP and flash bang wallop the very next day the most senior member of staff in the department I needed to speak to invited me in to personally deal with my situation.
Not sure how to go about it but there are plenty clever and knowledgeable people on here who may have some ideas, my thoughts were to make big play on the fact that not only are the poor animals in danger in her care but her sheer negligence is putting motorists and the general public in huge jeopardy and would they want blood on their hands if the next time and point out there will be a next time with her appalling track record a car swerved to avoid hitting the dog, horse whatever has got onto the road and kills the driver, passenger and the kids in the back seat.
Anyone think this is a good idea, or any further thoughts, I think that if you get in touch with your local MP they have to respond and see to be doing something.
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This is what Crazy Nights and Days alleges:

June 7, 2022
Until this foreign born former A list celebrity in her own country, who has also dabbled in porn, dumps her boyfriend and stops using drugs, she will end up homeless, broke and either in jail or dead. She is a mess.
Katie Price

December 2, 2022

I told the foreign born former A+ list celebrity/porn star in her country to break up with her drug dealing/abusive boyfriend years ago. Instead, now he is looking to make a buck off the numerous sex tapes he has made of them.
Katie Price

January 4, 2023
This foreign born former A list celebrity in her country who has also done porn and horse riding, is charging a massive fee per hour spent with her, but has an endless number of suitors.
Katie Price

April 4, 2023
This foreign born A- list celebrity in her own country, and non existent to anyone other than me outside of it, needed some publicity for something other than her breast enlargements, so defaced her own property and then called the press.
Katie Price/House tagged with graffiti
For me I think that's more believable than being protected by ex PMs.
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I dont know, its odd though ... she is being restricted by something - we are pretty sure she cant take the kids out of the country, maybe she cant leave the kids out of her custody for more than 48hrs? Or maybe its some kind of legal charge we dont know about yet with bail conditions?
Maybe because she is under the supervision of social services re. Child matters she has to be very careful not to be overseas for long periods of time because it would mean leaving the children with family or paid child care , and given as she confirms the children (esp J) has some mental health problems , it would not be favourable for her argument s to keep them if she was never around them , so probable her short trips abroad are to justify work engagements but not to look like a holiday !
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I presume that was a dig at Kieran and Michelle?
Like everything's been hunky-dory at Pricey Towers. Or rather, Essex, when she "ran for her life on her injured feet" to get away from her attacker. Still not been established whether she took the kids with her on the terrifying escape or left them in the house with the mystery attacker who hit her for no reason as she was minding her own business watching telly.
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Palace Tone

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I wonder if Grove Lodge Vets are one of the companies she has ripped off in the past and refused to pay. If so I bet they took great delight in putting this latest animal death out into the public domain!!
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
🔍 Tattlers in the area, Get Busy!!!! Lets find skank's hideout!!!

So if the thing is avoiding more Court documents being served by hiding elsewhere, what are the chances it won't turn up at this next Cort Fing, just in case she gets slapped with another lot of stuff?
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I don’t think she had an option other than to post, the Vets facebook post would have caught folks attention, not many dogs running free with a LV collar round Dial Post. Obvious who he belonged to. Think the vet also knew exactly whose dog it was. I hope Blade didn’t suffer.
Except she said 'passed away' which makes it sound like he died of natural causes rather than was run over. I bet she will blame a stalker, or postman, or delivery driver of some sort for leaving the gate open, it's never HER fault after all!

From the mail
Over a thousand comments, 99% of which are negative!
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I suggested this a few threads back, was pretty much shut down but I still believe that KP/CW are involved in some very dodgy circles. Drugs, trafficking , money laundering. I don’t think prostitution (personally) but I do think some posters are too quick to shut people down on here and then run the risk of missing out on good tea. You just have to look at KP to see how far she has fallen. If we can see what’s potentially happening, those journos that read here too will be on the lookout too.
What was said last week about SB's mate being known by farmers in Ireland for smuggling drugs inside rare breed animals,
that was totally unexpected for me..... but does seem to back up a few other theories and makes them seem that little bit
more real!

I do think KP would shag or do various things for money too. It's been said many times she doesn't make connections so sex is just a transaction when you don't really feel much. If Skank is not making money directly on OF, why would she bother otherwise.
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I've sent to their head office - it'll be burning through their inbox now. And Peta in London.
After Little Sharon's death I wrote to the local office and they said they don't deal with that aspect, they're more of a shelter/refuge. They need to get off their bloody arses NOW 🤬
Maybe we should contact Animal Rising, the animal activist group, they are the group who have been doing protests at horse race meetings. They might get involved.
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To honour lovely Blade ... maybe we can have a thread title which includes him ❤❤❤ .... most of us are rightly angry, because this was all avoidable, we saw it coming and are now feeling a mixture of emotions .... I'm tough as old boots, but shed some tears .... he has been in my thoughts all today, tonight .... social services also should be asking themselves, all these senseless deaths, show her true character of ` don't give a fuck `.... if all these animals were not safe in her care, neither are the children, it goes hand in hand ... I now dread the future headline ..... one of the children somehow ended up on the road ... got hit by a car in the middle of the night ( upset after she and her fucking twat have a massive drunk, drugged up row in front of them, which we know happens regularly ) ... its now very much a possibility ... her track record has gone beyond horrendous, and firm action must be taken before one, or both kids end up hurt, or worse ... someone in authority needs to act!!! NOW .... before its too late for those children, and anymore innocent creatures😡

( Stan ❤ ❤ )

Thread suggestion #281:
Blade now running free in the sky; Skanky, karma will get you by and by.
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Excellent update as usual DC. I actually just listened to the latest podcast despite saying I wouldn’t 😁 put it on in the background, while I was setting up my work day, was intrigued if Skank would say anything about Mýkonos, hmmm she did 😁

Things I took away from today, Skank is bored of these podcasts now, there is zero content, 30 minutes of nothing, ending with appalling useless advice to dull questions from the fans. Skank was knackered, yawning constantly, finally we are seeing signs that these trips and her lifestyle is getting too much for her, she ain’t 20 anymore and it’s showing, she sounded completely out of it with tiredness. Oh that Panto is gonna mess her up, it’s a gruelling schedule 😁

I don‘t think that Mykonos trip went well for her either, the muted praise for Holly, saying she had an amazing body, with fab outfits, Skank was gonna get future tips and ideas from her, how come those 25 years of modelling experience have disappeared 😁 Saying other models were arrogant and rude, they had her sussed didn’t they. Old mother model Skank did not fit in with the younger girls, oh how I laughed thinking about it, other than Holly reckon she was completely blanked, probably they were questioning why this wreck of a woman is still doing this, game is up for her in that world isn’t it, she doesn‘t belong there, and those other girls with their attitude told her so 😁

She also mentioned she was away this week a few times, but nothing further said, I am so intrigued as to what this latest trip is. I don’t think she saw H, she even said she had this one day off to see him and then was away, she didn’t get SB to drive her there, she was too tired, she was barely awake on the podcast, we would have had pics this week, does sounds like H isn’t well, and she can’t be bothered seeing him, this trip was more important, what could it be 🤔

I‘m actually glad I listened today, she sounds a total mess, she’s 45 behaving like she’s 20, been saying for a while that her hedonistic lifestyle will catch up with her, really heard signs today it has. She has a ton of travel lined up with plasterclasses and the Panto incoming, she’s a mess and it’s gonna get messier, she actually sounded deflated today, reckon Mýkonos was a reality check. It’s all closing in on her, there is no management to organise things for her, she is all over the place floundering around now, you need good management to arrange all the things she’s doing, she has nothing backing her. Cracks are now appearing, big cracks, gonna be an interesting few months with her workload, she’s starting to totally lose it, sounds so desperate now, woo hoo, Skank’s lifestyle is finally coming for her methinks, bring it on 😈 😁

Edit….just seen Pete’s baby news, oh my, well I just said she’s losing it, this is gonna hit her hard, very hard 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Can you imagine her hearing this, seething she will be, seething 😁
Skanky will go nuclear!
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