Stan Butler

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I think they are referring to the blonde with the darkest tan ever seen that she was in Mykonos with, bumping their arses in that strange photo. That’s who I took it to mean.

She hasn’t actually been diagnosed with ADHD has she? She tells so many lies I can’t remember. I would LOVE that to be the reason the DVLA are after her. Lying for attention and it’s stopped her driving 😆 I have borderline personality disorder and I had to disclose it to the DVLA when I was diagnosed.
Skanks never actually been diagnosed with any illness that's been verified by a professional. Skank has been told what she is and what she suffers from by professionals but when it comes out her pie hole it's always a different diagnosis to the ones she's been told. 🤣
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The A24 is a very busy dual carriageway and one of the main routes to Worthing and the south coast.

This is the road and her property with the gate just behind the suspicious-looking van lurking (probably full of Mexican bandits and Saarf Efrickens....!)

View attachment 2220777
First time I’ve seen where the MM is. How can you live this close to that road and not make sure your gate is shut. We live on a really quiet cul de sac next to a park but are still all obsessed with keeping our gate not only closed but padlocked to keep our fur boo-boo safe. Like everyone on here I know where he is at all times and couldn’t sleep if he went missing. Poor Blade deserved better, he deserved a life with Stan. It speaks volumes that all of us here care more about him that Skank does. Every picture she posts of him features her front and centre and who TF goes and gets their hair done to make them feel better let alone post bragging about it. I bet she’s not even asked for Blade back either, nasty cow 💔..
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Which cunts gifted Price this poor dog? They need to have a look at their conscience. As for Price, well Hell awaits that bitch.
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i dont think KH has negative things on his file, he would know more than anyone what kind of person he is and of his history and i dont think he would fight as hard as he has for those kids, if there was anything bad to come out . he had full custody before skanky took them from him and all these accusations have come out, from her only, with nothing to back it up and only since she took them and he still has children living in his house and in his care. and lets face it,its only skanky accusing him of all sorts. i think KH is crossing the t's and dotting the dots and doing everything by the board, legaly and no cutting corners, hes doing things properly, but these things take time. she will lose those kids, just wait and see.
I agree with you. He has a lawyer now, who'll be advising him. He'll do it step by step in accordance with the law to close off any loopholes to her. She is up to something dodgy and is hiding dodgy dealings - hence her reluctance to provide any paperwork.
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Thing is you don't have to be an animal lover to know that this situation with Blade and the other pets is so so wrong. I'd not describe myself as a huge animal lover but I take responsibility, love and care for the pets that I have/have had, because I'm an adult and I know that's what the responsibility of having pets means.

Kp has never taken responsibility for anything in her life
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What was said last week about SB's mate being known by farmers in Ireland for smuggling drugs inside rare breed animals,
that was totally unexpected for me..... but does seem to back up a few other theories and makes them seem that little bit
more real!

I do think KP would shag or do various things for money too. It's been said many times she doesn't make connections so sex is just a transaction when you don't really feel much. If Skank is not making money directly on OF, why would she bother otherwise.
I can’t work out his connection if she is doing that - is he her pimp? Does he not care either way? She can’t be making that much money because she’s effectively skint and bankrupt. You’d think her debts would’ve been wiped if she was such a valuable asset. I think she’s caught up in a really dodgy set up and knows too much to walk away. For one, she’s a MASSIVE distraction everywhere she goes. All eyes are on her - while the rest goes on in the background? Just my thoughts. I hope the little ones are safe :(
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Product description
Book Description
The true and honest story of Katie Price told from a mother’s perspective revealing untold and new facts
About the Author
As the daughter of an American GI and a mermaid – yes, you read that correctly – a simple life was not on the cards for Amy Price. A talented swimmer, she seemed destined for the Olympics, however experience of sexual abuse cut short her career, and she chose motherhood over medals.
Amy achieved a successful career while raising three children who all earned success in various fields; but for one, Katie, fame was part of the bargain. Amy found herself catapulted into the media circus that followed her daughter, sometimes with devastating consequences. She has always been there to support, guide and console.
As a grandparent to Katie’s son Harvey, Amy has also become a prolific campaigner for families of children with disabilities – but there was one battle she had to fight alone. To many, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is regarded as a killer disease without hope of a cure. But submission is not a word in Amy’s vocabulary and so she refused to capitulate to her greatest challenge.

The author's detail according to Amazon.🧜‍♀️ 🇺🇸
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Just how many 45 year olds suddenly have a pop music career, delusional or what, that’s not mocking her, thats the reality of pop music, a cutthroat business, and shes just too old.
she was too old for a pop music career at 30, men do tend to have a longer career, music wise and lets face it if no one buys your music your done for, who in their right mind, is going to buy an album of some drunken, deluded, mutton dressed as lamb, slag, the pubs on kareoke nights are full of them ?
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WTF is going on with her IG, I can now see all the comments again, 1,546, it’s a war on there, majority extremely negative and aggressive (rightly so 👊🏾) but the #bekind idiots are arguing back, just saw one calling everyone attacking her ‘Evil’….who are these people, I never wanna cross paths with them, state of this….

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I'm starting to wonder if these morons were emotionally abused as kids...or been abusers themselves. People are not 'haters'
because they object to abusive behaviour ( of animals or people). If this isn't about being conditioned to accept bullying and abuse, it's something about celebrities these days where they can literally get away with abusing kids, adults or animals as long as they post some sad emojis and a few words on insta or on telly....all because the moron fans 'like' the person. Nope, us regular, 'normal' people won't accept it.

On what planet is it 'evil' to point out neglect and suffering is wrong?
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Mee me me.
Not her fault, always someone else's!!
No longer with Karl! 🙄🙄🙄
Apart from the message, that's one of the ugliest pictures I've seen of her for a while. If this is the best she can look with filters she must be truly dreadful face to face. No wonder she keeps shirking live shows, the startled comments and laughter when she walks in must be very painful to her. She's 45 and can't hide the mess she's made of herself.
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Chatty Member
Heartbroken my arse, she'll have been onto the vets wanting his collar, that poor dog will have had no stimulation or training from her, she leaves the gates open and off he runs, the poor dog is free of her now, there will be others, she does not care, kids and animals allowed to run wild, she loves it, people love animals though so this will bite her on her scabby arse I hope.
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Just seen this..... I wonder how many hours, seconds or minutes it will take for Skank to start waffling on about her own kidnap plots and
traumatic experiences with people who looked at her a bit funny in Poundland?

Screen Shot 2023-10-06 at 12.00.27.png
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Stan Butler

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Skank is a bullshit lying fecker of the highest level there's no doubt about that, i've been saying for months skanks getting advice from someone on how to buck the system and prolong any child custody. The allegations skank makes are specific in that SS could easily investigate most allegations quickly with a few visits and talking to relatives and neighbours if skank said the kids aren't fed, clothed, left alone in the house, but skanks made allegations that involve police like harassment, child cruelty, firearms all those will take time sometimes months to investigate and whoever is giving skank advice knows the system like her best mate who has her back that works in children's services and has a degree in child psychology. 😎
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maybe the type she mixes with would(but Blade was supposed to be a protection dog no way if he was would he wonder onto a road and he would have been trained to be aware of strangers and alert her to them so how did they manage to get him onto a road to run over him
Didn't she assert that Blade stayed by her side constantly, even in bed? I fuckin' hate her so much now that if I ever see that twat I would rip her/wig/extensions out by the roots. And d'ya know what? I wouldn't give a damn if I was up for assault - it'd be well worth it...
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Why does this creature think the general public are so thick!? Just because she has one brain cell and her ”fans” do too, it. doesn’t mean everyone else is that idiotic. Why the FUCK, if someone was going to kill an animal, would they pick the bloody protection dog and ignore the little chihuahuas?!? And the fact that she mentioned her hair extensions before mentioning the dog has riled me up.
I didn’t take her ramblings about SB to mean he was behind the death of Blade, I took it as “oh poor me, my dog died AND I’ve split up with my sink wanking chauffeur.” If SB doesn’t do the off after another pet of hers dying, he’s a bigger douche than I thought. I didn’t think I could hate someone as much as I hate KFP right now.
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